Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1329 Watching husband stone

It is snowy and windy and frosty.

A majestic giant city stands in front of Xuanyuan and Xiang Liuli.

"Boy, it seems that you want to marry that woman, Nine Heavens Profound Girl, directly to your 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" The greedy old man laughed, very satisfied with what Xuanyuan has done so far.

"You think too much. The friendship between Xia Ziyu and I is as light as water. It's not what you imagined. However, she helped me a lot. This time, I don't want to come to the door empty-handed. It's better to send a package." Can you give her the unrivaled Taoist artifact?" Xuanyuan thought for a moment, then said.

"You really think of peerless Taoist artifacts as rubbish. If you want to have them, you can have them. With my current strength, I dare not devour these peerless Taoist artifacts easily. I am afraid that the spirit of the artifacts will backfire. Devour." The greedy old man bared his teeth, and felt distressed when he heard that Xuanyuan was about to send out a peerless Taoist weapon again.

"Then what would you like to give?" Xuanyuan said.

"Wait a minute, I'll go and have a look. Last time Qinglong stole from Xuanshen, there are too many things to count. Let me see if there are some things that I don't think are useful to you. Put them there, yes It is used by 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl'." The greedy old man is very housekeeping, so Xuanyuan didn't say much, after all, what can be collected by Xuanshen must not be ordinary products, so the greedy old man picked it.

After a while, the greedy old man suddenly said: "Xuanyuan, do you know why the 'Beizhou Dynasty' calls the woman who coordinates the relationship between civil and military officials the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv'?"

Xuanyuan frowned: "I don't know."

However, he had heard of the word 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' in his previous life, and his seniority was even higher than the real Huangdi Xuanyuan.

"It is said that the 'Beisheng Tiandi' of the Beizhou Dynasty, that is, the founder of the Beizhou Dynasty, once received the guidance of such an extraterritorial goddess. The Nine Heavens Xuannv's position, and the power to coordinate civil and military officials, is the "Northern Saint Heavenly Emperor" who uses it as a respect for that goddess." The greedy old man said.

"What does that mean?" Xuanyuan asked back.

"I saw a broken piece of jade, which was not complete, but I could feel a real 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' aura from it. This should be the legendary 'Nine Heavens Profound Jade', just right for her. " said the greedy old man.

Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and said: "How do you know it is the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv'?"

"Because here, it has a trace of induction, and the air mechanism on it is obviously something from outside the territory. Regardless of whether it is, it is said after giving it away. Anyway, the value of this thing is definitely not low. Think about it for yourself. She is a superb Dao weapon, she may not be able to activate it, and sometimes it will harm her." The greedy old man said.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan didn't say anything more, and just followed the old man's instructions.

Xiang Liuli narrowed his eyes, watched Xuanyuan think for a long time, and asked in doubt: "Didn't you be ambushed in Xizhou? Why did you come to Beizhou? Are you teasing me?"

"Xizhou is so big, where do you want me to find the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons'?" Xuanyuan originally wanted to ask Amaterasu to help calculate, but all of a sudden, Amaterasu suddenly asked Amaterasu to calculate such a big man and I have been to Xizhou before, I am afraid that I can’t hide it from him, and it will not be appropriate to reveal my identity at that time. After all, the less people know about my identity, the better. Although Amaterasu treats me well, it is related to For the overall situation, it would be better to come to Xuanjizi to figure it out. After all, there are not many people who know their identity as Di Shitian.

And Xia Ziyu must have worried a lot about his own affairs, and now it's good to come here by himself to express his gratitude.

"Then you can find it when you come to Beizhou?" Xiang Liuli spat out a bubble of saliva, floating back and forth in mid-air.

"Of course, otherwise, what am I doing here, you can just follow me and watch with peace of mind, and don't worry about it." Xuanyuan smiled heartily.

Xiang Liuli was dubious, but she wanted to see what tricks Xuanyuan was playing.

In front of him, of course, was the Imperial City of Beizhou.

In the past, when I came to Beizhou Imperial City, I couldn't feel the aura contained in it, but now I look at it from the perspective of power and feng shui thaumaturgy. Xuanyuan deeply feels the power of this city, at least for a while, not 'Xuanyuan' City' can be compared.

"Let's go, Miss Xiangliu." Xuanyuan glanced at Xiangliuli, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, wanted to ask, but hesitated to speak.

"If you want to ask anything, just say it directly, and show a bit of a witch clan's son-in-law." Xiang Liuli once again scorned Xuanyuan.

"Well, why did you say those words? I think you seem to be very concerned about my life's event." Xuanyuan said.

"After you left, I went to that well. Zi Yun sat there, motionless, waiting for you. I thought she could only wait for a few days. Who knew she was like a log, waiting for you. For a long time, just like the 'Watching husband stone' in the legend of my Wu tribe." Xiang Liuli sighed.

