Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1459 Closed cultivation practice

(Chapter 2, everyone has nothing to do, just click the top button after reading it, it’s easy anyway!)

Xuanyuan went all the way to the end of the cave. There were secret rooms on both sides of the road. I'm afraid there are other disciples practicing. You must know that Xuanyuan brought back nine disciples for the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy".

In the depths at the end of the cave, there are flat mountain walls on all sides, smooth as a mirror, which can reflect human figures. The 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' sat on a stone platform, very calm.

There is a big clock floating behind his head, which is a semi-superior Taoism tool, the "Clock of Immortal Chaos", and now it gives people a feeling of perfection, as if because of the recovery of the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy", it has also obtained sublimation.

"It seems that Senior Guixian has completed the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", and his strength has been restored." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and bowed his hands in a salute: "Congratulations, Senior Guixian."

"Thank you very much. Without this piece of 'Eternal Divine Stone', I would never be able to complete this "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", and I would never have the chance to return to the state it is today." 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' You You Sigh, looking at Xuanyuan, a boy who had nothing at the beginning, has changed so much in just a few years. What he has seen in his life, he has countless emotions in his heart: "It seems that you should come to me for something important."

"Well, the eleven people who created the 'Eternal Life' with the seniors did not die that day, their strength is unpredictable, and they joined the gods. In the previous war, they devoured an unknown number of souls, and their strength skyrocketed, which is extremely terrifying." Xuanyuan Chong soundtrack.

"Those people are extremely cunning. I have long since disbelieved the news of their death. I can live to this day, so they can naturally. It's a pity that they can't practice the complete "Eternal Divine Soul Technique"."'Nightmare Guixian' looked very calm, not surprised at all.

"These people are causing trouble in the world. This cause and effect is the 'eternal life' created by the seniors, and the seniors have to clean up this door." Xuanyuan said slowly.

"That's what I thought, and now I can go out of the test. My strength has almost recovered. "Eternal Divine Soul Art" has allowed me to go to a higher level, and I have the opportunity to step into the realm of the five heavens of sages. This is something I never thought of before. Yes." 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' sighed faintly, the eternal rhythm flowing through his body, if his physical body was still there, he would only become more powerful, but to be in the fourth heaven of saints and sages is also extremely remarkable.

Although fighting with the power of the soul is a bit of a disadvantage after all, it can be made up for by practicing the "Eternal Divine Soul Art". Today's "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" looks no different from a flesh and blood person.

He has a childlike face, hale and hearty spirit, wearing a black cloak, with loose white hair, and a bright light in his eyes, which is unpredictable.

"Back then, the supernatural power of 'Eternal Life' was created by the seniors. I'm afraid there is a great way to kill them, right? You need to be careful when dealing with them." Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"It was created by us together. I came up with the idea and opened a chapter. They are all heaven-defying ghosts who are rare to meet in a hundred thousand years in the world. Created a method of immortality, even so, compared with the real "Eternal Divine Soul Art", the method we created is on a crooked path. If we meet again, I will kill them. Don't worry about that Well, I understand the incompleteness of their supernatural powers too well." The eyes of the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' were far-reaching, and there was a kind of vicissitudes in his words that can only be found after long years of honing, and he finally wanted to talk to his old friend Let's meet, don't feel bad in my heart.

"Well, I came here this time to tell Senior about this matter, but today's turmoil, everyone is in danger, if Senior can step into the realm of the Five Heavens of Sages, it will definitely be a blessing for me in the 'Central China', and I will not be inconvenient Stay for a long time, let me take my leave first." Xuanyuan bowed his hands and saluted, and was about to leave.

"This man is old and has been in seclusion for a long time, and he has to go out and walk around. I can't do it anymore, and I'll have to see Xiao Naihe in the future. Xuanyuan, don't rush away, come here."'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' beckoned to Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan walked forward, only to see the 'Nightmare Ghost' pointing directly between Xuanyuan's eyebrows, the complete "Eternal Divine Soul Art" was directly imprinted in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and the 'Nightmare Ghost''s lifelong insights.

"Cultivate well. The "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" is extremely important. The body and the soul are closely related. If the "Immortal Defying Heaven Technique" is the main body, then the "Eternal Divine Soul Art" is the main soul. I think you can understand the meaning of this." . "'Nightmare Guixian' hit the nail on the head and explained in a loud voice.

Xuanyuan's body trembled, recalling that day, when he taught Yao Chen the "Immortal Art of Immortality", he recovered very quickly when repairing the physical body, but when repairing the incomplete soul, he relied on the power emanating from the physical body , Only then did the soul slowly recover to the point of perfection bit by bit.

If there is "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", it is extremely easy to restore the soul. You must know that once the soul is damaged, it is difficult to repair. It is almost a certain death. Unless there is some secret technique, otherwise, there is no escape dead word.

