Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1490 Xuanyuan VS Jichen

"Since you want to tear up the war agreement, then don't regret it, my Jiang family will fight to the death with you." Jiang Wushen frowned, and saw that the aura of the two supreme Dao weapons in his hands suddenly rose to the extreme, The "Fengshen Bang" flew up to nine days, exhaling the supreme power of suppression. Various avenue runes covered a radius of 100,000 miles, forming a terrifying seal formation. Hundreds of millions of rays of divine light burst out, with murderous aura, heading straight to the sky, making the souls of the protoss tremble.

The Jiang family's "Fengshen Bang" and "God's Whip", the Zonghengjiao's seven supreme Taoist tools, the "Gate of Hongmeng" of the Zhongzhou Dynasty, the Shangguan family's "Weeping Blood War Sword", the "Soul Eater Battle Banner", and the Wang family's "Cangtian Sheji Pen" The 'Zhutian Divine Dao Brush', the 'Donghuang Bell' of the Dongzhou Dynasty, the 'Wenwang Hexagram' of the Ji family, the 'Qingtian Dao Sword' in Yiyi's hands, and the 'Gentleman Jade' of the Kong family have a total of eighteen supreme Taoist artifacts.

The breath erupted instantly, almost destroying the world. If the Protoss were before, countless strong people could still fight. Now they have gone through many feng shui killings and suffered heavy losses. From the momentum, they were obviously overwhelmed by the human race and fought Naturally, there are many disadvantages, and the other party has ten more Supreme Dao Artifacts, which is the most terrible point.

Feeling the power of the supreme Dao weapon of the human race, many gods and elders looked at each other in blank dismay. They quickly and secretly transmitted voices. , but there is no need to die at this time, they are also extremely shrewd people.

"What should we do now? False Gods and Forbidden Gods are both in seclusion. Many tyrannical existences of our Protoss are seeking to break through the mysteries of the ancient sages and ancient emperors. They must not be interrupted, and the far water cannot solve the near fire. I'm afraid it will be difficult to compete with the human race."

"It's better to fight with them. Even if we lose, they don't want to feel better, and the human race can't afford the consequences."

"If this is the case, then we will cut our own way. There are so many god-level existences present, and each of them has practiced the supreme secret technique. It is extremely rare. If one dies, there will be one less. If it is not the biggest If we preserve our strength to the limit, it will be difficult to compete with those existences of the God Race army outside the territory in the future, and no matter how great our contributions are, we will only be robbed and make wedding dresses for others in vain."

"That's true, why don't we leave it to the younger generation to solve the problem, and we don't allow the use of supreme tools. Our sons of God are no less than them." The old gods present said so, but to a greater extent, it was because they also I don't want to die by myself, a mistake in this kind of battle, even they will be annihilated in ashes.

"The emperor of the Jiang family, Jiang Wushen, is really terrifying. Among the sons and goddesses born now, except for the 'Goddess of Thorns', no one can deal with it. Whoever invites her here, as long as she gets the benefits afterwards, the benefits will definitely be given to her. She's 80%."

"I'll invite her to come here. A few days ago, she had a battle with Jiang Wushen, which gave her some insight. She has broken through to the realm of the Old Sage, and she is determined to be able to compete with her."

"Okay, since that's the case, we will choose five fair duels between the emperor's sons with them."

"Things can only be like this until now. My god race has a long history of life. No matter how strong these low races of the human race are, they can only barely live for 30,000 years in the end. Wait for them to breathe and this momentum is over. If the Immemorial Emperor dies cleanly, the human race will surely wither quickly, and then no one will be able to compete with us."

"That's right. Only those who can live to the end can have the last laugh. It's just that they are born short-lived. Even if they can understand the mind of heaven and understand tomorrow, without life, everything is empty."

In a short while, they agreed, and the berserk God Clan's Supreme Dao Weapon stopped immediately. They made up their minds that the Human Race would not dare to do it easily, and faced with the sudden death of the God Race, the Human Race did not dare to relax.

"Things have come to this point. If our Protoss fight back desperately, you will not be able to survive. This kind of situation that hurts both sides, I am afraid that everyone is unwilling to see it. Just now, I just said impulsive words in a moment of impulsiveness. "An old god spoke, and the protoss began to show weakness.

"That's right. If you have any good solutions, you might as well tell them. Let's discuss them together." Kong Jie held the 'Gentleman Jade' in his hand, with a refined smile. From the beginning to the end, his breathing was very gentle and peaceful, with a kind of confidence in his chest. , calm atmosphere in the face of danger, the younger generation generally does not have his great determination, after all, it is not easy for people who come from the Kong family.

Immediately, an elder god put forward his own idea, and said in a heavy voice: "Well, I don't know which unscrupulous person said that this is the ancient tomb of the "five declines of heaven and man" of our protoss. When we arrived here, we thought It was the ancestors of my god race who used the power of your human race's feng shui to protect their cemetery. Who knew that when they came in, it turned out to be the ancient tomb of the great sage of the five elements of the human race. We suffered heavy losses and got nothing, only these five immortals Corpse, since it is the ancient tomb of your human race, we have nothing to say, but we have lost so many people, as you have seen, it is impossible for us to return empty-handed. My suggestion is to let the younger generation of emperors fight for a while. In this battle, the winner wins. The emperors and sons of both sides are not allowed to use the Supreme Dao Weapon, let them fight fairly. If you disagree, then each fight according to his own ability. No matter who wins and who loses after killing This is the end, each bears the consequences."

