Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1457 Secret Art of Medicine Palace

(Chapter 2, a new month has begun, set a new goal for this month, I hope everyone can vote more convex votes, give me more encouragement!)

Xuanyuan and Yaochen had a very happy chat, they hit it off right away, they talked about the world freely, they were like-minded, although there were some disagreements, it did not hinder their communication.

Soon, the Hall of Medicine descended on Shangguan's "Tianhongguan", a huge city in the sky, covering an area of ​​a million miles, which shocked many people. The world, in fact, must be bigger.

The Hall of Medicine is an ancient inheritance, it is no less than any other great power, this ancient hall was refined by the three sages of the medical family at the time, and it contains boundless power. .

After all, the 'Emperor Devourer' is an odd number. As a 'Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', he has gained a lot, so in one aspect, he is stronger than the Hall of Medicine.

Xuanyuan asked the Zhutou Emperor to bring the Medicine Palace into the 'Qinglong Holy Land', which is closely connected with the 'Blood King Clan'. The sudden appearance of such a big city shocked many people.

I saw that the Medicine Hall, which was originally a palace, directly evolved into a huge city, and the gates of the city were opened, and many people in the Medicine Palace were also very surprised.

Knowing that the Hall of Medicine is stationed in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', many famous people from the 'Qinglong Holy Land' came to visit one after another.

In the medicine city, those peach trees are no longer there. Instead, there are rows of houses. These Li people are all physically strong. What they usually do is to grow herbs and grains to form their own living system. The atmosphere is extremely prosperous.

But the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not bad, there is a terrifying existence of the medicine hall, looking at the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he sighed: "This 'Swallowing Emperor' is really an emperor of all ages, who can create such a fairy house, so bold, why worry about my human race Not prosperous? He must have spent a lot of effort to build this 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion'."

This sentence is extremely pertinent, and he can see the mystery hidden in this piece of world.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so impressed by a junior." Another terrifying existence from the Medicine Palace came out.

"The cultivation of the Dao, the one who has achieved it first, although this 'Swallowing Emperor' has only reached the first heaven of the ancient emperor, but I admit that I am not as good as him." everything.

The medicine city is a prosperous scene. The people here are simple in nature, and under the control of the medicine hall itself, they are in good order. Now that they have settled in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they quickly blend into the atmosphere.

Although they still have some taboos about the Demon Race and the Primordial Royal Family, but after they communicated, it was not as complicated as imagined.

Many people yearn for the Hall of Medicine. Many sages from various schools of thought have opened schools with the permission of many high-level officials in the Hall of Medicine. Many people in the Hall of Medicine also want to practice other Taoism, and they have received enthusiastic support. Pick up.

And some sages from the Hall of Medicine were also invited by Kong Ming and others at the level of Taishan Beidou to set up schools in 'Xuanyuan City', 'Shanmo City', 'Qingming City', 'Cold Sky City', and 'Baxue City'. To teach the common people, because the doctors were wiped out too early, many of the essence of medical skills have been lost. Now that the Hall of Medicine is stationed in it, it is inevitable to promote the way of doctors.

Xuanyuan and Yaochen looked at the scene in front of them, and they were naturally delighted in their hearts. They were walking in the sky above the 'Qinglong Holy Land', watching the land under their feet full of vitality.

"Brother Yaochen, what do you think of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

"Very good, it really didn't disappoint me. Given time, I will be able to compete with the gods. Over the years, my medicine hall has stored countless elixirs, which can strengthen the foundation and nourish the essence, strengthen the muscles and bones, drive away impurities, condense the internal organs, and warm the blood." Cultivating the soul is no problem." Yaochen was very pleasantly surprised, the prosperity of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was beyond his expectation, it is worthwhile for the Hall of Medicine to cultivate the common people of this land at all costs.

"Okay, I'll let you prepare the money and go to the medicine hall to buy it." Xuanyuan nodded repeatedly, overjoyed.

"That's out of the question. The Medicine Palace has accumulated many years of pills. In fact, this is nothing. It will be distributed later, and everyone will have a share." Yao Chen is very straightforward, saying what he says.

Xuanyuan stopped talking nonsense, and quickly said: "That's fine, then I will let you buy some rare medicinal materials and send them to the Medicine Hall, as a courtesy."

"Brother Xuanyuan, what is there in my medicine hall? The medicinal materials are all grown by the people themselves. If they need to be purchased from outside, how can my medicine hall survive to this day? Basically, the entire "Central China" except for the immortal medicine , there are no herbs that are not available in my medicine hall, so why bother to worry about it." Yao Chen waved his hand to reject Xuanyuan's kindness, and spoke very seriously.

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, as if there was really nothing to give to the Medicine Palace, he felt a little bit sorry: "That's so embarrassing, let the Medicine Palace spend so much money."

"Brother Xuanyuan is out of his league now. You even gave me the supreme medicine to heal my wounds. This is a priceless thing. It is hard to find hundreds of millions of pills. I took the valuable things to conceive me" Qinglong Holy Land "People, it can be regarded as doing your best. If you can't even do this little thing, what is the difference between my medicine hall and not being in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" His black hair fluttered in the wind, his figure was tall and straight, and he was extremely handsome.

Xuanyuan had no choice but to follow Yaochen's wishes, and sighed: "Forget it, brother Yaochen is a great man, I don't often stay in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', if something important happens while I'm out, brother Yaochen can help I decide."

