Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1456 Hand in hand

(Chapter 1, I'm sorry, the update is late today, there is another chapter!)

"Wait, don't give up until the last moment, I want to try again, and I must heal the emperor." Xuanyuan looked at Shou Lao with a firm expression, and he could not refuse.

"What can you do?" Old Shou looked calm. To be honest, he still had a good impression of Xuanyuan, but now the Hall of Medicine is crumbling. If the emperor dies, people's hearts will slowly disperse.

"Just rely on it!" Xuanyuan took out the remaining 'Sacred Dragon Fruit'. Fortunately, Peng Fei used the sacred green dragon leaf to save Yan Ziyun, otherwise, today might really be a dead end.

From Xuanyuan's hand, the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit' swallowed the meaning of a real dragon, and the rich vitality spread out. This half of the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit' was lifelike, as if it were real, and it made people's hearts flutter.

"What, this is the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit'! You actually want to use it to save the emperor?" Shou Lao looked surprised, this is the supreme medicine, extremely precious, even if it is an ancient inheritance like the Medicine Palace, There is only one supreme medicine, and some people from the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor may not be able to possess it.

"That's right, although it's not a complete 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit', it should be enough to deal with the emperor's natal poison." Xuanyuan said heavily.

The emperor of the Medicine Palace remained calm, seeing that Xuanyuan was about to inject the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit' into his body, he waved his hand and refused: "Brother Xuanyuan, this is the supreme medicine, if you use it, it will be gone. It's hard to get again, even the ancient emperors have to keep the supreme medicine for themselves, so you use it on me, don't you think it's an overkill? Having the supreme medicine is almost equivalent to having an immortal body, but in During the battle, it is of great significance to constantly improve, enter the state of immortality, and be able to kill powerful enemies. It is what many emperors and sons need in the future to prove the Tao. Those who have the supreme medicine can break out a whole new world."

"If I save you, all my fighters in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' won't be able to talk about immortality, but they will still have more chances to survive. May I ask if it is useful for me to be immortal alone, or my fighters from all over the 'Qinglong Holy Land' , everyone has another life, or even two lives, three lives are important?" Xuanyuan said seriously.

"Hehe, but the 'Qinglong Divine Fruit' alone still can't completely cure the poison in my body, because the emperor's natal poison is also integrated into it with the power of that supreme medicine, and the medicine hall's The supreme medicine is called 'Yin-Yang God Lotus'. The lotus seeds are for fruit, yang is for saving people, and yin is for killing enemies. I never thought that the emperor would use the lotus seeds of the yin god to kill me regardless of her feelings, even if she could stop it. It is highly poisonous, but my body and my soul have also become incomplete." The Emperor of Medicine Palace sighed quietly, his tone was full of helplessness, and it would be difficult for him to make further progress in the future.

"Not necessarily, I will teach you the supreme ancient art, "Immortal Defying Heaven Art", I don't believe that it can't solve the incompleteness caused by this poison." Xuanyuan clang said.

"What, you want to pass on the supreme ancient art of "Immortal Against the Heaven Technique" to me?" At this moment, the emperor of Yaodian was also shocked by Xuanyuan. This is too precious, and Yaodian is suffering. Searched, but did not get half of the ancient arts.

"What's the matter? When I was in the ancient times, all the sages and sages knew it. It's just that people have selfish intentions and are regarded as treasures by others. As a result, fewer and fewer people know it. , the current decline of the human race is caused by too much selfishness, but since it has fallen into my hands, I will naturally not do that, and the emperor cooperates with me." Xuanyuan spoke loudly, and Shou Lao, who was beside him, also looked distressed. With a look of confidence, he has indescribable gratitude to Xuanyuan.

"It seems that I should die..." Emperor Yaodian sighed softly, with a gratifying smile on his lips.

Xuanyuan directly injected the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit' into his body, and then introduced the chapters of "Immortal Against the Heavens" bit by bit into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Emperor of the Medicine Palace. Every ancient character is branded with Xuanyuan This is beneficial to the cultivation of the Emperor of Medicine Palace.

However, the Emperor of the Medicine Palace is not an ordinary person. While he is practicing, he will also have his own insights, and he will feed back his insights to Xuanyuan. Deep understanding, both are ascending.

The majestic vitality is surging, flowing in every corner of this space, and the peach tree outside the thatched house seems to have been nourished by the 'Qinglong Holy Medicine' because of this, and the fairy peaches are more spiritual.

Everyone is amazed. Although this is not as good as the power of good fortune, the scene is also extremely spectacular. Time passes bit by bit, and the vitality in the body of the emperor of the Medicine Palace gradually glows. Xuanyuan looks at it with the "eye of truth". The corroded internal organs have been regenerated.

A phantom of a green dragon appeared behind the Emperor of the Medicine Palace, and the sound of the dragon's whistle was rolling, shaking people's minds. The Green Dragon Road gave the Emperor of the Medicine Palace a deeper understanding.

Even pieces of green dragon scale armor grew on his body, and Xuanyuan drew out a part of the pure blood of the green dragon to temper the body of the emperor of the medicine hall. This is an excellent opportunity.

You must know that Qinglong is a supreme fairy beast, and it has no fear in the face of the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor". Its blood essence has a certain resistance to poison, which can benefit people endlessly.

Feeling his physical body constantly growing, the emperor of Yaodian sighed softly, and said, "Yaochen owes too much to Holy Master Xuanyuan this time."

