"Damn it, you were just talking and laughing with us just now, but you didn't expect it to be so dangerous. Are you planning to kill Ben Daoist?" Peng Fei's face turned green, from the top of his head, mysterious His iron bowl hangs down and protects his whole body. He is dressed in the robes of a holy monk, and he has great restraint against the ghosts here. The Buddha's light is all over the sky, and he has all the means ready, which makes Pengfei a little more at ease. Some.

"My perception is different from ordinary people. Since you can't sense it, what's the use of me telling you in advance to make you panic along with me? Everyone pay attention, don't be careless in the slightest. Next, it will become more and more dangerous , everyone get together." Xuanyuan Jian raised his eyebrows, his expression was a little dignified, he felt the changes in the world in all directions, only felt the ominous image fluctuate, appear and disappear from time to time.

'Six-tusk White Elephant' uttered a long cry, and the Buddha's voice rolled, turning into sonic halos one after another, impacting the world in all directions, and many ghosts were torn apart by the Buddha's voice from 'Six-tooth White Elephant' It turned into nothing, it protected Jiang Yan's side, and a phantom of an ancient Buddha appeared from behind it. Even Ji Dian couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene: "Emperor Shakyamuni Buddha , it seems that this 'six-tusk white elephant' has a great relationship with Shakyamuni Buddha, no wonder the little Bodhisattva Jiangyan can get the inheritance of Shakyamuni Buddha."

There is no doubt that Jiang Yan's inheritance here is also a great help. Her expression is calm, and Gu Jing is not surprised. Xuanyuan and her have practiced together for nine years. Xuanyuan is still completely unaware of the hidden means, and the inheritance of 'Shakyamuni Buddha' is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Yuan'er behaved very calmly, she was like a celestial maiden who descended from the nine heavens, holy and dignified, the precious light flowing from her body has the power to overcome all pain in the world, these days, her understanding of "The Curse of Rebirth" has changed a lot. It got deeper and deeper, here, she didn't have much worry, these ominous spirits could hardly pose a threat to her.

Yiyi stood on the head of the 'six-tusk white elephant', dancing with hands and feet, and countless avenues fell down, not only without fear, but also with a little excitement.

Yan Ziyun just stood beside Xuanyuan quietly, with fluttering white hair, quietly waiting for everything.

Ba Ji's blood is rolling in the sky, blending with the golden sea of ​​Buddha, the violent blood will also have a great restraint on these fierce spirits, and a Ba Ji's Dao body manifests, ready to attack.

"Don't act rashly. Here, we only need to protect ourselves and don't need to attack. Otherwise, unnecessary disasters will be incurred." Seeing that Ba Ji was about to attack the ominous spirits in all directions, Xuanyuan said immediately.

Ba Ji wanted to open her mouth to refute, but she paused, but she still didn't say much. After all, Xuanyuan had his own plan, and Xuanyuan had more experience than herself, so she didn't take any action, and waited for the development of the situation.

She restrained and condensed her aura bit by bit, ready to unleash a fatal blow at any time, like a ferocious female leopard, ready to go.

Almost everyone's alertness was raised to the extreme immediately, and the sword was on the verge of breaking out.

Xuanyuan felt an extremely strong murderous intent under his feet, which became more and more terrifying, but no one knew when he would attack them.

"Master Jidian, do you feel it?"

Ji Dian held the wine gourd in one hand, took a big gulp of wine, waved the small broken fan in the other hand, opened his big mouth, showing his big yellow teeth, and said with a smile: "I feel it, is it a blessing or a curse? A disaster can't be avoided." , Monk, I have long wanted to see what is in the deepest part of this 'Luo Shen Yuan'."

Xuanyuan was silent, and with Jidian around, he would always be much safer. Two supreme Taoist artifacts, plus one on Pengfei, and the "Son of Vajra Bodhi" in his hands were Xuanyuan's greatest confidence. Continuing down, the scope of "Bodhi crossing sentient beings" gradually became smaller and smaller, and now it only covers a radius of ten miles.

There were ghosts and ghosts rushing in, only to see that those ghosts were all transformed, and some ghosts were covered in black smoke, howled miserably, and immediately fled out again, suffered heavy injuries, and escaped extremely well. Far away, I dare not come closer, these are ghosts and immortals with a certain amount of wisdom, knowing how to advance and retreat.

But there are also quite a few ghosts and immortals who are not afraid of life and death and have no wisdom at all. They only know how to rush into the vision of "Bodhi to save all living beings". All the pain and evil thoughts in the soul were completely eliminated, and the remaining thoughts in the soul turned hostility into peace. Among thousands of sentient beings, he made a pious atonement, and was freed from the endless pain of obsession.

The further you go down, the ghosts become less and less, and the ghosts become more and more. Although they are not worth mentioning compared to the 'Nightmare Ghosts', their strength is above Xuanyuan, even if they are The vision of "Bodhi crossing sentient beings" can greatly restrain them, but if the realm is too high, it is still difficult for Xuanyuan to cross. Fortunately, it is still possible now, and there are no evil spirits beyond the range of Xuanyuan's strength.

