Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1325 The Emperor of the Jiang Family

(4,000 words, that’s all for this chapter today, I’m going to BJ tomorrow, the next 15 days of training at Lu Xun Academy of Literature, there may be fewer updates, but it will definitely not be interrupted.)

From the beginning to the end, Xiang Liuli was suspended in the sky, watching everything with cold eyes, holding a babble in his arms, and blowing a bubble of saliva from his mouth from time to time, falling to the sky, if someone from the Jiang family attacked , she will make the first move.

It's just that she never expected that the moment she made a move, she would attack and kill with supreme power, which would be hard to resist.

Mo Ying and Mo Xuan reacted very quickly, and wanted to join forces to resist that ray of supreme power. Who would have thought that in front of Kong Ming, there appeared a Confucian sword full of righteousness in the world, and it swallowed the power of heaven and earth. His mighty righteousness, all the upright and upright forces in the world, were held in his hands, and he smashed that wisp of supreme Daowei into pieces.

This Confucian sword is not an actual supreme Taoist weapon, but it is formed by countless people who believe in Kong Ming and respect him over the years. Trust in him, admiration, a Confucian holy sword condensed with all kinds of ideas of benevolence, wisdom, propriety, righteousness, loyalty, filial piety and bravery.

To some extent, it is equivalent to the power of faith in Buddhism, but not completely.

Although Kong Ming is physically weak, he represents this kind of righteousness in the world, a kind of righteousness of the human race, which is extremely terrifying. Confucianism, this is Confucianism.

The burning righteousness in the sky is like a life that destroys all evil thoughts. Wherever it goes, all evil people are burned to fly ashes, and all good people are washed away from all haze and darkness in their hearts, which inspires good thoughts in their hearts.

Confucianism is so powerful that even Mo Xuan, Mo Ying and his wife couldn't help being amazed.

From the Jiang family, countless restrictions have been activated, all of which are terrifying restrictions placed by the ancestors of the Jiang family and the ancient emperors of the Jiang family. Feeling that the body is about to split, even if there is no superior weapon, the confrontation feels extremely difficult. It was originally a one-sided suppression, but now it is confronting each other, and even Xuanyuan and his party are at a disadvantage.

Because they can't fully exert the power of the Supreme Dao Artifact, but they are in the Jiang family's territory. It cannot be fully aroused, but the killing power of this imperial ban is extremely terrifying.

Mo Xuan and Mo Ying knew that Kong Ming was only stronger than them, so they didn't worry about it. They helped the "Sage of Tianyue" and "Emperor Ouyang" activate the supreme Taoist weapon to compete with them, "Tianyue Mountain and River Picture" Among them, a round of clear moon circulated, sprinkled hundreds of millions of clear brilliance, the mountains and rivers manifested, and spread to the four directions of the world, magnificent and majestic.

Yin Zhenluo is holding the 'Tianlong War Spear', which is the idea of ​​countless soldiers and civilians in 'Xuanyuan City'. When it is mobilized, the fighting spirit is vast and shocking. When the matter develops to this point, it can only be killed. Even in her heart Some self-blame, maybe Bai Youniang is right, facing a big family like the Jiang family that is still decayed to the root, there is no need to show any sympathy. What's the matter... At this moment, Yin Zhenluo didn't think much at all.

A big battle is about to break out.

Suddenly, from the depths of Jiang's house, a ray of holy light shot straight into the sky, a kind of godless power emanating from the blood, hanging down from the sky, this is the real emperor's power, let Xuanyuan I couldn't help being shocked, and even Kong Ming couldn't help frowning. This kind of breath came from the ancient times, not the ancient times.

"Emperor of the Jiang family! This is the son of the ancient emperor of the Jiang family. Greetings to the emperor!" Immediately, countless Jiang family disciples knelt down and bowed down.

The ancient emperor of the Jiang family at that time had exactly this kind of physique, and the one who descended to Jiutian was the son of the ancient emperor of the Jiang family.

After the ancient emperor of the Jiang family abdicated, he suddenly disappeared, and his son was also sealed by him with secret techniques, becoming the foundation of the entire Jiang family. His strength had already reached the realm of ancient sages. At that time, the seal will automatically disappear. Unexpectedly, this seal will directly bring this emperor to the age of doomsday. Maybe the ancient emperor of the Jiang family also foresaw the future and left this hand. It is not impossible.

No one knows what the reason is, but there is no doubt that the fighting power of this emperor of the Jiang family is overwhelming. In this situation, the situation will become even more unstable if such an emperor of the Jiang family is killed.

