Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1493 Mount Tai

In Jiang Wushen's opinion, the Avenue of Thorns can rebound all kinds of damage, and the power of the seal will not rebound. If that is the case, it is really against the sky. He didn't know the details of the "Goddess of Thorns" before. , from the very beginning, they fought with the most violent combat power, and soon both of them were seriously injured.

It's too late to reflect.

Seeing the supreme avenue of conferred gods coming crushingly, the 'Goddess of Thorns' sneered, and her whole body was intertwined like thorny avenues, colliding with those avenues of conferred gods, bursting out the lines of the avenue all over the sky, The Avenue of Thorns also has a rebound effect on the Avenue of the Gods, immediately reducing the power of the Avenue of the Gods, making it difficult to seal and suppress the 'Goddess of Thorns'.

Once the Dao of Dao is used, although the "Goddess of Thorns" will be injured, he himself will also be injured. The means of cultivation of the "Goddess of Thorns" are very tricky. A "Goddess of Thorns" like her is among the gods. rare.

"I said, you are improving, and I am also improving. In fact, you guessed it right. If I hadn't stepped into the ancient emperor's realm, I would not be able to rebound the seal road, but I stepped into the ancient emperor's realm. Naturally, the strength has also been improved, so sealing the Dao is nothing to me, there are many things that you can hardly imagine."

Jiang Wushen frowned, narrowed his eyes slightly, and revealed a divine light. He remained silent and fought alone with the "Goddess of Thorns". Method, in the face of the 'Pride of Thorns' continuous attack, he dodged again and again, his heart was very calm, Gu Jing was not surprised, carefully thinking about how to defeat the 'Pride of Thorns' by minimizing his damage.

The eyes of the 'Goddess of Thorns' were full of autumn waves, enchanting her soul, she smiled high-spiritedly, and said: "Brother Jiang, if you have any other means, just use them, don't let me down, I look forward to what you come up with." A method that can defeat me without getting hurt."

It's not that Jiang Wushen is afraid to attack the 'Goddess of Thorns', but he is looking for a better way. If he knows how to set up Fengshui killing patterns, fight with heaven and earth, or have emperor forbidden killing formations, the moment he lays down, the moment he lays down If you stay away, you should not be harmed. The area covered by the Avenue of Thorns is limited, but there is nothing he can do. Ancient techniques are too scarce, and the ancient emperors of the Jiang family did not leave ancient techniques for him.

The 'Goddess of Thorns' had guessed Jiang Wushen's mind long ago. Her attack was as fierce as ever, and her killing power was piercing, breaking layers of space. Jiang Wushen could only dodge again and again. Contend and look for the weakness of the 'Goddess of Thorns'.

Looking at this scene, Xuanyuan frowned. The 'Goddess of Thorns' was indeed terrifying. Even Jiang Wushen had to treat it with such caution. If he stabbed with the sword that day, he would suffer great harm.

This time, Xuanyuan didn't dare to be careless when facing the emperor of the God of War clan. He could only fight against the enemy at his peak state. The 'Goddess of Thorns' and Jiang Wushen would definitely fight for a long time, and at this stage, he had to break through himself first. Let's see if we can step into the realm of the peak of the emperor's realm, and then the winning rate will increase even more. This is not a confrontation with the realm, but at least a big realm to compete against these godson-level characters!

From the top of Xuanyuan's head, the small world of the thirty-six heavens opened up, he rose up, rushed straight up, entered his own small world, and reached the twenty-six heavens, Shimangtian.

Outside the small world, many gods sneered and showed disdain for Xuanyuan: "It seems that Xuanyuan will be afraid too. If he wants to break through his own realm, he doesn't have enough confidence."

"It's just looking for death. He is only at the second level of the Emperor Realm. Even if he breaks through to the peak of the Emperor Realm, he will definitely not be our opponent. This Xuanyuan really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

"'The Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is indeed invincible in the same realm, but Xuanyuan's strength is far behind ours, and he is definitely not something he can resist." It's no wonder that 'Zhanyuan Shenzi' has a grudge against being severely suppressed by Xuanyuan that day Even the 'Reaper Jade' was lost.

"This time, we must take advantage of this opportunity to kill Xuanyuan right here, so that the entire human race has nothing to say. In this way, we have lost a big enemy. Xuanyuan is asking for death. If he bears it well and waits until the realm breaks through, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to contend with him, but he came to die at such a time, I can only blame him for his short life." 'Tianyang Shenzi' thought in his heart Very angry, today I will absolutely avenge that day.

"Do you think Xuanyuan has a good chance of winning this time against the emperor of the gods? I'm always a little uneasy." Zhixie was a little worried. Although Xuanyuan never fought uncertain battles, the gap in realm was too great. It's hard to make up for getting older, and it always feels a bit forced.

