Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1330 Ten Thousand Poison Clan

The author has something to say: I am a little tired these days in Luyuan, and my work and rest time is adjusted to go to bed early and get up early, work and rest, and some problems in various aspects, so there will be a little less at the beginning, but I will definitely not stop updating.

Xuanjizi's body is covered by countless stars, giving people a dreamlike feeling, like the intersection of light and shadow.

In his eyes, looking at the sky full of stars, a star map is reflected, it keeps running and calculating, and it can be clearly seen that different star positions and different combinations form different results. , and even different stars will be broken in an instant.

Even Xuanyuan and Xiang Liuli were confused, but Xuanyuan didn't worry about it because he specialized in surgery, he knew that Xuanjizi would definitely give him a satisfactory answer.

"It is rumored that your human race's calculation method is extremely accurate, and I don't know how it compares to my witch clan's wubu?" Xiang Liuli blew a bubble of saliva, and glanced at Xuanjizi.

"Could it be that you can also calculate?" Xuanyuan asked doubtfully.

"Of course, don't forget, I have inherited countless inheritances. Your human race will have it, and my witch race will have it too, but in different ways." Xiang Liuli said flatly.

"Okay, after Brother Xuanji calculates it, you can continue to calculate it yourself with the witch clan's divination method to see if it is consistent with yours, and then you will be able to know who is stronger and who is weaker." Laughing kindly, Xiang Liuli looked very calm and didn't care.

After a while, Xuanjizi said in a heavy voice: "This person is in the southeast of Xizhou, at the junction of Xizhou and 'Zhantianxian Mansion'. I can't figure out the exact location. , to deduce his precise location, I can't do it for a while, maybe Miss Xiangliu can."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I know his approximate location, I will know where he is." Xiang Liuli's eyes were shining, she glanced at Xuanyuan, and said heavily: "Let's go and find him. "

"Don't you calculate?" Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment.

"Since someone has introduced it, why should I bother with it? Moreover, wubu also consumes energy, so I'm too lazy to do it. Let's wait until I can't find it. I don't want to use it unless it is absolutely necessary." Xiang Liuli shrugged and turned towards Looking at Xuanjizi, he nodded to express his gratitude, and if he was going to leave, he would take Xuanyuan away.

"Wait a minute, I want to meet an old friend. Anyway, the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' can be found at any time. Since I have come here, let me meet my old friend. You don't have to be so anxious." Xuanyuan said hastily.

"Didn't you already see it?" Xiang Liuli frowned.

"When I knew you were coming, I had already notified the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv', and she will be here in a moment, please ask Miss Xiangliu to wait, there is another old friend." As soon as Xuanjizi finished speaking, a heroic figure The blooming figure appeared, it was Xia Zikai, she was dressed in a military uniform, she had a special taste, she did not give up to a man, her battle armor was clanging, a sword was hung on her waist, and a purple gold crown was on her head. General, this is the first time Xuanyuan has seen her dressed up like this. She is indeed a woman who can be a "Nine Heavens Xuannv".

"You're finally here." Xia Ziyu smiled, the corners of her mouth turned up, her white teeth, and her brows were a little haggard. It was obvious that dealing with the ancient royal family also made her feel tired. Fortunately, she had something from the real 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' The art of war left behind is extremely powerful, which will allow her to go into battle and reduce the maximum loss of the Beizhou Dynasty.

"Well, long time no see. Thank you for your Danshu Iron Coupon. I will write down this love." Xuanyuan smiled casually. He naturally knew what Xia Ziyu meant by that. The Beizhou Dynasty and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' were bound together, and Xuanjizi must have revealed some secrets to her. If the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was about to run out, she would not be able to do that.

But no matter what, at that time, he already had great expectations of himself for doing such a thing. The relationship between people is mutual, and the courtesy is reciprocal. Naturally, Xuanyuan would not want to treat Xia Ziyu badly. Don't keep thinking about other people giving you unconditionally and without any thought. After all, it is only a minority. What's more, Xia Ziyu represents the entire Beizhou Dynasty. She has a lot of things to worry about. There are many obstacles.

"I originally thought that you would come to me 'Beizhou Dynasty' with the Danshu iron coupon, but I didn't expect that you have overcome the difficulties time and time again, which is really amazing. Now the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has come to court from all over the world. Seeing that there is a tendency to overshadow the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'." Xia Ziyu's words were full of wonder.

"It's nothing. The background of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' is far from being as simple as we imagined. After passing by the Jiang family this time, I think there should be an extremely terrifying figure who is the son of the ancient emperor sealed in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'... ..." Xuanyuan sensed it more or less, and he must have great confidence, otherwise the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' could not be so calm in the face of this environment.

"Anyway, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is now able to look down on the world. Who doesn't know that Fu Jingxuan treats you as a master with great respect, and you can know his meaning from his name." Xia Ziyu smiled lightly, paused, and said: "Now, Mr. Xuanyuan What do you plan to do?"

