Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1478 The Last Life

In front of me is a palace that covers an area of ​​only ten miles. It cannot be said how majestic or magnificent, but it reveals an extremely mysterious ancient rhythm. The walls are as smooth as a mirror, and people's figures can be reflected on it. It depicts a series of subtle and imperceptible ancient patterns, mysterious and profound.

In the center of the hall, there are five-color divine lights floating, exhaling extremely terrifying power. This is a group of extremely terrifying power. I don’t know how many years it has been condensed. It is the product of five five-element spirits that rank at least third Convergence, because the power of the five elements emitted from it is too strong.

The moment Xuanyuan and his party came in, they immediately launched an attack, which was a form of self-defense.

Everyone's complexion changed, because this force of the five elements contains the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, mutual generation and mutual restraint, in life there is death, in death there is life, it is incomprehensible, the most inseparable thing in the world is Yin-yang and five elements, the power of these five elements gives people the feeling that they are the roots of the five elements of heaven and earth. No matter what method you use, you will be disintegrated by it one after another. Even the five elements in Xuanyuan's body tremble from the heart. If it were the same as before, I'm afraid they would all want to submit and dare not resist, but since they merged into Xuanyuan's body, Xuanyuan's martial arts will, as well as everything he cultivated, his supernatural powers have deeply affected them, making them dare to resist everything, This is the master's influence on the spirits of heaven and earth.

Feeling this destructive force, Peng Fei's face turned green immediately, he couldn't help trembling, and roared frantically: "Damn it, this is the root of the five elements, it's the eye of this big formation , your five-element spirit brought us to the most dangerous place in the entire formation, damn it, I am dead, how could I meet such a cheating kid like you, give me back my life."

Pengfei howled miserably as if his parents had died, and Xuanyuan couldn't help the corners of his eyes twitching wildly. The pig-headed emperor shuddered violently, and couldn't bear it anymore, so he slammed Xuanyuan's head and face and scolded: "Damn, what the hell are you guys doing?" What do you think, can you have some brains, take care of yourself, it doesn't matter if you die, don't let Emperor Ben die with you..."

Zhang Tianling was very silent. He was used to the way Pengfei, Zhutou Dadi and Xuanyuan communicated. Mie Li was introduced into it, and another portal was opened, and he returned the same way to the other body. In the next moment, the violent Five Elements Mie Li directly hit the five divine lights in the center of the hall.

Obviously, for Zhang Tianling, it would be a huge waste to cast the 'Qimen Qiankun Order' all at once.

I saw those five elements extinguishing power berserk, endless light erupted in front of my eyes, and destructive waves swept across the four directions, crushing one wave after another, hitting ninety-nine black and white yin and yang condensed by yin and yang. The dragon's body was shattered, forming a chaotic atmosphere.

The 'Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Disk' and the 'Yin-Yang Divine Mirror' shook, and a steady stream of Yin-Yang Qi came out, and the chaos quickly turned into Yin-Yang, resisting desperately.

The guardian emperor's prohibition laid down by the pig-headed emperor evolved into various avenues of protection, intertwined, extremely concise, like ancient giant cities, but before the power of the five elements, they were as fragile as glass, shattered one by one, It was difficult to resist the crushing of Dao Bo of the Five Elements Destroyer Power, but it still resisted part of the power more or less, and finally forced the pig-headed emperor to use the power of 'shrouding the sky' to evolve giant palms, condensing into a sky-shading palm. The avenue, resisting the attack of the Five Elements Destroying Power.

Peng Fei's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood when he was crushed by Dao Bo. Xuanyuan was very calm, without the slightest panic, the five-color canopy around his body was condensed, suspended above his head, swallowing five-color divine light, the five statues condensed their essence The god of spirit and flesh and blood appeared at the same time.

That's right, he is the emperor formed by the five elements in Xuanyuan's body and his own flesh and blood. In this world, since ancient times, there are probably few people who can do this except Xuanyuan.

"What's going on?" Xuanyuan asked the five elements in his body.

"Master, draw out a ray of the power of the five elements of this piece of heaven and earth, and we will refine it together. As long as we are contaminated with the power of the five elements of this piece of heaven and earth, we will be safe. At least the chance of getting out of this hall will be higher. If we If we can understand the mystery, maybe this 'Five Elements and Thousand Illusions' can be used for us?" Baguio said emphatically.

"Baguio is right, but it is dangerous, it depends on the master's decision, this should be the last way out." Xuanhuang Tianjin said heavily.

Xuanyuan was silent for a moment, looked at Pengfei, and said, "Fatty man, do you have a way to find out the exit of this 'Five Elements and Thousand Illusions'?"

