Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1315 Emperor Thought

"Damn, this kid is really not an ordinary insidious person. He was placed in the sky and the earth, waiting for others to come forward to die, and now he still pretends to be afraid of death. That's all, it's fun for me to add some material to this kid " Peng Fei's fat body shivered, his face turned black and he cursed at Xuanyuan: "I told you a long time ago, Jiang Yitian's inheritance from the Protoss is far from being something we can resist. The former sages wanted to ambush him here, and it’s okay to kill your family, but now even the master of the Tao has followed him in. It’s really a mans arm and a car, overestimated. Damn it, you have to know that the master of the Tao is not with you It’s a very iron relationship, how wronged to die.”

The corners of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, his expression was ugly, he looked at Jiang Yitian, and said: "Jiang Yitian, the grievances between you and me will end today, if you want to kill, just kill me alone, let them go, this fat man, let them go!" He died with me, and I would not be reconciled without him dying with me."

"Haha, Xuanyuan, what do you really think you are, I have to listen to you? You want Pengfei to die, but I want to let him live. As long as he can do things for me, I will give him endless benefits. "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" is such a treasure, I can even give him eternal life." Jiang Yitian laughed even more proudly.

Peng Fei quickly removed the two Feng Shui dragons, and in a counter-stance, besieged a group of people in Xuanyuan. He sneered, his expression was as low as he wanted, condescending, contemptuous of all beings, like The supreme creator: "Xuanyuan, don't you want me to die? What do you think now? Which of us will die first?"

Ba Ji was furious, thinking that Peng Fei had really betrayed, but Yuan'er and Yan Ziyun grabbed her, so she didn't make a move, and Yiyi and 'Liutusk White Elephant' also looked solemn.

"Xuanyuan, apart from Peng Fei, I will let the four women around you die before you, and they will die in an ugly way. They will die after being humiliated." Jiang Yitian smiled lewdly. .

"If you dare to touch them, I will explode myself and destroy the eight ancient arts and many supreme treasures on my body." Xuanyuan said heavily.

At this point, even the Buddhist casual practitioners around Jiang Yitian couldn't help but tremble. Xuanyuan actually has eight ancient arts, which is simply unbelievable and unbelievable.

"Jiang Yitian, don't forget that I can control the portal of foreign lands. When the time comes, I will open it directly and throw all the treasures on my body into it, and exile them in the eternal void. You will get nothing. Don't regret it then As soon as the words fell, an exotic portal opened, and on Xuanyuan's body, many treasures manifested.

"This is, it turned out to be 'Mending Copper', oh my god, 'Mending Copper' is actually in his hands."

"Look at that, it's the 'Suppressing Demon Immortal Source', and there's a damaged and sealed Supreme Dao Artifact inside, which should be the Supreme Dao Artifact of the famous 'Tianji Demon Emperor' back in the past, Tian Fen, How could there be so many treasures on him?"

"Look, that, that, is that the legend that can open the Heavenly Court created by the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', the 'Fengtian Seal', although it is somewhat incomplete, its value is inestimable. "

"Look quickly, that's the 'Son of Vajra Bodhi'... It took seven to four hundred and ninety thousand years to condense, the supreme existence, and maybe a Buddha Emperor can be derived from it."

"The three lotus lamps bloomed with three colors of flowers, lead flowers, silver flowers, and golden flowers. Could it be the legendary 'Sanqing Daolian'? "Wait for the supreme secret technique of the Taoist sect, this is the treasure of the Taoist sect, how could it be on him, even the 'Emerging Taoist Court' has not been found..."

"That, the aura of the ancient great emperor, inner alchemy, is Qinglong, Qinglong inner alchemy..."

There are countless treasures on Xuanyuan's body, Jiang Yitian's eyes twitched wildly when he saw it, a kind of extremely strong jealousy rose from his heart, why Xuanyuan could have so many treasures on his body.

At this moment, Xuanyuan was in the portal of the foreign land, looked at Jiang Yitian coldly, and said: "Will you let them go? Otherwise, I will be the first to exile myself in the eternal void universe. Maybe there is still a way to survive. This is what keeps you alive, don’t let me come back alive, or you will die even worse, I can’t kill the Protoss, but I can kill you, don’t let me do one thing and another.”

"Okay, Xuanyuan, you really have feelings and intentions, no wonder these women are so interested in you, don't you just want them to leave alive? It's easy, I will fulfill you, let's discuss things, I just want your life That's all, killing them won't do me any good." Jiang Yitian gave in.

Xuanyuan looked a little self-deprecating, and said: "When I was Xuanyuan Yingming, I was invincible in the world, and I was invincible, and I thought I could control everything, but I didn't expect that the methods of the gods would be so powerful. , There are so many scum in the Buddhist Holy Land who are willing to sell their own race, just for the ridiculous longevity."

