Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1482 Desperate Layout

Many gods and elders communicated with each other, and each had their own opinions. I have to admit that the 'God Son of Dragon Candle' is very foresighted, and his methods are unmatched by others. They rarely suffer losses, and the 'God of Dragon Candle' has also managed to expand his plate to a level that cannot be ignored today. He is indeed a rare talent.

The corners of the mouths of many gods twitched. They didn't expect that the human race's feng shui attack was so powerful. If they continued to kill like this, wouldn't they be making wedding dresses for others? In the end, the people who are watching definitely benefit.

"Continue to attack, this first porch is about to be broken." Looking at the sharp blades rushing all over the sky, an old god shouted loudly. The avenue is in front of him, and it is not the time to bargain. A large piece was shattered, countless sharp blades turned into nothingness, and the terrifying supreme power crushed down, and the whole Fengshui land was about to collapse.

The other three supreme Taoist instruments, the sound of drums soared into the sky, the waves shattered the ground, a God of War descended from the sky, blasted out with one punch, and suppressed nine heavens and ten earths, and the "Luoyue Shenjing" shot an aurora of the moon, the killing power could penetrate Heaven and earth, the 'Heavenly Desolation Divine Cauldron' spits out thousands of strands of Dao power, each strand weighing hundreds of millions of catties, can crush everything, it is extremely terrifying.

Almost none of the four supreme Taoist artifacts stayed behind, and attacked the golden mountain at the first entrance. At this moment, this golden mountain collapsed and shattered inch by inch, and suddenly at the foot of the mountain, a Dao appeared. The mirror, the brilliance flowing, contains the mysteries of the heavens, all kinds of magical methods are intertwined and condensed, and all the four supreme powers are reflected.

The attack of the four supreme Dao weapons instantly killed the God Race army, causing everyone's expressions to change suddenly.

"How did this happen, what's going on here?"

This is what Peng Fei set up with the supreme avenue contained in the 'Yin Yang Mirror'. There is only one chance to fight back. It is extremely cheating. It seems that Peng Fei calculated from the beginning that they will attack by force. It is so cheap. pole.

"It turned out to be a rebound from the Dao, hurry up, protect it with the supreme Taoist weapon..." An old god's face turned green, he didn't expect that such a terrible Feng Shui situation was hidden in it, this human race is simply too shameless.

The faces of the other three old gods turned blue, and they quickly operated the Supreme Dao Artifacts, covering all directions with Dao protection.

The attack of these four supreme Dao weapons bounced back, tearing up the most unscrupulous general who stood at the front, and the God of War, condensed by the sound of drums, came with a punch, and the sound of Dao tore apart nine heavens and ten earths. , howling like a dragon, a large group of god warriors were shattered, and an aurora of the moon broke through the air strikes, and no one could touch the place it passed. This aurora of the moon explained the supreme secret of the moon clan, Those who were hit, all perished in the world, "Heavenly God Cauldron", thousands of strands of supreme power fell down, unstoppable, the god warriors in one world were broken, and their bodies were smashed to pieces, "Shen Yang Dao Sun", the flames Rolling, the sun's divine light invaded, containing the supreme killing power, causing many protoss fighters to burn and turn into ashes.

All of a sudden, another 50,000 protoss powerhouses died from flying ash. This time, they had different levels of strength, and it was difficult to escape. Fortunately, the other five clans of the protoss did not use the supreme Dao weapon to attack them. There were more deaths and injuries, and the four gods and elders resisted with supreme Taoist weapons to protect some people. Otherwise, their deaths and injuries would be even more serious.

This scene was too tragic, and the price was too great. Every god general was extremely precious, and it was so worthless to die like this, those old gods were bleeding in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan exclaimed in his heart: "Peng Fei is really ruthless, it's so enjoyable..."

You must know that Peng Fei has been studying this place for a long time, and I don't know how much thought he has put into it. The front entrances are also one of the powers that consume the Protoss.

Xuanyuan had been prepared for a long time, and deeply understood that Peng Fei would definitely leave behind something, so he took the 'God Son of Xinghan' to the side early, and at the moment the two of them were gloating.

"Fantastic, the four supreme Dao weapons, the power of attack is really boundless, not only killing the enemy, but also killing oneself." Xuanyuan exclaimed, which made the four great gods feel particularly harsh, and he wanted to give Xuanyuan to him. Slapped to death, but behind Xuanyuan there was an unknown 'Criminal God Emperor', if it wasn't for this, they wouldn't have swallowed their anger so much.

'God Son Xinghan' still looked extremely emotional, and said in a heavy voice: "'s really amazing, amazing!"

The four god sons instantly felt that they had been slapped in the face, but they couldn't do anything about it, because they themselves underestimated the power of Feng Shui of the human race.

Xuanyuan looked at where Jinshan was, and the first entrance was basically breached. The feng shui situation of Peng Fei's last rebounding mirror directly combined the power of feng shui with a radius of 100,000 miles and the power of the deep dragon veins. Instantly exhausted, it became a piece of wasteland, without the slightest vitality, and it was difficult for this piece of land to recover.

