Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1314 Fighting

"Hey, not bad, not bad, really good, in this 'Luo Shen Yuan', there are indeed countless fierce souls, if they are refined one by one, my strength will definitely be improved to a higher level, it seems that here , is the greatest blessed place of our 'eternal life', if we can move all my halls here, in time, we will definitely overwhelm the other eleven halls." The old monk with a face like a dead man was calculated by Jiang Yitian Laughing, extremely excited, there was a fierce light of excitement in his eyes, and he trembled involuntarily all over his body.

"Be careful yourself, don't forget, you are just a broken soul, don't get too complacent, although these are fierce spirits formed by the surviving thoughts of countless years of death, their wisdom is not high, but their strength is not ordinary people What can be compared, if one accidentally stumbles, it will be a bad thing." Jiang Yitian said coldly.

"Haha, don't worry, in my 'eternal life', I still have my own skills in the refining of fierce souls, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people, so please don't worry, the envoy of the gods, this time I will go back with you." The old palace master said that in order to achieve the great cause of eternal life, it is the best choice to cooperate with you." The old man with a dead gray face giggled strangely, revealing a touch of ferocity.

Now, Jiang Yitian's power has penetrated into the 'eternal life'.

Among the "eternal life", there are a group of lunatics who have the ultimate pursuit of eternal life. They do not hesitate to survive in a mutilated state and go through countless sufferings. It is conceivable that they can prolong their life and realize real eternal life. For them , How tempting it is, just as the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" said, "eternal life" is a wrong existence, their way of survival is doomed to them to give up the means, otherwise, it will be difficult to sustain.

It is just Jiang Yitian's lie to tell the people in "Eternal Life" that if you join the Protoss, you can get eternal life. Even the Protoss cannot achieve real immortality. The lifespan of every big clan is limited, and the Protoss is no exception. How many holy emperors of the protoss fell into the long river of history and turned into dust. I don't know how many holy emperors, their brilliance gradually dimmed.

The existence of the "eternal life" was enshrined in the body of a Buddhist casual cultivator who had already been seated. Because of the heavy yin energy on his body, he did not know how many innocent lives he harvested and devoured their souls for countless years. Being able to make himself reach such a terrifying strength today, so in his soul, there is an extremely heavy yin energy, so heavy that even the seated body of a Buddhist casual cultivator with surging energy and blood shows this kind of iron gray of the dead, which is extremely ugly.

Jiang Yitian didn't say anything more, just hit it appropriately, the other Buddhist casual cultivators were silent, and the power of the protoss had begun to penetrate into the "Central China". This is already an unchangeable ending. Stand their ground.

Along the way, the Buddhist loose cultivators brought by Jiang Yitian had boundless killing power. Wherever they passed, countless fierce spirits roared in misery and despair, and their broken thoughts and souls were all given away by the existence of "eternal life". Devoured, he didn't know how happy it was.

He is an old palace master of 'Eternal Life', and the representative he sent was to learn more about the Protoss to see if the two could truly cooperate. Now, it can be said that he is the biggest winner. How could Not towards Jiang Yitian.

"God envoy, look, what is that?" Suddenly, a Buddha cultivator saw a tiny ray of golden light rising from the depths of the "Luo Shen Yuan", which was extremely sacred.

"The treasure, it must be the treasure hidden in the depths, it should be suppressed here by the 'Da Leiyin Temple' or the 'Ji Le Buddha Temple'." The other Buddha cultivator was trembling all over, and shouted excitedly.

"Go, go and see what kind of treasure it is, most of you can use it, and then decide who to give it to." Jiang Yitian was more anxious than anyone else, wanted to get it urgently, and could suppress it. The ones here are definitely unimaginable treasures, but he still pretends to be calm, unhurried, as if he has seen a lot, and his tone is indifferent.

Many Buddhist casual cultivators sighed in their hearts: "After all, they have seen the existence of the big world, so naturally they will not be tempted by this little profit, and I don't know how many treasures there are in the Protoss, let him even meet There is no desire to have such a thing.”

"It's no wonder that at such a young age, being able to become an envoy of God is far beyond what we can compare. There must be countless treasures in him that we can't imagine. It is right to seek refuge with the God Race."

The indistinct conversation between the scattered cultivators reached Jiang Yitian's ears, which made him feel very useful, and he was terrified in his heart: "Xuanyuan, you little bastard, I'm afraid you don't know that the days when you are dying of pain, It’s getting closer and closer, when the time comes, I’ll let you enjoy it, play with you, and let you experience it for yourself, hahaha.”

A group of people headed towards the ray of demon-breaking golden light one after another, and quickly approached. Along the way, the army of ominous spirits that blocked them had already formed extremely terrifying phalanxes, attacking together.

