Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1350 Slashing Wuyang

Xuanyuan was like a ghost, and it was submerged directly into the void, making it difficult for people to detect.

Xiang Liuli followed closely behind, and said via voice transmission: "Are you crazy? This is the territory of the 'Zonghengjiao'. Before you challenged, you would have died. Do you think they will give you a fair chance? ?”

"For an assassin, an assassination in his territory is a challenge. I'm not stupid. You set up a poison formation here to meet me. I can enter the 'Falling Immortal City' alone. You and I If they are together, they will only expose me in advance." Xuanyuan warned.

Xiang Liuli didn't say much when he heard the words, Xuanyuan was indeed right, although his own speed was comparable to Xuanyuan's, but the 'Nine Phoenix Floating Light Step' could only surpass Xuanyuan in speed, but there was no way to surpass Xuanyuan in speed, but there was no way to surpass Xuanyuan in speed. "In that way, you can hide yourself from being discovered by the enemy, and then explode in an instant, obliterating the enemy.

Xuanyuan saw that Xiang Liuli turned around and began to set up the poison formation, he was relieved, and the whole person fell into the void.

'Falling Immortal City'.

I can't say how magnificent it is. The ancient city walls are engraved with emperor patterns, at least it is left by a figure of an ancient emperor. The "Falling Immortal City" is famous because of a godless ban in this city. Once it is activated, the immortals will fall , so it is called "Luoxian City", and now in this city, it is the vicissitudes and mottled left by the years.

In the city, the vast sound of Taoism hangs down from the sky, captivating one's soul. There is no way or reason contained in it, but more of a heretical force, which controls people's spirit, making people involuntarily submit, believe, and reverence. Let the Li people in the city have no thoughts, only blind obedience.

Xuanyuan looked around, almost in the entire 'Luoxian City', countless Limin people bowed devoutly in one direction.

The direction of worship is a high platform, which is made of gold and silver, with white jade as the steps, magnificent.

Wuyang was sitting cross-legged on the high platform, the nine fairy rings behind his head were extremely bright, flowing with golden light, covering the four directions, the power of faith in them was extremely huge, but Xuanyuan was extremely disdainful, because he had seen Daozi's fairy ring , pure and perfect, without blemish.

Compared with Wuyang, it is like a cloud and mud. The power of Wuyang's belief is extremely mixed and not pure, and the power contained in it is weaker than Daozi by more than a little bit.

Looking at the situation, it is obvious that Wuyang has also felt the changes in the general trend of the world. At this moment, he has already improved his strength at all costs. Now Wuyang has reached the peak of the sages, and he is only one step away from stepping into the quasi-emperor. He needs More power of faith will help you break through and overcome the catastrophe.

"I said it's time for you to break through, kid?" the greedy old man asked.

"If I wasn't the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', I would have broken through a long time ago. Who knows what catastrophe and punishment I would encounter after breaking through?" Xuanyuan rolled his eyes. He only has one life, so he should strengthen himself first. The foundation of the foundation, when the time comes, will naturally break through.

"That's right, I was too anxious. Back then, the entry of the 'Swallowing Emperor' was not as fast as yours." The greedy old man didn't say anything more.

Xuanyuan is like a god of death, walking in the void, no one can know, he is holding a small relative, 'Heavenly Punishment', flying past, approaching Wuyang.

This supreme Taoist weapon has boundless killing power. It was poured with the painstaking efforts of the entire Xingtian clan's witch clan. Its destructive power has far exceeded the level that ordinary people can understand. Now, Xiaogan Qi is the biggest killer of the entire Wu Clan, and the Xing Tian Clan is also the clan with the highest combat power among the Wu Clan.

"Isn't it? Even the Supreme Dao weapon has been used, a dragon ax is used to kill chickens?" The greedy old man trembled suddenly, this Wuyang is really in great trouble, it's hard not to die.

"I don't want to miss, Wuyang must die, otherwise it will be a big disaster." Xuanyuan approached with "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", making people unconscious, and there were many people who were in the realm of quasi-emperor, but they didn't notice anything , it can be seen that the power of "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" will be ranked among the nine ancient arts of the human race, and it is not for nothing. Although Xuanyuan's strength is not high, his attainments in ancient arts far exceed those of young people. The pride of a generation.

Xuanyuan held the little relative tightly, and urged "Punishment War", the majestic fighting spirit rushed, filling Xuanyuan's body, the fighting spirit was rolling, tumbling like the sea, and the blade of the little relative, which was as heavy as ten thousand mountains, also heaved extremely The terrifying sharpness tore apart everything, and Xuanyuan felt that every drop of blood in his body was about to explode, as if the current self could split the sky and destroy everything.

With a thought of Xuanyuan, the 'Wanhua Dou Qi' in his body immediately poured into his relatives, and he charged towards Wuyang at the fastest speed. The idea of ​​assassination flowed in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, which instantly made Xuanyuan understand some ways of assassination.