This kind of price is extremely huge, directly cutting off the vitality of a radius of 100,000 li, Peng Fei has already put all his eggs in one basket to kill the Protoss.

"I declare in advance that if any part of the protoss does not want to contribute, when it enters the tomb of my protoss, the five declines of heaven and man, no one can touch the treasures that have been passed down. Whoever doesn't work hard will want to snatch them at that time. Yes, when the time comes, all the ministries will join forces to attack, I don’t know what everyone thinks.” 'Tianhuang Shenzi' also got angry and spit out a big mouthful of blood. When he was injured, Yaoxuan, the Empress of the Medicine Palace, healed him, and he soon recovered.

"Well said, if there is anyone who doesn't want to contribute, all ministries will join forces to attack." The expression of the "God Son of the Moon Emperor" turned cold, and this time he was also injured, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, it's okay, the 'Criminal God Emperor' left me countless treasures, I don't need these things, this time I came here just to give my brother Xinghan an opinion, so that he should not suffer too much." Xuanyuan said indifferently With a smile, he looked like he didn't covet the treasure of the tomb of the gods, very calm and breezy.

God Son Xinghan nodded repeatedly, and said: "Brother Long Zhu is right, you can't be so blind and hasty in attacking the entrance, let's go, the second entrance is right in front of us, and I will naturally contribute to this one."

People from the eight tribes of the other protoss had different expressions, and they didn't say anything more. What kind of treasure did the "Divine Emperor" leave for "God Son Longzhu" and "Goddess Longyue" to give them such a strong confidence, even Is it possible to ignore the inheritance of the "five declines of heaven and man" in the tomb of the gods?

The second porch is a green hill, lush and full of vitality. This time the Protoss did not attack with the supreme Dao weapon. Even if they were prepared, they would be hard to guard against such a shameless method as the rebounding mirror.

"What do you think should be done this time? Do you want to continue to attack?" said an elder who is in charge of "Shenyang Dao Ri".

"This is not appropriate. We have already killed and injured many people. We should fight steadily and directly guard with the supreme Taoist weapon. I am afraid that this feng shui killing situation will not hurt us. After all, we did not come here to cause damage. , the most important thing is to get the treasure in the god's tomb." The old god who is in charge of the 'Heavenly God Cauldron' said heavily.

After several deliberations, this time they decided to get through this feng shui situation in a defensive manner.

One piece of supreme Taoist artifacts is intertwined and closely connected, and the supreme Taoist artifacts are used to protect all the gods' army. This is to force them to cross the green mountains, and only large tracts of forests collapsed and turned into fly ash.

When the God Race army crossed halfway, suddenly hundreds of millions of vines shot up into the sky, covered with spikes, entangled with each piece of supreme Taoism, and penetrated the protection of many supreme Taoisms.

I saw that the power of breaking the way contained in these vines is extremely terrifying. It is born to break through all the protection of the avenue, and it is the nemesis of many forbidden and protective methods.

Here, Peng Fei set up another feng shui power, which is also a desperate battle, mobilizing the power of feng shui with a radius of more than 100,000 miles, and the power of the dragon veins underground that has been bred for an unknown number of years. Bu Cheng has multiplied the feng shui power of this world, but after that this place will become a wasteland, so there is no need to say more.

A strong man of the gods was penetrated, and even a figure in the realm of old gods was smashed to pieces by thousands of vines, vomiting blood again and again. He kept repairing his body with secret methods, and finally relied on the attack of the supreme Taoist weapon Only by tearing up the vines could he survive.

As for many other fighters, not to mention the god generals, the demise of countless people has made them feel shattered. This kind of feng shui killing is really shameless, but they don't know feng shui thaumaturgy, so they can only use this Wait for the native method, who knows that such a thing will happen.

This time even the 'God Son of Xinghan' died a lot, and his face was very ugly, but with Xuanyuan's help, the damage was minimized.

The six supreme Taoist weapons were released together, and 'Xingyun' and 'Cantian' also joined them. With their supreme power, they tore up this piece of green hills, turned hundreds of millions of broken Taoist vines into fly ash, and practiced all kinds of Taoism. To the extreme, it was shaking.

The protoss army outside was breaking through one after another of the profound entrances, and Peng Fei inside immediately felt it. At this moment, his heart ached to the extreme. Xuanyuan had already refined eighteen wisps of five-element power, and he used up eight drops of immortality. Liquid, he wanted to cry, but there was nothing he could do.

"Damn it, kid, hurry up, the Protoss has already attacked the third porch, wait for them to come in here, if you are bad, we will all die, ten supreme tools, you really think it is Vegetarian?"

Peng Fei's words made Zhang Tianling and the pig-headed emperor frowned. It seemed that the situation was really urgent.

(Chapter 3 yesterday!)

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