Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1497 shameless

In any case, Xuanyuan does not want any fairy corpse to fall into the hands of the gods. Whether it is a virtual god or a forbidden god, as long as one of them is restored to its peak state, the entire "Central China" will fall into the hands of the gods. desperate situation.

Facing Xuanyuan's solemn instructions, the three emperor-level existences nodded and said nothing more. Xuanyuan's strength is enough to be respected. They all admire Xuanyuan from the bottom of their hearts. If they were born in the ancient times, Xuanyuan's achievements will definitely not stop Here, I am afraid that they will surpass them.

Ordinary Tianjiao emperors definitely don't have Xuanyuan's strength. In the battle between emperors and sons, Xuanyuan can still win at such a large level. Even if the 'Shenzi Zhanyuan' is careless, winning is winning.

This incident tells everyone that no matter how weak your enemy is, don't underestimate the enemy, especially the Tianjiao Emperor's son, who cannot be deduced by common sense. No matter how strong the enemy is, don't be afraid, because no matter how strong the enemy is, there will be him The weakness of 'Zhanyuan Shenzi' is arrogance, underestimating the enemy, there is nothing better than the enemy underestimating you.

It was the first time that Qu Zhi had a real understanding of Xuanyuan. Only then did he understand how powerful Xuanyuan is. At least the younger generation of the human race, except for the descendants of the great emperors of the ancient era, and the younger generation of the end of the law, no one can compare with it. Even he felt ashamed, unless he had Mo Qilin to help him, he would definitely not be Xuanyuan's opponent.

Even in the situation of 'Nanzhou Dynasty' that day, Xuanyuan did not reveal his last hole card. He firmly believed that Xuanyuan had a bigger hole card, but it was not known to others.

"Xuanyuan, you are so outstanding. Although I have so many auras on me, these are all extravagances, just passing by." Qu Zhi suddenly remembered that he was called a child prodigy. The difference is too far, Xuanyuan is real, relying on himself to kill today, no matter whether it is himself or other emperors, they all have too much aura, until now Qu Zhi understands that only by relying on What is true is what is tempered by one's own strength.

"That's true, but everyone's path is different. Now that the human race is in danger, the better Xuanyuan is, the greater benefits it will have for the human race. You should also clear up your previous suspicions and ask Xuanyuan for advice. It will be beneficial to you Yes, he is a person worthy of your study." Mo Qilin's temperament is peaceful and upright, very thick and extremely calm, and from his eyes as big as copper bells reveals a kind of wisdom about the ups and downs of the road.

If it was Qu Zhi before, he would be extremely conflicted, but now Qu Zhi nodded, and also hoped that he could have a deeper communication with Xuanyuan.

After Xuanyuan confessed, he turned around and wanted to leave, but unexpectedly, he was intercepted by the existence of the three "Zhongzhou Dynasty". They formed a formation invisibly, ready to attack at any time. The reporter said in a heavy voice: "Holy Lord Xuanyuan, we know that you have spent a lot of effort collecting the pieces of the 'Fengtian Seal' and putting them together until today, but this is my 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' property after all, It is the treasure left by the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', and you must understand its significance to our 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', I hope you can understand."

"So? Do you want me to return the 'Fengtian Seal' to you? Then forget all the secrets about the 'Fengtian Seal'?" Xuanyuan looked calm all the time, looking at the three statues The powerhouses of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" are all in the realm of the third heaven of saints and sages. The formation of these three people can be against the powerhouses of the fourth heaven of saints and sages.

"Of course it would be the best if we can do this. After all, this is a property of my 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. It contains many secrets and cannot be leaked out. I hope you can understand." Another old man with a deep background looks solemn and has a very serious attitude. He is determined to get the 'Fengtian Seal' back, and he can feel it all at once. From him, he exudes a terrifying majesty of the avenue, and the aura of attacking if he disagrees with him is extremely domineering. Gives a lot of pressure.

"What if I don't want to give it?" Xuanyuan frowned, and stepped forward without the slightest fear. Behind him were Peng Fei, Zhutou Dadi, and Zhang Tianling.

Zhang Tianling was silent and introverted, not saying a word, but it gave people an extremely unpredictable feeling, which made the three old men with the background of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" frown.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, now that our human race is in danger, we should unite together instead of destroying the peace within the human race. Otherwise, there will definitely be a very heavy stroke in the history of the future, and you will be a sinner through the ages." "Feng Tianyin" represents our "Zhongzhou Dynasty" Tiandi Hongmeng. The treasure he left for our descendants must be taken back, otherwise, as future generations, if we don't take it back, it will be unfilial. I hope you can understand, please return the 'Fengtian Seal' to my 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', and we will definitely give the 'Qinglong Holy Land' appropriate compensation." The old man with deep background said heavily.

