Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1489 The strong arrival of the human heritage

Xuanyuan and his party broke through the sky in the direction of the Five Elements Tomb. They all wanted to know what happened and what kind of ending this battle would be like.

"Damn it, those Five Elements spirits are too ruthless. I don't know if there will be any trouble if five people deal with the Protoss like this." The pig-headed emperor rolled his eyes. More treasures, this is what he cares most about. He has always felt that there must be many treasures hidden in the palaces without entrances.

"In that place, there is a feng shui killing situation carved by the great sages of the five elements, the forbidden killing formation, the heaven and the earth's killing power, combined with boundless power, the entire five elements tomb itself is like a supreme Taoist weapon, which should be able to compete with the gods Many strong men will fight for a while, but the place where the eight ancient coffins and five ancient coffins are suppressed should lead to the rumored world of the five elements." Zhang Tianling said to that A piece of heaven and earth has a deep understanding, he observes very carefully, there should not be the corpse of the great sage of the five elements in the ancient coffin.

"Let's see and talk. It's right to play by ear. If there is a chance, we will attack the Qinglong corpse and Xianhuang corpse. If there are at least these two corpses, even if they get the other three corpses, we will There are also ways to resist." Xuanyuan frowned, and now he can only plan for the worst.

"Their life and death have nothing to do with me. I am willing to go all out. This time I must snatch back a fairy corpse, otherwise it will be too bad. I have a hard life. I was lonely and helpless since I was a child. I will be with you when I grow up." This bad friend is here to trick me." Peng Fei yelled, in fact, he has already received a lot of benefits, and many of the treasures given to him by the five elements spirits no longer exist, and they are all top-notch. things.

When they arrived at the Five Elements Tomb, a hundred thousand miles away, there was a loud bang, and a terrifying force of the Five Elements rushed straight to the sky. It was smashed to pieces. If it wasn't for this ancient tomb and palace, the entire surrounding world would be turned into a piece of yellow sand, and the wasteland would be everywhere.

In the place where the ancient tomb is located, hundreds of millions of beams of light exploded, and each beam of light contained the supreme killing power. The power of the five elements was born together, which was extremely terrifying. The entire world was filled with the power of the five elements and wreaked havoc. In addition, there is also the aura of the supreme Taoist artifact of the Protoss. Although the ancient tomb of the Five Elements is broken, it is estimated that the Protoss will not feel well this time, and I am afraid that many powerful people will also be lost.

Xuanyuan saw with the "eye of truth", that the ancient tomb of the Five Elements was really broken, many momentum patterns were cut off and smashed, and the Protoss also suffered a lot of losses. Many ancient sages died, and now only the The remaining god-level existences, due to the protection of the Supreme Dao Artifact, the gods did not have much loss, but everyone suffered a lot of damage, but under the gift of Yaoxuan After being repaired by the elixir, their injuries are recovering rapidly, Xuanyuan frowned. The addition of a medicine hall is like adding wings to a tiger for the protoss.

For the Wanzu, it was undoubtedly a nightmare. He didn't pay more attention to the Shenzu. He searched for the breath of the five elements, and saw them driving an ancient coffin, leaving through the sky, leading to another void world .

In the area where Xuanyuan's avatar was ambushing, the 'God Son of Xinghan' saw the scene in front of him, and said bitterly: "I didn't expect that they would join forces for this, it seems that the treasure inside is theirs, The fairy corpses of the five divine beasts are extremely precious, once they get them, especially if they are swallowed by the False God and the Forbidden God, no one will be able to suppress them."

"It's okay, let's take a look again. The human race is not as simple as we imagined. They can't give us the treasure with both hands. As long as the human race arrives, we will have a chance. When the time comes, we will take advantage of the chaos and snatch a few more treasures." The fairy corpse is it." Xuanyuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled coldly, whether he can snatch the fairy corpse or not depends on his own ability, and Peng Fei's cheap trick should have an effect.

Sure enough, as soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, from a distance, pieces of supreme Taoist artifacts tore open the void, and only the existences of the human race appeared one after another.

Jiang Wushen, leading the existence of the Jiang family, descended from the sky. Under him are four different immortals and beasts, with four hoofs stepping on the snow, and the avenue flowing. Jiang Wushen is wearing a battle armor. Whip', now he is already in the realm of the second heaven of saints and sages, only one step away from the third heaven of saints and sages, extremely powerful, the son of a generation of ancient emperors, the purest blood of the Jiang family flows in his body, and at this moment he already has a king's landing The momentum of the world is up.

Gui Lingzi led many aristocratic family backgrounds that had been beaten to pieces by the gods, and descended from the sky. Today's "Zonghengjiao" alone has seven supreme Taoist weapons, puffing out the great power of heaven, and rushing straight to the sky. They are fierce to the gods. They are all hated to the extreme, the hatred of destroying the family, the hatred of the perishing clan, is difficult to wash away with all the water in the world. Although it is said that the gods and the ten thousand races have ceased war, but in this matter, the gods betrayed their faith and attacked the ancient tombs of the sages of the human race. This gave the human race enough excuses, so this time, they have made up their minds that they must let the god race go without returning. If they want to compare with the Supreme Dao Tool, they will not show weakness at all.