"I believe in Brother Xuanyuan's strength. He is invincible in the world." Mo Chou's eyes are very bright. In her eyes, Xuanyuan is a high mountain. In her eyes, Xuanyuan is a deep sea. In her eyes, Xuanyuan is everything. .

I still remember the scene when Su Mei died. Xuanyuan took her away and lied to her that he would see Su Mei again in the future. Now that Mo Chou has grown up and is sensible, remembering that year, Xuanyuan's kindness to her is vivid in my mind. Over time, 'Linglong Xianfu' fought against the Protoss, and Mo Chou experienced many bloody battles and grew a lot.

"That's right, I've never seen Xuanyuan defeated before." Zui Guchen had long silver hair fluttering around, and he was very coquettish. Today's Zui Guchen is not what it used to be.

Tian Youqing put on an extremely sacred look, and said, "Let's just pray for Brother Xuanyuan."

Soon, everyone turned their attention to the battle between the "Goddess of Thorns" and Jiang Wushen. The two of them came and went, and the attack of the "Goddess of Thorns" was extremely fierce without any mercy. Dodging, resisting a few blows from time to time, retreating as soon as touched, light and elegant, you must know that Jiang Wushen does not have the secret method of the "Goddess of Thorns" to rebound and kill. Once injured, it is not so difficult to repair the injury Easy, because the attack of the 'Goddess of Thorns' is too domineering.

In the small world of the thirty-sixth heaven, Xuanyuan no longer used a domineering attitude for this breakthrough, but made a breakthrough step by step and steadily. He took a deep breath and looked at the portal of the twenty-first heaven. What is portrayed is a piece of land, without any mystery, it is boundless, and people can't see the edge at a glance.

Xuanyuan thought for a long time, and frowned: "What is the meaning of this, the boundless land..."

The greedy old man didn't speak, and was very silent. Xuanyuan thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason: "Forget it, it's useless to think about it, and I can only enter it and talk about it, to buy time."

Xuanyuan charged straight up, punching into the twenty-first heaven.

There is a boundless and endless land in front of me, which is extremely thick. Xuanyuan just glanced at it, but before he came back to his senses, a sudden force of gravity suddenly pressed down. It's not that my physical body is strong enough, I'm afraid it will be smashed to pieces.

Twenty-one heavens, big Luotian.

The catastrophe that Xuanyuan ushered in was an extremely terrifying Taishan catastrophe.

Mount Tai is not a mountain belonging to the "Central China", but a sacred mountain floating in this void universe according to legend. Even people at the level of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors have to climb Mount Tai to pay homage and worship, and it is said that it is there You can convey your own voice to the "Origin of Hongmeng".

This is a very special mountain. This legend has been passed down from generation to generation in a very distant time. People will talk about Mount Tai, but there is no such mountain in the "Central China".

The weight of Mount Tai was unbearable even for the ancient emperors and ancient sages, and even the greedy old man never thought that Xuanyuan would usher in such a terrible catastrophe.

Fortunately, in the ancient tomb of the Five Elements, Xuanyuan refined the supreme liquid of the 'Nine Dao God Roots', and the five elements in his body underwent a great transformation, which gave his physical body a great improvement. Metamorphosis.

Now facing the Taishan Tribulation, even if the ancient sages and peak realms entered it, they would be suppressed by ten times, and those without special physical support would die, there is no suspense.

Sitting cross-legged, Xuanyuan integrated the gravity of Mount Tai contained in the earth into his body bit by bit. He fully activated the "power of ten thousand transformations" in his body, refining these gravity of Mount Tai into his blood one by one, Immediately, it seemed that his own blood, bones, and golden gongs had the gravity of Mount Tai.

Xuanyuan's mind was shocked, if he refined the gravity of Mount Tai in this world, his strength would increase to an unimaginable level, how terrifying would the power of his punch be?

The Three Heavens of the Emperor Realm is a great threshold, and fortunately Xuanyuan was not too aggressive that day, otherwise, he would have died in the hands of Li Taiyi.

This incident made Xuanyuan more cautious. Facing the enemy, improving one's own strength in the small world of the thirty-six heavens can certainly be suppressed by the enemy, but it is also extremely dangerous.

I saw Xuanyuan's body turned into a black hole, swallowing the gravity of Mount Tai in this piece of heaven and earth without delay, washing every corner of his body.

The bones all over the body are making crackling sounds all the time, if Xuanyuan's physical body is not strong enough, I am afraid that the bones would have been crushed long ago.

Xuanyuan's physical body is extremely strong, barely able to withstand the gravity of Mount Tai pervading this piece of heaven and earth, once he can bear it, as long as he completely refines the gravity of Mount Tai in this piece of heaven and earth, he will be considered to have passed the catastrophe of Da Luotian.

He exhaled and breathed very evenly, tempering his muscles, bones and skin bit by bit, causing his physical body to slowly change, and outside the small world of the thirty-sixth heaven, the battle was fierce...

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