Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1332 Subdue

The dense jungle, thick poisonous fog, hidden dangers everywhere, in the land where the Wandu tribe is located, Xiang Liuli stepped on the secret technique of the witch tribe, and walked through the air at an extremely fast speed, like a phoenix, swallowing flames Flowing light and dexterous shuttle, Xuanyuan had to push "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" to the extreme to be able to barely keep up. As long as one is not careful, he will be thrown away in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of witch clan secret technique are you? It's so powerful and you can have such a fast speed. It's unheard of." Xuanyuan was terrified, and he could feel that what Xiang Liuli cultivated should still be incomplete. , otherwise, it will only be faster, and it should be comparable to "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu".

"This is a supernatural power of the Jiufeng clan of our witch clan, called "Jiufeng Floating Light Step", and it is not very complete. The Jiufeng clan is the fastest among our witch clan, and no one can match it. To be able to get a complete one, compared to the secret arts of your human race, "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" is even better." Xiang Liuli was very confident, with the corners of his mouth raised, and a good-looking smile.

Xuanyuan nodded silently, and didn't say much. After all, his knowledge of "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" is not high, and facts can prove everything.

The battle against the 'Five Poison Patriarchs' was about to take place, Xuanyuan didn't devour the poisonous gas on a large scale, for fear of scaring the snake.

The two of them came to a large swamp, a large area of ​​bubbles, like boiling water, bursting and bursting.

Large swaths of poisonous gas rose upwards, and the poisonous smoke slowly rose, forming distorted faces one after another, which was extremely frightening. Xuanyuan resisted all these with great difficulty with the 'ancient Buddha Zen wood', only to see an ancient Buddha Sitting behind his head, it is not big, but the long-recited Buddhist voice suppresses everything. Even so, there are still some irresistible tendencies, because the poison here is too strong.

The giant trees here are rooted in the swamp, their trunks are full of poison, half a hundred feet in diameter, and their branches are like horned dragons, extending in all directions. Every branch seems to be alive, breathing green poisonous gas, spreading in all directions. , gathered together with poisonous gas, Xuanyuan didn't know how much poisonous gas was mixed in it, the gathering of countless poisonous gas made his pressure doubled.

"Where is the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' you mentioned?" Xuanyuan came here, frowning, feeling a sense of crisis in his heart, as if these things could attack him, and his body was involuntarily covered with goose bumps .

"Get out!" Xiang Liuli yelled loudly, ignoring Xuanyuan.

Its voice is loud, penetrating in all directions, extremely fierce, with an extremely strong attitude, like a king among all races, without the slightest scruples.

A moment later, an old man emerged from the bottom of the swamp, Xuanyuan frowned, this man was the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' back then, the robes on his body and the five poisons seemed to have come alive here, and the devouring was coming from all directions. poison gas.

"Hey, where is this yellow-haired girl, impatient to live and looking for death?" The 'Five Poison Patriarch' stood in the air, and when he saw Xuanyuan, his face immediately became extremely ugly. In Xuanyuan's case, his avatar would not be destroyed at all, and this situation would not happen.

He was silent here, condensing his own incarnation, and spent a lot of energy. Although he didn't have much time, he almost exhausted all the treasures he had obtained, and finally condensed a new one again. avatar.

"It turned out to be you, kid. Do you think you can come to me to avenge that day by finding someone from the Emperor Realm? You are so naive, you are simply killing yourself." The look of the 'Five Poison Patriarch' became more and more serious. Xuanyuan didn't say anything, but touched his nose, meaning to let Xiang Liuli go up, and intentionally hid behind Xiang Liuli.

Xiang Liuli didn't say much, he gave the 'Five Poison Patriarch' a cold look, and sternly said: "Kneel down for me."

Suddenly, a kind of suppression from supernatural powers made the legs of the 'Five Poison Patriarch' go limp, and his mind was shocked.

"Who are you? How can you suppress the poison art in my body? This is the supreme poison art of the witch clan." The expression of the 'Five Poison Patriarch' changed drastically, and he stared at Xiang Liuli in front of him, his pupils were filled with extreme evil. Shocked, the body couldn't help shaking.

"It's just a joke, the Gu clan is just a branch of my Xiangliu clan. What is the supreme poison technique of my Wu clan? The real poison technique is the "Xiangliu Poison Sutra". There are even more terrifying poisonous supernatural powers, how can you understand them? If you don’t understand our witch clan, you dare to speak out.” Xiang Liuli’s voice was sharp, and the faint witch script permeated the world, gathering together into a series of poisons invisibly In the formation, there is no poisonous formation that is shadowless and invisible, with a degree of offense and defense, interlocking.

