Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1461 Awakening from the Dream of 'Eternal Life'

The foundation of "Eternal Life" was chosen by the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" at the beginning, and it has been painstakingly created the glory of "Eternal Life" that has been passed down for countless years. If there is no word from "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" at the beginning There may be 'immortality'.

The foundation is a chaotic ancient battlefield, where everything has been shattered, and there are trillions of heroic spirits lingering. Their grievances are extremely heavy, and they are unwilling to die. They leave indelible thoughts here, and each thought is extremely powerful. His soul turned into an evil spirit, extremely ferocious.

With the passage of time bit by bit, no matter how many heroic spirits were devoured and refined, only the barren battlefields were left behind, with cold winds swishing, dark everywhere, and lifeless.

'Nightmare ghost fairy' came to this battlefield, with infinite emotion in my heart, many guards of 'eternal life' patrolling, no one is allowed to approach the entrance of 'eternal life', it is difficult for ordinary people to find here, because it is very secretive, many people None of them are willing to touch 'eternal life', because this is a dreaded existence, and there are many ominous legends in itself.

As far as the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' is concerned, he naturally has nothing to fear. This place is what he searched for, and he created it. As soon as he appeared, he gave these guards a kind of instinctive fear, but before they had time to speak, they disappeared. .

This is their original fate, but they survived by the law against the sky and killed countless creatures. They lived at the price of devouring many souls.

The reason why the ghosts were scattered was not that the 'Nightmare Ghosts' attacked them, it was just because they couldn't resist the fluctuations of the Dao emanating from the 'Nightmare Ghosts', which was a special magical power for the incomplete 'eternal life' Killing is extremely terrifying.

'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' sank straight into a void, and he didn't take a second look at many things.

He came here for only one purpose, to find Cang Yi, and then destroy everything he had worked so hard to create, 'Eternal Life'.

He passed through a lot of space, and many restrictions that could kill a sage could not resist the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy". He felt like he was in a land of no one, because he knew too much about "eternal life", some of the restrictions were even his own what's left.

Finally came to an ancient palace, which is very old, there are candlesticks hanging on the walls, burning candles, swaying, pulling out a long figure, there is a young man sitting cross-legged on a stone platform .

His expression was always calm, looking at the 'Nightmare Ghost', respectfully said: "Master, you are finally here."

"Hehe, I guessed right. It was just your wisp of thought at the time. How could it be possible for my apprentice of 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' to go through so many years and only have that little strength? How could a person with only that little strength refine Out of the 'Sword of Eternal Life'?" 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' was calm and breezy, with his hands behind his back, dragging his long black cloak on the ground, looking at Cang Yi, that day Cang Yi was very respectful to him at the beginning, saying Inviting him back was just a tactic to delay the attack. In the end, the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' refused, which forced him to show his fangs.

"Teacher, are you here to seek revenge on me?" Cang Yi smiled slightly, he already knew this day would come, in fact, he was also looking forward to the day when he would face off against the 'Nightmare Ghost'.

"Your true self should have crossed that level of barrier that day. It seems that the news of my appearance came at an inappropriate time. Otherwise, I'm afraid that I have become a part of you now."'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' smiled lightly.

"As expected of a mentor, it is true. The masters of the twelve halls retreated together. At that time, everyone was in a big bottleneck. If they did not advance, they would retreat. As soon as the news came out, they didn't know what backhand the mentor had hidden, so they could only use one A wisp of thought went to test it, until the time of the breakthrough, the Protoss war broke out, and there is no chance to find trouble with the teacher, then Xuanyuan really has some skills." Cang Yi smiled bitterly, with a little helplessness, bad luck.

"Is 'eternal life' really that important? Is it worth you to attack your mentor? You were almost beaten to death when you were a child, but I picked you up and raised you, taught you everything, and taught you again when your body died." The law of eternal life, everything you have is given to you by me." After all, 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' still has a glimmer of hope for his little apprentice, after all, he was raised by himself.

"'Eternal life' is my eternal goal. This is what my teacher taught me. For the sake of 'eternal life', I will do anything at all costs. This is what my teacher taught me. Only 'eternal life' is eternal, and everything else is eternal. False." In Cang Yi's eyes, there is a kind of madness, which is a kind of enthusiasm for what the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" said back then.

'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' looked at Cang Yi at this moment, couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "Yes, I am shooting myself in the foot with a stone, that road is a road of death, not the road of 'eternal life', this It's a dream, it's time to wake up."

