The power of the five elements is violent and extremely penetrating, not to mention other people, even the people around Xuanyuan feel uncomfortable. The power of the five elements in this piece of heaven and earth has been condensed for too many years, and the essence is to the extreme , each ray has terrifying power, and Xuanyuan is only the existence of the second heaven of the emperor's realm, it is difficult to resist at all, unless Xuanyuan reaches the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor, he can easily resist it.

Now Xuanyuan's body is under the attack of the power of the five elements all the time, and the great pain is spreading in his body, making him suffer. This is an unprecedented pain, feeling his body and soul All tearing apart.

Just a wisp of the essence of the power of the five elements can turn Xuanyuan into what it is now, where the body is completely eroded by the power of the five elements.

Xuanyuan frowned tightly, endured endless pain, gritted his teeth, and activated the "Immortal Defying Heaven Art" to restore the damaged vitality of the body, and Taos like phoenixes flowed and intertwined in the body, repairing the physical body.

But Xuanyuan found that the more he mobilized the original power, although he was recovering, the faster the soul-severing grass grew, and the power of the three souls was absorbed extremely powerfully, and the power of the five elements was indeed extremely terrifying.

Immediately cut off the connection between his three souls and seven souls with the "Eternal Divine Soul Art", and used the "San Qing Dao Lian" to protect his three souls from injury. If this continues, the power of the three souls will be completely absorbed.

But the situation is still not optimistic. The strong power of the five elements is tearing apart the body. The blood in the body is either burning, burning to death, or freezing into frost, freezing to the bone, or the body is petrified, causing Xuanyuan to lose consciousness, or Is it suffering from lingering pain all the time, the skin is cut inch by inch, or is suffering from foreign objects growing out of my body, tearing out of the flesh, blood splashing, gurgling out, the scene makes people unbearable to look at .

No matter what kind it is, it is not something ordinary people can bear, but Xuanyuan endured them one by one without saying a word.

The situation is already very critical at this time, Peng Fei gritted his teeth and felt the urge to cry. It is not easy to hide some treasures by himself, and he absolutely does not want to take out the elixir until the last moment, he still wants to see Xuanyuan How far it can last, as long as the three souls and seven souls are not dead, this is a trivial matter.

The pig-headed emperor roared angrily: "Damn it, fat man, why are you still hesitating, Xuanyuan is not mean to you, and you treat him like this, you are so dead."

"Damn it, you don't want to die. Although Xuanyuan is not mean to me, I am also very kind to him. Is it easy for me to get the medicine of immortality? You just squeeze me like this, you touch it! Do you feel sorry for your own conscience?" Peng Fei rolled his eyes, looking extremely innocent, as if tears were about to fall in the next moment.

The pig-headed emperor was almost fainted by Peng Fei's anger, trembling all over, he couldn't bear to swallow the dead fat man, Zhang Tianling was very silent, he looked at Xuanyuan, knowing that he had entered a very special state, maybe the real thing could be done There may not be a turnaround, and Pengfei is right to do so.

Xuanyuan was carrying the pain, he didn't want to completely rely on the magic medicine of immortality, but wanted to refine this quintessential power of the five elements with his own strength, only in this way could he get real benefits, at least the god of immortality Medicine should be used when you really can't support yourself.

The power of the five elements ravages and destroys every corner of his body. The five elements interrelate and restrain each other. Xuanyuan has long had a thorough understanding of the five elements that ordinary people do not have. Lead to the power of wood, use the power of wood to lead to the power of earth, use the power of earth to lead to the power of water, use the power of water to lead to the power of fire, use the power of fire to lead to the power of metal , forming a mutually restraining circle, turning into a cycle in one's own body.

The movement of the power of the five elements in Xuanyuan's body, the flow of every ray of power, is a kind of extreme pain, especially the collision at the time of mutual restraint.

Looking from outside Xuanyuan's body, one could see an extremely fierce force of gold cutting towards the power of wood. The broken soul flower that grew out, the avenue of wood bred by it, was cut off by several tenths. The not-so-small Broken Soul Flower became smaller, and part of the power of the wood fell to the power of the earth. I saw that the petrified Xuanyuan's body was broken inch by inch, and he began to slowly regain consciousness. The power of earth hit the power of water, and the blood that had condensed into frost on Xuanyuan's body began to melt bit by bit, and the vitality began to gradually recover, part of the power of water hit the power of fire, watering the body that was The flames of the burning blood gradually weakened, and the power of the fire hit the power of gold, and the cut skin on the surface of Xuanyuan's body began to shrink, and the cut places began to decrease. The "Immortal Defying Heaven Art" that could not be helped finally began to quickly recover the bed that Xuanyuan suffered.

