Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1492 Leading the coquettish

"I've accepted, Brother Ji Chen just doesn't want me to reveal too much of my own strength." Xuanyuan bowed his hands and saluted with a peaceful smile. The 'Dongzhou Divine Body' is indeed powerful. If he was in Dongzhou, he would definitely find it difficult to compete with Ji Chen.

Ji Chen was amazed in his heart, Xuanyuan was able to draw all kinds of Taos into one body, which was unimaginable to him. I am afraid that the further the future, the more shocking people will be. Xuanyuan is right, he really does not want Xuanyuan's too many methods to be exposed In front of others, one can see the whole leopard at a glance, Ji Chen is a self-aware person, losing to Xuanyuan, there is nothing to be ashamed of, the battle between gentlemen, when it comes to the end, it does not hurt harmony.

"Well, if Ji Chen has already conceded defeat, then Xuanyuan will occupy the place of a human race, who else will be the emperor of the God of War?" A figure with background in the Zhongzhou Dynasty took another look at Xuanyuan. When the King came to the Emperor's Court, he clearly felt the aura of the Zhongzhou Dynasty's supernatural power, but he didn't say much, "The Devouring Emperor" would do it, and so would Xuanyuan, so it's not surprising.

"I'm coming!" The Nanzhou Dynasty, the 'Nanwu Emperor', is also the ancient emperor, with extraordinary strength, suppressing the Nanzhou world, the strength is amazing, although I want to go through the twists and turns, but after all, I will fight alone, if I can With his own mount, he is naturally not afraid, but if he fights alone, he may suffer a lot. After all these years, Qu Zhi has become much more mature than before.

"'Nanwu Dizi' is going to play, everyone has objections... Well, since everyone has no objections, then the fourth place has been decided like this, and there is still a fifth place, who will play?" The background figure of Zhongzhou Dynasty Again.

At this moment, Sun Duanfeng of the Sun family stood up. He had white hair. He lost three thousand years of life in the last battle with the "Goddess of Taiyin". Now that his strength is comparable to that of Jiang Wushen, Xuanyuan looked at Sun Duanfeng and said, "I have an unfeeling request. If possible, please let me play two battles. Qinglong and Xianhuang are my opponents." What you are determined to achieve, I hope you can fulfill it."

Sun Duanfeng glanced at Xuanyuan and said: "Well, depending on the actual situation, if you can fight again, I will give you the spot, and if you can't fight again, I will play."

As we all know, Xuanyuan is the successor of Qinglong, and Huangyuechan is the successor of Xianhuang. If they can obtain the corpses of Qinglong and Xianhuang, they will surely be even more powerful. At that time, the gods will have two powerful enemies.

With the existence of many human backgrounds, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and after several discussions, everyone finally agreed with Sun Duanfeng's method. Xuanyuan nodded and didn't say much, everything was up to him.

Sun Duanfeng admired Xuanyuan from the bottom of his heart, even Jiang Wushen and Gui Lingzi would not dare to say that he would fight twice, but Xuanyuan dared to make such a request, which shows that he must have the confidence to win the first match , Sun Duanfeng appreciates this kind of indomitable and invincible fighting spirit.

But at the same time, this also made many emperors of the god clan feel extremely unhappy. Every god son sneered again and again. Maybe Xuanyuan would die for the first time in the battle. Everyone had the determination to kill Xuanyuan. contempt.

At this moment, a supreme Taoist weapon of the Protoss pierced through the void to the distance, pierced through the void, and built a portal. A moment later, a woman descended from the sky, none other than the 'Goddess of Thorns'.

The 'Goddess of Thorns' has a voluptuous figure, with a curvaceous appearance, and she becomes the focus of attention all of a sudden. The gods must have relied heavily on her since they specially invited her here.

When the 'Goddess of Thorns' saw Xuanyuan, her eyes lit up, the corners of her mouth rose, her red lips were charming, and she said to Xuanyuan ambiguously: "My little slave, we meet again, this time, I want to see where you can go .”

"I've never run before. I haven't seen you for a while. I didn't expect the 'Goddess of Thorns' to step into the realm of the ancient emperor. Congratulations." Xuanyuan smiled lightly and bowed his hands. In fact, he was still very grateful to the "Goddess of Thorns" that day. If you can keep your promise and let your group leave, otherwise, it will be difficult to escape.

"That's right, we had a good time that time, which doubled my strength. The true yang energy of the 'Physical Transformation' is really nourishing. I still miss the smell of you." The corners of her eyes were raised, teasing Xuanyuan in public, which made her very happy.

Budai monk Chen Yongjie stared at Xuanyuan and said, "Damn it, I can't tell that this kid is so flirtatious that he can even handle the emperor of the god clan."

"You can't judge by appearance." Dao Zi looked at the 'Goddess of Thorns' calmly, and sighed.

Qu Zhi's complexion was incomparably brilliant, he never thought that Xuanyuan would have this day.

The corners of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, and the corners of his eyes twitched wildly: "'Goddess of Thorns', you can eat things indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense."

