Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1488 Immortal Corpse

The phoenix spread its wings and soared through the nine heavens, breathing out billions of beams of radiance, colorful and extremely beautiful, hanging down in the four directions, with auspicious clouds floating, dotted with necklaces, countless phoenixes circling, singing everywhere, and the beauty is dazzling.

The white tiger stepped on the cloud, and wherever it passed, it seemed as if it had been slashed by thousands of sharp swords, tearing everything apart, its murderous power soaring into the sky, a bloody light pierced into the ninth heaven, every step it took, there were endless sharp avenues cutting Turning everything on, it seems that nothing can stop the white tiger's killing light.

Suzaku spreads its wings for three thousand miles, with billowing clouds of fire, blazing flames, and the sound of its long cry can be heard endlessly. It can burn everything up and be annihilated by flying ash. Its body gathers and disperses at times, disappears and appears at times, making it impossible to figure out at all. , the nine sparrow tails on the back all contain nine different ways of killing.

Looking at the scene in front of them, not only were the many powerhouses of the Protoss shocked, but even the eyes of the five elements were surprised. They all looked in the direction of Zhang Tianling. They didn't know that Zhang Tianling had a resurrection plan. However, they did not expect that Zhang Tianling was able to revive them to this extent, which is already extremely remarkable. In their eyes, Zhang Tianling is definitely a person with amazing fortune in the art of posture.

It is really not easy to resurrect the five immortal beasts by one person, and to be able to do so.

I saw the five great immortal beasts attacking the gods together, all kinds of avenues were crushed, and they didn't hold back the slightest hand.

They have the body of the ancient emperor Wuzhongtian, and there are many supreme avenues in it. They use it as a carrier to attack and attack. Although they are not as powerful as their true self, they are contaminated with a trace of Wuzhongtian's aura after all. The machine is naturally terrifying to the extreme.

Eight unsurpassed Taoist weapons struck again, the drums shook the sky, the golden crow roared wildly, the moonlight was like a sword, and the cauldron fell...

I saw the green dragon flicking its tail, using its pure physical strength to forcibly overwhelm the attack of the Golden Crow Hall of the Sun, exploding all the power of the sky, and using head-to-head confrontation, the green dragon was safe and sound. , if the real Azure Dragon is resurrected, how terrifying its killing power will be.

Suzaku spread its wings and traversed three thousand miles, shattering the power of Dao Bo, the war drum that was like billions of waves, completely shattering it, the flames burned the sky, and it was extremely hot. Fengwei, wherever it passed, many strong people died suddenly.

On the back of the Xuanwu turtle, the gossip is formed, bred into an array, and its defensive power is the best in the world. Dissipate the killing power of the three supreme Taoist weapons one by one.

The white tiger stopped killing by killing, but actually killed the Dao with itself, shattering the Dao power of the supreme Dao weapon, and saw the sharp edges sweeping across the sky, like hundreds of millions of sharp swords converging into a long river. Wherever they passed, all Dao were destroyed Torn apart, I saw this long river of sharp edges rushing straight at the protoss powerhouse, with a wave of sharp claws, blood splashed, and everything was shattered.

Embellished with hundreds of millions of radiance, it is an illusion, and the fairy phoenix sings, it leads to a void, and introduces the attack of the supreme Taoist weapon into it, so that everyone on the other side has billions of powers, and they can only fight in the void. It is a perfect combination with Qinglong, one strong and one soft.

In addition, the spirits of the five elements also shot together, and a huge five-color roulette descended from the sky, exhaling the incomparably terrifying power of the five elements, and the sound of the avenue roared in all directions, and everything that was cut was shattered , an elder god resisted with 'Shenyang Daori', and was still crushed by the five elements roulette until his bones were broken. If it weren't for his extremely powerful life force, he would have died tragically on the spot. These five heaven and earth spirits joined forces , can compete with the existence of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven realm.

A god shattered the body of the strong man into a blood mist, and died extremely miserable. A god resisted most of the attacks with himself, covered in blood, he said hoarsely: "Stop fighting on your own, don't you? Do you want to die? Kill the green dragon first, and then kill the fairy phoenix. They have all fallen. Someone used power to revive them for a short time, and it is difficult to fully display their strength. As long as we work together, they will be dead. If you can't resist, wipe away those resurrection patterns on their bodies!"

The elder god gave an order, and the eight supreme Dao weapons enveloped the strong god clan and flew back, and then they all unleashed the eight supreme Dao powers, blasting and killing the Qinglong, and a dragon chant and mournful cry resounded all over the world. As expected by the elder god, the huge body of the green dragon fell from the nine heavens, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains. Its body was still intact, but the momentum patterns branded on its body were wiped out, and the green dragon returned to silence again. .