"What, people from the Witch Clan are still alive?" The 'Five Poison Patriarch' had an unbelievable expression on his face. For what Xiang Liuli said, there was an indescribable burning in the depths of his eyes. This is a kind of madness towards poison. In his whole life, his greatest pursuit of poison art is to get the "Xiangliu Poison Sutra", so that his attainments in poison art can be further improved.

"It's natural. At the end of the chaotic ancient times, my Wu clan was the leader of all clans. I sacrificed myself for the sake of the common people and helped all clans. However, I suffered heavy casualties. Now that I have cultivated and thrived for countless years, I will naturally rise again. Now, create a new prosperous world, you have practiced the supernatural powers of my Xiangliu family branch, why don't you kneel down quickly, you don't understand any rules? Don't you want to learn from my Xiangliu family's "Xiangliu poison classic" Is it?" Xiang Liuli yelled loudly, with green light shining in her eyes, looking at the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons', as long as she moved her mind, the large and small poison formations that would be laid down in the invisible in all directions would be on the ground. Instant burst.

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' trembled involuntarily, as if the poison in his body had begun to be out of his control. He was extremely fanatical about the poison of the Gu clan, especially the insect Gu. At this moment, he felt a hidden danger. Those killer poisonous insects in his body seemed to be out of his control, which shocked him.

You know, it took countless years to refine the insect Gu in his body. The five poisonous insects in his body all have extremely terrifying power, and they are the same as their minds, completely under his control, but now they are not under his command. It can be seen how terrifying Xiang Liuli's strength is, he was completely suppressed, and Xiang Liu's supernatural power is really terrifying.

"Greetings to Young Master Xiangliu." The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' reacted very quickly, and quickly knelt down to salute. He knew that if he had even the slightest thought, he might lose his life. The woman in front of him is indeed supreme in poison techniques. control.

"Okay, very good, I won't hold you accountable for your plotting against Xuanyuan before, and say, why did you join the Protoss?" Xiang Liuli questioned.

"Because the gods used the "Xiangliu Poison Sutra" to lure me, and I have lived for a certain number of years, and I can no longer make breakthroughs. With the original power of the gods, they can keep me alive for thirty thousand years. Three lives, thousands of years of life, thanks to the original power of the gods."

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' is extremely solemn, he only feels that Xiang Liuli has a huge oppression on him, which makes him instinctively afraid, this is the root of cultivation from the root of supernatural powers, the poison technique of the Gu clan is extremely terrifying , if someone uses it to cause chaos, the world will be in chaos, so at that time, the Xiangliu family used another kind of supernatural power to check and balance, and ordinary people can't learn it. Xiangliu Li is the saint of the entire witch clan, so she naturally has that qualification .

"Bastard, do you know what kind of existence exists in the origin of the gods? Once the hidden will of the gods awakens, you will be swallowed in an instant. Come with me, and I will refine the deepest will in the origin of the gods for you." Melt it down." Xiang Liuli said.

"Thank you, Young Master Xiangliu." The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' was shocked, thinking about it, otherwise, how could the other party easily give him such a powerful origin of the God Race? There must be a conspiracy. As soon as he said it, the 'Five Poison Patriarch' was frightened into a cold sweat.

Xiang Liuli turned around, the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' was both surprised and happy, Xuanyuan was the one who was surprised, and he didn't know if Xuanyuan would give him small shoes to wear in the future, he has lived for so many years, no matter how he looks at it, he feels that Xuanyuan is the same as Xiang Liuli. The relationship between Liu Li and the others is not simple.

What makes him happy is that he can be recognized by the Wu Clan, and that he can get the inheritance of Xiangliu's Poison Art. This is what excites him the most.

Xiang Liuli's understanding of poison is definitely above his own, there is no doubt about it, he was able to feel it right away.

"Okay, Miss Xiangliu will go back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' next, I'll do something." Xuanyuan shrugged.

"You're not taking me?" Xiang Liuli frowned, looking at Xuanyuan.

"Since you have a younger brother, you can take your younger brother for a walk, do what you want, why follow me, the Wu clan asked you to come out to hone, not to let you run behind my ass, now you should What has been done is already done, so I won't say more." Xuanyuan turned around and was about to leave.

All of a sudden, waves of extremely terrifying aura descended from the sky, sealing off the entire world in all directions.

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched involuntarily, because he felt many poisonous auras, and the opponent's strength was extremely high, which made people horrified.

"I want to leave like this, I'm afraid it's inappropriate?" An old man with a hideous face, dressed in a red and black robe, stared at Xuanyuan, Xiang Liuli, the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons', followed by an old man A terrifying existence fell between this piece of heaven and earth, forming a poison formation invisibly, consisting of eighteen people in total, each person's strength is different from that of the ancient sages or the existence of the great emperor .

Xuanyuan frowned, Xiang Liuli remained calm and composed, while Patriarch Wudu's expression was cloudy, because he knew that the other party was coming for him.

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