Xuanyuan let go of the "Vajra Bodhi Holy Son" in his hand, let it hang above his head, and the boundless power of Buddha came out, spreading throughout the vision of "Bodhi crossing all living beings", letting the power of this vision , become even more terrifying, and can last for a while, unless there are ghosts and immortals who are all in the quasi-emperor or even the great emperor.

There was a strange look in Jiang Yan's and Ji Dian's eyes.

The 'Sacred Son of Vajra Bodhi' is the supreme sacred object of Buddhism, and it is in Xuanyuan's hands. No wonder Xuanyuan dared to come here. If he can move this sacred object, he should be able to save his life here. The strength of its use is still very limited.

"Damn it, if you stay here for a long time, you will really drive people crazy, but fortunately, I have a firm mind and can resist it for a while." Peng Fei's face turned blue, watching Xuanyuan's vision kept coming The ground shrinks, as if it is swallowed by the endless things in all directions, bit by bit, spreading to everyone, this is a kind of silent terror, if it's just this, it's fine, and there are ghosts crying and howling all over the sky The sound is really disturbing and difficult to meditate.

"Concentrate carefully, don't mess yourself up, you fat man, it's your turn to come on stage, don't pick me up at this time." Xuanyuan Jian raised his eyebrows and growled.

Peng Fei was unwilling to do so, and cursed and said: "Unscrupulous Tianzun, what a f*ck, why would I come to this kind of place with you? Going deep will kill you..."

"Don't you want to restore history, give the world the truth, and want them to know what happened in history? This is a 'mega-human pit', where people with trillions of people died, and there are two Zun surpassed the existence of the ancient great emperors. If you can get their corpses, it will be the greatest achievement in your life. You will be proud of it for the rest of your life. You will leave a strong mark in the history of Feng Shui thaumaturgy, overshadowing The ancestors of all Fengshui thaumaturgy masters became the true Fengshui ancient emperors." Xuanyuan boasted, holding Pengfei in his arms.

Peng Fei's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but in a flash, he said disheartened: "Forget it, don't tempt me. After so many years, the ancient emperor has also turned into ashes. How could he still stay?" What, the peerless Taoist artifacts will decay, and I think it's useless to get any treasures."

"Supreme Taoist weapon, immortality medicine, otherwise why is the energy here so powerful? If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Hurry up. If you want a piece of the pie, do your best. If you are afraid of death, do it!" Hurry up, I won't leave you behind." Xuanyuan said softly and hard.

"Damn it, I'm going all out, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking." As soon as the words fell, a compass appeared in Peng Fei's hand, not a 'compass of heaven and earth', but It is the 'yin and yang subduing magic disk'.

This was obtained from the ancient tomb of Bu Yizi that day. Now that Peng Fei has him, he is even more powerful. With the attainment of Feng Shui thaumaturgy, except for some old monsters who have lived for more than 20,000 years, basically there are not many It can be compared with Pengfei, especially when Pengfei got the "Commoner Handbook", his knowledge of Fengshui thaumaturgy became more and more powerful.

"Tell me, boy, what do you want me to do?" Peng Fei despised Xuanyuan, but in his heart he was thinking about the supreme Tao weapon, the medicine of immortality.

"All yin embraces yang, and all evil hides good fortune. Quickly calculate the auspicious place here. The heavens and the earth are ten thousand ways, and they are not separated from their origin. I don't believe that life is extinct everywhere in this place." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Old monk, donate blood." Peng Fei looked at Monk Jidian viciously and said.

"It's a bunch of old bones, why don't you come to bully me, an old man, that's all." Even so, Monk Jidian still drew out a drop of incomparably pure blood, which was full of majestic power. It was enough to kill everyone present.

Peng Fei didn't want to let it go, and squeezed out five more drops of blood from Ji Dian's body, then he looked at the 'Liutusk White Elephant' and said: "Little Fat Elephant, six drops of blood, one drop is not a lot, hurry up."

'Six-tusk White Elephant' was very obedient, he condensed six drops of incomparably pure blood and gave them to Peng Fei.

Every drop of blood is full of golden light, and every drop of blood can form the compassionate image of an ancient Buddha. This is the power of the "six-tusk white elephant".

Peng Fei mobilized the twelve drops of blood essence, and saw that on the 'Yin Yang Subduing Demon Disk', it began to rotate slowly, one yuan, two instruments, three talents, four phases, five elements, six heaps, seven stars, eight trigrams and nine palaces, all running together like a trick box , huffing and suffocating the power of subduing demons, suppressing all filth.

Basically, Feng Shui masters will walk in tombs, since it is a place of burial, there are naturally filthy things, which secretly produce demonic nature, so the "Yin-Yang Fumo Pan" is specially used for such ominous places, for Peng Fei Say, just right.

I saw the magnetic needle on the 'Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Disk' vibrating violently, shining golden light, with the power to destroy demons and eliminate evil, and it has a great magical effect in this place. Once here, it cannot be used.

The magnetic needle trembled slightly and began to point due east.

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