"I was planning to hunt down an ancient sage, and I stopped by to see the old man, just passing by." Xuanyuan said.

Xia Ziyu was stunned, Xuanyuan was so inconspicuous and endless, he hadn't even broken through the realm of sages, and he was about to hunt down and kill the ancient sages, it seemed that it was the meaning of the woman next to Xuanyuan, Xia Ziyu looked at it from all aspects , took a look at Xiang Liuli, and smiled slightly: "Beizhou Dynasty, Xia Ziyu."

"Witch Clan, Xiang Liuli."

Xia Ziyu was startled, nodded, said without saying anything more, "Then you have to be careful, I won't bother you."

"It's nothing, thank you, Miss Xia, this is a piece of broken jade that I accidentally got when I was killing the gods. It is very likely that it is the legendary 'Nine Heavens Xuanyu'. I am not sure, but it There is an inexplicable connection with this place, and it may have a little relationship with the real 'Nine Heavens Xuannv', you can feel it yourself." Xuanyuan took out a piece of broken Xuanyu and handed it to Xia Ziyu.

The moment Xia Zikai touched his hand, that piece of black jade was shining with lustrous light, which was extremely mysterious. Xia Ziyu's eyes lit up immediately, he looked at Xuanyuan, and said: "It's really 'Nine Heavens Black Jade', thank you, I have it It, my cultivation base will cross a bigger step in the future, and maybe I may not be able to reach the Holy Land."

It can be seen how precious this piece of broken jade is to Xia Ziyu, far surpassing the value of a supreme Taoist artifact.

"Haha, since that's the case, I'm looking forward to the day you break through the Holy Mirror, well, we have something important to do, so we'll leave first." Xuanyuan glanced at Xia Ziyu, and then bowed to Xuanjizi: "Farewell. "

"There will be a period later." Xuanjizi returned the gift.

Xuanyuan directly used the emperor's ban to teleport the jade platform, and took Xiang Liuli across the sky in the direction of Xizhou.

"Oh, Ziyu's vision is really good. Xuanyuan's potential is really beyond anyone's imagination. He has achieved such a high achievement in just a few years, which is beyond my reach. His fate cannot be predicted. , There is an extremely terrifying heaven and earth mechanism in him, even if I get the ancient technique of 'heavenly secret', I can't figure it out." Xuanjizi sighed leisurely.

"Even the "Tianji Ancient Art" can't be calculated..." Xia Ziyu was filled with emotion: "Well, at least we are allies with Xuanyuan now, and his future is in his hands, so we can only help as much as we can , if you can’t help, do your best, that’s all.”

"Xiang Liuli, this person has a heaven-defying luck. It seems that he has condensed everything in the entire witch clan. He will definitely be a powerful figure in the future. If Xuanyuan can get the help of this woman, it will be even more powerful." Xuanji Zidao.

A trace of loneliness flashed in Xia Zikai's eyes. She naturally knew that the gap between herself and Xiang Liuli was not so big. She tightly held the fragments of the 'Nine Heavens Profound Jade' and said with a smile: "Isn't that more important? Okay? It's nothing..."

At the other end, Xiang Liuli and Xuanyuan came to the junction of Xizhou and the 'Zhantian Immortal Mansion'. This place does not belong to their territory, but belongs to the soil of an ancient royal family.

Here, there is a swamp, the jungle is densely covered, and the pale mist floats, blocking the vision of a large area of ​​mountains and forests.

When he came to the sky above this piece of heaven and earth, Xiang Liuli's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he said: "This is the miasma of the Dao, and it is highly poisonous. It seems that your friend still has two strokes. I feel that cultivating the supernatural powers of the Gu clan people, in this area."

"Before, we destroyed a natal incarnation of him." Xuanyuan said.

"There shouldn't be anything wrong with that. He probably wants to condense another new incarnation of himself here. Generally, those who practice the poisonous art of the Gu family are not strong. It is a last resort to use the incarnation to perish with the enemy. There is no After the incarnation, it's best to refine the avatar, besides, this person is quite cautious in handling things." Xiang Liuli gave a very pertinent evaluation.

"Then what are your plans now, this place is obviously the territory of a primordial royal family, maybe suppressing a god-like existence." Xuanyuan said with a grin.

"Don't worry, except for the nine ancient royal families, other ordinary royal families are not qualified to suppress evil gods. This is an ancient royal family called the Wandu Clan, which is composed of beings who are naturally poisonous. Together, they interbreed, interbreed, and then more and more bloodlines are passed down, and they call themselves the Ten Thousand Poison Clan." Xiang Liuli still has a very deep understanding of the ancient royal family, after all, he was once the head of the ancient ten thousand clans of the Wu Clan. , did not expect that this Wandu tribe could exist for so long, and it was beyond her expectation.

Xuanyuan involuntarily got goosebumps all over his body, the means of poison art, the "body of all transformations" is not that strong, and it is still in such a highly poisonous place, anyway Xuanyuan is very conscious, knowing that he is just a follower, Everything else depends on what Xiang Liuli wants.

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