Xuanyuan's eyes were full of killing intent, he sneered again and again, and said: "You are the sinners of the ages, right? Touch your conscience, since the outbreak of the ancient races, how many things have you done for the human race, ask People in the world, how much I Xuanyuan has done for the human race, the 'Fengtian Seal' is the most precious thing I have obtained since my debut, along the way, I have gone through many hardships and sacrifices, and I have made countless sacrifices from several ancient places. It turns out that today's "Fengtian Seal" was born after a narrow escape, and the energy and painstaking efforts expended in it, how can the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" be able to compensate for it?"

"Yes, Holy Master Xuanyuan, you have indeed made great contributions to the human race, but I hope you can understand benevolence, wisdom, propriety, righteousness, loyalty, filial piety and filial piety. Since you value Confucianism, you should understand the meaning of the word filial piety. Don't make us recite it. If you are charged with unfilial piety, I, Zhongzhou Dynasty, will do my best to compensate you, so you don’t have to worry about that.” Another old man stood on the commanding heights of morality and wanted to force Xuanyuan to hand over the “Fengtian Seal”, This kind of method is really shameful, because Kong Ming has always been a highly respected figure in the "Qinglong Holy Land", and he is also an existence at the level of Taishan Beidou in the "Central Shenzhou". If it comes to this step, they have many reasons to attack Regulus.

"Haha, then you have been unfilial through the ages, and a group of unfilial descendants of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' dare to come to me for the 'Sealing the Heaven Seal'!" Xuanyuan's eyes were filled with coldness, and he said every word: "'Sealing the Heaven Seal' It has been broken since ancient times, why was it collected by me, a boy in the end of the Dharma Era, to the present state? If you have any filial piety to your ancestors, you should have put the broken "Sealing Heaven Seal" in ancient times. "Take it back, let me ask, the power of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', compared to my own strength, who is stronger and who is weaker, I am afraid that a fool can tell the difference, I can collect it, but the huge 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' cannot be collected, Isn't this ridiculous? Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart, you have no heart for your ancestors, but you come to talk to me about filial piety, do you want the whole world to laugh at you?"

Xuanyuan's words are sonorous, each syllable embodies an incomparably rich sense of righteousness, shocking people's minds, this is a question from the heart, this is a heavy drink that condenses the thoughts of hundreds of saints, invisibly, there is a huge The coercion of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" made the faces of several old men with background in the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" turn pale, and for a while, they couldn't speak any words to refute Xuanyuan.

"Get out of the way." Xuanyuan Jian raised his eyebrows, sharpened his eyes, and stepped out without the slightest fear.

The three veterans still had no intention of stepping aside. There were several elders from the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" beside 'Fu Diyi'. They didn't take action, but they didn't deny what they did, neither expressed their opinion nor helped.

Because once they make a statement, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' may reach an irreversible point. In fact, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has also helped the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' a lot. Said, at least with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will not all tear face.

"Why, you still don't want to get out of the way?" Xuanyuan's voice became colder and colder.

"In any case, you must hand over the 'Fengtian Seal', and I, 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', will give you enough compensation. The property of the Emperor of Heaven must be taken back." The three elders of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' were very consistent.

"I see that you are really shameless. Even doing this kind of thing is unreasonable. Do you want to use a tough one now?" Xuanyuan asked.

"If you persist in your obsession, we can only invite the 'Fengtian Seal' back by ourselves." The old man with the background of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' said heavily.

As soon as their words fell, ten more existences of the foundation level suddenly descended from the sky, each of them was in the realm of the fourth heaven of sages.

These ten statues exist, and they are called the "Ten Halls of Yama" in the "Zhongzhou Dynasty", and they are in charge of the cycle of life and death. Since the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" created the "Heavenly Court", they naturally also have the theory of "Underworld".

The 'Heavenly Court' is in the light and the 'Underworld' is in the dark. Most people can't know it. Seeing the existence of these incomparably old backgrounds, Xuanyuan said coldly: "You are really shameless, it seems that you plan to tear apart my 'Qinglong Holy Land' shameless."

"Don't worry, we won't kill you. We just want to return to the 'Fengtian Seal'. You are still your Holy Master Xuanyuan. Now that the human race is in danger, I, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', will never do anything to harm our human race alliance. I just want you to understand that the principle of returning things to their original owners is not yours, and you can't keep it." A Yama hissed, with an extremely powerful aura rolling over him, making it hard to breathe.

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