Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1309 The Army of Ominous Spirits

The crowd slowly descended towards the entire 'Luo Shen Yuan', with Xuanyuan as the center, with a radius of hundreds of miles, it was a vast sea of ​​Buddha, rolling in golden light, and full of compassion.

But it's only a hundred miles around, the Buddha's light can't spread to farther places, everyone can see the fierce spirits all over the sky, attacking and killing without fear of life and death, the number is so dense that people are caught off guard.

It's not that Xuanyuan has never tried, and wants to extend his power of "Bodhi crossing sentient beings" to a farther place, but every time Xuanyuan tries to expand the sea of ​​golden light and Buddha, he will always be swallowed by the endless blackness, and his power will instantly The ablation can only be maintained within a radius of a hundred miles, which makes people wonder.

Every time it falls, everyone present can clearly feel that there will be more and more fierce spirits coming from all directions, densely packed, with countless distorted faces and ferocious roars, making people shudder , There are the sounds of ghostly screams and howls of fierce spirits everywhere, which can be heard endlessly.

It makes one's scalp tingle, if it were an ordinary person, they would have been decapitated, devoured, and nothing would be left.

I saw those fierce spirits one after another, from the realm of life immortals, to the realms of earth immortals and heavenly immortals, none of them could resist Xuanyuan's vision of "Bodhi crossing all living beings". Sitting makes the power of Xuanyuan's "Bodhi crossing sentient beings" become even more terrifying.

Xuanyuan felt that the vision of "Bodhi crossing sentient beings" became bigger and bigger, and wanted to expand its scope, but it still couldn't, and Xuanyuan began to feel that the vision not only did not expand, but began to shrink, surrounded by endless surroundings. The blackness began to devour, and the sea of ​​golden light shrank.

Xuanyuan put his hands behind his back, closed his eyes, frowned, and carefully felt everything in the four directions.

It's getting colder and colder, the thick death energy is rising, and the violent killing intent is swallowing. From time to time, it seems that this terrible thought will appear in an instant. Although it only disappears in an instant, it is still there. It will make Xuanyuan's heart beat faster, making it difficult to keep calm. Xuanyuan's vigilance has been raised to the highest level, and he is ready to react at any time.

'Luo Shen Yuan' was blasted out by people with terrifying means. It can be seen how terrible the destructive power of those two terrifying existences was. Although I was worried in my heart, I still couldn't stop it Deep in Xuanyuan's heart, he was searching for everything that happened that day, including witnessing the corpses of that witch venerable and that fierce god. If he could see it with his own eyes, it would be of great benefit to him.

Although the range of the Golden Light Buddha Sea is shrinking bit by bit, the power of transmutation is becoming stronger and stronger. Butcher Dao, faintly, everyone felt that the sound of the Buddha seemed to overwhelm the sound of ghosts crying and howling all over the sky, making people feel peaceful in their hearts.

"Hey, I didn't expect you kid to be quite capable. As long as you transform all the evil spirits here one by one, this vision will have a greater breakthrough." Peng Fei exclaimed, Xuanyuan This kind of "body of all transformations" is simply a freak. It can cultivate all kinds of supernatural powers and has many advantages that others cannot match. It is unique and deserves to be hunted down every day.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jiang Yan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said with a smile: "It seems that Xuanyuan still has a good chance to become an ancient Buddha in Buddhism, and such aptitude can become a Buddha-level existence. If you practiced the Dharma hard at the beginning, you don't know how high your attainment will be?"

"That's right, that's right, the two of you are actually a good match, why don't you worship the heavens and the earth here, and get married. My Buddhist disciples, whether monks or nuns, are all unrestrained sons and daughters. They don't care about trivial matters, get married immediately, and immediately bridal chamber... Holding a wine gourd in one hand and a broken grass fan in the other, Ji Dian began to tease him, fearing that the eminent Buddhist monks would have the urge to chop him to death when they heard what he said.

Xuanyuan glanced at Ji Dian, his heart tightened, but he was still talking and laughing on the surface, not wanting everyone to be shocked: "Yeah, Jiang Yan, why don't you think about it, don't be a Buddhist Bodhisattva, go to the'Qinglong Holy Land' I can be Mrs. Yazhai."

"What are you talking about? You say that you are like a bandit leader. Being able to marry Miss Jiangyan is a blessing that you have cultivated in countless lifetimes. Since you want to marry someone, you should be more serious." Yan Ziyun didn't have the slightest hint Feeling jealous, he slapped Xuanyuan directly.

A blush appeared on Jiang Yan's fair face, and she said with a smile: "Mr. Xuanyuan, stop joking. I don't have that blessing."

"Of course I did. I sent him to my door and said I liked him, but he didn't even want it. Now he has offered to let you be his Mrs. Yazhai. He is obviously attracted to you. If you like him, you should hurry up and agree." But Ba Ji, the sour smell of vinegar permeated the air.

