Jiang Wushen's methods are fierce, swift and resolute, unparalleled in iron and blood, boundless in mystery, and unpredictable in the universe, showing the supreme demeanor of a generation of ancient emperors, which makes Xuanyuan admire from the bottom of his heart. This kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have.

Looking at the three ancient sages, Xuanyuan was speechless. He didn't expect that he missed three by mistake, and his strength was still the most terrifying. It seems that a big family like the Jiang family can't be speculated by common sense. Among the human race, those who can survive and dominate one side have their own unique means. Once they underestimate it, maybe this is the reason for their death.

Xuanyuan nodded and sighed: "This matter is most suitable to be handled in this way. You can clean up the door by yourself. Now that these scum have been dealt with and this matter has been successfully concluded, then We should leave too."

"Emperor Jiang understands righteousness. Now that you are in charge of the Jiang family, the Jiang family will definitely take on a new look in the future. I will leave first. I hope to see the Jiang family regain its ancient glory and be admired by all people in the world. I will not hesitate to pay my respects to the Jiang family." His disciples and old officials spread all over the world, creating more brilliance." Kong Ming admired Jiang Wushen very much, his methods were so decisive, without the slightest hesitation, this kind of determination is not something ordinary people can do. There are nine statues, and they are all real backbones and background figures in any big power. Jiang Wushen killed him as soon as he said he would, without even giving the other party a chance to defend himself. In his opinion, these people who betrayed their ancestors , is not allowed to stay.

"If that's the case, then I won't give it away. Also, I have a question, is this girl from the Wu clan?" Jiang Wushen looked at Xiang Liuli and asked. The deeper meaning lies in Qizhong.

"Xiang Liuli." She didn't say much, just uttered three words, then landed beside Xuanyuan and said: "Let's go, everyone has issued an order to evict guests."

"Emperor Jiang, let's take our leave first."

A group of people from Sifang Tiandi all gathered around Xuanyuan, and all the supreme Taoist artifacts were put away, and Sifang Tiandi manifested in front of the world again, making countless people feel certain that nothing happened after all. It caused countless people in the "Fengshen City" to fall into an inexplicable panic.

Xuanyuan directly urged the emperor to send the jade platform, and a huge portal fell from the nine heavens, covering them. After a while, they crossed the void and flew towards the direction of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Jiang Wushen looked at the direction where Xuanyuan and the others left, and frowned, with a trace of surprise in his eyes: "This son's luck is astonishing, I didn't expect that there were people from the Wu clan who would be used by him, and today's situation is too big. It's messed up, let's clean up the Jiang family first, and the Jiang family will never be destroyed by my hands."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Wushen rode back to the depths of Jiang's house on his four-legged elephant, and began to give orders to rectify Jiang's house. This will be a new beginning for Jiang's house, and Xuanyuan also understands that this will require a certain process , in this overall situation, even Jiang Wushen can hardly turn the tide, and the Protoss is still a serious threat to everyone.

Xuanyuan and others returned to the 'Blue Dragon Palace'.

Fang Yuyou, Bai Youniang, Huang Yuechan, and Qian Duoduo were all waiting. They asked people to inquire about the situation and sent back the situation on the Jiang family's side as soon as possible. In the end, they only received that the Jiang family was blocked by four Supreme Dao artifacts. They were all blocked. As for what happened, no one knew. I don't know how Jiang Wushen would deal with today's incident. Xuanyuan has been thinking in his heart, what should he do if he was replaced by him?

"Come back so soon?" Fang Yuyou looked at Xuanyuan's group of people in disbelief, got up quickly, and walked to His Highness.

"I didn't expect the background of the Jiang family to be so powerful. Jiang Wushen, the son of the ancient emperor of the Jiang family, was born. He will definitely be a big opponent on the emperor's road in the future." Xuanyuan exclaimed, at least the current self is absolutely not. his opponent.

"Jiang Wushen?" Bai Youniang frowned, paused for a moment, and said in surprise, "The son of the Jiang family's ancient emperor, after so many years, how could he still be alive? I'm afraid it has already turned into flying ash."

"Maybe like the ancient royal family, seal it with a secret method and let him appear in this life. In the ancient time, I am afraid that some saints' families have foreseen the future, so they left this hand." Xuanyuan sighed softly, When he said this sentence, he glanced at Kong Ming. Obviously, the ancestor of the Kong family was also prepared, so Kong Ming was not surprised at all when Emperor Jiang was born, and he was able to guess at the first time that it was once The 'Fengshen Bang' used by the ancient emperor of the Jiang family.

"Okay, what are your plans now?" Xiang Liuli said, continuing to ravage the baby, and now the little guy's face is full of happiness and enjoyment, making Xuanyuan involuntarily In my heart, I said that he was cheap.

