Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1311 God of War, Xing Tian!

buzz buzz...

That magnetic needle trembled lightly, making a clear and crisp cry, and the sound waves swayed to the four directions of the world. I saw a golden light that subdued demons containing boundless Buddha power. The heart becomes calm, and wherever it passes, a sacred and solemn Buddha image appears, either happy, angry, sad, or happy.

This ray of demon-subduing golden light broke the endless darkness, tore it apart and pointed straight to the east, and saw ghosts and immortals with terrifying strength. The moment they were touched by the golden light, they turned into flying ash. That painfully distorted expression turned into a kind of peace.

Countless ominous spirits were terrified and retreated in a hurry. Even if this golden light did not touch them, the faint light would do great harm to them. The ferocious emotions accumulated over the years are quickly fading, and their strength is weakening.

Of course, there is also a part that continues to attack and kill Xuanyuan's visions madly, but with the suppression of the "Son of Vajra Bodhi", they are being transformed at a faster speed, and Xuanyuan feels that the ominous spirit of his transformation is getting stronger and stronger. Duo, the vision of "Bodhi crossing sentient beings" is becoming more and more condensed, and my "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" fate is also improving. This time, even if I don't find anything, I can condense' Bodhi crossing sentient beings' can be regarded as a worthwhile trip.

Xuanyuan looked at the golden light that subdued demons, and exclaimed: "Awesome, fat man, it seems that the inheritance of Bu Yizi has brought you a leap forward. He is worthy of being the originator of future Feng Shui masters."

When Peng Fei was praised by Xuanyuan, his buttocks immediately turned high, and he moved violently. He laughed and spit: "That's right, I don't even look at who I am."

This ray of golden light broke through the heavy darkness. Although it could not penetrate to the end, it at least pointed out a direction for Xuanyuan and his party. That is the auspicious place where all evils are hidden. Increase the survival chance of a group of people.

"Bu Yizi, this is also a remarkable person." Monk Jidian looked unruly, continued to drink wine, waved a small broken fan, looked at Pengfei with a little amazement, after all, Pengfei was young , with Ji Dian's strength, he can naturally see that he is inherently ominous, and it is naturally not easy to reach such a level.

"Don't worry, my Daoist will become an existence admired by thousands of people sooner or later, and then you will know what it means to be a rare cultivation genius once in a million years, ignorant people, tremble at the feet of my Daoist, my Daoist!" Lord is like a rising star, who wants to shine on those ignorant people in the world, and bring them a ray of light of life." Peng Fei laughed even more proudly, boasting beyond words.

"You're going to die if you don't brag, fix your position, let's go over, hurry up, don't delay." Xuanyuan and his party broke through the sky and walked in the direction pointed by the crimson golden light.

Just when Xuanyuan and his party were looking for their bearings under the 'Luoshenyuan', there was already an extraordinary existence on the 'Luoshenyuan', a Buddhist eminent monk whose strength was in the realm of ancient sages.

The piece of land they were standing on unconsciously turned into an unsullied and unclean Buddha land.

They are from the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple' and 'Da Leiyin Temple' respectively. It seems that facing the 'Luo Shen Yuan', there has been a tacit understanding between them, no greetings, only for the blessing of the seal of this place, and strengthen the seal of this place again .

The two sides each sent nine eminent monks from the realm of ancient sages. They joined hands to set up a more terrifying seal here to suppress them. Suppressed here, can't escape.

Because Huineng is a good example. Nine thousand disciples of the "King Kong Temple" lost their lives. This is a very painful lesson.

Whether it's the 'Jile Buddha Temple' or the 'Da Leiyin Temple', we must avoid such things from happening, and we don't want to repeat the same mistakes.

A Buddhist statue is very likely to become a holy monk, but it actually became a demon. This is a very bad influence. Countless Buddhist people are protesting against all of this. After six thousand years of hard work, Huineng was reincarnated in the second life, and his achievements have grown by leaps and bounds. , His reputation shook the entire Buddhist sect. He walked on the land of the Buddhist sect and made countless people admire him. Many people admired Huineng very much and believed in him devoutly.

But just because he entered the 'Luo Shen Yuan', he became demonic. Although Huineng can suppress the demonic nature now, the world is still worried, and no longer believes in a demonic person, and immediately his power of belief has faded countless. It can be seen that this time The price is so high that Huineng sacrificed too much to help Xuanyuan.

The cause of all this is the 'Luo Shen Yuan', and there is actually a fierce god's thoughts in it, so the two major Buddhist sects naturally have to pay attention to the 'Luo Shen Yuan'.

The golden Buddha's light is like a pillar of heaven, soaring straight to the sky, piercing through the lead cloud, and the phantoms of ancient Buddhas are suppressed from top to bottom.