Yiyi was waving his furry little paws, a pair of big watery eyes were shining, and he called happily: "Yiyiyi——"

At this moment, he was picking up the "six-tusk white elephant". Unexpectedly, a moment later, the "six-tusk white elephant" pushed Jiang Yan with its white and tender long trunk, and made the sound of elephant cry, which meant that Jiang Yan would also marry him. Xuanyuan is the wife of Yazhai.

Jiang Yan glared at the'Liutusk White Elephant' angrily, and the'Liutusk White Elephant' still looked innocent, making Jiang Yan dumbfounded.

Peng Fei was on the sidelines, as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and said: "Get married immediately, and bridal chamber immediately, Yuan'er, are you not jealous?"

Yuan'er was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "If Yuan'er could be jealous, she would have been drowned by jealousy long ago, and I have already gotten used to it."

A group of people were chatting and laughing, under the cover of Xuanyuan's boundless Buddha's voice of "Bodhi crossing all living beings", they didn't feel anything wrong at all, they only saw countless ominous spirits being transformed by Xuanyuan, and the situation was very good, but what happened secretly No one can feel the hidden crisis.

Xuanyuan didn't have the heart to listen to what they were saying at this time, all his energy was concentrated, he was fully alert to everything, and he smiled from time to time to deal with it. Before Jidian, the wine gourd and the broken fan were hung up. Come out, although he was joking, but obviously he also felt the terrible existence, and it might attack at any time, so Ji Dian was already prepared, even Peng Fei didn't observe this detail.

From all around Xuanyuan, the sea of ​​golden light and Buddha is rolling and boiling, but in this 'Luo Shenyuan', as Xuanyuan keeps falling, these lights can't penetrate too far, it's like being in a huge black hole , will cause inexplicable fear and despair in people's hearts. The coverage area is getting smaller and smaller.

Xuanyuan perceives this piece of world with his own vision, as if he is alone in the boundless space and can't find an exit. Here, there is no life, only ghosts crying and ghosts howling, only cold and cold, only eternal loneliness, This kind of feeling is unbearable at all, as if I will be swallowed at any time, my heart is frenzied, my demons are born, and all kinds of illusions appear.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, and he said in shock: "Could it be that the 'Swallowing Emperor' visited here that day, why do you feel that this place is somewhat similar to the 'Swallowing Lost Domain'?"

"This is natural. No matter how dangerous the 'Central China' is, the 'Swallowing Emperor' has explored, but he didn't go the deepest that day, because when he came here, he was only in the realm of the emperor. At that time, he said, These two terrifying existences in the "Luo Shen Yuan" have transcended the realm of the ancient emperors and reached a higher level. Even though they died for countless years, the marks of killing they left behind No one below the peak of the ancient sages could resist, when he planned to wait until he reached the realm of the ancient quasi-emperor and come here again, he was already attacked by the major forces of the human race, and he has since fallen." Talking about the 'Emperor Devourer', the greedy old man always feels a little helpless in his heart, after all, he was created by the 'Emperor Devourer' himself, fortunately Xuanyuan has grown all the way now, and to some extent, has surpassed the 'Emperor Devourer' ', sooner or later, he will inherit the mantle of the 'Emperor Devourer' and go to a higher place.

Hearing the words of the greedy old man, there was a huge wave in Xuanyuan's heart. Even the "Emperor Devourer" planned to go to the realm of the ancient quasi-emperor before he came here. Now he might have come a bit early, but he wanted to take Jiang Yitian stayed here, that's all he could do.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's heart was extremely tense, and his heart was twitching violently. This was the feeling he conveyed from his experience of "Luo Shen Yuan" with "Bodhi crossing sentient beings". The ghosts of many life immortals and earth immortals began to dissipate.

Yin spirits from the first level of the Celestial to the Supreme Celestial Immortal began to cull them in dense numbers. At this time, everyone began to realize that they had reached a certain dangerous zone.

At this moment, Xuanyuan could already sense that there was an extremely terrifying murderous intent surging beneath him.

This kind of murderous intent makes people want to tear apart.

There are countless avenues attacking each other here, and this kind of attack belongs to the supreme way between heaven and earth.

Although it is only a remnant, it is enough to destroy everything. As long as it continues to go deeper, these avenues of heaven and earth will immediately attack Xuanyuan and his party.

From Xuanyuan's forehead, dense layers of sweat appeared, sliding down his forehead into his eyes, Xuanyuan didn't even dare to blink, for fear that danger would come at that moment, and the voice of Buddha all over the sky began to gradually become smaller , The sound of howling and screaming began to resound through the world.

Peng Fei pierced through with his yin and yang eyes, paused and said solemnly: "There are countless ghosts and immortals in the realm of sages, and there are even some fierce spirits who have cultivated to the realm of ancient sages. Although they have lost their spiritual wisdom, they can attack The means are also not to be underestimated."

At this moment, everyone understood that they had already been covered by this sea of ​​ominous spirits, and if there was any mistake, the consequences would be disastrous.

Peng Fei grinned, and said: "I heard that everyone recently asked Xiami to introduce books to read, and now I will introduce you to one, "Ximen Qing of the Tyrannical Song Dynasty", if you want to read the point about Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian For things that are not known, go and see, Yayongdie, Yayongdie..."

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