Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1475 Great Sage of the Five Elements

It took Xuanyuan three full years to paint this one, painstakingly and painstakingly, and finally portrayed two avenues.

After the completion, Xuanyuan seemed to be about to collapse, and finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He almost broke out in a cold sweat when he almost failed to portray several times. It is too big, and the difficulty is extremely high. It is not comparable to those of the previous posture arts. A flaw in a posture pattern can cause the entire posture technique to fail, which shows how careful he needs to be.

"Boy, you should be able to make a move. With your current sleight of hand, you can already cause damage to the strong of the third heaven of the ancient sages." The greedy old man was a little excited, thinking of plotting against people, whether it is the pig-headed emperor or the greedy old man There will be a kind of almost sick laughter, and Xuanyuan's scalp is always numb involuntarily.

He removed the restriction of 'swallowing the years', and found that the secret room Bai Youniang had prepared for him could no longer meet his needs. Invisibly, the breathing of his physical body had taken away many spiritual sources in the secret room, The power of the intertwined spells was swallowed up.

The four walls of a family can be used to describe the current practice room. Xuanyuan feels that it doesn't matter. At his current state, he no longer needs to rely on the power skills deployed by the spiritual source to assist in the cultivation. Positive techniques can gather a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

He closed his eyes and rested for three days and three nights before he recovered himself to a perfect state. Three years of non-stop portraying the power technique was too much consumption. The last time he could be with Jiang Yan Exchanging experience and portraying at the same time, this time is completely different. Everything is borne by himself, which consumes too much for him. If it wasn’t for this process, he would have interrupted and rested, but after he finished portraying, he still couldn’t hold on. of.

After seven days passed, Xuanyuan got it right, and sent a voice transmission to Zhang Tianling, asking, "Senior Zhang, are you finished? If it's over, you can go to the emperor's tomb."

"Well, not long after the end, there are still many high-level people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and it seems that even you haven't discovered it." Zhang Tianling's evaluation of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is very pertinent. With his knowledge, the realm can tell the level of a high-level person. Two words, it proves that those people have extremely extraordinary means.

'Qinglong Holy Land', Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are many people that Xuanyuan doesn't know about, because these people are simple and unpretentious, seemingly ordinary and simple, but they are very good at hiding, and they are among the people, because the 'Qinglong Holy Land' accepts only requirements The other party has an upright heart and no evil thoughts, so there are not too many constraints.

Being able to stand up to Zhang Tianling's evaluation, Xuanyuan is naturally happy in his heart. It seems that at the critical moment, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' still has its own background, but these people did not join the 'Qinglong Holy Land' before or they thought it was just Little things, not worth their presence.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and said in a heavy voice: "Okay, Senior Zhang, come to the 'Blue Dragon Palace', let's gather and get ready to go!"

Xuanyuan asked the greedy old man to inform Zhutou Dadi that Zhang Tianling and Zhutou Dadi arrived almost at the same time in front of the 'Blue Dragon Palace'.

Xuanyuan looked at the pig-headed emperor, and frowned, knowing that Peng Fei must be colluding with the pig-headed emperor these days, he immediately asked, "Where's that fat guy Pengfei?"

"The boy went to explore the way first, and said that there were many geomantic trends along the way in the tomb of the five emperors. He was looking for leaks. After all, those geomantic killings were left to deal with the gods. Brand the coordinates of the space for me, now we can cross the void with the method of imperial prohibition, and then we can reach him, let's go!" The pig-headed emperor grinned, Xuanyuan nodded, it seems that the dead pig and Peng Fei have already passed away. Hooked up for a long time.

"Okay, then let's go, it's just the three of us for this trip, too many people may not be a good thing." There was a cold light in Xuanyuan's eyes, the last time the whole group was almost wiped out, this time The tone must be recovered.

"Shouldn't you bring your precious son out to sharpen it? I think he has high aptitude, and his combat power is extremely strong, not inferior to yours at all." The pig-headed emperor is actually looking forward to the strength of the little guy.

"I don't want it anymore. Everything should be taken slowly. Even if he is powerful, he is as strong as a forest, and the wind will destroy him. Experience is accumulated from low to high. Although he is strong, he is too lacking. Experience, and children are young and energetic, and they are prone to major accidents." Xuanyuan knew this well, Zhang Tianling also agreed, and the pig-headed emperor didn't say anything.

Immediately, the pig-headed emperor led everyone across the void with the method of imperial prohibition, and in an instant, a piece of heaven and earth was displayed in front of everyone.

There are high mountains in front of me, which are extremely thick, and the ground under our feet is surprisingly strong, the kind that is extremely difficult to kill even with a supreme Taoist weapon, which makes Xuanyuan stunned for a while, and the fighting spirit here is extremely strong. And it is extremely heavy, one more breath can make one's body weigh ten thousand catties, if one does not transport the battle energy in the body in time, it will easily turn people into petrification and become a part of this thousand mountains, which is extremely horrible.