From a distant place, Jiang Yitian led a group of Buddhist casual cultivators, and looked shocked at this scene.

"It's actually the 'Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong'. They are jointly laying down a seal to suppress the 'Luo Shen Yuan'."

"It seems that the fierce god is still alive. It's true. Otherwise, why would they join forces to suppress it?"

Jiang Yitian was extremely excited when he heard the words, as long as he could rescue that fierce god, he would benefit endlessly.

"Everyone wait and see what happens, don't confront them head-on, once one escapes, our time is limited." Jiang Yitian issued an order.

Many Buddhist cultivators also agreed with Jiang Yitian's opinion. Everyone calmed down, restrained their breath to the extreme, and kept a long distance away.

Three hours passed, the ancient sages of 'Ji Le Buddha Temple' and 'Da Leiyin Temple' looked at each other, folded their hands together, and chanted a Buddhist name for a long time, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and thousands of ancient Buddhas turned into a golden * Words, suppressed in the 'Luo Shen Yuan'.

Soon, the eighteen ancient sages turned around and left.

Jiang Yitian didn't go there right away, the old monk who was full of life and could calculate said: "This is the supreme secret technique of Buddhism, 'Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong', which specializes in suppressing demonic thoughts, and it can't stop us. There is a fatal restraint on evil spirits."

"Wait another hour, let's go." Jiang Yitian said in a heavy voice, he was very excited: "The fierce god is in front of us, he must be alive, as long as we rely on the strength of these people and the means given to me by the gods, why don't you worry about it?" Can't you break the 'Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty'? Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan, you humble bastard, you can't imagine what height I have reached now. When the gods rule the world, you want me to bow down and bow down , the power to survive but not to die."

Time flies, Jiang Yitian leads twenty-four Buddha cultivators, the weakest of which are those who have just stepped into the realm of ancient sages.

It is conceivable how huge this lineup is. They are hovering over the 'Luo Shen Yuan', the huge Buddhist inscriptions with * characters are rotating, rolling with extremely terrifying suppressing power, and they can't help but marvel at this 'Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong' terrible.

After a pause, Jiang Yitian sorted out his thoughts, and said in a heavy voice: "Everyone get together and go down."

Twenty-four Buddhist casual cultivators joined forces, and the Buddha's light boiled, swallowing the power to kill all the evil spirits, violently suppressing them.

The strength of the twenty-four ancient Buddhas was formidable, not to mention that they joined forces, so naturally they had nothing to take back, and they were extremely domineering along the way.

Xuanyuan directly transforms these evil spirits, while they directly kill them, causing their souls to fly away.

It can be seen from the behavior style.

Jiang Yitian urged the treasure of the God Race, feeling the breath of that fierce god, and the supreme Taoist artifacts between the God Race can attract each other. He led this group of people towards the depths of the "Luo Shen Yuan" .

Xuanyuan sensed something almost immediately, he said in a heavy voice: "Someone is coming, it seems that the fish has taken the bait."

"Boy, you mean Jiang Yitian is here?" Peng Fei was surprised.

"That's right, it's just in time." Because there is an auspicious place in front of you.

"I want to avenge Lone Star with my own hands." Yan Ziyun's eyes showed a cold light, this was the greatest pain in her heart in her life.

"Little baby, don't take revenge at every turn. The other party has brought a total of twenty-four ancient sages. It's so powerful. I can't resist it alone." Ji Dian still smiled happily.

"What!" Not only Yan Ziyun's face was pale, but even Ba Ji, Jiang Yan, and Yuan'er looked ugly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I set up the avenue, no matter how many people come here, they will die. The atmosphere here is terrible. We can go in the direction of the auspicious place because we can find the direction, and avoid danger to the greatest extent. Here is Killing the land, Jedi, I will make Jiang Yitian regret it." Xuanyuan smiled coldly, his brows opened vertically, the 'eye of truth' was activated, and a brilliant light shot out, he saw the auspicious place in front of him , quickly said: "Let's go."

Peng Fei's heart twitched, and he flicked his long tongue, like a hungry wolf, drooling wildly: "Damn it, supreme treasure, here I come."

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, this fat man's reaction was too great.

There is endless blackness in all directions, however, before the eyes, there is a piece of blood-red land.

Xuanyuan felt that there was a boundless aura of violent fighting intent on that piece of land. This is a land stained red with blood, and it has existed here for countless years.

On the blood-red land, there is a giant ax embedded in the blood. After countless years, this giant ax still reveals the supreme idea. Difficult to understand.

On the surface of the axe, there is a headless man holding a battle ax and a battle shield. His breasts are his eyes, his belly button is his mouth, and he is wearing a battle skirt.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan shook his hands and said in horror: "Xing Tian! God of War, Xing Tian!"

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