Xuanyuan and Yaochen came to the 'Qinglong Palace' while talking, Fang Yuyou was retreating, and Bu Jingsha took care of all the big and small things in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', seeing Xuanyuan and Yaochen coming, Bu Jingsha quickly got up and bowed to salute : "I have seen the Holy Master, the son of Yaochen Emperor."

"Senior Brother Bu, you don't need to be polite. This is my senior brother. Bu Jingsha, Senior Brother Bu. From now on, if I'm not here, if something important happens and you can't make a decision, you can ask Brother Yaochen. He can handle it for me."

What Xuanyuan did was to truly believe in Yaochen. This person has a clear mind, is upright and intelligent, and he can definitely be trusted.

Bu Jingsha didn't say much, just responded, bowed to Emperor Yaochen, and immediately returned to the table to process some reported memorials.

"Thank you Brother Xuanyuan for your trust, I will definitely do my best." Yao Chen smiled happily, Xuanyuan is a human being, he employs people without doubting others, his courage is not something that ordinary people can possess.

"Now my Medicine Hall has settled in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', and there is no big obstacle for the common people to get along with each other. What is Brother Xuanyuan's plan next?" Yaochen and Xuanyuan walked out of the 'Blue Dragon Hall' and came to the A gazebo sat down.

"The Talisman Tower and the Hall of Medicine split at the same time. The two emperors fought. Now the whereabouts of the Talisman Tower are unknown. I am waiting for the news of the 'Tianji'." Xuanyuan said heavily.

Yao Chen frowned, and said: "I didn't expect that the Talisman Tower would also be split. This powerful force has come to my Medicine Hall for countless years, and it has some intersections. The methods are amazing, and we should not be underestimated."

"Yes, the way of talisman art is profound and unpredictable. It can be continued in a unique way from ancient times to the present. It can be seen that it has its own extraordinary." Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice: "If we can get the help of the talisman tower, the army of the gods from outside the territory will come. , and have no fear."

"How about I go to find the whereabouts of the Talisman Tower with Brother Xuanyuan?" Yao Chen also values ​​the Talisman Tower very much. After all, the Medicine Palace and the Talisman Tower have a friendship. There is no small help.

"This matter is inappropriate. Although it is a peaceful time, accidents will inevitably happen. Some things still need brother Yaochen's help to sit in it. The search for the Talisman Tower is left to me. I have my own way." Confidence, to be able to introduce the Talisman into the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"Forget it, there is one thing that I believe in Brother Xuanyuan's ability, I don't know if I should say it." Yao Chen looked a little embarrassed.

"But it's okay to say." Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"'The body of ten thousand medicines', little princess Shihou, can I invite her to come to my medicine hall to help?" Yao Chen was very careful, after all Shihou is one of the most important people in Xuanyuan's life, he can't be too Too rash.

"Oh? I don't know how Shihou can help?" Xuanyuan naturally believed in Yaochen, but he still had to ask about some things. After all, Shihou was a woman he cared about very much.

"My 'Dian of Medicine' has some elixir formulas, but there is a lack of medicine to attract them, and the essence and blood of the 'Whole Medicine Body' is the best medicine to attract. Miss Wu is also an expert in refining medicine, and she has the 'Six Paths of Fire' in her body, if she can obtain the secret technique of refining medicine from my 'Hall of Medicine', it will definitely benefit her." Yaochen knew to use Shihou's blood essence to refine medicine. The medicine is a bit too much, so it has relatively paid off.

"Let Shiwan decide this, just right, she's here." Xuanyuan looked to the side, Shiwan descended from the sky.

"Wuhou, you're here."

"That's right, I'm here to see the elegant demeanor of Emperor Yaochen, who is much more handsome than Xuanyuan." Shihou's voice was clear and gentle, her eyes were extremely bright, her smile was bright, her little tiger teeth were shining, and she sat in Xuanyuan's seat. Beside them, two people are tightly attached to each other.

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, and it was true that Yaochen was much more handsome than himself, he belonged to the kind of well-behaved, so he didn't refute anything.

"Haha, the little princess Shihou really turned all sentient beings upside down like the rumors, she is really a peerless goddess, the little princess Shiwan came just in time, I have an idea, and I need you to decide it yourself." Yaochen laughed and explained what happened just now. I talked to Shihou again and asked for her opinion.

"Well, yes, I just want to experience the secret art of refining medicine in the Medicine Palace, which will definitely improve my cultivation level, and now the Li people of the 'Blood Blood Royal Clan' can also communicate well with other clans. The common people get along, and I have nothing to do, so I can just go to the medicine hall to study." Shihou's eyebrows are like spring mountains, eyes are like autumn water, a purple dress flutters, and black hair hangs down, like black satin, silky and smooth, she looks at Xuanyuan, He smiled angrily: "You, don't worry about me, we are all cultivators, so a little blood is nothing..."

Xuanyuan smiled and said: "Okay, since Houhou has no objection, what can I say, go! Go!"

"Haha, okay, so I would like to thank Brother Xuanyuan and Shihou's sister-in-law for making it happen." Yao Chen was very happy, and immediately Yaochen and Shihou went to the Medicine Hall first. A big battle was imminent, and the refining of many pills was inappropriate Late.

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