Under the crotch of the emperor of the Jiang family, the mount has a head and face like a horse, antlers like a deer, a neck like a camel, and a tail like a donkey. The imprint of thunder, rain and lightning, stepping on the pattern of heaven and earth, surging with qi and blood, appeared at the same time as the emperor of the Jiang family, like a god descending from the earth, and countless children of the Jiang family cheered.

"Four alike, this is my Jiang family fairy beast, four alike."

"My Jiang family is saved."

"Jiang Ruzhan colluded with outsiders and wanted to harm my Jiang family. As long as the emperor is around, the five supreme Dao weapons are nothing."

"That's right, the Emperor's son can completely push the restriction left by my Jiang family's ancestor and the Jiang family's ancient emperor, which is enough to contend."

"My son, please save us from the fire and water..."

"My ancestor of the Jiang family, the ancient emperor has appeared, and protect my Jiang family!"

Countless children of the Jiang family burst into tears, extremely excited and trembling, Kong Ming frowned. For the Jiang family, these four elephants are not the four elephants that the ancestors of the Jiang family rode back then, but their descendants, whose blood is also pure and extremely powerful.

The emperor of the Jiang family is holding the 'Sacred Whip', and in his other hand, he is holding a scroll of cloth with the emperor's holy pattern flowing on it, and it is also a supreme Taoist weapon. the supreme instrument.

"This must be another supreme Taoist weapon that has never been born, the 'Fengshen Bang' that the ancient emperor of the Jiang family worked so hard to create all his life." Kong Ming exclaimed, but he did not expect the treasure in the rumors It will appear.

"That's right, you have foresight and insight. You are worthy of being the Big Dipper of the Confucian family. He is full of righteousness and integrity. He is admirable. I don't know what advice the Jiang family can give me when the Big Dipper of the Confucian family comes to me?" The emperor of the Jiang family is gentle and elegant. , gave a salute, and then shouted loudly: "I am the emperor of the Jiang family, Jiang Wushen, all the people in the clan come out to me, when and why should my Jiang family's children shrink their heads and tails in such a posture, facing foreign enemies ?”

Jiang Wushen was full of fighting spirit and did not show any weakness. Even in the face of the five supreme Taoist artifacts, he was still not afraid, and the emperor's demeanor was unobstructed.

A statue of the sages of the Jiang family, the quasi-emperor, the great emperor, and the ancient sages appeared in front of everyone.

The number is not small, there are more than a thousand people in a mighty way, this is the last strength of the Jiang family, headed by Jiang Wushen, this is the real foundation, it will only appear at the moment of life and death.

They are in charge of the entire Jiang family's holy ancestors, the restrictions left by the ancient emperor, and they are coldly facing Xuanyuan and others. In terms of numbers, Xuanyuan and his party are no opponents.

"Okay, before starting the war, I will ask Taishan of the Kong family, what is it that made you mobilize people against my Jiang family and want to destroy my Jiang family? If it is reasonable, my Jiang family will admit its mistake. If it is rude, don't blame me Show mercy." Jiang Wushen said in a heavy voice, while he was speaking, he involuntarily looked at Xiang Liuli, she was blowing bubbles and playing with the babble in her hand as if nothing had happened from the beginning to the end, Jiang Wushen's sixth sense told him that this must be a shocking enemy.

Kong Ming was not afraid, holding a Confucian sword, pointing to heaven and saying: "You, a member of the Jiang family, went against the sky, colluded with the gods, and only wanted to live forever for yourself. If you want to harm my human race, it is the future. Should not kill!"

"Kill, of course I want to kill, but the evidence, I need the real evidence in front of me, without evidence, everything is empty." Jiang Wushen looked sharply, and glanced at Xuanyuan, obviously he was the person in charge this time, Jiang Wushen is such a character, he can naturally see all this clearly.

Xuanyuan held his head high, without any sign of weakness, and said in a heavy voice: "Do you dare to let the members of the Jiang family let me take a look at them one by one, I will naturally pick out those who have colluded with the gods, if the Jiang family has no ghosts in their hearts If there are ghosts, just go to war, I am not afraid of your Jiang family."

The big deal is to release all the protoss puppets in the body and some last resorts, who is afraid of whom?

"Okay, I'll let you choose." Jiang Wushen straddled the body of the 'Sixiang' and prepared for the battle on time. His reaction was beyond Xuanyuan's expectations.

