Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1491 Oral Convince

From behind Xuanyuan, the vision of "all the sons of heaven singing together" appeared in an instant. Today's Xuanyuan is no longer the Xuanyuan of that day. The vision of "all heavenly sons singing together" is now tainted with the breath of hundreds of saints. You must know , Xuanyuan once received the approval of Baisheng Hongguang in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', leaving an indelible mark, which greatly changed Xuanyuan.

Naturally, this vision was also affected, and its power is incomparable. Every son of heaven is like every sage when they were young. The rhythm in the chest.

Especially after Xuanyuan read the "Long Book of Haoran", his perception became more profound, and the vision of "all the sons of heaven singing together" was tainted with the rhythm of the hundred saints. He experienced it from every word in the "Long Book of Haoran", It seems that every word is the condensation of Baisheng's thoughts and thoughts, which can be derived into his own vision.

Everyone was shocked when Xuanyuan Shi displayed the 'All the sons of heaven screaming together'.

Jiang Wushen raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of surprise: "This is the breath of my Jiang family's ancestor. I didn't expect Xuanyuan to be able to understand some of my Jiang family's great will. It's not easy. It seems that he once got the idea of ​​my Jiang family's ancestor. admit."

Gui Lingzi nodded, and said in a serious voice: "That's right, my father's mind also acknowledged this son Xuanyuan, I didn't expect him to have such ability."

"Hehe, this is called all saints singing together. Holy Master Xuanyuan was able to create such an immortal portal as the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and his essence is in it." Kong Jie smiled slightly, and there was also the idea of ​​his ancestor of the Confucius family in it. .

"Brother Xuanyuan is really unpredictable, my little brother has made a fool of himself."

Ji Chen remained unmoved, did not show any weakness, and boomed, from behind him, "God King Lin Dongzhou", and saw a white-clothed God King walking out, with a dusty temperament, light and elegant, with profound eyes and deep brows. There is a kind of tranquility in the room, as if I am the only one in the world, and there is a kind of loneliness that is invincible in the world. He holds a Suqin and sits cross-legged in the air, with long black hair flying behind his head. , Attracting the power of Dongzhou, crushing it, the power is boundless.

The sound of the zither is like high mountains and flowing water, with a certain artistic conception. This song is plain and long-flowing. It is called Shenshang Song. It is specially designed to hurt people's souls and has amazing killing power.

The two visions collided together, shaking the earth, bursting out with infinite heavenly power, and the pervasive sound of the piano penetrated Xuanyuan's body. Xuanyuan just had his hands behind his back, and an eternal rhythm flowed from his soul. Seeing that Xuanyuan's soul turned into a villain, who looked exactly like him, under the cover of the 'Sanqing Daolian', he repeatedly played various supreme martial arts and broke the sound of the piano.

Many people present are masters, so they can naturally see the mystery, and many old people can't help but frown.

""Eternal Divine Soul Art"... I never thought that this child would be able to cultivate such a heaven-defying art... The soul is eternal, almost immortal. It seems that Ji Chen will not hurt him at all."

"Ji Chen is determined. Even though Xuanyuan has the aura of the Hundred Saints, Ji Chen alone is not behind."

The visions of the two, continuous attack and attack, it is difficult to distinguish the superior, the sound of the piano flows, the mountains and rivers are suppressed, the voice of the philosophers, the voice of the sage, resounds through the nine heavens.

The strong protoss on the side frowned and had to admit that the means of the younger generation of the human race were beyond the reach of others.

Ji Chen was dressed in the armor of the emperor, and a five-clawed golden dragon soared into the sky, exhaling the aura of the king's presence in the world. He looked down at all beings, smiled faintly, and with a thought, he saw a god king in black walking out. Hanging, with a goatee, and a mysterious rhythm of heaven flowing on his body, he holds a strange object similar to the "Wen Wang Gua", which is also a divination object, which can seek good luck and avoid evil, and dispel Xuanyuan's vision to kill. In order to calculate the weakness of the vision of Xuanyuan.

The strange thing was running again and again, and various avenues of heavenly secrets came out, and the power of the vision of the entire "God King Lin Dongzhou" suddenly skyrocketed.

As soon as the two god-kings in black and white appeared, calculated by strange objects, Shenshang attacked the enemy, and every time he raised his attack to the extreme, Xuanyuan's "All the Sons of Heaven Qiming" fell to the wind. It is unmatched by others, especially because he can borrow the power of Dongzhou Avenue. There is a lot of power left by the "Dongzhou Divine Body" in that piece of land. He defeated Ji Chen.

Xuanyuan experienced the means of the black-clothed god king, and realized something in his heart, Ji Chen was really amazing.

With a thought, a vision rushed out from the back of Xuanyuan again, "The ancestors come to the past and the present", in the past it was just a illusory ancestor, but now it is a real ancestor, a queen, with a peaceful face and compassion , has the power to create the world and mend the sky, she is none other than the demon sage Nvwa, a generation of demon emperor, leading hundreds of millions of demon clans, with soaring combat power, and then another ancestor came out, he was very heroic , Domineering and boundless, Nu Wa is soft, he is strong, but the father of Ba Ji, the "Ba Gu God Emperor" has a fighting style, can be compared with Wu Yi Wuzun, and created the immortal "Blood King", which makes all peoples fear , Hundreds of millions of iron hooves hit the nine heavens under his idea.

When everyone saw Xuanyuan's second vision, their expressions were extremely shocked, and everyone gasped in unison.