"Don't say too much, refining the remaining power of these 'Yin God Lotus Seeds' will not only not poison you, but will also turn into your power. From then on, 'Yin God Lotus Seeds' will not be of much use to you " Xuanyuan yelled, this Yaochen's physique is also extremely strong, it is the legendary 'Nine Turns Golden Body', extremely powerful, if he uses his blood to refine the 'Nine Turns Resurrection Pill', it can save people who have lost their souls , is a rare treasure in the world, this kind of physique can be encountered but not sought.

If it weren't for his special physique, he was extremely powerful, and he would have been poisoned to death by the 'Yin God Lotus Seed' long ago.

In a month's time, Yaochen made breakthroughs again and again, the 'Blue Dragon Divine Medicine' directly allowed him to step into the realm of sages, the second heaven, and the power of the medicine gradually dissipated.

Seeing that Yaochen's injury had improved, Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Congratulations to the son of Yaochen, who has improved his strength to a higher level."

"All of this must be bestowed by Holy Master Xuanyuan, and Yao Chen will keep it in his heart." Yao Chen smiled helplessly. This time he got a blessing in disguise, and the most important thing is that he got "Immortal Defying the Sky", although there is only half of it. , but it is also very precious, Xuanyuan has no reservations about him at all.

Yao Chen looked at the eighteen sages led by Xia Ziyu, and immediately said to Shou Lao: "Take eighteen flat peaches that prolong the life of four hundred and ninety years, and prolong the life of these eighteen fellow Taoists."

Shou Lao said nothing nonsense immediately, and Xuanyuan took out the supreme medicine, so the longevity peach is nothing.

He directly led out eighteen flat peaches, each of which is as crystal as jade, very precious, and fell into the hands of eighteen sages of the Beizhou Dynasty. .”

The eighteen sages and elders were trembling with excitement. After taking over these 9,000-year flat peaches, the important thing is not that they can prolong their lives by 490 years, but more importantly, they can understand the Dao of Longevity from them. One can imagine the preciousness of them.

Xia Ziyu bowed and said, "Thank you, Emperor Yaochen."

"Girl, this is the 'Eternal Life Flower'. Give it to the girl as a token of affection. It's not a respect." Yao Chen smiled slightly, making people feel like a spring breeze. Just ask, how many women in the world don't want to look ageless? Xia Ziyu's heart ached Yixi, she took it away, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Xuanyuan one more time. If it wasn't for Xuanyuan this time, she would definitely return in vain.

"Emperor Yaochen, there is one thing I don't understand. Since there is an 'immortality flower' in the Medicine Palace, why does the empress seek refuge with the gods? It is rumored that she is aiming at immortality." Xuanyuan frowned.

"Hehe, 'Longevity Flower' can prolong life for at most a hundred years and maintain a youthful appearance. The human race has three lives and three generations for 30,000 years. At that time, the pink skeleton will turn everything into bones. There is no way to achieve real longevity, but the gods can let her Live for a long time, what do you think?" Yao Chen's expression was very bitter, he never thought that the Empress would join the Protoss for this reason, and she would be so cruel to herself.

Xuanyuan was silent, no more to say, people have their own aspirations, can't be forced, see you in the future, life and death will inevitably be separated.

"Everyone is still young and strong, but you still have a long time to live, so I won't give you longevity flat peaches. Shou Lao, give someone who was surprised by Holy Lord Xuanyuan an 'Immortal Defying Heaven Pill', which is a copy of "Immortal Defying Heaven Technique" "The elixir refined by ", if there is a big battle, you can take this elixir and fight to the death, until the power of the medicine wears off, you will not die."

Immediately, Shou Lao gave Twelve Yuanchen, seven members of the Mo family, A Suda, Zhanhuang, Yuan'er and others an 'Immortal Pill' to each of them.

Yao Chen looked at Xuanyuan, smiled lightly, and said, "As for Holy Master Xuanyuan, I will give you a big gift. As you wish, from today onwards, I, my Medicine Palace will be stationed in your 'Qinglong Holy Land', with you Hand in hand, support each other, and hope to get through this catastrophe."

Xuanyuan's tiger body shook, and he laughed loudly: "Okay, Emperor Yaochen understands the righteousness, and I, the 'Qinglong Holy Land', will definitely live up to your expectations, and we will work together to expel the protoss from my 'Central Shenzhou'."

"Okay, Shou Lao, pass on the order and go to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Yao Chen did what he said, very straightforward.

"Okay, the location of my 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' is on the 'Tianhong Pass' of Shangguan's house." Xuanyuan confessed.

Yao Chen looked at Xia Ziyu and said, "Since the 'Beizhou Dynasty' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are unswerving allies, I will send thousands of alchemists to settle in the 'Beizhou Dynasty', according to your needs, Refining pills for you."

Xia Ziyu looked happy, and said, "Thank you, Emperor Yaochen."

"Haha, don't thank me, thank you Holy Master Xuanyuan." Yaochen waved his hand, and now he is in good spirits, no longer the sick look he was a month ago, the younger generation of emperors, I am afraid that Yaochen is the first Breaking through the secret realm of the last ancient sage and ancient emperor.

Half a day later, the huge medicine hall descended on the 'Beizhou Dynasty', which attracted the attention of countless people. With Yaochen's order, thousands of pharmacists whose strengths were all in the realm of the ancient sages, joined Xia Ziyu and ten The eight old sages left.

"Emperor Yaochen, Holy Master Xuanyuan, there will be a meeting later." Xia Ziyu led everyone away, and before leaving, she took another look at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan smiled politely, which made Xia Ziyu somewhat disappointed.

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