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched wildly. When the Protoss were scattered, they could defeat them one by one. But when they unite, their strength is too terrifying. And this time, neither the False God nor the Forbidden God appeared. Use secret methods to restore their own strength, and when their strength returns to the peak state of the chaotic ancient times, no one can be found to compete with them. In addition, the Protoss has its own background, which is known to ordinary people. I don't know.

After one blow, the gods struck again, and the immortal phoenix fell, and the eight supreme Taoist weapons were combined to form a giant killing array of the gods, which could not be shaken even by the terrifying existence of the five sages and the four heavens. They don't have any, eight supreme Dao weapons, and they have enough powerhouses to activate them, so they are fearless at all.

Xuanwu, Suzaku, and Baihu standing in front fell one after another. Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan and the others were speechless one after another. It wasn't that the strength of the immortal beasts was too weak, but that the methods of the gods were too powerful.

If they are united, they will be strong, and if they are divided, they will be weak. The same applies to the Protoss. If the Protoss hadn't been too belligerent and fought fiercely among themselves, and each had their own calculations, I'm afraid that the "Central China" would be their territory now.

For the human race, they have a great advantage, that is, the source of life is extremely strong, and they live too long, so whether they are facing the human race or the ancient royal family, they look down on them from the bottom of their hearts, because the power of the source of life is there. There is no suspense, no matter what, the protoss feel that they can stand up.

It is precisely because of this that they have the intention to plot against each other. If they are at such a disadvantage and force the Protoss to unite, it will be very terrifying to fight back. Xuanyuan learned a truth from this. To disintegrate the Protoss, you can't use too drastic methods, you can only boil the frogs in warm water, boil them to death, and when they find out that they want to unite, it will be too late.

The five immortal beasts fell one after another, and the five elements of the great sages of the five elements retreated one after another. They knew that they were definitely not the opponents of these eight supreme Taoist artifacts, let alone the opponent's old gods, who were strong in the fourth heaven of sages and sages. A few, not much weaker than them, can become the existence of god elders. They are all capable warriors who followed the great gods and emperors back then. They just lack an aura to break through to the realm of the ancient sages and fifth heavens.

Immediately, the spirits of the Five Elements turned around and left directly, because if they wanted to cause harm to the united Protoss, they would need to rely on this ancient tomb laid down by the sages of the Five Elements. Many heavenly materials and earthly treasures were refined and portrayed, such as the palaces without entrances, which were actually attacking large formations.

The 'Thousand Illusions of the Five Elements' was torn apart, and the spirits of the Five Elements retreated into the ancient palace. This piece of land was extremely strong and could withstand the attack of the supreme Taoist weapon. Many magic circles were intertwined, and countless lines flowed mysterious light.

Immediately, a five-element spirit transmitted sound to Xuanyuan: "Are you still leaving?"

Xuanyuan frowned, and said, "Let me fight together with you."

"Eight Supreme Dao Artifacts, and they are all so powerful that they are difficult to contend with. The elders of the opponent are already furious. If you are here, you will expose yourself instead. Go, you can only suffer death if you stay here . ” The statue of the 'God of the Great Way' shouted heavily.

Xuanyuan was very silent, and said: "The safety of the five seniors should be fine, right?"

"Haha, don't worry, there's no problem. The Great Sages of the Five Elements have opened up a world of the Five Elements. When the time comes, we can just take their ancient coffins and hide in it. They will never threaten our lives. It's a pity that these five immortal beasts These flawless corpses are also rare treasures." 'The Great Way is Deep in the Earth' is obviously heartbroken.

Xuanyuan had no choice but to reply immediately: "Forget it, let's go first, we will find a way to get back the bones of the five immortal beasts, and try not to let the gods get them."

Xuanyuan looked at Pengfei, Zhutou Dadi and Zhang Tianling stepped into the Five Elements Gate together, and were separated from that piece of heaven and earth by that gate across thousands of miles.

"Damn, the bones of the five immortal beasts are going to be so cheap to the gods. Let them get these fairy corpses by means of the gods. I'm afraid it will make the strength of many high-level gods skyrocket, like virtual gods and forbidden gods. Existence, recovery will be very fast, and you can also use these fairy corpses to become their flesh, and it will be even more difficult to compete with them." The pig-headed emperor was extremely furious, they were all treasures, and he lay down a layer on the top Skins can be sold for a priceless price, not to mention the endless blood, and many things that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

"Don't worry, the Protoss, I want them to come and go." Peng Fei smiled cheaply, because he had already arranged a message, and he could spread it as long as he had a thought.

Now, the news spread among the human race that it was not the ancient tomb of the gods, but the ancient tomb of the great sages of the five elements of the human race. Soldiers and horses from all walks of life of the human race have already rushed towards this place.

Knowing Pengfei's arrangement, the corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched. This Pengfei was really cheap, and he was afraid that the Protoss and the Human Race would not go to war, but that was fine. The Protoss had no excuses, because they broke the agreement first.

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