Hundreds of saints, full of vigor, united with the two great ancestors to attack together, hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses, covering the sky and covering the earth, with an imposing manner like the sky.

Ji Chen has no fear, the strange things in the hands of the black-clothed god king are spinning, the gossip array hangs down for nine days, attacking all directions, the white-clothed god king is stained with blood, dripping on the plain qin, the killing power of the divine song is even more powerful, and what has been passed Everywhere, everything was turned into dust, the demon emperor Nuwa, the ancient god emperor, all attacking together, and the four directions were smashed.

This collision of visions made countless people excited. Among the human race, there are more powerful people coming from this side.

Taoist Daozi, Buddhist Budai monk Chen Yongjie, they all arrived with their respective backgrounds.

Taishang Wangqing teaches Zui Guchen, Dahuanxi teaches Tianyouqing, "Linglong Xianfu" Zhixie, Mochou, Beizhou Dynasty Xia Ziyu, Cheng Yin, Cheng Yang, Nanzhou Dynasty "Nanwu Emperor's Son", Qu Zhi rides ink Kirin.

All of a sudden, the younger generation of the human race came almost.

Everyone's blood boiled with excitement.

Boom, almost at the same time, another vision shot up into the sky behind Xuanyuan and Ji Chen.

The purple-clothed God King holds a Ziwei Emperor sword, and every time he dances, the emperor star above the nine heavens rises and falls, revealing the way of no god, condensing into waves of swords, sweeping across the world, and attacking the hundreds of millions of troops coming The moment you get contaminated with sword waves, it turns into nothingness. Let your soldiers and horses be hundreds of millions. The purple-clothed god king holds the holy sword and sweeps away everything. .

'Junlintianditing', a heavenly court appeared in front of everyone, a monarch who looked exactly like Xuanyuan, assisted by the princes, and the ancestor listened to the announcement, this is a kind of great courage, all of a sudden, the 'Junlintiandiditing' The vision became the first, making the previous two visions more severe, and countless people were emotionally excited.

"This kid is too lawless." An old man with a background in the Murong family said: "The vision of 'all the emperors sing together' means all saints, and 'the ancestors come to the past and the present' is the demon saint Nuwa, The Bagu God Emperor, he proclaimed himself Emperor, the Hundred Saints bowed down, and the Monster Saint God Emperor knelt and surrendered."

"Otherwise, this is a kind of mutual complementarity. Although Xuanyuan is a king, he treats each other with courtesy." Kong Jie retorted.

Everyone was silent, and it had to be said that Xuanyuan's majesty was the most powerful in the past and present, and this kind of vision had never been seen or heard before.

I saw that "all the sons of heaven sing together" and "the ancestors come to the past and the present" are integrated into the "Jun Lin Tian Di Ting". dust.

The three god kings resisted vigorously and did not show any weakness. Both Xuanyuan and Ji Chen fought to the point of madness. He exclaimed in his heart: "Xuanyuan is really too powerful. If I hadn't been a big realm higher than him, I would have been defeated without a doubt. "The Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" Invincible in the same realm, but fighting against the emperor of Tianjiao is really extraordinary."

Boom, behind Ji Chen, another God King in Xuanyi came out, holding a battle order in his hand, spitting out various battle tactics, every time it was shaken, it seemed that hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses were attacking, gold and iron horses, The sky was full of arrows raining in unison, and the way of battle was unleashed. The four god kings joined forces, and another scene of vast waves appeared in the "God King Lin Dongzhou".

Xuanyuan put his hands behind his back. From the beginning to the end, his expression was extremely calm, and he developed the fourth vision, 'Bodhi crosses all living beings'.

Under the bodhi tree, I saw Xuanyuan sitting alone. He is like an ancient Buddha, reciting the Vajra Dharma in his mouth. Millions of Bodhi sentient beings are devout believers. to resist.

Incomparably grand, the sky is full of golden light, surrounded by holy air, auspicious air, and lotus flowers, embellishing it.

"The sea of ​​Buddha is boundless, turn your head and you will be right."

"There is no shore to turn around, we can only go to the other shore." Ji Chen gave a long laugh, and behind him, a god king in blue appeared. In his hand was a chessboard with black and white characters in a patchwork pattern. His expression was focused and detached. , Every time you fall, it seems that there is a way of heaven, controlling the atmosphere in the sky, every time you fall, the power of "God King Lin Dongzhou" becomes more and more terrifying.

Xuanyuan's face was neither happy nor sad, and with a thought, "one qi transforms into three cleans", it evolved instantly, and the Taoist priest of the three cleanses descended to the nine heavens, and three dao lotus bloomed and merged into the "Junlintian Emperor's Court", all the Taos are one...

Monk Bu Dai swayed a few times with his body full of fat, and said: "Xuan Yuan has learned all our unique skills."

"Hehe, brother Xuanyuan is super smart, it's not surprising that he can comprehend it." Daozi's body was surrounded by thousands of Taos, and he had Sanqing Daolian's comprehension all day long that day, which gave him a great breakthrough, and he was freed from many shackles.

Xuanyuan and Ji Chen's visions collided, and Ji Chen felt a little struggling. Almost every time he raised the power of the visions to overwhelm Xuanyuan, and he found that Xuanyuan's visions seemed to have been condensed into one body. When all the celestial phenomena manifested, the power must be boundless and hard to resist. People value themselves, and immediately Ji Chen sighed: "Forget it, Brother Xuanyuan, I admit defeat, and I am convinced!"

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