Fortunately, whether it is Peng Fei, Zhutou Dadi, Xuanyuan, or Zhang Tianling, they all have their own means, so naturally they will not be affected too much.

Peng Fei looked at the group of people in Xuanyuan, looking like a resentful woman, and said in a jerky way: "You guys are finally here. These days, I have been busy to death. Later, you should send a few more bodyguards to my uncle. Otherwise, the past few days will be in vain, and I will finally break through to the last entrance."

Xuanyuan frowned, looked at the mountains and land in all directions, and said in a serious voice: "Which Five Emperors belong to the tomb of the Five Emperors?"

"Nonsense, of course it's the ancient tomb of the Great Sage of the Five Elements of my human race, but only I know about it." Peng Fei knew about it a long time ago, and deliberately spread various news to confuse the public and let people guess, and finally came to the conclusion The news will inevitably disappoint many people.

"Very good, then this time it is rumored that they are the tombs of the Five Emperors, the gods and the gods, and let them be buried in the ancient tombs of the great sages of the five elements, so that they don't even know what happened when they die!" Xuanyuan's eyes There was a flash of cold light, everything was calculated by him and Peng Fei long ago, this is a good opportunity to wipe out most of the elites of the Protoss.

The five declines of heaven and man are due to the chaos of ancient times. Each god is no less than those fierce gods, and even exists above them. The five emperors are in the same tomb. There must be many treasures. The gods are also inconsistent. When Qi enters the ancient tomb, there will inevitably be another fierce battle among the same clan. The plan of Peng Fei and Xuanyuan is well-intentioned.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Tianling frowned. The ancient tombs of chaotic ancient sages like this are not to be joked about. Each one can be compared to the existence of the Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor, so it must not be underestimated.

"I used the technique of Fengshui to transform the bodies of the five great sages!" Peng Fei laughed strangely and said, "Let the great sages of the five elements deal with them with their own hands, and use the power of Fengshui in this piece of heaven and earth to crush them Cheng Feihui, even if they are made of iron, they will die, and the Protoss itself has various disputes, anyway, it depends on the situation!"

"The corpse change, if this kind of thing is not properly controlled, it may lead to even greater disasters. Are you sure you have enough confidence? Once the corpses of the five great sages are killed in this world, it is very likely that it will bring disaster to all races " Zhang Tianling is quite repulsed by the practice of changing the corpse, because there are too many risks.

"Hey, don't worry, Senior Zhang, the God Clan has great magical powers. At most, the five chaotic ancient holy corpses will cause them serious losses, and it will not cause the entire God Clan to be wiped out. If the God Clan is so easy to deal with, we will not be affected by them." Such a huge threat." Pengfei has no taboos, there is nothing he can't do.

Zhang Tianling was speechless and didn't say a word. Now that the power of the Protoss is too strong, he should indeed find a way to weaken it. Although he thinks this approach is inappropriate, it seems that there is no better way than this method.

The Protoss can only be blamed for doing so many evil things, and it should be bad luck once.

"Okay, let's go quickly. I have already released the news, confirming that it is the ancient tomb of the five declines of the gods and the gods, and revealed a ray of energy in this piece of heaven and earth. I am afraid that with the means of the gods, it will soon be calculated to this place." The four big entrances of gold, wood, water and fire in front are enough for them." Peng Fei laughed extremely strangely, apparently he added a few fires to the already terrifying Feng Shui terrain along the way.

"In this way, it is clear that it is the ancient tomb of the great sages of the five elements of the human race. How could the gods come in? How could they not know whether it was a trick laid down by their ancestors?" Zhang Tianling was very puzzled.

"Haha, Senior Zhang seems to be an honest person. No matter what kind of ancient tomb it is, the gods will not let it go. If they arrive here and find that it is the ancient tomb of the five elements of the human race, they will definitely block this piece of world. Do you really think they are all gentlemen who want to take the treasures of the human race for themselves?" Peng Fei laughed, and the pig-headed emperor also smiled strangely, and said: "Yes, little baby, you don't know much about the god race, but After the real rise of the ancient human race, the god race no longer exists in the world, and there are a few fierce gods left, it is normal for you not to understand their temperament."

Zhang Tianling is not disgusted by the pig-headed emperor calling him a little baby. The "Wanhua Holy Beast" was born in response to the "Wanhua Body". According to legend, the "Wanhua Body" existed in extremely ancient times, and the "Wanhua The holy beast is almost immortal. In the records of the ancient royal family, there are all the figures of the "ten thousand transformation holy beast".

Xuanyuan looked at this piece of world, frowned, and said: "You said that there is only one last entrance left, there are many mysteries hidden here, be careful."

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