"Master, you should have obtained the complete "Eternal Divine Soul Art", right? I can feel that your supernatural powers, your aura, are extremely powerful against the supernatural powers we cultivate. You know us too well. .” Cang Yi’s eyes were extremely hot.

"That's right, the method of immortality we created at that time ran counter to the true way of the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique". That's why there is such a large killing. It is because you didn't take refuge in the gods. Let you go, you can do what you want, but 'eternal life' can no longer exist, I came here today to end the fruit I planted." 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' sighed heavily.

"Master, you can't do that. I have spent too much effort pouring 'Eternal Life'. I inherited your wish and created the 'Sword of Immortal Life'. I just want to split that door and seek the real' The road to eternal life', you can't destroy it, it's your child, it's what you thought of it." Cang Yi stood up suddenly, there was a trace of violence and ferocity in the depths of his eyes, as if he was about to lose everything .

"Let's go, you are not my opponent. If you don't join the Protoss, you are more or less like an apprentice I taught. 'Eternal Life' was a mistake from the beginning, and you are also a mistake, but at least you didn't make a big mistake. Taking refuge in the Protoss is a big mistake in principle, you can leave, 'Eternal Life' will disappear forever, otherwise, when the next Protoss war breaks out, 'Eternal Life' will kill many people." 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' has no emotion With the slightest fluctuation, the 'Chaos Clock of Eternal Life' becomes more and more unpredictable, and the fluctuations of many avenues are intertwined, revealing the supreme mystery, and its breath makes people tremble more and more. In all directions, the souls of countless 'Eternal Life' disciples shattered and turned into fly ash.

Cang Yi's face twitched, he looked at the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' and said: "Master, according to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I also exist in the 'Eternal Life', and I am also a living being. Your behavior is not appropriate, it is against the law." Qinglong Holy Land' adhering to the avenue."

"There is nothing wrong with killing to stop killing." "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" was concise and to the point.

"Master, do you really want to be so heartless and leave no room for it?" Cang Yi almost growled.

"You are my little leeway." The 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' sighed softly, and walked out of this ancient palace.

A moment later, there was a loud bang, and a devastating wave swept across the entire foundation of 'eternal life', including the ancient palace.

Cang Yi's eyes were red, his expression revealed extreme madness, he used the 'Sword of Eternal Life' to directly break through this world and escape.

On this day, terrible bell waves resounded across a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and the whole world was shaken. This was a major event.

In the space of "eternal life", countless palaces were broken, countless disciples were scattered, and their dream of "eternal life" came to an end. His subordinates turned into ashes, and many hidden secrets of "eternal life" could not withstand the attack of the eternal avenue bell wave pierced by the "eternal chaos clock" of "Nightmare Ghost Fairy", the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" Start the killing ring.

"'Eternal Life' is gone..." These were the words of an extremely terrifying existence in the "Tianji", which caused an uproar.

"It was destroyed by the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'."

This sentence caused an uproar in the hearts of countless people.

"'Nightmare Guixian' actually destroyed the 'eternal life' he created with his own hands. It seems that he doesn't want 'eternal life' to be a disaster for the world."

"How terrifying is the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' today, such a huge 'eternal life', if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed."

"Because the eleven ghosts and immortals who are in the same realm as him are not in the foundation of 'eternal life', otherwise, it would not be so easy."

The 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' shot was too harsh, and this action made the human race and the ancient royal family heave a sigh of relief. 'Eternal Life' is a taboo existence.

Inside the Protoss, everyone was silent.

"It's too strong, relying on a semi-superior Dao weapon, it can destroy the entire 'eternal life'."

"Where has his strength reached?"

"It should be in the fourth heaven of sages, but the supernatural powers he cultivated are too terrifying, and there is an 'eternal' rhythm."

This is the aura captured by a strong man of the Protoss. Immediately, the god Bu said in a heavy voice: "This is the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", which is a secret technique inherited from the 'Eternal Saint Emperor'. This is troublesome. It seems that he is practicing The most important thing is the complete "Eternal Divine Soul Art", the eleven ghosts and immortals only got part of it, and the rest are their own extended and created immortality methods. This 'nightmare ghosts' practice is authentic and complete. Great kill."

"Then what should we do now? Originally, 'eternal life' was our great combat power, but now it is destroyed."

"It doesn't matter, the strongest people are still among my gods. One word, forbearance, killing Xuanyuan is enough."

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