Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1474 Ready to Go

Xuanyuan Pingsheng's incomparably simple question touched the nerves of every woman present. They really wanted to know who they were in Xuanyuan's heart. It can be said that they were both excited and scared.

Xuanyuan coughed a few times in embarrassment, and asked embarrassingly: "Pingsheng, what do you think is a mother?"

"Of course, a woman who truly becomes a father can be regarded as a mother just like the fusion of yin and yang." Pingsheng said very seriously.

Xuanyuan nodded, and immediately walked down the steps, saying: "If you use Pingsheng's words, then your aunt is not here, she is outside, and I will let you meet when I have a chance. As for your second mother, here, Right there."

Xuanyuan pointed at Ba Ji, Shihou didn't say much, she already knew about this matter, anyway, as long as Xuanyuan likes it, she has always been tolerant to Xuanyuan, and she also understands her position in Xuanyuan's heart, It doesn't matter, as long as Xuanyuan has her in his heart, that's enough. The same is true for Yuan'er, she won't have too many demands on Xuanyuan. For her, Xuanyuan will not hesitate to risk himself, rush to the foreign land, and save her. , This is impossible for many people to do. As for Bai Youniang's words, I feel a little bit uneasy in my heart. I didn't expect Ba Ji to come from behind and have a relationship with Xuanyuan. Luo Zixi was also very surprised. But there are not many thoughts in my heart.

"My son has seen Erniang." Xuanyuan Pingsheng bowed to Ba Ji, his voice was clear and pleasant.

"Hey! Good boy, Ping Sheng, Er Niang has nothing to give you. Originally, I wanted to pass on to you my "Royal Family of Tyrannical Blood" "Battle of Blood", but since you even your father's "Yin-Yang Five Elements Fist" and I have learned the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation Boxing', and there is no reason why I can't in "Battle of Blood". Your grandfather gave you the treasure of body protection, and the second mother will give you the treasure of attacking and attacking. This is the "Guardian of the Ancient God" left by my father. Hand', Erniang will give it to you today, I hope that in Pingsheng, I can fight all over the world and protect my people!" Ba Ji has no long possessions, only this set of 'Ancient God's Gauntlet' can be given away People, after all, Pingsheng is Xuanyuan's son, and half of Xuanyuan's blood is flowing in her body. She is Xuanyuan's woman, so she naturally has to express something. Come down and bring it to Pingsheng. This 'Ancient God's Gauntlet' can be big or small. It is engraved with extremely bitter ancient runes. It is mysterious and profound, surrounded by a violent battle force, which is difficult for ordinary people to control. This is The wonders left by the 'Ba Gu Shendi' are naturally extraordinary, but Pingsheng is Xuanyuan's son, so he can control it naturally.

Pingsheng didn't refuse, and directly took it to his hand, he smiled, a pair of dark eyeballs, very bright, just like black gems, bowed to Ba Ji, showed a mouthful of white teeth, and said happily: "Pingsheng Thank you, Second Mother, Sheng."

Ba Ji's mood is very complicated. If she used to be determined, she would never accept this kind of thing, but she was very happy when she heard Ping Sheng, who was bleeding Xuanyuan's blood, calling her mother. It seemed that there was everything about Xuanyuan. The same is true for women, if she truly loves a man, she can accept all his good and bad.

"Father, what about Sanniang?" Pingsheng looked at Xuanyuan, his voice hit like jade, and there was a flawless light in his pair of eyes, very pure.

Xuanyuan shrugged, looked at Luo Zixi, and said, "Your mother should be ranked third. Although there is no real relationship, I have you after all."

Pingsheng nodded, expressing that he understood. If according to the rules of the human race, the child born to the third person should also be called the first wife as the mother, and then the second and third mothers, but Pingsheng he With his own thoughts, Xuanyuan naturally didn't say much.

Luo Zixi blushed slightly, and looked at Xuanyuan. It was strange to say that Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan were not husband and wife, but the two had a child like Pingsheng by accident, which made her feel embarrassed, but in her heart She was also happy, she did not refuse, but accepted. Although Xuanyuan had many women, she had only had sex with two women so far. It is conceivable that Xuanyuan is not the kind of extremely casual person.

She is also a woman, why can't she see that many women present have the same heart for Xuanyuan, as long as Xuanyuan is willing to do anything, there is no problem at all, but Xuanyuan didn't do that, this is not true What most men can do.

"Where is Si Niang?" Pingsheng asked again with an innocent look on his face.

"Si Niang hasn't shown up yet. Here, you have to ask them to see if anyone wants to have a real relationship with Dad, and that is your Si Niang." Xuanyuan looked at Shiwei jokingly, Yuan'er , Qian Duoduo, Bai Youniang and others.

"You dream beautifully, let's dream." Bai Youniang was dressed in black black clothes, and turned her head to one side.

Yuan'er remained silent and didn't say anything, Shiwan had a smiling face, showing bright little canine teeth, Qian Duoduo lightly jumped to the side, and said with a giggle, "Xuanxuan, I'm not like a young lady. Duplicity, I'll be Pingsheng's fourth wife."

