Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1333 Poisonous Dragon Formation

These people are from the "Ten Thousand Poison Clan", and they are part of the extremely important background of the entire "Ten Thousand Poison Clan". They are also the first-class strength among the ordinary ancient royal families.

And practice poison art, the killing power is extremely terrifying, one can defeat ten thousand, which is extremely strange.

In the depths of the 'Ten Thousand Poison Clan', several voices were communicating, and it was obvious that they had premeditated this attack.

"Why don't we send out all the people, they are absolutely irresistible, don't give them any chance."

"The Wu Clan is unpredictable, far beyond what we can understand. If these eighteen people can kill the Wu Clan woman, it would be great. If they can't be killed, the Wu Clan will come to find her." When we are in trouble, just hand them over to die for them."

"The prophet is wise, even if the 'Five Poison Patriarch' has practiced the poison technique of the Gu clan, he will definitely be approached by the Wu clan. Now, if it reappears now, I'm afraid it's no small matter, not to be underestimated."

"Among our own clan, there are also existences who are loyal to the Wu clan. We can't do it on a large scale. Otherwise, if we let them know, I'm afraid it will be troublesome. Back then, some people got Gu Inheritance from the people of the clan, practice some poisonous arts of the Wu clan, and have great loyalty to the Wu clan."

"It's hateful, those people who got the inheritance of the Gu clan suppressed us back then. So far, it is difficult for us to stand up, and we can only surrender at their feet. As long as we kill this Wu clan woman and seize her body With the supernatural powers of the Wu Clan, we will be able to suppress them, and even if we leave the 'Wan Poison Clan', we will be able to conquer the world by relying on the supernatural powers of the Wu Clan."

"This time, only success is allowed and no failure is allowed! It always feels that this Wu Clan woman is extremely extraordinary. Her temperament and her clothes seem to be beyond what ordinary Wu Clan women can wear."

In the sky, the terrifying existences of the 'Wan Poison Clan' each formed a magic circle, covering the world in all directions, surrounding Xuanyuan and others, sealing layers of space, even if Xuanyuan wanted to use it at this moment It is also impossible for the emperor to ban Yutai to escape.

"Why, do you still want to keep me? Don't you want to see how much you weigh?" Xiang Liuli sneered, she had already seen this scene.

"I don't dare, but the old man behind you is left behind. He is in my Ten Thousand Poison Clan. I don't know how many clansmen have been slaughtered to raise Gu. What he owes us, he will always have to pay back." One of the old men whose strength is among the 'Wu Du Clan' looked at the 'Five Poison Patriarch' coldly, with a hint of contempt and provocation in his words, which was aimed at the Wu Clan.

"Let them go about the past, no one under my command can touch it, so if you are sensible, you'd better get out of the way, and I will let it go." Xiang Liuli's attitude was very tough, and he did not give in at all. , she also knew very well in her heart that in fact, the other party's goal was ultimately her own.

"Could the Wu Clan be so bullying? It's simply too much bullying!" Another ancient sage had a cold voice and dark eyes, wanting to stand on a moral basis to prove that he was bullied by the Wu Clan.

"When did my Wu Clan ever overpower others? If I hadn't been blessed by my Wu Clan back then, the 'Wan Poison Clan', you would have been exterminated long ago. How many people treat you as food and refine them into various medicinal materials? Who blessed you?" You, who taught you the means of self-protection? Now you don’t know how to drink water and think of the source, and repay the favor!" Xiang Liuli said calmly, looking at the world in all directions, and in his body, "Xiang Liu Poison Sutra" quietly Running, in the dark, there is a kind of call.

The 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' beside Xiang Liuli feels the power in his body is continuously rising, as if the "Xiangliu Poison Sutra" has greatly improved his own poison technique, it seems that as long as Xiang Liuli is around Being around him can make his poison technique even more terrifying. This is the blessing method of "Xiangliu Poison Classic" for branching various poison techniques. It is extremely terrifying, and it is difficult for ordinary people to control it like Xiang Liuli Pure.

"It has nothing to do with us not to turn over the old accounts of the past. Now, I, the 'Wan Poison Clan', can survive in this corner of the world. It depends on my own strength. Your Wu Clan has long since disappeared in history. If you have That ability has long attracted the army of the Wu clan to the world, so why is it that you are the only one present?" An old man was getting impatient, and he wanted to kill and plunder all the people in Xuanyuan immediately. everything.

"Let's talk nonsense, no one can touch my people, and anyone who dares to do it can do it. I, Xiang Liuli, have never been afraid of anyone since I was born." Even more powerful.

"If you want to rely on your identity as a witch clan to overpower others, don't blame us for being rude. It's because you bullied us first, and you did it first." A strong man in the imperial realm of the Wandu clan shouted sharply.

