Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1351 Yao Zongtian

(The second chapter, after finishing writing today, when I was about to upload it, I accidentally deleted it, completely collapsed, and re-wrote it, so it was so late, I really couldn’t afford it.)

"Who did this thing? Who has the guts to assassinate the Holy Son in my 'Zonghengjiao'? It's a crime worthy of death and unforgivable." A statue in the 'Zonghengjiao' survived The 30,000-year-old man rose up against the table and was extremely furious. Even the ancient emperor could not live to his age, and even the 'Taoist Zhenyuan' and the 'Taoist Changsheng' could only live to nine thousand nine hundred and ninety. At the age of nine, the combined three generations are still three years away from 30,000 years old, but he was able to live such a long time, his identity can be imagined.

"The opponent is using "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", one of the nine ancient arts of the human race. Only the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" has this art. In the ancient times, this ancient art has always been unique to them, and The person who killed Wuyang should be the son of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation', Di Shitian." A Supreme Elder in the "Zonghengjiao" deduces what happened just now, although there is only a very fragmented picture, it is still possible I saw one or two, but the death of the four quasi-emperors and the two great emperors died so quietly that no one could find out at all.

"For a long time, my 'Zonghengjiao' and 'Six Paths of Samsara' have always been well watered, why did they attack us suddenly? Did any of you provoke them?" Another old man who lived for 40,000 years said loudly Dao, now is a sensitive period, if you don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble, even Wuyang is only cultivating inside the 'Zonghengjiao', and dare not cause trouble outside, for fear of drawing everyone's attention to the 'Zonghengjiao'.

"In the past, Wuyang had a feud with Di Shitian, and that time Di Shitian almost died in Wuyang's hands. Now that Di Shitian carp leaps over the dragon gate, he suddenly becomes the son of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'. We just did it in one breath, recently we kept our own place and didn't go out." The Supreme Elder who had witnessed Wu Yang and Di Shitian's enmity with his own eyes that day said slowly.

"Then with Di Shitian's strength, he shouldn't be able to kill Zhundi. How did he kill the four Zhundi and the two figures in the emperor realm? This should be impossible, and it is such a fierce method." , Let the four quasi-emperors and two people in the emperor's realm die quietly, one can imagine how powerful it is."

"I think they should have been prepared for a long time. Now that Wuyang is dead, what should we do? If we train another one, I'm afraid we won't be able to keep up with the general situation, unless we can meet a good seed like Fu Jingxuan, but this After all, they are in the minority, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find, we have spent so much effort on Wuyang, but now it's all in vain." An old man was unwilling, and he spent a lot of time on Wuyang , because those characters who should have died a long time ago cannot appear, only him can appear.

"Saplings still need to be found. No matter whether they can keep up with the general situation, they should be cultivated first. If they don't cultivate, how can they develop their own territory in this 'Central China'? Many things still need to be done by young people. .” A very authoritative old man spoke.

"What about Di Shitian, what are you going to do? Kill him? Without him, there wouldn't be so many things." Someone asked on the spot. After all, Wuyang was cultivated by them alone. As well as the two great emperors, they were all members of their original team, and it would be a big loss if they died. No one would be able to swallow this breath.

"The foundation of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' is extremely profound and cannot be provoked easily. In the ancient times, the ancient sages of my 'Zongheng Sect' were beheaded by the 'Championship Hou' Wang Niyi, and now Di Shitian is just seeking revenge. At this juncture, don't cause any trouble, and wait quietly for the call of the envoy. This is the most important thing. The envoy said last time that the army of the protoss outside the territory may attack at any time. Launch an attack, and we will play an extremely important role at that time, we must know that the original power of the gods in our body is limited, if we want to survive, we must make achievements, so that we can live longer." The last The famous and authoritative old man made a final decision, and those who were unwilling to accept it could only swallow their anger. For the sake of a dead Wuyang, it would not be worthwhile if any troubles were caused and ended up in the same pot.

"Then Jiang Wushen said that the origin of the gods will swallow us up. How should we deal with this matter? Is this true?" Someone wondered on the spot.

"Regardless of whether it will swallow us or not, at least we have now lived over 30,000 years, thanks to the gods. We cannot do without the gods. Now we and the gods are one and inseparable. It is useless to think too much. "For them, what the protoss gave them is what they want most, longevity, which is the dream of countless practitioners, and the will left by their ancestors cannot make them have a greater breakthrough, so they do not Abandoned hesitantly.

