Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1477 The Power of the Five Elements

The five-color brilliance circulates, gathering and dispersing in this world, which makes it difficult to grasp. The energy of the five elements, interdependent and revolving, seems to explode with devastating power at any time.

When hearing Zhang Tianling's words, everyone was silent, what kind of person is that.

Xuanyuan didn't expect that there would be something that would make Zhang Tianling difficult. He thought for a moment and said, "Senior Zhang, you are guiding me how to deal with it. There are five elements in my body, which seem to be closely connected with the atmosphere of this piece of heaven and earth." , Maybe it’s not necessarily that I can go out, I have this advantage, and I have a certain chance.”

Suddenly the pig-headed emperor screamed, slapped Xuanyuan violently, and laughed loudly: "I remembered, the great sages of the five elements absorbed various elements of the five elements from the heaven and the earth, and then condensed the five elements. Feng Ling and Lei Ling were also condensed following their footsteps, it is possible that the five elements spirits on your body have the five elements condensed by them, maybe you can get their inheritance."

The five elements are condensed by people with great supernatural powers, and some are naturally raised. For example, Baguio is derived from the fusion of the blood of sages and the tears of the first generation of Biluo King, or they have been gathered independently after countless years. extremely rare.

In Xuanyuan's body, the spirits of the five elements conveyed messages one after another. They had a natural closeness to this piece of heaven and earth, and pointed to Xuanyuan: "Master, here I feel the breath of fighting gold that is stronger than mine. God of War is even better at killing gold."

"That's right, here I also sense Dou Tu who is stronger than me, it's too domineering, this aura."

On Xuanyuan's body, the power of the five elements condensed into a five-colored brilliance, which surrounded the surroundings. Xuanyuan's heart moved, and he said in a loud voice:

"Sure enough, as I expected, Peng Fei opened the way and headed in this direction."

Xuanyuan pointed to the northwest, Peng Fei twitched a few times, and said in a heavy voice: "Okay, everyone, be careful, there will be extremely terrible attacks here at any time, be careful, the pig-headed emperor, hurry up and restrain the big formation Protect yourself."

The pig-headed emperor did not dare to be negligent in the slightest. Once this dead pig involved his life, he would be more cautious than anyone else.

Peng Fei used the "Yin-Yang Mirror" and "Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Disk" to open the way forward. Along the way, there were strange lights, and sometimes he saw streaks of golden light condensed into white tigers. They were extremely ferocious and lethal. They could tear everything apart, the ancient sage The three heavens are hard to resist.

The sound of the tiger roared to the sky, and the sound waves carried the profound way that could tear everything apart, making people feel like they were about to be crushed all over the body, as if a few tiger claws were tearing their body apart, fortunately there was Peng Fei' The guardians of the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Pan have resisted many Feng Shui attacks, and there is also the guardianship of the Emperor Zhutou. I saw those powerful guardian emperors crumble to pieces, making the Pig-headed Emperor grin his teeth. Almost didn't vomit blood, even if there is a tiger that slipped through the net, Zhang Tianling would use the "Qimen Qiankun Order" to divert the attack.

The five-color canopy around Xuanyuan's body relieved the pressure on everyone's bodies from the forces of the five elements in this piece of heaven and earth.

But what surprised Xuanyuan was that these white tigers were not only empty, but that their every move contained the true meaning of the white tigers. Xuanyuan had fought against the "Sage Son of the White Tiger", and now he clearly remembered what the white tiger's inner alchemy said. The aura emanating from it comes from the same origin, I am afraid that there will be many mysteries in this place.

When the people in Xuanyuan resisted the attack of the white tiger, they could see green light condensed into green dragons in all directions, their killing power was astonishing, the sound of the dragon roar pierced people's hearts, ten thousand green dragons danced in winding, circling nine days, with a magnificent momentum , It was impossible to see it before. Every green dragon contains a very real dragon's intention. puncture hazard.

"It seems that there is not only one Qinglong, but after the turmoil in the ancient times, many fairy beasts have almost become extinct. The Qinglong clan has also suffered a devastating blow. In the past, the Qinglong clan was also a big clan. Senior Qinglong should be in the chaos of ancient times. The only surviving species of the era." Xuanyuan made such a judgment, because the blood of the Qinglong flowing in his body, and the inner alchemy of the Qinglong, are extremely real for the Qinglong formed by the condensed Yimu Yes, it is very possible that the underground suppression of this large formation is the skeleton of a green dragon.

If there is no real Qinglong inner alchemy, or the corpses pressing the formation, it is impossible to have such a real rhythmic attack.

It seems that these Five Elements sages are really not simple. Xuanyuan was just suspicious of the attack of the white tiger just now. Now that the attack of the green dragon made Xuanyuan immediately confirm that under the overall situation of feng shui, the Qinglong and the white tiger who are absolutely suppressed bones.