Peng Fei's face changed on the spot, and he scolded his mother loudly: "Damn it, if I can find it, do I still need to join hands with you? I have fallen into a place of death without a burial, and if you come to ask me this now, wouldn’t it be the same for you? Don’t be so harmful.”

Xuanyuan looked at Zhang Tianling, and quickly asked: "Senior Zhang, can you really not break through this 'Five Elements and Thousand Illusions'?"

Zhang Tianling shook his head, and said helplessly: "This is just a simple technique, I can still break it, but it contains the way of Fengshui thaumaturgy, it is difficult for me to break it, but I can still do it if I return from the original path, but What we are facing, I am afraid, are countless strong gods, and we will still die at that time."

Xuanyuan's heart sank, Peng Fei had already spread the news that it was the ancient tomb of the five declines of the gods, and there must be a large number of strong people coming here, and there was no turning back, because the tombs left by the five declines of the heavens and humans The Protoss inheritance is of great significance to them, and it can affect the entire Protoss in the "Central China" to compete with the Protoss outside the territory. Xuanyuan was very firm and said: "Forget it, at this time, I can only fight for my life. Create a life."

Xuanyuan gritted his teeth, and sat cross-legged in the center of the three of them. The 'Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' was fully functioning. The strength of the body and soul amazed everyone present. It really is extraordinary, but Xuanyuan, what are you going to do?"

"I want to mobilize the power of the five elements in this piece of heaven and earth, see it refining, let the understanding of the five elements in my body be contaminated with the power of the five elements of this piece of heaven and earth, this is the only way to break through here." Xuanyuan looked very dignified.

The pig-headed emperor yelled loudly: "Damn, are you looking for death? If not, just go back the same way. Even a wisp of the power of the five elements in this piece of heaven and earth is not something you can bear. The five statues are comparable to the "Hongmeng The big tomb where the Emperor of Heaven exists, and the combination of power and feng shui laid out by you, is it something you can bear, you must be a little self-aware."

"Don't be afraid, Peng Fei has the elixir of immortality." Xuanyuan grinned and looked at Peng Fei, the fat man's face immediately changed drastically, as if he wanted to scold his mother, his face turned red with anger, he was out of breath, and trembling all over , the fat all over his body was dangling, as if Xuanyuan was holding a knife to his heart, gouging it out fiercely with one knife at a time.

"Damn it, you kid don't want to get the elixir from me. Is it easy for me to hide some treasures?" Peng Fei made his attitude clear.

"Your uncle, don't give it to you if you like it or not. I'll see if you can get out of this 'five elements and thousand illusion array' until you die." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and didn't pay any attention to it anymore. He was real There is no elixir, this is the best way, you can only fight by yourself.

He didn't say any more, in this palace, Xuanyuan used the five elements to directly draw out the most quintessential power of the five elements here. If Xuanyuan didn't have the five elements in his body, he would have to extract the part that didn't exist before he could refine it, because the power of the five elements in this world had long been fused together.

Opportunities like this are rare.

That ray of quintessential five-element power passed through numerous guards and directly merged into Xuanyuan's body. Sharp cracks appeared on Xuanyuan's body. Everyone could see that Xuanyuan's body seemed to be about to shatter. Xuanyuan's body grew a series of tender shoots, which were extremely crisp. Zhang Tianling frowned when he saw it, and said: "This is a highly poisonous grass, called the soul-breaking grass. If it grows fully, Xuanyuan's soul power will be destroyed." It's really wasted."

"What to do, damn it, this kid is too impulsive, he is a rare genius in all ages, a lot of luck is concentrated on him alone, he can't die, once he dies, the great emperor's many hopes will be destroyed. It's all gone, how can I help him?" The pig-headed emperor looked panic-stricken, Xuanyuan is very important, he inherited everything from the 'Emperor Devourer', if Xuanyuan died, I'm afraid the 'Emperor Devourer' would be very sad. Disappointed.

"I can't help it. It's all up to him. It's him who introduced the ray of five elements into his body. It's too difficult to force it out." Zhang Tianling shook his head and sighed, Xuanyuan would do anything for them.

In addition, Xuanyuan's body began to be covered with dense layers of frost, and every trace of cold air made Peng Fei tremble all over. This is the power of the most yin and cold, but in The other part of Xuanyuan's body was burned with raging fire, almost destroyed. Besides, another part was directly petrified.

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt that his body was enduring the terrifying power of the five elements, almost tearing his body apart.

Seeing Xuanyuan's body in such a state, Peng Fei couldn't help trembling, the power of the five elements kept attacking Xuanyuan's body.

"Damn, is this kid all right?" The pig-headed emperor looked extremely ugly, and for the first time he felt that Xuanyuan might be on the verge of death at any time.

"Pengfei, you can figure it out yourself, your elixir of immortality is your last hope." Zhang Tianling said with a solemn expression after only one sentence.

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