"Oh? 'Watching husband stone' is a legend of your witch clan?" Xuanyuan had also heard of husband watching stone.

"In my Wu clan, there was a Great Yu Wuhuang. In the world they lived in at that time, there was a torrential flood. Countless Li people were struggling to survive in the flood. His wife gave birth to a child, and he still didn't go in to see the crying of his son, because he knew that if he delayed a little longer, more people would die, and his wife was just a member of the Wu clan. Just an ordinary woman, just looking at the direction of Dayu Wuhuang's water control, and finally turned into a "Watching husband stone". It was only after the prosperous age that he truly became the Witch Emperor Dayu, and his wife had long since become the 'Watching the Husband Stone', the ancestors of my witch clan felt ashamed, and would worship the Witch Emperor Dayu's wife every day." Xiang Liuli sighed.

"I see." Xuanyuan was also touched in his heart, which strengthened his determination to bring Yan Ziyun back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Because of this, I talked to Zi Yun, and she told me that what she hopes most is that you can marry all the women around you who are good to you. She just realized it. In my eyes, she is like a 'Watching husband stone'. The reason why I tell you this is that I hope you can treat her better and don't let her become a 'Watching husband stone'... "Xiang Liuli spoke calmly, and there was still a touch in his eyes, which seemed to reflect the day when Yan Ziyun was alone, her white hair was hanging down, her expression was firm and worried, she sat motionless by the well, waiting bitterly, She admired Yan Ziyun very much.

Xuanyuan nodded: "Don't worry, I can understand Zi Yun's thoughts, let's go, first go with me to meet the old friend."

Two people descended from the sky and entered the Beizhou Imperial City directly. Now the Taikoo royal family seemed to feel that something was wrong and did not continue to launch attacks. Therefore, relatively speaking, there was not much tension in the Beizhou Imperial City. After the great battle, a kind of relaxation after extreme fatigue, and the Beizhou Imperial City is the central city, the safest place, not the border city.

Coming and going, there was an endless stream of monks, extremely prosperous and full of traffic.

But no one noticed Xuanyuan and Xiang Liuli, because the speed of the two of them was too fast, Xuanyuan directly performed the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Technique", and Xiang Liuli performed the secret technique of the witch clan, which was no better than Xuanyuan's. Slowly, at this time, Xuanyuan realized how terrifying the inheritance of the Wu Clan is.

Seven Stars.

Xuanjizi sat on it as usual, with her eyes closed, her goat whiskers moving with the wind, and her Taoist robe fell to the ground.

"It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. I never thought that after a few years, there will be such a big change. Holy Lord Xuanyuan, don't come here without any problems."

Xuanyuan and Xiang Liuli descended from the sky and landed on the Seven Star Platform. Xuanyuan laughed and said, "It seems that Daoist Brother Xuanji's attainment in the method of calculation has also been greatly improved. It really opened my eyes."

"I am fortunate to have the supreme inheritance in my 'Tianji', so I have made progress. Brother Xuanyuan, a few years ago, he was just a poor boy who was hunted down and had nothing, but now he is already a holy master who can look down on the world And benefit the world, and be praised by hundreds of millions of people." Xuanjizi opened her eyes, and when she saw Xiang Liuli, the depths of her pupils couldn't help trembling violently, but there was still no ripple on the surface.

"Haha, it seems my business will be easier this time." Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"Brother Xuanyuan, who is this goddess next to you?" Xuanjizi asked with a smile.

"The saint of the witch clan, Xiang Liuli." Xuanyuan didn't hide anything.

Xuanjizi breathed a sigh of relief, the Wu Clan has fully supported Xuanyuan, it seems that today's "Qinglong Holy Land" is very measurable, there is such an extremely terrifying big clan, you must know that at the end of the chaotic ancient times, the Wu Clan But to lead all races in the world to fight against the evil gods.

Although this clan lost a lot in the battle against the fierce god, the remaining part of the blood is still strong, and the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.

"Witch Clan, I've looked up to her for a long time. Looking at Miss Xiangliu's dress, I had some guesses in my heart. I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see the orthodox inheritor of the Witch Clan in the legend." Xuanjizi was full of emotion.

Xiang Liuli smiled lightly and said, "Brother Lao Xuanji can calculate it for us, please?"

"Okay, what does Brother Xuanyuan want to calculate this time?" Xuanjizi's face was serious, knowing that Xuanyuan's finding him was definitely not a trivial matter, so he naturally had to take it seriously and think about it in his heart.

"Calculate the whereabouts of an ancient sage." Xuanyuan said while arousing the aura of the 'Five Poison Patriarch', condensing it into a faint light.

Xuanjizi led the faint ray of light on his sword finger and hit it on the 'Seven Star Platform'. With his thought, suddenly, countless star jade burst out with infinite light, attracting the heavenly dao and the stars, flying in the sky. The image outlines an incomparably mysterious map of the Dao of Heaven!

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