Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1462 The whereabouts of the rune tower!

"'Eternal Life' has since been removed from the world, that's great, 'Qinglong Holy Land' is indeed a spiritual land that purifies people, even the heinous 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' has been purified, destroying the evil fruits he planted , and today only the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has such abilities."

"'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' destroyed 'Eternal Life' with the power of one person. Its strength is terrifying. It is conceivable that it should have reached the realm of the fifth heaven of sages. The Protoss did not express their opinion at all this time. I am afraid of the strength of 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', 'Qinglong Holy Land' is indeed the future trend, 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' is doomed, it is doomed to decline."

"It is inevitable for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to become big. Sooner or later, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' will be replaced by the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. We have to make preparations and look for opportunities to invest in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

"Indeed, none of the things that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has been doing is earth-shattering. It has made countless contributions, and the limelight is too strong. Although the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' has also made achievements, it is still far behind the 'Qinglong Holy Land' Too far."

"There was the 'Lord of Order' first, and then the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal'. It seems that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is already something that cannot be provoked. The two terrifying backgrounds are there. It is so terrifying that the gods dare not provoke them."

In the entire "Central China", there was a lot of discussion, and countless people expressed their appreciation for the fact that "Eternal Life" was destroyed, but more speeches were oriented to the growing strength of the "Qinglong Holy Land", and the status of the "Central State Dynasty" was extremely serious. I am afraid that someone with a heart can incite it.

But "eternal life" was destroyed, and many people rejoiced. This is a great event that the whole world celebrates, because "eternal life" is really notorious, and it is hard to guard against. I don't know how many sins I have committed over the years. It can be said that Heinous.

Now "Eternal Life" has countless vicious subjugation methods. Since then, they don't have to worry about it anymore. In fact, the people who are most frightened are those Li people. Cruelty, they have long been afraid, but now that the "Qinglong Holy Land" wiped out "eternal life" in one fell swoop, it made them more devout to Xuanyuan. It seems that in the eyes of these Li people, Xuanyuan is an omnipotent god and the savior in their hearts .

Nine days passed.

The incident of "eternal life" being destroyed is still uproarious. Countless Li people are so grateful that they worship Xuanyuan every day, and Xuanyuan temples rise one after another. I don't know how many portraits of Xuanyuan have been snapped up. The continuous power of faith is condensed. On the God of Faith and Blessing in Xuanyuan, this God of Faith and Blessing gave them great feedback all the time, giving them greater spiritual support and subtle physical changes, if not for Xuanyuan itself The qi and blood are so strong that I really can't stand it.

However, the cohesion of faith and ideas of these Limin people also brought great benefits to Xuanyuan, and changed Xuanyuan's own physique so that it was not like a human body, but closer to a god's physique.

Many people have found that after worshiping Xuanyuan, their shooting skills have become better and better, their minds have become more and more tenacious, and their spirits have become stronger. This has led more people to devote themselves to worshiping Xuanyuan. in the queue.

However, true belief comes from the heart. Xuanyuan directly eliminates some miscellaneous beliefs with different intentions. It is for this reason that some people say that believing in Xuanyuan will make the physique better and better. This is a fake , but this does not prevent the majority of people who believe in Xuanyuan, whether it is good or not, only they know in their hearts.

The God of Faithful Blessing grows extremely fast, extremely condensed, every inch of his body is extremely crystal clear, emitting holy light, making people come from the heart, without the slightest flaw, he has the same wisdom as Xuanyuan, and he is always Feedback to those who have doubts, solve their doubts, and stay in the 'swallowing myriad transformation tool'.

On the ninth day, a secret letter came from the "Beizhou Dynasty", saying that the "Tianji" had calculated the whereabouts of the Talisman Tower. Although Xuanyuan was still practicing, Bu Jingsha did not hesitate to inform Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan slowly opened his eyes. Nine days had passed outside, and in the 'swallowing years', he had spent a full eighteen years,

During these eighteen years, Xuanyuan indulged in the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", condensed his seven souls, life soul, and earth soul to the extreme, Dzogchen, and now Xuanyuan's soul is extremely powerful. The growth of the body directly affects the changes of the physical body. You must know that the soul lives in the human body and is closely related to the human body. After practicing the "Eternal Divine Soul Art", Xuanyuan's physical body also contains a trace of eternal rhythm. Even Xuanyuan can use the method of "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" to kill the soul of the opponent through physical combat.

There is a trace of divine light containing eternal rhythm in Xuanyuan's eyes. On the stone platform in this cave, a complete "Eternal Divine Stone" is placed there. This is the complete "Eternal Divine Stone" that records the most The complete "Eternal Divine Soul Art", this piece of sacred stone itself contains many secrets, which are unpredictable.

