"It seems that the Wanzu in the 'Central China' is very trustworthy, and they didn't come to intervene just because they are the 'Five Decays of Heaven and Man' from my God Clan. Everyone, we can compete fairly." Goddess Longyue smiled slightly and looked at In front, there are sharp blades, all of which are engraved with extremely ancient runes. They are all intertwined and condensed by the strong gold-type fighting spirit. Those sharp blades are so sharp that they are far beyond the ability of ordinary people to resist. Even Xiang Liuli was extremely shocked.

Behind it is a huge golden mountain, full of strong sharpness, clanging and clanging, the terrifying gold-type grudge tearing apart, making people involuntarily tremble with fear, and you can get a glimpse of how terrifying the people who left behind this feng shui killing situation It can be seen that Quan Leopard, one must know that this Feng Shui Killing Bureau has gone through countless years. If it were in its heyday, it would be unimaginable how powerful it would be.

'Son of Dragon Candle' is Xuanyuan, frowned, looking extremely melancholy and suspicious, and said: "The feng shui situation in front of me feels more like the means of the human race, not my god race." 'The law, how could this be? Could it be the ancient tomb of the human race?"

"Haha, Brother Longzhu, you are too worried. My God Clan's 'Five Decays of Heaven and Man' means against the sky, there is no supernatural means they don't know, let alone the place where the burial takes advantage of the feng shui situation between heaven and earth. , and take ten thousand steps back, if it is the tomb of the ancient sages of the human race, we have already arrived here, can we stop? If they get these ancient inheritances, it will undoubtedly add obstacles to us. This time Who will kill who!" 'Tianhuang Shenzi' raised his eyes with murderous intent, and said in a heavy voice.

Xuanyuan raised the corner of his mouth, nodded, and said, "Thank you for your guidance, 'Son of Heaven and Desolation', I finally understand, what you said is right, how can the people get the inheritance of their ancestors, everyone, please!"

I saw the 'God Son of Xinghan' shaking the nebula in his hand, and was about to step into it to attack the Fengshui Killing Bureau. Xuanyuan grabbed Xinghan directly, and said via voice transmission: "Let's wait and see what happens, these profound entrances are not so easy To deal with it, let them go up to die first, the Protoss was overthrown by the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans, and the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans were overthrown by the Human Race, if the Human Race is really that easy to deal with, we God Clan don’t have to hide their strengths now.”

As soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, a god warrior who respected the realm of ancient sages entered the first profound entrance, made many avenues, and attacked with fighting spirit.

I saw the full -scale sharp blade trembled, and the sharp blades were ashamed. These sharp blades were like their own spiritual wisdom, broke out, and each looked for the goals. Compared with all of them, it is so terrifying that it makes people tremble.

The existence of hundreds of ancient sages in a row, their bodies were all torn into pieces, blood mist flew, and they died in an extremely miserable way. The unlucky "God Son of Tianyang" was the first to enter it, and fortunately he had the most precious body protection on his body. But he was still coughing up blood again and again by the sharp knife, and his hair was disheveled, looking very embarrassed.

He looked horrified, looking at the sharp blade floating in the sky in front of him, trembling in his heart, this is really terrifying, he never thought that someone could condense the gold-type grudge to such an extent, and there are many chaotic ways of killing in it , full of destructiveness, this is definitely a feng shui killing situation laid down by an extremely terrifying existence of the human race.

"I didn't expect that this Feng Shui killing situation would be so terrible..." 'God Son of Tianyang' always felt that he had to say something to make himself less ashamed.

"Hiss... My God Clan's 'Five Decays of Heaven and Man' is really powerful. It seems that it is not so easy to enter their ancient tombs. Even the Feng Shui power of the human race they borrowed is so difficult to break." 'God Son Xinghan Gratefully glanced at Xuanyuan, if there is no Xinghan, I'm afraid he will be in bad luck, it seems that it is really right to be sworn brothers with him, the "God Son of Xinghan" has begun to slow down in his heart towards Xuanyuan. Slowly things changed.

The strong men of the Protoss retreated from the attack range of the first porch one after another. In just a short moment, more than a thousand people have fallen. If this kind of loss continues, even the Protoss will not be able to afford it. .

A god-level existence frowned, his strength was at the peak of the second heaven of sages, his body was soaring in battle, and his murderous aura lingered, he said in a heavy voice: "Let's attack with the supreme Taoist weapon. It’s too scary, even if we all go up, it’s not enough to die.”

This sentence is not false, if it is not for Peng Fei's proficient feng shui thaumaturgy, who understands some corners and corners, knows how to use feng shui thaumaturgy, and knows how to avoid these feng shui murderous situations, I am afraid He would also die, unless he used the immortal medicine to revive the past with supreme potency, but no one had the luxury to do so.