At the moment when the voice of this old god fell, the aura of the eight God Clan's supreme Dao tools suddenly rose to the extreme, only the spirits of the gods were revived, and the land with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was cracked inch by inch, unable to withstand the power of destroying the world. Even though the human race has eighteen Supreme Dao Artifacts, they still feel terrified.

The eight Supreme Dao Artifacts are indeed going to be fought, and I don’t know how many people will die. It is a huge blow to the already withered human race. After discussing with many background figures of the human race, they finally decided , according to the Protoss proposal.

"Well, if that's the case, let our younger generation compete for it and choose their own characters." A figure with background in the Zhongzhou Dynasty said.

"I'm here to fight." Jiang Wushen was the first to stand up, his momentum was soaring, his fighting spirit was flying, and no one would object.

"I'm coming too." Gui Lingzi also stood up. There are few emperors of the younger generation of the human race who can compete with them. These two people are the role models of the younger generation of the human race.

"I'll take part, too." At this moment, Xuanyuan descended from the sky, attracting the attention of countless people. Seeing Xuanyuan's arrival, Shangguan Yunfei and Shangguan Aolong, who originally wanted to fight, expressed their support. There was no competition. They had seen it in person. Xuanyuan defeated two god-level figures in the same realm.

"Although Holy Master Xuanyuan has accomplished martial virtues, he is only in the realm of the second heaven of the emperor realm. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to fight against the god son of the gods?" An old man from the Gongsun family in the vertical and horizontal sect said slowly: "there are only five places. , There is only one chance, I think Holy Master Xuanyuan should not waste a chance for the human race to compete for the immortal corpse, each immortal corpse is of great importance and will affect the overall situation of the world in the future, I hope Holy Master Xuanyuan has self-knowledge."

"Hehe, if this old senior doesn't believe in my strength, he can send a younger generation of human beings to fight me. Even if it is Jiang Wushen and Gui Lingzi, I will fight." Xuanyuan stood there , looked at many younger emperors of the human race, and finally looked at Jiang Wushen and Gui Lingzi.

The two ancient emperors smiled slightly, and didn't say much, they also felt that Xuanyuan was feasible, but this matter was related to the human race, and it could only be done with the consent of many strong human race backgrounds.

"Brother Xuanyuan." At this moment, Yiyi came out and saluted Xuanyuan. Many people present gasped. They didn't expect the emperor of the "Qingming Royal Clan" to call Brother Xuanyuan.

"Whoever wants to fight with my elder brother, you must win first." Yiyi made his most direct statement, his eyebrows were like snow, his white clothes fluttered, and he held the "Blue Sky Sword" pointing at the sky, extremely domineering .

"Yiyi, in fact, a long time ago, I really wanted to compete with Brother Xuanyuan, so let me and Brother Xuanyuan compete for this spot." Ji Chen fought side by side with Yiyi, with deep feelings, both They were killed together from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Ji Chen's demeanor is unmistakable, elegant and nimble, and with every gesture, he already has the aura of dominion over the world. His realm is only in the realm of the ancient sages of the fourth heaven, but it is also extremely extraordinary.

Yiyi frowned, he couldn't treat Ji Chen's words like this, and looked at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan said with a smile: "Forget it, brother Jichen, you and I are friends. The battle between gentlemen does not distinguish between life and death. You and I compete for superiority with visions. How about it?"

Ji Chen bowed his hands and saluted, saying: "It's very good, brother Xuanyuan intends to give in, and Ji Chen is very grateful."

"I think I took advantage of it, Brother Ji Chen is too modest." Xuanyuan smiled lightly.

"Hehe, brother Xuanyuan is a real person who doesn't show his face and hides many ancient arts in one body. If I really fight alone, it will be difficult for me to win. If I only fight for visions, I still have a slight chance of winning. It's considered good to be able to compete with brother Xuanyuan today. But I have one wish in my life." Ji Chen is very humble, and the place where everyone is now is not far from the 'Dongzhou Dynasty', so Ji Chen can borrow part of Dongzhou's power to contend against Xuanyuan.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll be a middleman for you two." Yiyi is no longer talking nonsense, Xuanyuan is the eldest brother, we have gone through a lot of hardships together to come to today, and Xuanyuan has a lot to do with being able to transform Ji Chen is a comrade-in-arms with him through life and death, maintaining the friendship between the 'Dongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Land of Qingming'.

"Hehe, interesting, the arrogance of the Dharma-ending era is no less than that of our era. It seems that there is a good show to watch." Jiang Wushen laughed.

"It's natural. Whether it's Xuanyuan or Jichen, they are the first-class emperors of our human race. It's amazing. When confronting the gods, they all performed well." Gui Lingzi also praised Youjia.

Everyone moved away from Xuanyuan, let Xuanyuan and Ji Chen fight, and almost instantly, both of them attacked together!

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