Xuanyuan watched Shihou and Yaochen leave, and indeed let Shiwan enter the medicine hall, and he could learn a lot. He was able to exert the power of the "body of ten thousand medicines" to the extreme. This is not a fighting physique, but a Auxiliary physique can replace many fairy treasures that cannot be found.

After they disappeared into the sky, Xuanyuan walked into the 'Blue Dragon Palace' again.

This time only Xuanyuan was alone, and Bu Jingsha got up and walked down the palace steps, and asked Xuanyuan: "When the younger brother is not around, is it really up to Yaochen to decide on major matters? I think this is somewhat inappropriate, of course It’s just my personal opinion, it’s not that I don’t believe in Yaochen, it’s just that I think it’s better to leave more room for some things.”

"Yaochen is a trustworthy person. If it's a big deal, you can bring senior Kong Ming with you. You can make an agreement together. This will be better. With Yaochen's character, he will definitely respect the opinions of the older generation. When the time comes, he will be able to Weigh the pros and cons, and know the importance." Xuanyuan said slowly.

"Well, that's the way to go." Bu Jingsha didn't say much before, knowing that Xuanyuan must have other arrangements, and now hearing what Xuanyuan said, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the situation outside now? It's been a few days since the Hall of Medicine has settled in my 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I'm afraid the news has already spread, and I'm afraid there will be a lot of voices." Xuanyuan frowned. Can't hide it from the world.

"Yes, right now the entire 'Central China' is full of uproar. This matter is too big. The Hall of Medicine is a mysterious and ancient inheritance, which has never been known to people. Now it is rumored that the Hall of Medicine has invested in my 'Qinglong' Holy Land', this incident has made countless people unbelievable." Bu Jingsha was able to get the latest news first.

"What kind of actions is the 'Beizhou Dynasty' doing?" Xuanyuan is most concerned about Xia Ziyu's side, because the matter of the Medicine Palace has caused a great loss to 'Tianji', Xuanjizi is silent , I didn't say much, but I absolutely can't let 'Tianji' suffer.

"'Beizhou Dynasty', Xia Ziyu ordered the thousand pharmacists to refine a batch of precious pills and give them to 'Tianji' as compensation. Not many people know about this, and they don't understand her doing this What is the intention, but because of the joining of the thousand pharmacists in the 'Beizhou Dynasty', many people have made a new judgment on the current situation of the 'Central China'." Bu Jingsha said heavily.

"Well, Miss Xia's work is really reassuring. In this way, 'Tianji' will feel better no matter what. Losing such an important figure of heritage, we must show something." This time, 'Tianji' sacrificed a statue of heritage If the 'Beizhou Dynasty' doesn't make some representations, it will inevitably be chilling. If Xuanjizi wants to help next time, he will be powerless.

"What else is there?"

"There have been a lot of bad voices, which were intentionally released by the big forces of the human race, saying that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has soared to 90,000 miles, and it has surpassed the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', ruling the 'Beizhou Dynasty', and other major forces The 'Qinglong Holy Land' should be respected, and the confrontation against the Protoss should be led by the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." This sentence is obviously to push the "Qinglong Holy Land" to the forefront, and the people who say this sentence have sinister intentions. Know.

"How did you respond?" Xuanyuan asked.

"I said that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Beizhou Dynasty' are unswerving allies, let alone who should lead the fight against the Protoss. All major forces discuss together, respect the ideas of all parties, and join hands to fight." Bu Jingsha replied very cautiously, although the relationship between Xuanyuan and Fu Jingxuan was there, but now Fu Jingxuan has become the head of the 'Ling Pavilion', Luo Xianxian has also followed, and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' It seems that an ancient emperor was born, but has never appeared. It is extremely mysterious. This matter can be big or small. The most feared thing is that there will be discord among the human race, and it will be even more difficult to fight against the god race.

"Well, that's enough, as long as I make a statement from the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I think some people can tell the difference." Xuanyuan nodded, and didn't ask any more questions about this aspect. Bu Jingsha's answer is very decent, that's enough, it's useless to say more.

"What about the ancient royal family?" Xuanyuan asked again.

"All the emperors have had conflicts with the emperors of the gods, and they are on par. The gods still have many emperor-level figures whose origins are unknown. It seems that they still have many powerful characters that cannot be hidden." Bu Jingsha said in a heavy voice .

"It's okay, I've anticipated these things a long time ago." Xuanyuan nodded, and said, "What do they think about the fact that the Medicine Palace joined me in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'?"

"'Qing Minghuang' said, congratulations to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' for gaining a strong comrade-in-arms, other ancient royal families also expressed their congratulations, and even the ancestors of the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' said that they would come to our 'Qinglong Holy Land' to visit the master of the Medicine Hall, Please teach me the essence of human medical skills." Bu Jingsha is concise and to the point, the 'Xuanhu royal family' is a royal family similar to the human medical school. The methods of treatment and the method of refining medicine are the most powerful family in ancient times. No one dares to use it. To provoke, like the previous 'Wandu Clan', it was a small clan once controlled by the 'Xuanhu Royal Clan'.