The sound of the dragon's roar swept through the nine heavens and ten places, and the violent sound passed through the ears, making people almost ringing in the ears. In their minds, it seemed that the sea of ​​consciousness was about to be torn apart. , "Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Pan", united with the way of yin and yang, mobilized the power of this piece of heaven and earth, and returned to the other body with the way of the other, rushed out ninety-nine black and white yin-yang dragons in a row, the yin and yang were born together, the power doubled, and then In addition, Zhang Tianling's "Qimen Qiankun Order" opened ninety-nine portals in a row and resisted with all his strength. The pig-headed emperor even attacked the emperor's prohibition and killed in all directions, causing the five-colored light of this piece of heaven and earth to travel around, gather and disperse. Clutch, chaos.

Everyone present, except Zhutou Dadi and Zhang Tianling, Peng Fei and Xuanyuan's eardrums were bleeding, but this little injury was nothing to them, and they recovered quickly.

After breaking through the green dragon blocking the way and continuing to move forward, Xuanyuan's eyes lit up, and he said in a heavy voice, "Great, I feel that we are getting closer and closer to our destination."

"I have a question in my mind." Peng Fei said suddenly.

"Say." The pig-headed emperor was also extremely excited, and finally he could make a lot of money.

"You say that the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the sages are not dead, and they ascended to the 'Hongmeng Origin'. Do you say that the five-element sages may die? You must know that they joined hands, but they are worse than the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor'." If you want to be strong, how can you die in this world?" This has always been the question in Pengfei's heart, and his biggest worry is that he will get nothing this time.

"Aren't you stupid? If they are still alive, why would they leave a grave for themselves? Isn't that just looking for trouble and making yourself miserable? They must be dead." The pig-headed emperor despised Peng Fei with great disdain.

"No, things can't be said that way. The "Emperor Qiankun" also set up a tomb for himself, but he himself has nowhere to go. I don't know if he ascended to the "Origin of Hongmeng", but in the ancient tomb of Qiankun, is There is absolutely no corpse of 'Emperor Qiankun', there are many ancient emperors in the fifth heaven, and their old age is unpredictable." Zhang Tianling said solemnly.

"That's right, but it doesn't matter even if the sages of the Five Elements are not dead, because I can be sure that under this great formation, the dead white tigers and the corpses of the green dragon beasts will be absolutely suppressed. It is definitely enough for the gods to drink a pot, and they are fighting all the way, I am afraid it is a great consumption, our goal has been achieved, this is enough." In Xuanyuan's eyes, cold light flowed, murderous.

Peng Fei's eyes lit up in an instant, and his saliva almost didn't flow out: "Okay, very good, there are still the bones of the Qinglong fairy beast and the white tiger fairy beast, these are extremely rare, go, there are your five elements Guided by things, the attacking power we received along the way was the weakest, it seems that the power of the Five Elements in this piece of heaven and earth is showing mercy to the same clan."

Xuanyuan nodded, and guided by the five elements in his body, he advanced quickly. Immortal Phoenix, Suzaku, and Xuanwu blocked the way one after another. It is densely covered, or Xuanwu is like a mountain, and it is crushed by thousands of weights. It is a pity that they met Xuanyuan and his party, and they were all resisted one by one.

Of course, Xuanyuan and his party were also uncomfortable, especially the last Xuanwu. Every time they were blasted out, they seemed to have endured the attack of an ancient sage from the fifth heaven. Peng Fei had eighteen ribs broken, and Xuanyuan spit out There was a big mouthful of blood, only Zhutou Dadi and Zhang Tianling coughed twice.

Peng Fei was sweating profusely, his face turned green, obviously he was under the greatest pressure, he said in a heavy voice: "Damn it, this ancient emperor coin is really easy to use, I really use the 'Yin Yang mirror' And the power of the 'Yin Yang Fu Mo Pan' has been brought into full play."

Xuanyuan did not expect that Peng Fei would actually use the ancient emperor coins, but it is not surprising to think about it, because the power of this piece of "Five Elements and Thousand Illusions" is really terrible, and it is difficult to compete with him with his strength. You can rely on the ancient emperor coins, you must know that this is the magic circle formed by the five elements.

"It doesn't matter, I will pay you back as much as you used. Damn, don't think I don't know what you're thinking." The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched. This fat man wanted to blackmail Xuanyuan at this time.

"Damn it, you kid is leading the right way." Peng Fei repaired his injured body with yin and yang, feeling very wrong.

"Yes, for sure. The breath of the power of the five elements is getting closer and closer. It seems to be in front. Speed ​​up and move forward." The five elements in Xuanyuan's body had a very strong feedback. When he looked forward, there was a stream of five colors The condensed portal.

Peng Fei's eyes lit up, he felt that there was a huge danger, but there were many dangers along the way, and he had already passed it. It's not bad this time, going to other places, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous, he gritted his teeth, at this time, he There is no way out: "Damn it, just listen to your kid, fight it out, if you die, you will have to pay for it, Daoist."

As soon as the words fell, a group of people rushed into the portal formed by the condensed colorful light in front of them. At that moment, an extremely destructive force of the five elements rushed towards them.

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