Long Bi said that day that possessing the 'Sacred Stone of Eternity' would lead to death for him. Once people know that the 'Sacred Stone of Eternity' is on his body, those who chase and kill him at that time will be those with the lowest strength. The ancient emperor's five heavens, Xuanyuan naturally has to be kept well.

He put it into the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Tool', feeling the power of his physical body now, ten times stronger than before, and felt extremely comfortable.

"Haha, boy, it seems that in this world, there are not many people in the same realm who can match your physical strength." The greedy old man was extremely excited.

"The strength of the physical body is second, but my physical body already has the power to attack the soul. This is crucial. I have accumulated too much in the past eighteen years. Now I feel that I can break through to the emperor's realm all at once. It’s been a few days, and you’ve accumulated a lot.” The sages’ realm is eighth, and Xuanyuan has reached the fifth, which is considered a great achievement. Originally, Xuanyuan’s breakthrough was not difficult at all because of his double cultivation with Ba Ji. This is eighteen years of hard work. The practice of "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" made Xuanyuan take a sky-defying leap, and gained more behind-the-scenes accumulation, which is unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Find a place to break through your strength first?" the greedy old man said heavily.

"It's okay, let's not break through. Now, regardless of the strength of my physical body or the strength of my soul, I can instantly absorb the power of those heavens all the way through the breakthrough. The most important thing for a person is to retain strength. When it is critical, a sudden explosion can catch him by surprise. "Xuanyuan has a plan in mind, and now even if he meets the 'Goddess of Thorns', he doesn't have to fight so hard. If she doesn't step into the realm of sages in advance, otherwise, she still won't have to fight.

"That girl Xia Ziyu said that she found the whereabouts of the Talisman Tower, what are you going to do this time?" the greedy old man said.

"I don't plan to do anything. The Talisman Tower is no better than the Medicine Palace. It is a very aggressive force. It is inappropriate to bring too many people." Xuanyuan thought for a moment, and said: "This time, let Yuechan and me It’s good to go together all the way.”

"It seems that you are going to attack this girl, Yuechan, not bad." The greedy old man laughed extremely lewdly.

"What are you thinking, the combination of Azure Dragon and Immortal Phoenix, few people in the world can compare, and I passed the "Immortal Defying Heaven Art" to Yuechan last time, and now I have the "Eternal Divine Soul Art" which can complement each other. I have to pass it on to Yuechan, and I promise Senior Qinglong to take good care of the successor of Xianhuang." Xuanyuan looked very calm and walked out of this mountain gate. After all, there are some worries.

When Xuanyuan appeared, Bu Jingsha asked Xuanyuan to have a look at the secret letter sent by Xia Ziyu. This time Xia Zikai coincided with his thoughts, and only brought a Prince Cheng Xu and two mysterious figures with him. go to.

"Well, I see." Xuanyuan nodded, and handed the secret letter to Bu Jingsha.

After a while, Huang Yuechan descended from the sky, with colorful fairy clothes flowing all over her body, which was very extraordinary. I never thought that in these days, Huang Yuechan's strength would step into the realm of the sixth heaven of the Great Emperor, far away from the realm of the ancient sages. Not far away.

"Little husband, you finally know that you want to take me out to play." Huang Yuechan clung to Xuanyuan, smiling like a flower, her beautiful eyes bright, she said coquettishly.

"Well, this time we're going to look for the people in the Talisman Tower, and everything must be under my orders, and we can't do anything arbitrarily, you know?" Xuanyuan stroked Huang Yuechan's long hair and said with a smile.

"Little girl, I would like to obey my husband's teachings." Huang Yuechan's current physical strength is not inferior to Xuanyuan's. Of course, this has a lot to do with her strength being much higher than Xuanyuan's.

Thinking back to when he first met Huang Yuechan, the two of them fought close to each other, and it was still vivid in his memory, when Xuanyuan thought of this, he felt very funny.

"Okay, Senior Brother Bu, let's leave first." Xuanyuan took Huang Yuechan and was about to leave.

"Wait, kid, the great emperor is going with you too." Suddenly the pig-headed emperor descended from the sky with an extremely coquettish appearance.

"Why don't you go to cheat and kidnap and go to the rune tower with us?" Xuanyuan rolled his eyes.

"Damn it, you brat is too insulting to the personality of this great emperor. Is this great emperor that kind of person? What is cheating and abduction? This great emperor is called Ming Na Zheng Qu!" ', it seems that it was borrowed from the eight demon kings.

"Damn it, don't forget that I still have Master Dao. Last time I went to the Hall of Medicine, it was a big loss if I didn't follow. How can I find the Talisman this time without me!" Peng Fei didn't know either. Where did it come from, how did these extremely confidential things let them know?

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