Sure enough, with the addition of the Medicine Palace, the ancient royal family has become more polite to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. With the Medicine Palace, in this turbulent era, it is really too important. No one can keep enough and ask others. This is strength, and only those with strength can Earn the respect of others.

As far as the ancient royal family was concerned, Xuanyuan didn't ask any more questions. He already knew about it. He continued to ask, "What about the Thorn Goddess?"

This woman chased to the 'Central China' from outside the territory, so it can be seen that the mysterious restriction is not unbreakable.

"She should have been recovering from her injuries, and she hasn't appeared again. It seems that Junior Brother Xuanyuan still cares about her very much." Bu Jingsha's eyes were more or less weird, with a smirk.

Xuanyuan looked at Bu Jingsha's performance, the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "You don't really think that I have a special relationship with the 'Goddess of Thorns', do you?"

"There must be something happening. This woman is very persistent. Although she has never appeared again, she has been sending people around to inquire about your whereabouts, whether it is the 'secret' of the human race or the prophet of the ancient tribes. , or the divine divination of the protoss, she has invited them..." Bu Jingsha hit the nail on the head, which surprised Xuanyuan, if it wasn't for the "body of all transformations" that can resist other people's calculations, and he has the ability to block calculations The secret treasure is really lost.

"Oh, I defeated her with the realm of the second heaven of sages, and she was unwilling to pursue her so far." Xuanyuan shrugged and spread his hands, looking extremely helpless.

Bu Jingsha laughed maliciously: "It deserves it, but the coexistence of all races should also include the gods. If the 'Goddess of Thorns' can be subdued, I'm afraid it will shock the world. The reputation of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' They will go to the next level, attacking the protoss of the 'Central China', I am afraid that they will be slapped bitterly, and they will feel ashamed."

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched a few times. This idea is really not ordinary, but it is not impossible, but it is very difficult. After thinking for a while, Xuanyuan said slowly: "The gods are warlike in nature, I am afraid it is not so easy. Surrender, but I will try to think about it, not only the gods will be shocked by this move, but even the human race and the ancient royal family will have great criticism."

"That's true." Bu Jingsha laughed, and didn't say anything more, after all, it was just his random nonsense.

"I'll go to Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' and tell him something, and then I can only wait for 'Tianji' to figure out the whereabouts of the rune tower." Xuanyuan sighed faintly, turned and left, step by step. Continue to review the memorials, and now the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has a bigger stall, so naturally there are more things to do, but Fang Yuyou told Bu Jingsha a lot of his heart, which benefited him a lot.

Xuanyuan came to the 'Ten Thousand Immortals Peak', a place where only sages can reach the town. Now it is scattered and there are not many people living there. After all, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has limited heritage, even if there are sages, they are scattered among the people. Most of the people who can be in the 'Wanxianfeng' are unique existences like 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'.

On a 'Nightmare Mountain', this is the place where 'Nightmare Ghost Immortals' practiced, and no one came to bother them.

Xuanyuan fell on the 'Nightmare Mountain', a woman walked towards Xuanyuan lightly, it was none other than Xiao Naihe.

"Brother Xuanyuan, are you here?" Xiao Naihe has grown up a lot now, her face is exquisite, not to mention beautiful, but very delicate, not as thin and timid as before, but she still feels very weak and tolerable I can't help feeling sorry for him, this child's life experience is too pitiful, and his life is full of ill-fated fate.

During the years of worshiping "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" as a teacher, she no longer feels so incomplete. Obviously, "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" has completed the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", and now Xiao Naihe's strength , Soaring upwards, it turned out to have reached the peak of the sages, surpassing Xuanyuan.

The 'Naihe Soul Body' is unlucky in nature, and if lucky enough to be taken care of by someone with great luck, its fate will undergo a heaven-defying change. This mysterious physique can kill many souls, ghosts and gods, not to mention that Xiao Naihe is the emperor of the ancient emperor. Wenshen is derived from the terrain of Wanyin. He is born with a lot of power hidden in himself. Even the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" can't see through it. Given time, Xiao Naihe must be no less than any emperor. .

"Could it be that senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' knew I was coming?" Xuanyuan exclaimed.

"Well, Master is waiting for you inside." Xiao Naihe smiled, she was always shy in front of Xuanyuan, if it wasn't for Xuanyuan, she would have died long ago.

The mountain gate is opened, and the stone walls are smooth, spotless everywhere, there is a kind of avenue fluctuation inside, containing unfathomable power.

A hoarse voice came out, saying: "Xuanyuan, you are finally here."

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