Xuanyuan nodded, and between the brows, the 'Eye of Reality' manifested. The combination of "Great Trends and Ancient Art" made Xuanyuan's attainment higher than the Eye of Heaven, although there is still a distance from the 'Eye of Tongtian', but As long as Xuanyuan devotes himself to cultivation, it will be just around the corner to transform from the sky eye to the "penetrating eye". With the addition of the "eye of truth", the three eyes will work together.

Seeing the vertical eyes between Xuanyuan's brows, Jiang Wushen exclaimed: "It turned out to be this kind of thing, the 'Eye of Reality', although it is not as good as the natural divine eyes of the Yang family, but it is not much worse, and it is quite capable. , It is really rare to have such a talented young man in this world of desolation."

Xuanyuan praised Jiang Wushen without arrogance or impetuosity. He calmed down and investigated the people who were above the strength level of a thousand sages present. Everyone had different expressions. In the end, Xuanyuan directly picked out 500 people , no more, no less, a total of five hundred people, even Xuanyuan felt extremely shocking.

Seeing that there are so many people in the Jiang family colluding with the Protoss, Jiang Wushen felt that his face was shameless for a while, which was a great shame.

I saw these people kneeling down and saluting Jiang Wushen in unison: "My son, we were wronged. This Xuanyuan has a big enmity with my Jiang family. He is trying to weaken the strength of my Jiang family. Don't fall for him!" Trick, we are innocent, and we have absolutely not colluded with the Protoss."

"Kill Xuanyuan, he has ulterior motives and deserves to die. There is no need to argue with this kind of person, because there is no reason to say it." Suddenly someone shouted in unison.

All the five hundred people reacted, and they attacked Xuanyuan together. Jiang Wushen was furious and shouted: "Bold, I let you take action? You don't take me seriously. Where do you remember the ancestor's precepts?" Go, do you still have the teachings of my ancestors of the Jiang family in your heart?"

Since the "Conferred God List" in his hand suddenly opened, countless Saint Runes of the Great Emperor circulated, and the holy light fell down. All the power of the five hundred terrifying beings who were about to attack Xuanyuan was sealed and they could not move.

"Son of the Jiang family, you must have understood by now. If they have no ghosts in their hearts, why bother to kill me? If you kill these people, if there is a power in your body that does not have the original power of the gods, I, Xuanyuan, will stand in front of you." Self-judgment should be regarded as an apology to your Jiang family." Xuanyuan said every word and every word in a serious voice.

"It doesn't have to be like this. I can tell if it's true or not with the 'Fengshen Bang'." Jiang Wushen unfolded the 'Fengshen Bang' in Jiang Wushen's hands, and streams of holy light fell down and merged into the bodies of the five hundred people. Immediately, Jiang Wushen Then I felt that from their bodies, there was an extremely violent original force, which had a long history and was full of huge vitality, which nourished their bodies all the time and made their souls stronger. In the origin, prolonging the lifespan of their physical body and the power of the soul, these protoss origins are extremely cruel, killing, violent, and destroying all kinds of auras, and there are restrictions on seizing homes. At critical times, they will directly pass through their origins. Take the body away and take it as your own.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wushen's expression was extremely ugly, and he sternly shouted: "The Jiang family has people like you, it's a great shame, I'll kill them all."

Jiang Wushen made a direct move, and at this moment, the "Spiritual Whip" seemed to really wake up, exhaling a real power of beating the gods, killing endlessly, making people tremble uncontrollably, the four supreme Taoist weapons They all felt the danger instinctively, and saw him hit down hard. In an instant, the souls of five hundred people were scattered, and their bodies, intact, fell down straight, Jiang Wushen said in a heavy voice : "Carry it down, refine the original power of the gods for me, and refine them into puppets, which will be useful in the future."

The rest, less than 900 members of the Jiang family background trembled, fell to the ground, and took their bodies away. Invisibly, the holy light of the "Fengshen Bang" also baptized them again. Wushen raised the 'God-beating Whip' in Wushen's hand, and the power of hitting God was vast. Three ancient sages were beaten to death on the spot. They were all people who had cultivated to the extreme. 'The probing.

"Okay, my Jiang family has been cleaned up, do you have any advice?" Obviously beheading so many elite members of the Jiang family at once made Jiang Wushen very heartbroken, but he had no choice but to kill them. , He looked at all the people, the overlord's aura and the king's aura rose and circled, showing the true emperor's demeanor. At this moment, Xuanyuan finally saw a clue of the ancient human race from him.

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