The reason why Yaochen was able to restore the incomplete soul to perfection again was because of the effect of the "Blue Dragon Medicine", coupled with the "Immortal Defying the Heaven Art" that constantly mobilized its own original avenue to repair it, and the two-pronged approach has such an effect. Only the supreme magic medicine has this wonderful effect.

Ba Yu also recovered a little because he arrived at the former residence of the 'Emperor Yingtian', and it took a very long time to recover. Not everywhere there is such a wonderful thing as the 'Three Souls and Seven Souls Undying Tree', if there is no such tree. With the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", you can be safe and worry-free.

Xuanyuan nodded, sat cross-legged, and said earnestly: "That's fine, I'll just practice "Eternal Divine Soul Art" for a while. Anyway, now that the "Qinglong Holy Land" is stable and the whereabouts of the talisman tower are unknown, I also need to improve my strength."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan immediately used the 'swallowing myriad of transformations' to urge 'swallowing years' to envelop himself, carefully to understand, one day outside, two years inside, this time Xuanyuan made a big determination to practice "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" "It's over, he will also start to retreat and practice, and when he leaves the customs, his strength will have a huge leap again.

'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' collected the 'Immortal Chaos Clock' and walked out of the mountain gate to meet old friends.

Xiao Naihe has been waiting outside the door, did not dare to enter it, saw the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" come out, quickly saluted: "Master."

"Well, you should practice hard. As a teacher, you have to go out for a walk." As soon as the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' finished speaking, it disappeared between heaven and earth.

Xiao Naihe nodded, and went into a secret room of her own at the mountain gate to practice. She also has nine juniors. Under the training of the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', their strength has increased tremendously, and they are still in retreat.

Xuanyuan was in the place where the "Nightmare Ghost Immortal" retreated, carefully understanding the mystery of "Eternal Divine Soul Art", using the secret method in it, tempering his own soul, condensing a trace of eternal rhythm.

"This "Eternal Divine Soul Art" is a good thing, a treasure that even the "Emperor Devourer" never got." The greedy old man exclaimed happily.

Xuanyuan carefully understands the mystery in it. As the name suggests, eternity is its theme, and it can make people's souls exist forever. I am afraid that it cannot escape the relationship with "Eternal Divine Soul Technique".

The human race can only live three lives in one life, and live three lives. Since ancient times, no one has been able to break through. Many supreme powerhouses have disappeared and become a mystery.

Xuanyuan began to polish and temper his own soul bit by bit with the unique secret method of "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", and began to feel a trace of rhythm from it. He began to indulge in it and cultivate with heart.

In the beginning, strengthening the soul and strengthening the soul is the foundation. Only when the soul is strong enough can you use the soul to display unique supernatural powers, and you can directly attack the enemy's soul through the physical body. This is the unique feature of "Eternal Divine Soul Art". The physical body is almost incomprehensible.

Just when Xuanyuan was obsessed with the cultivation of "Eternal Divine Soul Art", great turmoil occurred in the upper echelons of the Protoss.

"The Hall of Medicine actually took refuge in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. In this way, the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will rise to a terrifying level. It is always a big worry."

"Didn't the empress of the Medicine Palace say that the emperor must die? Why did the emperor of the Medicine Palace come back to life?"

"Shenzi Tianhuang, isn't she your woman? Ask her, what's going on?"

"Shall I let her answer it herself?"

"'Yin God Lotus Seed' is extremely poisonous and imprinted with the Supreme Poison Method. There should be no cure in the Medicine Hall, because the Supreme Divine Medicine is in my hands. Those who can save Yaochen, this uses the Supreme Divine Medicine , According to legend, Xuanyuan has the supreme magic medicine 'Qinglong Shenguo' in his hands, I think it should be for this reason, he will put all the medicine halls into the 'Qinglong Holy Land' after rescuing Yaochen."

"You should know how strong the Medicine Palace is, right?" an elder god asked.

"The Hall of Medicine is very powerful. Over the years, we have hoarded a lot of pills, which are used to build the foundation and cultivate, strengthen the foundation, strengthen the bones, warm and nourish the soul, etc. I am afraid that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will rise Yes, when I was leaving, I only brought a group of people who were absolutely loyal to me, and a plant of the supreme medicine, and the rest were all valuables, so it was too late to take them away. The supreme medicine is priceless. Things that cannot be possessed by the entire Medicine Palace.”

"War is not a battle between emperors and emperors, but a comprehensive one. With the supreme medicine in hand, it is only useful to you alone." An elder god snorted coldly.

"Old Fengyue, Yaoxuan is my woman, please pay attention to your tone, if it wasn't for me, even Yaoxuan wouldn't come to join us." Tianhuang Shenzi said coldly.

"Okay, don't argue about this anymore. Now we should think of a way to deal with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. How can we stop its growth? If you have any ideas, please come forward." A voice came out, full of excitement. majesty.

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