However, he was born with flaws, and was afraid of the supernatural attack from the most powerful to the yang. The Buddha's light filled the sky, galloping like the sea, attracting countless nine-day Buddha thunders to roar down, shaking the whole world and almost breaking it. If the ferocious army of ghosts and immortals before him, Similarly, facing fierce spirits is naturally boundless, but facing so many terrifying existences, they can use the Buddha's power to kill them, and they have no way at all.

In that bloody field, Peng Fei's face began to become ferocious, and he said in a heavy voice: "Boy, Jiang Yitian and the others have already started to rush here, you boy, don't be in such a critical moment. This is the biggest vote I have ever done."

Xuanyuan didn't respond, took a deep breath, and looked at each other with Jiang Yan, and they pressed their hands on the land respectively.

The power technique was mobilized in an instant, and without a sound, the entire "Buying Emperor Poses" was completely mobilized, and dazzling brilliance began to extend in all directions, and finally intertwined into an extremely terrifying situation. Invisibly, a terrifying force emerged.

Originally here, the rushing killing intent came from countless years, an eternal thought, and the surviving terrifying aura began to be condensed and pulled by this terrifying force, becoming more and more powerful. More and more terrible.

They began to gather rapidly under the power of the "Buying the Emperor's Potential". At this time, Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan drew their own efforts, dripped at the source of the potential, blended into it, and let the momentum pattern shine , as if about to come alive.

These two drops of hard work represent one yin and one yang respectively, and the two are in harmony with each other, falling to the ground, being pulled by the pattern of momentum, and spreading to the distance.

No one present could detect it, but as the manipulators of the'Buying Emperor Power', both Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan could feel that terrible power was being gathered by the two of them, forming an extremely tall and majestic phantom.

In this phantom, there are many, many, but the most intense is the idea of ​​​​two confrontations. The two completely different avenues of attack are still imprinted in the four directions. This is the remaining idea of ​​​​the two most terrifying existences , but at this moment, they had to unite because of the great power laid down by Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan.

"Bastard, I didn't expect that there would be a junior who would be able to study this kind of general trend and unite my thoughts with you." A majestic voice came out, although it was not loud, it was terrifying, and the words were full of words. The boundless will to fight against the sky.

"Hmph, do you think I want to merge with your ideas? It's really a group of young people who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. They gather our ideas together, and use their hard work as a guide, and use this world as a carrier. Didn't you give me a chance to be reborn?" This voice was supreme, revealing a kind of domineering, as if he had already dominated everything in the world, a kind of control over the power of life and death of all souls in the world, just listened to him The voice is enough to make people tremble, one can imagine how terrifying he is.

At this time, no matter how horrified Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan were, they couldn't control so much. Everything was within Xuanyuan's expectations and within the controllable range. Quickly, set up a protective feng shui formation, and guard this place to the death, without any mistakes."

Peng Fei was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he had no choice but to use this piece of blood to carve out a series of Feng Shui patterns, which were imprinted in this piece of heaven and earth, and he saw two long black and white dragons circling and swimming, huffing and puffing. With an extremely terrifying fighting spirit, and even more terrifying yin and yang energy, it is shocking, can be attacked and defended, and he exerts the power of the bloody ground under his feet to the fullest.

Xuanyuan knew that Peng Fei had used all his housekeeping skills, and even Ji Dian didn't dare to be careless. The existence of these twenty-four ancient sages joining forces is no small matter, and that power is far away. , he can feel it.

"They're here." Ba Ji frowned, and the blood of the Heavenly Ba Ji behind her was rolling, echoing with the aura of this place, making her fighting spirit rise steadily.

Yiyi and the six-tusk white elephant opened their teeth and danced their claws, and countless avenues fell down, ready to attack.

On the other hand, Yuan'er and Yan Ziyun, relatively speaking, were much calmer. They were used to trusting Xuanyuan, and Ba Ji couldn't help being surprised.

Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan are connected with each other, and the control of the "burial of the emperor" has been condensed and formed, and everything is in his own hands.

At this moment, Jiang Yitian led twenty-four Buddhist casual cultivators and appeared in the field of vision of Xuanyuan and his party.

Jiang Yitian looked at Xuanyuan's group, startled and angry, and directly exposed his identity: "Xuanyuan, why are you here?"

Xuanyuan pretended to be panicked when he heard the words, he couldn't perceive Jiang Yitian's specific location, he could only see the twenty-four Buddhist monks, and his tone was serious: "Jiang Yitian, I didn't expect you to be able to gather so many people in such a short period of time. There are so many Buddhist casual cultivators, it seems that I really underestimated you."

"Hahaha, it seems that you kid wanted to ambush me here, but ended up in a cocoon, Xuanyuan, you have been underestimating me, but today, you finally have to die." Jiang Yitian smiled extremely proudly.

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