"Naturally, we will try our best to destroy the forces established by the protoss in my 'Central China'. If we find one, we can't keep any of them, and we will pull them up with all our strength." Xuanyuan said with clanging words and a loud voice.

"If there is anything I need for the old man, just ask, my Kong family will definitely do my best to assist Holy Master Xuanyuan." Kong Ming was relieved, and fortunately Xuanyuan was very wise, and he got this from Jiang Yitian's mouth. One thing, otherwise, these 500 people may grow to 1000 people, and then they will become a terrifying force, endangering the entire 'Central China'.

Kong Ming said this sentence, which surprised the Eight Immortals of the Yang Dao. The Kong family must fully assist Xuanyuan. This sentence is too heavy, even if the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" is not qualified. To a certain extent, Kong Everyone has admitted that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be the master in the future.

A truly upright force that rules the world in all directions needs to be recognized by saints. Only when saints approve of you can you be regarded as orthodox. If you only have force but no martial virtue, you are a demon and heretics among saints.

"Thank you, Mr. Kong." Xuanyuan was naturally excited. He had great respect for this old man. He was worthy of being a figure in the Big Dipper of Mount Tai. It was thanks to him that he was able to complete this matter so smoothly. Bai Youniang contributed a lot. Having said that, I don't know what the consequences will be this time.

Yin Zhenluo looked at Bai Youniang, and said: "Young lady, what I said just now was a bit harsh, but what you said is actually right, thanks to you this time, if you didn't invite Mr. Kong, we would all die here The Jiang family."

"It's nothing, we're both good sisters, and it's not because of our own self-interest, we just stand at different angles, as long as you are safe now." Bai Youniang smiled, and put this matter behind her.

Yin Zhenluo nodded and smiled, Mo Xuan, Mo Ying and his wife felt a little emotional in their hearts, they didn't stay any longer, they left without leaving, and the Eight Immortals of Yin and Yang and Kong Ming also left, leaving only the 'Sage of Tianyue' and 'Emperor Ouyang' .

"Thank you two seniors for your help." Xuanyuan saluted.

"I have something to say." Almost at the same time, the 'Sage of Tianyue' and 'Emperor Ouyang' spoke together.

"Since that's the case, let's talk about 'Sage Tianyue' first." "Emperor Ouyang" said hastily.

"Thank you, Xuanyuan, I don't have much time left in this life. It's the limit that my physical body can support to this extent. Now I hand over the 'Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Picture' to Yuechan, and she has already obtained my 'Tianyue Immortal'." For all the inheritance of the mansion, if you have something to do in the future, you can just go to her directly. I want to live out the next life, and then break through the realm of the ancient sages, and attack the holy realm. Now my flesh and blood have begun to decline , There is no chance, even if you can hit that level, time is running out, take good care of Yuechan." 'Sage of Heaven and Moon' said softly with soft eyes.

"Okay, then I wish the female saint success." Xuanyuan couldn't help but cut open the remaining half of the 'Blue Dragon Fruit', and directly injected it into the body of the 'Tianyue female saint', saying in a loud voice: "I hope that the 'Sage of Heaven and Moon' will have a greater breakthrough in the next life, and even truly step into the holy realm. I will definitely take good care of Yuechan."

"It's not that there is no chance. I will accept this 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit'. I have accumulated a lot, but the physical body can bear it. Today, the general situation changes, and it is the best time." The Moon Maiden gave the "Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Picture" directly to Huang Yuechan.

Huang Yuechan's eyes were filled with worry, and there were tears in her eyes, she said in a heavy voice: "Master, is there any danger?"

"There must be dangers, but it's not a big deal. Those who become saints must go through untold hardships. All they suffer as a teacher are small setbacks, and the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' still left A secret place, I will definitely benefit greatly if I enter it, if I don't become holy, I won't come back."'Sky Moon Saintess' said heavily.

Huang Yuechan was speechless, she nodded, and said: "Master, you must be careful, I will wait for you to go home at the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'."

"En." The 'Sage of the Moon' nodded and looked at the 'Emperor Ouyang'.

'Emperor Ouyang' sighed, and said: "My achievements in this life are limited. The essence of that 'ginseng fairy fruit' that day was all concentrated in my body and preserved intact. I only absorbed a little bit. I can't break through the shackles, and I can't live in the next life anymore, so I want to pass everything on to 'Ouyang Han', he is the last blood of my Ouyang family, I hope Holy Master Xuanyuan can help Han'er revitalize my Ouyang Home."

The eyes of 'Emperor Ouyang' were full of sincerity, Xuanyuan's heart twitched, and it was unbearable for a while, Fang Yuyou and the others looked shocked, as if they wanted to persuade something.

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