At this moment, Wuyang, with his eyes closed, was reciting the mysterious sounds of the heretics, permeating the 'Luoxian City', strengthening his impression in their hearts. He was in an extremely happy mood, and he could feel the Nine Dao Immortals in the back of his head. The power of the ring has become stronger and stronger, and it is not far from breaking through.

However, at this moment, an extremely terrifying killing force directly split the space of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and an ax beam full of destructive aura struck through the air, so fast that people couldn't dodge. Xuanyuan held the ax with both hands, A sweep.

The restriction supported by the Taoist robe on Wuyang's body was instantly shattered, and after his identity was split in two, the majestic fighting spirit and ancient ideas penetrated his body, tearing apart his three souls and seven souls.

Wu Yang vomited blood, wanted to restore his body together, he was terrified to death, the former one felt that he was so happy that he was about to ascend to heaven, but the latter one was so frightened that his body was like chaff, and his soul was lost.

Wuyang has a special physique, a 'Pure Yang Body', with a strong physical body, no one wants to give up, and wants to restore his physical body.

But at this time, he realized that his three souls and seven souls were almost lost, and a boundless fighting spirit from ancient times was impacting and shattering his three souls and seven souls.

Wuyang had no choice but to be ruthless and give up his physical body. However, he found that when he was struggling to resist, this boundless fighting spirit from ancient times was not so terrifying. As soon as he retreated, it became Even more violent, killing, breaking through his soul.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, what kind of idea is this, such a terrible fighting spirit..."

I saw Wuyang's three souls and seven souls wailing in a frightening way. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, his three souls and seven souls were all torn apart, and the people in the entire "Luoxian City" screamed in panic.

"God was killed."

"The Immortal Chunyang was killed."

"Pure Yang Immortal."

Countless people wailed loudly, their wailing was loud, they were full of anger towards Xuanyuan, at this moment they were all slaves of gods, slaves of gods controlled by Wuyang.

Faced with Wan Fu's point, Xuanyuan's expression did not change at all, and the Nine Dao Faith Immortal Ring was directly sealed by Xuanyuan and included in the "Swallowing Wanhua Dao Artifact".

On the high platform, only Wuyang's body that was split in half was left, and shocking blood flowed into the cracks in the stone on the floor. The holy son of the 'Zonghengjiao', die!

At this moment, in all directions, the four quasi-emperor powerhouses struck out together, and the four battle qi long swords drew four long rivers, tearing everything apart, making Xuanyuan Bi unavoidable.

Xuanyuan crazily stimulated the fighting spirit in his body, using "Punishment War" to motivate his relatives, and in an instant, fourteen beast-faced shields surrounded Xuanyuan, swallowing the fighting spirit against the sky, facing the enemy's attack, Without fear, I saw four battle qi long swords impacting on the beast face shield formation, two terrifying forces collided together, the four long swords shattered and turned into specks of brilliance floating in the void, and the fourteen long swords The beast face shield also collapsed in an instant.

Xuanyuan grasped the reality, and escaped from the "Falling Immortal City" through the sky with the method of divine action. The four Zhundi powerhouses followed closely behind. They were extremely angry, because Wuyang was a person they had cultivated with great difficulty. It is also the secret method of the gods, now that Wuyang has been killed, how can they not be angry?

"A daring lunatic who dares to assassinate my son of the Zongheng Sect. He deserves death."

After a while, two emperor-level beings appeared, they stopped Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan's attainment in "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" was not what it used to be. .

During the chase, Xuanyuan had already escaped from the 'Luoxian City'.

"No, boy, they want to use their supernatural powers to attack and kill you from a distance." The greedy old man felt that something was wrong, and quickly reminded Xuanyuan.

The four quasi-emperors and the two great emperors were furious, chasing after him, and unleashed all kinds of supernatural powers one after another.

Xuanyuan reacted very quickly, and immediately activated the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", and hid himself in the Dao of Heaven and Earth. He didn't have any strength to resist, and let all their attacks be in vain.

Xuanyuan fled in the direction of the poison formation that Xiang Liuli set up, within a few snaps, Xuanyuan had already entered the poison formation.

Xiang Liuli used poison, which is colorless, odorless, and silent. She said with a little contempt in her words, "I thought you would attract such a big fish. It turns out that this kind of small miscellaneous fish was attracted. It seems that some poisonous It's useless."

As soon as the voice fell, and Xiang Liuli's thoughts moved, Xuanyuan only felt a distorted space. The moment the four quasi-emperors and two great emperors entered the poison formation, their physical bodies, three souls and seven souls were transformed into the purest life essence, scattered between heaven and earth.

The greedy old man laughed loudly, and directly swallowed up all these auras. Xuanyuan felt the power of the poisonous array deployed by Xiang Liuli, and his heart sank. Whoever provokes such an enemy is really terrifying.

You must know that Xiang Liuli has cultivated to a certain height in the emperor's realm, coupled with her special physique, and various supreme inheritances, her means are extremely astonishing.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. At the moment when Wu Yang, the four quasi-emperors, and the two powerful emperors fell, in the depths of the 'Zonghengjiao', there was an extremely terrifying existence, extremely furious and roaring with anger.

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