Bai Youniang was so angry that her hair stood on end, she quickly came to Xuanyuan's side and said, "Actually, I was joking just now..."

"Okay, stop arguing, I hope you will quickly become my fourth mother, fifth mother, sixth mother, and seventh mother!" Pingsheng visited the four women one after another, and immediately made them all happy. This child It's so cute, it hurts.

"In this way, Pingsheng, you can take it with you when you have time. Although his current strength is good, he still needs more guidance from Mr. Kong Ming and the others, and he lacks a certain amount of experience. Let him go to sharpen it alone. Boys should not watch it." It's too tight, anyway, you are either aunts or mothers, and I will leave it to you to take care of the children, just grasp the scale." Xuanyuan said.

"Then what about you as a father?" Ba Ji asked back, rolling her eyes.

"I have something important to do. This matter has been dragging on for a long time, and it's time to settle it. I won't be in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' in a short time." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Leave Pingsheng to us, don't worry." Luo Zixi smiled slightly, this is enough.

Xuanyuan nodded, and looked at Pingsheng. If the boy needs to be poor, he will not give anything. Giving him a strong will and belief, and a heart of integrity, kindness, bravery and wisdom are more important than anything else. What should be given, I have already given.

"Pingsheng, you have to work hard to cultivate. In the future, your aunt or mother will need your protection. A man should protect a woman, you know?" Xuanyuan patted Pingsheng's head and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, dad, Pingsheng will definitely protect your mother." Pingsheng replied seriously, with determination in his bright eyes, very similar to Xuanyuan, after all, he inherited Xuanyuan's blood and imprinted Xuanyuan's will , there will be some similarities between the two. At this moment, Xuanyuan finally realized the mysterious emotion between father and son. Although Pingsheng is not his biological son, his blood flows and inherits his will , makes no difference.

"Okay, then dad will leave first." As soon as Xuanyuan finished speaking, he disappeared in front of everyone.

Xuanyuan knew that it would be difficult for Zhang Tianling to talk about scriptures and Taoism with those old antiques for a while. If he wanted to plot against the gods this time, he had to prepare enough powers to kill, and in addition to the precious heart that Zhang Tianling had taught him before. Virtue, experience, I have to absorb one by one.

Immediately, Xuanyuan returned to the secret training room of the 'Qinglong Palace', and opened the 'Swallowing Years', one year inside and one day outside.

Xuanyuan began to comprehend the virtues and sentiments that Zhang Tianling passed on to him, and absorbed them one by one. Countless imprints appeared in his own sea of ​​consciousness, and Xuanyuan understood and experienced them one by one.

Zhang Tianling is indeed an existence who has cultivated the power technique to the extreme. Xuanyuan suddenly realized many unique insights. These moral insights are extremely precious, and they are many times more powerful than the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor'.

It took Xuanyuan three whole years to digest these virtues and comprehend less than one-tenth of them. It can be seen how big the gap is between Zhang Tianling and Zhang Tianling in terms of attainments in martial arts. There are some things passed down by Luo Xiandi, and there are many things that Xuanyuan has not comprehended, so he combined the ideas between Da Luo Xiandi and Zhang Tianling, plus his own thinking, to bring him greater The help of others, brainstorming, is very necessary, and it is easy for a person to get into a dead end.

Later, Xuanyuan knew that only when he ascended to a higher realm, he could understand some things that he couldn't understand at all. When a person has not achieved a certain achievement, his vision will always be bound in the In a narrow situation, the current Xuanyuan is limited by his own realm, and there are many things that he cannot understand.

Stop understanding Zhang Tianling's heart and morals, Xuanyuan began to take out the "Xianlingyuan Mountain" and start to describe the killing momentum, which is very important. In the so-called big tomb, if you can't kill all the enemies , then use your own killing methods to add fire, this time you must make the Protoss heartbroken, let them eat Coptis chinensis dumb, and they can't tell the pain.

The Protoss used the "Tianji" and "Fu Tower" to plot against them and almost killed themselves. It is a reward for reciprocity, and it is really unreasonable not to plot against the Protoss.

Xuanyuan took out the 'Human Emperor Brush' and drew a heavy stroke on a 'Xianlingyuan Mountain'. The momentum formed by that stroke, in an instant, had a very magical rhythm, as if it had life , although it doesn't give people the feeling of being alive, but there is a kind of spirituality hidden in it. When Xuanyuan portrayed the power technique before, he had to completely portray the whole, so that this effect would appear.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, the power technique that he has created now far exceeds everything he has portrayed before, it is not at the same level at all, it was a bit of a waste to use the "Xian Lingyuan Mountain" to describe the power technique before, They are unable to bring out the power hidden in the 'Xianlingyuan Mountain' to the extreme. It is the 'Xianlingyuanshan' that is strong, not my own power.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan felt an urge to die. Every 'Xian Lingyuan Mountain' was extremely precious, but he wasted two whole ones. He was really ashamed of the 'Swallowing Emperor'.

He took a deep breath, and continued to draw momentum, ready to go, ready to fight the gods, and he would be too sorry for himself if he didn't kill a few gods.

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