I saw four supreme Taoist artifacts soaring into the sky, swallowing the power of destroying the world, and a breath that could make the world old was rolling, one after another sun temples were coming, the three-legged golden crows lingered and screamed, and the bright moons hung high, A giant drum thumped, and the phantoms of the four god emperors hung down to the nine heavens. The whole world seemed to be suffocated by their appearance. It's not worth selling nine Supreme Dao Artifacts at the same time, plus Xuanyuan's 'Can Tian', that's ten pieces.

God Son Xinghan also wanted to make a move, Xuanyuan directly put his shoulders on his shoulders, and said via voice transmission: "Let them play, let's wait and see what happens, and never underestimate our opponents, otherwise we will only be injured. Step back a little bit."

A sly gleam flashed in Xinghan's eyes, he nodded, and retreated to the side with Xuanyuan calmly, the distance was relatively far away.

Seeing this scene, the 'God Son of the Moon Emperor' couldn't help laughing and said, "Why, a feng shui killing game of the human race scares you like this? Are you also worthy to be the children of the god race? It's ridiculous."

"We're just being cautious, whether you deserve it or not, or we'll talk about it after a battle." Xiang Liuli sneered, pointing at the 'God Son of the Moon Emperor', she was fearless.

For some reason, the 'Goddess of the Moon Emperor' felt a sense of awe in her heart towards the 'Goddess of Longyue'. She always felt that this woman was not so easy to deal with, so she didn't talk to her. The Feng Shui attack was imminent, so no one said anything more.

I saw four pieces of supreme Taoist weapons, and they all shot together, 'Shen Zhan Dao Drum', 'Shen Yang Dao Sun' and 'Heavenly Desolation Divine Cauldron', 'Luo Yue Shen Jing', each of which came from the hands of the Supreme God Emperor , hit the power of destroying the world, the sound of the drums of the avenue, the light of the sun, the light of the sky, the fall of the sky, and the sky of the moon, at the moment when these four supreme Taoist weapons were shot.

I saw the golden mountain in the first entrance trembled suddenly, cracks appeared in front of everyone, a golden glow pierced through the sky, tore apart everything, and opened a huge hole in the entire sky.

"Haha, no matter how strong Feng Shui kills the game, it's nothing more than that. It can't stop the blow of the supreme Taoist weapon. It seems that some people are worrying too much."'Tianyang Shenzi' laughed.

"That's right, the means of the human race are so vulnerable. They can only defend but not attack. This is their saddest place. This kind of feng shui overall situation can only deal with their own people. Ineffective, my god race's "Five Decays of Heaven and Man" is probably deliberately taking advantage of the overall situation of the human race's feng shui to resist the invasion of the human race. The treasure in the tomb of the gods is reserved for us. Son Xinghan, I think you should not follow I'm done, and I refuse to exert any strength." The 'God Son of the Moon Emperor' smiled very proudly, and looked at Xuanyuan and the others with contempt in his eyes.

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a loud bang, and the huge golden mountain disintegrated, and it evolved into tens of millions of sharp blades, killing through the air, and the power of the golden light was overwhelming. The body is about to split, and even the soul seems to be about to shatter.

This is the aftermath of a strong attack, which directly angered the spirit of Fengshui that has bred endless years. Xuanyuan hurriedly pulled the 'Xinghan God Son' and the others to retreat crazily, and guarded them with two supreme Taoist weapons. It was able to withstand it without any damage, and many Protoss fighters were grateful.

The soldiers and horses of the nine tribes of the other protoss were pierced through their bodies by golden blades. Dozens of blood holes appeared on their bodies, their bodies were torn into pieces, and they died extremely miserable.

'God Son Xinghan' looked at Xuanyuan with admiration, and said: "It's also fortunate that I invited Brother Long Zhu this time, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be heavy losses. Brother Long Zhu has the foresight."

"These people who died are just trash, but it's okay. You see, those gods, generals, and elders are all fine. They have already prepared for it. The human race is not that simple." Xuanyuan swept the nine tribes of the gods, Although the attack after the disintegration of the golden mountain also killed some sages and sages, how could the truly powerful sages be killed by a force of feng shui? The highlight was always at the end.

"It seems that the human race's feng shui killing game still has merits." The killing power of that golden mountain is too strong. Just one blow can kill at least 100,000 protoss. soundtrack.

"Hehe, yes, we are just thinking about our subordinates, it doesn't matter if the dead are just trash, you go ahead and attack, the main event will be our turn to take action." Xuanyuan sneered slightly, so angry that the "God Son of the Moon Emperor" almost vomited blood.

This time the protoss brought all the elite, and none of the people whose strength was below the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm were not brought.

That is to say, the blow just now directly tore apart the god race powerhouse above the Seventh Layer of the Hundred Thousand Emperor Realm.

Anyone would be heartbroken, only the 'God Son of Xinghan' and the others in Xuanyuan are safe and sound.

"You guys are really good at it." 'God Son Xinghan' looked amazed, but his voice was full of ridicule, and his eyes were full of contempt.

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