Fu Diyi, the proud man who once fought against Xuanyuan, is now leading the foundation of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" down from the sky. The "Fudi Tiandao Monument" is owned by Fu Jingxuan. The Supreme Dao Artifact that came was a huge portal called the "Gate of Hongmeng", which was personally refined by the "Emperor Hongmeng", and it was a portal leading to the heavens. The door is for future generations to find out the "Longevity Gate" leading to the "Origin of Primordial Origin". This supreme Taoist artifact contains the secrets leading to that door, and records many secrets.

Sun Duanfeng of the Sun family, this ancient emperor led the existence of the Sun family's heritage, and descended from the sky. I saw these figures of the Sun family's heritage occupying the killing array in all directions, and the fighting spirit was soaring. Sun Duanfeng fought the "Goddess of Taiyin" , hurt the source, young white hair, lost three thousand years of life, but his brows are still unabated, heroic, holding a book in his hand, this is a supreme Taoist tool of the Sun family, called "Sun Shengdao Ji" "The above are all the supreme tactics written down by the ancestors of the Sun family. They contain the avenues against the sky. Compared with Jiang Wushen, their strength is not inferior at all. Just standing there, Sun Duanfeng has a kind of strategizing ability. verve.

From Shangguan's house, two supreme Taoist weapons came together through the sky, "Weeping Blood Battle Sword" and "Soul Eater Battle Banner", two supreme Taoist weapons derived hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses, and the way of battle soared into the sky. The two brothers Shangguan Aolong stood with their hands behind their backs. Behind them was an old man with the background of the Shangguan family in the ancient times. The gods broke their promises.

Ji Tianwu, although he is not the emperor of the ancient times, but he is a rare figure in the end of the Dharma era. It can be seen from the remarks that the Ji family has always been very low-key, but this time the battle was extremely large, which was beyond the expectations of many people.

The Ji family united after the Protoss War broke out. The 'Dongzhou Dynasty' and the Ji family were closely linked because they were originally one. The new head of the family, Ji Tianwu, is in charge of the "King Wen Gua" and "East Emperor Bell" to jointly attack. In addition, beside Ji Chen, there is also an emperor's finger pointing to a supreme Taoist weapon, which swallows ten thousand ways of killing power. Many people were shocked.

The emperor next to Ji Chen, with eyebrows like snow, is extremely handsome, with a pair of extremely bright eyes, heroic and thin hair, tall and straight, with outstanding temperament, his gestures seem to be greeted by heaven and earth. "Qingtian Dao Sword", the tip of the sword is full of supreme sharpness, echoing with the Dao above the nine heavens.

He is none other than the emperor of the 'Qingming Royal Clan', yiyi, and now yiyi has transformed into a human being, his strength is no longer comparable, he has stepped into the realm of the ancient sages of the third heaven, and Xiang Liuli has made great contributions .

"I didn't expect this little guy to be so powerful after he turned into a human. It seems that even I have no way to bully him like that, but that's fine." Xiang Liuli had a smile on his lips, and he was very happy in his heart. sense of accomplishment.

"Haha, Yiyi is so handsome. As long as our younger generation rises one after another and suppresses the younger generation of the Protoss, they will have no future." Xuanyuan laughed in his heart. It seems that the "Land of Qingming" and the "Dongzhou Dynasty" have formed This time Yiyi must have come to help the 'Dongzhou Dynasty', which is a good thing.

At this moment, two more supreme Taoist tools came through the sky, they were the Wang family's "Zhutian Shendao Brush" and the "Cangtian Sheji Brush". Wang Yuchen descended from the sky with Qinglian, and behind him was It's Wang Jianglong and Wang Fuhu who are the foundation of the Wang family. The sky is full of ink and wash, and various avenues are intertwined.

A moment later, another supreme Taoist weapon came out of the sky, and the person who came was a man with a very Confucian charm, and there was an extremely pure aura of benevolence, wisdom, propriety, loyalty, loyalty and filial piety in his every gesture. Around, he is a son of the Confucian family, named Kong Jie. He holds an ancient jade in his hand, like a jade tablet, revealing an extremely warm holy light, hanging down on his body, spreading to the distance, Xuanyuan sees sixteen characters on the jade card with the "eye of truth". If you are strong, you will be humiliated, if you are very wise, you will be hurt, and a gentleman will be as gentle as jade.

"Everyone of the Protoss, you know that it is the tomb of the five-element sages of our human race, why do you go to war so much? Do you really want to fight again?" Kong Jie's voice was very calm, and he treated each other with courtesy.

"Joke, are these five immortal corpses your human race's failure? If you want to fight, fight, fear that you will fail?" The battle is about to break out.

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