Zhang Tianling looked surprised, and said in a heavy voice: "Okay, Xuanyuan has a very deep comprehension of the power of the five elements, maybe he can get through this difficult time without the magic medicine of immortality, this matter is also a great exercise for him. "

The pig-headed emperor grinned and looked at Peng Fei: "Damn, you fat man, have you seen it? It seems that I really can't rely on you. Xuanyuan would have died if I relied on you."

"My Daoist already knows that Xuanyuan has boundless magic power, thorough aptitude, and the world's great luck. How could he die so easily? Without this Daoist, how could Xuanyuan understand the true meaning of the Five Elements?" Peng Fei breathed a sigh of relief. , Finally, there is no need to sacrifice one's own elixir of immortality. For things like elixir of immortality, use as little as possible. It is best not to use it unless it is a last resort.

The corner of Zhutou Emperor's mouth twitched, Peng Fei was as shameless as himself, originally he thought he was rare in the world, but he didn't expect Peng Fei to be a superior existence than himself.

Xuanyuan has been resisting desperately, so that the five elements in the body finally have the opportunity to start to backlash, because they are all based on Xuanyuan. If Xuanyuan can't support it, everything is empty and everything must be Only Xuanyuan can be used as a carrier. If they are used to devour the power of the five elements, it is likely to lead to their demise, because the power of the five elements is too powerful.

The spirits of the five elements are almost running at the same time, they draw a circle of mutual generation, devour the relatively weaker power of the five elements in Xuanyuan's body, and refine them bit by bit.

Xuanyuan uses his own body as a carrier to dilute the power of the five elements, separate the gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and let them absorb it separately.

Xuanyuan sent a message from his heart: "This is a good opportunity, you quickly separate the power of these five elements one by one, and refine them quickly."

"Yes, master." Baguio and the existence of heaven and earth spirits responded repeatedly.

It's also fortunate that the power of these five elements has no wisdom, otherwise, I'm afraid I'm really terrible. The only advantage is that the battlefield is in my body. As a body of myriad transformations, I can dissipate part of the killing power. There is another point It is to be able to induce the flow of this force of the five elements in one's body.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's body gave people an extremely contradictory feeling. It seemed that there was the power of the five elements to restrain each other, but also the energy of the five elements to generate each other, forming a tendency of mutual restraint and mutual generation.

"Outside is restraining, inside is living!" Xuanyuan sensed the power of the five elements in his body, and he felt it carefully, and caught a ray of Taoism in the five elements of heaven and earth. Directly mobilize the power of yin and yang, condense the five elements, and once again experience the profound meaning of yin and yang and five elements boxing.

Zhang Tianling quickly looked at Peng Fei, and hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, give him a helping hand. The power of the five elements in his body is too strong, and if the power of yin and yang is too weak, I'm afraid his achievements in condensing his own martial arts will be limited."

Peng Fei didn't talk nonsense right away, the 'Yin-Yang Divine Mirror' aroused that ray of Chu Yang, Chu Yin's qi, and integrated it into Xuanyuan's body.

The majestic vitality was tumbling, which made Xuanyuan's injured body recover a lot, and the black and white qi merged into his body, complementing the power of the five elements.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's body has been damaged beyond recognition. Xuanyuan has yin and yang in one hand and five elements in the other. Combining the two, he can comprehend a supreme and profound meaning.

The power of Yin-Yang and Five Elements is no small matter. Yin-Yang governs life and death, and the Five Elements determine the universe. At this moment, everyone can feel the boundless fighting way emanating from Xuanyuan's mind. If it can be condensed into a fist, it will surely crush everything with one punch.

"Alright, it's really not easy to comprehend the power of Yin-Yang and Five Elements to such an extent." Zhang Tianling said seriously.

"Damn it, I knew this kid had his skills." The pig-headed emperor also felt very excited, licking his scarlet tongue, his eyes glowed brightly.

"Fortunately, my Taoist master is unparalleled in wisdom. If I gave this boy the medicine of immortality too early, I'm afraid he would rely on the power of the medicine of immortality, and he would not be able to make progress as he is now. This is all due to my master." Peng Fei Laughing loudly, with fat dangling all over his body, he took all the credit for himself.

Everyone could clearly feel that the terrifying power of the five elements was dissipating bit by bit, and Xuanyuan finally resisted the invasion of the power of the five elements with his own ability.

And the co-generated five-element spirit in Xuanyuan's body devoured the power of those five elements, becoming bigger and bigger, full of vitality, and surging.

Obviously, the spirits of the five elements have their own understanding from the power of the five elements. Although Xuanyuan barely supported it, the damage to the physical body was very large. , I'm afraid it's unbearable.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief for Xuanyuan, they saw that Xuanyuan's mind moved, and introduced a wisp of the power of the five elements that is the essence of this piece of heaven and earth, into the body, and the violent power of the five elements produced a new energy for Xuanyuan's body. Fortunately, Xuanyuan had been prepared for a round of destruction, and when the power of the five elements erupted in his body, he immediately induced them to restrain each other and form a circle.

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