I saw the terrifying existence of these eighteen 'Wan Poison Clan' almost at the same time, but at this moment, the large and small poison formations intertwined together, instantly condensed into a huge poisonous dragon, and the sound of the dragon roaring loudly Breaking through the nine heavens, the terrifying poison pervades the world, changing the expressions of the existence of the 'Wan Poison Clan'.

"The poisonous dragon formation, one of Xiangliu's great poisonous formations, she activated it all by herself. Hurry up and avoid it, otherwise, our formation will be incomplete."

In an instant, a strong man in the imperial realm was pierced by the sharp claws of the poisonous dragon, his body turned into a puddle of pus and blood, and died unexpectedly. Even his soul hadn't escaped, just fell like this.

He was originally a corner of the poisonous formation, Xiang Liuli had quick eyesight and quick hands, seized the right opportunity, and directly tore open a corner of the poisonous formation, making it a flawed poisonous formation. In this way, the threat to him would not be so great.

Everyone present gasped, and Xiang Liuli sneered, "Do you know what refining poison is? Don't you think I'm easy to bully in the imperial realm? Don't you just want to find an excuse to kill me and take me away?" Is Xiangliu's supreme supernatural power? I will leave you all here today."

"Don't be insane, a yellow-haired girl dares to speak loudly, seek death, shoot, and break the formation." There are three strong men of the ancient sages, all of them shot together, and from their hands, a big gun was derived. Full of sharp edges and sharp thorns, they were all thrown out, like big centipedes, attacking and killing the lively poisonous dragon.

The ancient sages were no small matter, even if Xiang Liuli's poison technique could harm them, their attacks on Xiang Liuli were equally terrifying, and it was not something Xiang Liuli could resist in Tsing Yi.

I saw that poisonous dragon let out a mournful cry, and the veins of the poisonous dragon formation in all directions began to slowly collapse, and the poisonous dragon was directly pierced by three centipede guns.

Xiang Liuli frowned: "It seems that I have really underestimated them, none of them have the poison technique of cultivating the Gu clan, it is difficult to control, it seems that the entire 'Ten Thousand Poison Clan' has become two factions. "

"Old Patriarch of the Five Poisons, take action, what are you still doing?" Xuanyuan said very calmly, commanding from the side, and also smiled happily, making Xiang Liuli very angry. If it wasn't for the critical situation of the battle, Xiang Liuli would have given Xuanyuan came to punch a few times.

The face of the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' changed drastically, and his body trembled. From his body, scorpions, poisonous snakes, golden toads, centipedes, and blood leeches all attacked and killed them. The poisonous robe on his body was full of terrifying The green light is extremely penetrating.

The strength of each poisonous beast is in the emperor's realm, killing them is boundless. For so many years, the 'Five Poison Patriarch' has worked hard to raise Gu with the method of Gu Clan insect Gu, and the 'Wan Poison Clan' is The place where the 'Patriarch of the Five Poisons' was drawn has a great enmity with them, and Xuanyuan guessed wrong before.

The five poisonous beasts all swallowed up boundless poisonous gas and merged into the 'poisonous dragon formation' to support the operation of the formation. Under the blessing of "Xiangliu Poison Sutra", their killing power doubled, and their poisonous power soared. This time gave the 'Poisonous Dragon Formation' a great breathing space.

Xiang Liuli raised his brows, his mind was spinning, and suddenly, the poisonous dragon with three holes pierced through his body shook his head and tail, and slashed at him with sharp claws. Even the high-grade Taoist artifacts on his body were not spared. Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan felt a toothache. Xiang Liuli's strength was too terrifying.

The expressions of the three ancient sages became stern. Terrible poisonous gas swept across the world. The extremely strong corrosive power turned layers of space into a wisp of smoke. The moment the poisonous dragon was contaminated by the poisonous gas, Its body also began to be corroded, and was severely suppressed by a huge force.

Each wisp of these poisonous mist weighs ten thousand catties, not to mention the overwhelming poisonous gas, together with the method of the poison formation gathered by sixteen people, they all crushed on the poisonous dragon, and saw the poisonous dragon's body cracked inch by inch, and it was quite the same. Liu Li frowned and looked at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan was digging out his ears, looking at how beautiful the scenery of Sifang Tiandi was, and looking at the earwax he dug up from time to time, how sticky and cute it was, with an indifferent look, which made Xiang Liuli very angry .

"I said boy, are you not afraid of death? Can you still be so leisurely at this time?" The voice of the greedy old man came out.

"You think Xiang Liuli is so easy to deal with? That's wrong. The 'Five Poison Patriarchs' can fight to the death of their two ancient sages alone, so we don't need to intervene." Xuanyuan laughed heartily and didn't care.

woo woo~~~

The poisonous dragon let out a mournful cry, and saw the poisonous dragon array collapse inch by inch, the veins of those witch clans were shattered, and the poisonous dragon array was instantly broken.

Xiang Liuli's face turned pale. After all, it is difficult to fight with the weak against the strong. The opponent's strength far exceeds his imagination.

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