The 'Goddess of Thorns' had eyes like silk, and her voice was haunting. She stroked her abdomen, looked at Xuanyuan, and said aggrievedly: "I'm pregnant with your child, how can you do this? Deny it, so irresponsible, I know you have many women, but I don't mind, as long as I can be with you, I would rather not have any status."

There are many backgrounds of the human race present, and there is an uproar. If the first sentence was just a joke, the second sentence is really big or small. An old man with the background of the eldest grandson pointed at Xuanyuan and said in a loud voice: " Holy Master Xuanyuan, please give us an explanation, you actually have an affair with the Goddess, what's going on?"

Xuanyuan almost spit out a mouthful of blood, it deserves that the eldest grandson's family will be exterminated, there will be such low IQ people, only blame those in the eldest grandson's family for suffering, Xuanyuan is helpless, did not expect that the "Goddess of Thorns" would play tricks on him , Conspiracies and tricks are easy to talk about, but Xuanyuan really didn't use this method, and said helplessly: "'The Thorn Goddess' is just a joke, no wonder you can't hear it? It's just a rumor in the world, she just said it in passing."

"Don't, don't, what I said is true. Our children are the hope of the human race and the god race. I know you have always hoped that all races will coexist, and you hope that the god race will also be included. Don't worry, our children will become A symbol of the friendship between the human race and the god race, as long as you rule the human race and dominate the world, I will complete the hegemony for you, and the god race will also belong to you "Qinglong Holy Land", and your achievements will surpass the "Hongmeng Emperor" and become a true The true emperor of all ages..." 'Goddess of Thorns' has the posture of a very small woman, her voice is soft, with endless charm, looking at Xuanyuan, there is a hint of cunning in her pair of eyes, which is very treacherous.

As soon as this remark came out, many background figures were shocked. Xuanyuan has indeed always had the ambition to coexist with all races. The word "Goddess of Thorns" made them even more dubious.

At this time, Mo Chou stood up, pointed at the 'Goddess of Thorns' and said: "Nonsense, you are still a virgin, how could brother Xuanyuan have a child with you, don't come to slander my brother Xuanyuan, it's nothing to you benefit."

The "body of a thousand spirits" can sense what is in other people's minds, and it can also sense things that other ordinary people can hardly detect. It is well known that Mo Chou never lies.

"You little girl, your heart is in full swing, don't you like your elder brother Xuanyuan, you protect him so much." The 'Goddess of Thorns' snorted and stared at Mo Chou.

"I just like my elder brother Xuanyuan, Guan, you, fart, thing, hum!" Mo Chou's long hair fluttered, her eyes were bright, and she wrinkled her nose. She was extremely cute, not weaker than the 'Goddess of Thorns' at all.

"So that's how it is, little girl, come and call sister-in-law quickly. Maybe in the future, sister-in-law will be happy and allow you to be a concubine for our Xuanyuan family. Then we can be called sisters." 'The Goddess of Thorns' continued to flirt, leading the coquettish, The eyes of the senior god-level figures of the Protoss couldn't help but twitch wildly, and they didn't interrupt too much.

"Sister-in-law is the most fun, sister-in-law, why don't we come and have a good night, I will serve you comfortably, my "Great Joy and Bliss Ascension to the Gods" is extraordinary." Tian Youqing walked out, his face was like a crown of jade , with red lips and white teeth, extremely handsome, a pair of peach blossom eyes looking at the 'Goddess of Thorns' with watery eyes, he is slender, well-proportioned, and extremely perfect, he hasn't been seen for a while, his combat power has risen to an unimaginable level.

"That's not acceptable. I have to ask Brother Xuanyuan if he can agree. If he can agree, my sister-in-law may consider it." The 'Goddess of Thorns' smiled and looked at Xuanyuan.

"It's okay, go on, use more force." Xuanyuan grinned very unscrupulously.

"Xuanyuan, you heartless bastard, I'm going to compete with you again today." The 'Goddess of Thorns' was angered by Xuanyuan, her angry eyes widened, it was very scary, and the road of thorns crossed her body.

"Hehe, it's a pity that your opponent is not me, but Jiang Wushen." Xuanyuan looked at Jiang Wushen. Among the people present, he was the only one who could compete with the "Goddess of Thorns". Xuanyuan wasn't even sure.

Jiang Wushen stood up, and said lightly: "Hehe, since Brother Xuanyuan said so, I can only fight, 'Goddess of Thorns', don't wait for three days, you should look at her with admiration, you have to be careful. "

"It doesn't matter, you have improved, and I am also improving. Even if you suppress a small realm, it is not impossible for me to kill you. I like to use the weak to defeat the strong." The 'Goddess of Thorns' made an instant move, the emperor of the human race The battle between the son and the emperor of the gods kicked off.

As soon as Jiang Wushen made a move, it was the Dao of Fengshen, and the supreme suppressing power fell from the nine heavens.

Since the last battle with the 'Goddess of Thorns', he was injured by his way of thorns, killing one thousand enemies and harming himself by eight hundred. Covered with mysterious Dao patterns, containing the supreme power to suppress the seal: "'Goddess of Thorns', I want to see if your Dao of Thorns is omnipotent!"

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