"Xuanyuan, you don't understand, the magic power of the gods is boundless, and those who believe in me will have eternal life." Jiang Yitian laughed.

"Forget it, before I die, I have a few questions I want to ask you. After answering, after you let them go, I will give you everything on my body, but I have a request, at least help me get rid of the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion', 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', Zonghengjiao, Hai Family of 'Dongzhou Dynasty', Moshuai Mansion of Mozhou Dynasty, Ancient Demon Sect, Hai Family, 'Suzaku Immortal Mansion', 'Zhantian Immortal Mansion', 'Purple Mansion Immortal Sect', 'Nanzhou Dynasty', these big forces I named must all die." Xuanyuan seemed to be giving his last words, negotiating conditions with Jiang Yitian.

"Okay, I promise you that even if you don't tell me, they will all die. If you have anything to say, just ask." Jiang Yitian smiled happily, this was the happiest day he had ever been.

"Could it be that the Protoss only sent you as an envoy?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"Of course it's more than that. Our Protoss has countless means, and there are other envoys in the 'Central China', which existed many years ago. How do you think the Ouyang family and the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' were wiped out overnight?" Lost?" Jiang Yitian laughed, without the slightest taboo, and now it seems that the major forces in the "Central China" are no longer a big threat to him.

"Does the Protoss want you to use the power in your hands to rescue those suppressed fierce gods one by one, and then attack the 'Central China' together?" Xuanyuan continued to ask.

"Xuanyuan, I have to admit that you are very smart, that's right. If there is anything else you want to ask, I will let you understand it today." Jiang Yitian smiled even more gloomyly, ferociously, with murderous intent flowing.

"Which big forces have you infiltrated now? This is my last question. I want to know how you can gather such a powerful force all at once. Is everything prepared long ago?" Xuanyuan looked a little desperate , the eyes are very empty, and Peng Fei feels ashamed to say that he is a powerful group.

"It's okay to tell you, 'Eternal Life', a group of people from my Jiang family have already been persuaded. In addition, there are also a group of casual cultivators in the realm of ancient sages in the West Sea. This is the power to use at critical moments. As for the Taoist sect, I have handed it over to Meng Yun and Cao Xiu. The Buddhist sect is the people under my control. I recruited them recently. If I gather them all together and destroy your "Qinglong Holy Land", only Flick of the fingers." Jiang Yitian smiled arrogantly, his voice resounded all over the world, looking at Xuanyuan's desperate appearance, he felt an indescribable pleasure in his heart, proud and comfortable, it was a feeling that Xuanyuan suppressed for countless years, and now he directly The sense of accomplishment of killing him with one blow made him enjoy this moment extremely.

While Xuanyuan was talking with Jiang Yitian, two dark thoughts collided.

"This brat is not an ordinary insidious guy. He has the chance to win and pretends to be defeated, so as to obtain information. How did that group of useless people choose such a mentally handicapped and imbecile to be the envoy of God?" , It’s simply humiliating our protoss.” The terrifying existence among the protoss laughed loudly.

"As expected of the person who can get my little relatives, he is smart enough, hahaha, I like it, I like it very much." This is naturally the idea of ​​the Xingtian clan's Wu Zun from back then, although he was a little annoyed that Xuanyuan would send him His thoughts were condensed with the thoughts of this fierce god, but at this moment, his mood was extremely good.

Xuanyuan looked at Jiang Yitian, nodded, and said: "Oh, so that's the case, well, I understand, Jiang Yitian, you can die."

Jiang Yitian's laughter stopped abruptly, his eyes were fierce, and he roared extremely ferociously: "Xuanyuan, are you dreaming? At this time, you still want to kill me? Ridiculous, ridiculous, that's all, I will Let you all die here and give me your hands."

As soon as the words fell, the twenty-four Buddhist Loose Cultivators all looked at Xuanyuan with incomparable enthusiasm, and they all shot together.

The power seemed to crush the whole world, Peng Fei immediately mobilized the two dragons of Yin and Yang, gathered boundless fighting spirit, and stubbornly resisted this terrifying power.

Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan, with a thought, the'burial of the emperor' was fully activated, and an extremely terrifying emperor's shadow suddenly came out.

This is the breath of the ancient great emperor, even surpassing the ancient great emperor's mind, it is extremely powerful.

This is the emperor's shadow formed by the emperor's thoughts. I saw that extremely terrifying existence suddenly burst out, and collapsed everywhere in this dark space.

I saw that Emperor Shadow punched and blasted out.

boom. An ancient Buddhist sage's flesh and blood were disintegrated, his soul was shattered, and he turned into flying ash. He didn't even have time to let out a scream. , while Yiyi and 'Liutusk White Elephant' were extremely excited, jumping and cheering.

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