Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1483 Spiritual objects of the five elements sages?

In the ancient temple, Xuanyuan was surrounded by the extremely majestic power of the five elements. When he went to the back, every time he refined a ray of the power of the five elements, it was so powerful that everyone's eyes jumped. It's no wonder that there is the liquid of immortality, Xuanyuan will naturally cherish this opportunity, and Pengfei has already burst into tears, so distressed that he is about to pee.

Now Xuanyuan has become extremely resistant to the power of the five elements in this piece of heaven and earth, and more importantly, the spirits of the five elements in his body have become stronger and stronger, as if he has already grasped the true meaning of the power of the five elements in this piece of heaven and earth. They are undergoing a unique transformation. One must know that an existence like the War Emperor, who becomes an independent individual, can have such terrifying combat power. If he can be integrated with Xuanyuan, what will happen? One can imagine what will happen if they complement each other. will only get stronger.

With Xuanyuan's thought, a five-color canopy enveloped everyone, as if it was integrated with this piece of heaven and earth. Peng Fei, who had been working so hard to resist all this, was relieved and felt that the pressure was not so great, but the tragedy is that The ancient emperor coins have all been consumed, and there is no way that the attacking power of this piece of heaven and earth is too strong.

Peng Fei looked at Xuanyuan with tears streaming down his face, with an extremely resentful look, as if Xuanyuan had broken his virginity but was not responsible for him, and said: "Your son is finally done, if you continue like this, I will It's really unbearable, you are too bad."

"Don't worry, when you enter the ancient tomb of the sages of the Five Elements, I will give you whatever you want." The corners of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, goosebumps all over his body, Peng Fei was already a little psychotic due to being squeezed by himself.

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, Pengfei finally found some balance in his heart.

After Xuanyuan refined the supreme liquid of the 'Nine Dao Divine Roots', he had a new understanding of the ancient art in his body. It seems that this ancient art can condense a complete character. Once it is condensed, There will be infinite power, this is the information that Xuanyuan has experienced from the 'Nine Dao God Roots'.

This character has a common rhythm with the mysterious ancient characters obtained by Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan found that if he had to practice the ancient art to the extreme state of Dzogchen, and then condensed it into characters, it would be better than those mysterious ancient characters he had engraved. The characters are more powerful, but it is difficult to condense an ancient technique into an ancient character. It is difficult to simplify and explain such a huge chapter with one word. It is not something ordinary people can do. If Xuanyuan can do it , then he will reach a brand new peak.

Because since ancient times, I haven't heard of any existence that condenses the entire ancient art into an ancient character. This is not much easier than refining a supreme Taoist tool, and it requires an extreme comprehension. To have a thorough understanding of ancient art, and to completely dominate it, and to seize a mysterious opportunity, there is a chance, and more conditions may be required.

Perhaps the existence of the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" is possible, but outsiders don't know about it, but this is only a possibility, and Xuanyuan did not make any conclusions.

However, being able to know this piece of information is an extremely rare thing for Xuanyuan. I still have a long way to go in the future. Now that I know that there is such a method, I can go on a longer and smoother road in the future. Farther away, Xuanyuan is going to try to use some of the supreme Taoism that he has cultivated to Dzogchen to condense into an ancient character, and there may be unexpected gains.

Sensing the aura exuding from Xuanyuan's body, Peng Fei felt envious and jealous. Xuanyuan's physical strength has made another essential leap. You must understand that Xuanyuan's 'everything body' is extremely strong in the first place. Physique, and now it has gone through another leap and transformation, which makes other people with special physiques how to live.

"Damn it, you're alright, boy, I think this flesh shell can shake the existence of the sage realm, and it's all thanks to my master."

"In the center of this hall is a projection left by the heaven and earth spirits on the five-element sages. This time, I have refined the essence of the five-element power that they have condensed over the years, and you can walk in. "Xuanyuan ignored Peng Fei's words of taking all the credit, but it is true that Peng Fei's help is quite great. Now facing some saints with ordinary physiques, his body should be able to forcibly shake him, but if it is a saint with a special physique, I am afraid that he will It's still hard to resist, after all, the gap between several big realms is there.

The Protoss had already attacked, Xuanyuan knew that the most urgent thing to do was to enter the ancient tomb of the Great Sage of the Five Elements, and immediately covered the crowd with a five-color canopy, and led them to the five-color radiance in the center of the hall.

Under the movement of Xuanyuan's mind, the group of five-colored radiance condensed into a door, and even obeyed Xuanyuan's instructions, which surprised Zhutou Emperor and Zhang Tianling, and made Peng Fei feel thirsty immediately. He was even more excited when a beauty stripped naked. You must know that behind that door, there are endless treasures. For him, there is nothing more tempting than stealing a peerless ancient tomb.