"Look at those old stubborn people in the 'Zonghengjiao' now, clinging to the so-called background. When my 'Zonghengjiao' encountered catastrophe a few times, when did those backgrounds appear, it was us who took action." The Zonghengjiao was rescued from fire and water, and they mistakenly thought that they were blessed by my ancestors of the Zonghengjiao, which is simply ridiculous."

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, which is true. This is the reason why Jiang Wushen's words did not hurt the bones of the God Race. People who have lived to this age have already understood many things. What can I say?

While the "Zonghengjiao" was discussing this matter, the greedy old man on the other side pieced together and deduced the memories contained in the life essence of the four quasi-emperors and the two emperors. In order for Xuanyuan to take the next step.

From these memories, I have gained too many benefits. In the entire "Zonghengjiao", the "Zonghengjiao" forces belonging to the protoss have become extremely clear. If you tell Xuanyuan, he will know what to do.

The greedy old man was analyzing those life essences, while Xuanyuan was reminiscing about the assassination just now. At that moment, the feeling in his heart was those Limin people who were controlled by Wuyang in his heart. He hoped that he could let They were liberated, although the result was that they hated, hated, and cursed them later, but Xuanyuan would not care about it at all, because they were no longer themselves.

Some things that I didn't understand when I got the inheritance of 'Samsara Killing Saint', now I understand a lot in my heart.

At this moment, Xuanyuan has comprehended some of the will in the supreme piercing path, an inexplicable feeling, constantly rising in his heart, allowing his soul to be essentially improved, with a deeper level of comprehension, there is already a kind of breakthrough It was a sign, he knew the time had come, and he didn't suppress it, he told Xiang Liuli, "I want to break through to the realm of the sages, and it will be easier to deal with them next time, you have to be careful, I guess they will calm down, because the current situation Nervous, with ghosts in mind, no one wants to be the focus of attention, with the Jiang family's precedent, they will be more cautious, even so, you must pay attention to safety, many things are uncertain."

"Okay, hurry up and break through, I can't stand it anymore, you just need to take care of yourself, don't worry about me." Xiang Liuli said indifferently.

Xuanyuan nodded, and with a thought, from the top of his head, the portal of the small world of the thirty-six heavens opened, and Xuanyuan soared at an extremely fast speed. The "Kaihui Jie" made Xuanyuan's understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth more transparent.

Now on the top of Xuanyuan's head, there is a big portal, which is the biggest threshold of the realm of supreme immortals and sages. It leads to the eleventh heaven, named "Yao Zongtian".

Since ancient times, people who can step into the realm of sages are extremely intelligent existences. They know the truth of the world and benefit the people, so they are called sages and guide the lost.

Xuanyuan raised his head and looked at the big door quietly. There was an old man sitting cross-legged, with a peaceful face, drooping eyelids, and clasped hands. The breath exuded gives people an indescribable calm.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, sooner or later he would step into this level, he clenched his fists and rushed straight up.

With one punch, there was a loud bang and a loud creak, Xuanyuan hit the iron while it was hot, and punched out again, and Xuanyuan blasted the door open immediately.

Xuanyuan soared into the sky and rushed directly into the eleventh heaven, 'Yao Zong Tian'.

In 'Yaozong Tian', the sun is shining brightly, a piece of greenery, flowers and trees are extremely prosperous, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, mountains and rivers are flowing, and the artistic conception is profound. Being in it makes people feel comfortable and psychic.

Xuanyuan stepped on it, but he was extremely cautious in his heart. He walked through the jungle step by step without encountering any danger. When he came to the bank of a long river, he saw an old man with a bamboo hat on his head and a raincoat in his hand. The main pole, sitting on the bank of the river, has a bamboo basket beside him.

Xuanyuan walked to his side, bowed to salute, and said, "Old man, what are you doing?"

The old man didn't look at Xuanyuan, but quietly replied: "I'm fishing."

"Old man, where do you come from? After fishing, where do you want to go?" Xuanyuan asked again.

"I didn't ask you, but you asked me instead." The old man didn't look at Xuanyuan and continued fishing.

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, and suddenly saw that there was no thread on the main pole, and felt something was wrong, so he hurriedly backed away with "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", only to see that the place he was before had been intertwined by the power of the Dao The cage formed was sealed.

"The reaction is quite fast, but you still can't escape from my palm." Seeing the old man raised his head, Xuanyuan's body couldn't help shaking.

"Old beggar..."

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