The ancient tomb of the Great Sage of the Five Elements is already comparable to a figure of the level of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor'.

"Damn it, go away, kid." Peng Fei was about to drool, but he was afraid of danger and wanted Xuanyuan to go ahead.

The pig-headed emperor's eyes were shiny green, like a bunch of will-o'-the-wisps, he didn't care so much, and rushed directly into that portal.

Peng Fei stared, seeing that the dead pig didn't make a scream and was dangling all over his body, he also rushed in, fearing that the baby would be snatched by the other party, Xuanyuan and Zhang Tianling looked at each other and smiled, followed suit walked in.

In front of my eyes, there was a burst of illusory, intertwined lights and phantoms. When the picture was clear, Xuanyuan looked at the shocked pig-headed emperor and Peng Fei, and frowned: "What's wrong? You two are scared to death?"

Peng Fei pointed to Xuanyuan's back, and said, "Look at what this is? It's strange, they came really fast."

Xuanyuan turned around, and saw a large group of protoss soldiers attacking the third entrance. Obviously, they also suffered a lot of losses in the third entrance, and they could not get much benefit, mainly Peng Fei. Those feng shui thaumaturgy methods left along the way are really too cheap.

In front of you is a light mirror condensed with the power of the five elements, and you can see the scene outside the five entrances.

"It seems that this time the Protoss has really invested their money and brought such a large number of powerful people. They will definitely win this ancient epitaph." The pig-headed emperor frowned. He knew that one of them was the incarnation of Xuanyuan undercover, but Even if it is nine pieces of Supreme Dao Artifacts, it is not something they can resist, not to mention there are so many god generals, god elders, each of them can turn them into ashes with a single blow.

"It's okay, they won't be able to come in for a while, let's make preparations as soon as possible so that they can have a taste of this peerless ancient tomb." Xuanyuan's avatar was outside and knew the battle situation best, so he didn't say much, and looked towards The five-color light mirror and the radiance flowed, and there seemed to be a trace of anger coming out. He was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the gods. Xuanyuan's heart moved, and he didn't say anything. Presumably the five-element spirit in the five-element great sage's body must be one of the best in the world Existence, the great sages of the five elements are dead, but they can coexist with the heaven and the earth. From the beginning to the end, Xuanyuan feels that they exist in this ancient tomb, at least this is the information given to him by the heaven and earth spirits in his body.

Xuanyuan didn't think too much, he should have been recognized by them for being able to refine the power of the five elements condensed by them, otherwise he wouldn't let himself in here, so he didn't think too much.

He looked at the land under his feet with the "eye of truth", and it was true that the bones of the five great immortal beasts were suppressed inside, and they were extremely complete, without signs of decay. Their bodies flowed with immortal light, and they were almost immortal. What kind of secret method can be used to keep their bodies from chaos to the present, so complete, even full of spirituality, like living creatures, surrounded by majestic energy.

Xuanyuan can feel that the bones of these five immortal beasts are extremely powerful. From the perspective of the bones of Qinglong, they are stronger than the inheritance of Qinglong that he has obtained. This is certain. Xuanyuan himself has condensed the Qinglong essence in his body. Blood has a strong sense of the power of the Qinglong clan.

I don't know what happened before it died, so that such a green dragon beast could die here, not to mention the four great beasts of the fairy phoenix, red bird, basalt, and white tiger, could it be the five elements? Killed, deliberately suppressed here with their bones? If this is the case, the Great Sage of the Five Elements is really too powerful.

What kind of situation is unknown, Xuanyuan looked at Peng Fei, and said: "Didn't you say that you want to use the method of corpse transformation to attack the gods? It is ready now, the immortal corpses of the five great beasts are pregnant with the ancient gods. The ultimate aura of Emperor Wuzhongtian, if the corpse is resurrected, it can also drink a pot of gods."

"The method of corpse transformation is too dangerous. I will temporarily resurrect these five immortal beasts with the method of power. If you really can't resist, then you can use the method of corpse transformation to attack." Zhang Tianling belongs to the conservative Pai, I don't want to take any risks, because if this kind of existence really turns into a dead body, it will cause terrible consequences if it loses control. At that time, the victims will be the people of all races. He has his own ideas, and Xuanyuan didn't say much.

Peng Fei nodded and said with a grin: "Alright, let's go find the burial place of the Great Sage of the Five Elements."

Xuanyuan turned around, here is a bigger hall, the small hall just now is just an entrance, Peng Fei is an expert in finding the place of burial, so he won't be involved.

"Okay, then go find it, we'll wait for you here." Because Xuanyuan wanted to see Zhang Tianling's method of resuscitating the corpse.

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