Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1498 Son of Emperor Hongmeng

The Ancient Sage Fourth Heaven, the Ancient Emperor Fourth Heaven, before the existence of the Fifth Heaven, they were definitely the most peak power that existed in this world. The "Zhongzhou Dynasty" still has such a terrifying power. Their human race has long since fallen into disrepair, and war is indeed a correct choice.

The existence of these ten ancient sages in the fourth heaven realm is obviously one. Once they unite into an attacking and killing formation, their killing power may not stop there.

And looking at this situation, there must be more terrifying existences than these people. It should have been thought a long time ago that the human race that can suppress the ancient royal family, how could the heritage left by them be weaker than the ancient royal family?

Several gods and elders exchanged eyes and secretly transmitted voice: "It seems that the human race should not be underestimated. If we fight with them, I am afraid that we will still suffer great losses."

"It doesn't matter, the strength of these people, once the Forbidden God and False God return to their peak state, they can be obliterated by raising their hands."

"The body of the Forbidden God has been destroyed. If you want to restore it, I'm afraid it will cost a lot, and the False God himself has been suppressed. It may be extremely difficult to restore to the peak state..."

"So we have to be more calm and wait for tens of thousands of years. This is something the human race can't afford, but for our god race, it's just a period of time."

"What if I don't hand over the 'Seal of Sealing Heaven'?" Xuanyuan looked at that Yan Luo without the slightest fear, and his pair of eyes were like swords, piercing people's hearts.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, although you are the proud emperor of the human race, you must understand that there are certain things you can do and some things you cannot do. We don't want to hurt your life, but we just want to get back our own things." Yan Luo's tone softened, and he seemed to have thought of the importance of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"If you want me to return the 'Fengtian Seal' to the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', it's okay to deal with the 'Swallowing Emperor' that day, and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' also has a share, causing the 'Swallowing Wanhua Dao Tool' to fall to the realm of the Earth Tool, I don’t know how much effort I spent so many years to restore it to the state of the current peerless Taoist weapon, and I don’t ask too much. Now I have to devour countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures to restore it. To reach the realm of the Supreme Dao Artifact, as long as the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" is willing to open the treasure house, let me "swallow Wanhua Dao Artifact" refine many treasures, and restore to the realm of the Supreme Dao Artifact, everything is easy to talk about." Xuanyuan said, The faces of many people with background in the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" have changed. They naturally know that if they want to restore the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact" to the realm of the Supreme Dao Artifact, it will take a lot of natural materials and earth treasures.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan's tone means that he doesn't want to return the 'Fengtian Seal' to me in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'." The treasure house of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' does not know how many rare existences there are. Naturally, it is impossible to exchange a treasure house for 'Feng Tian Yin'.

"It seems that your IQ has a big problem. You can't even understand the words and you can still become the background figure of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. I never wanted to return the 'Fengtian Seal' to the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. Unless the Zhongzhou Dynasty restores my "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact" to the realm of the Supreme Dao Artifact, otherwise, there will be no door." Xuanyuan's attitude is very tough, and now he is not the former Xuanyuan, and now behind him There are hundreds of millions of Li people, and there is a huge "Qinglong Holy Land", Xuanyuan is very confident, once he shows weakness, it means that the whole "Qinglong Holy Land" is showing weakness to them.

"Since Holy Master Xuanyuan is so persistent, we can only take it by ourselves. Offended, Holy Master Xuanyuan, if you continue to resist, you will bear the consequences." Another ancient sage named Yan Luo stepped out. , the terrifying coercion made it difficult for Xuanyuan to breathe, and it was difficult to resist at all.

Even if it is Pengfei, the pig-headed emperor is hard to resist. Immediately, the pig-headed emperor's expression changed, and he screamed: "Damn it, you 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' are too shameless, you can even do this kind of thing, believe it or not This great emperor has disturbed the entire 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'."

Peng Fei said angrily: "Damn it, believe it or not, I dug up your 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' imperial tomb."

"Hmph, wastes like you can be blown out with just one finger." A terrifying Yan Luo snorted coldly.

"Really?" Zhang Tianling stood up, and all kinds of terrifying patterns of heaven and earth intertwined and intertwined, running through the four directions of the world. One person, or a hundred people, to me, it doesn't make much difference, if you want to do it, let's do it together."

Everyone clearly felt that the existence of these ancient sages in the fourth heaven fell to the realm of the third heaven of the emperor in an instant. Immediately, the body of Yan Luo trembled and said in a loud voice: "Who are you?" Since ancient times, there has been only one person who can reach such a state of the Great Way of Equality of All Beings, and that is Zhang Tianling, the founder of "The Great Way of Equality of All Living Things"!"

"I am." Zhang Tianling raised his eyebrows coldly and said word by word.

On the spot, Yama’s pores were open and his scalp was numb. They didn’t expect that this old monster could still survive to this day. The realm of the ancient sage fourth heaven, but his attainments in power skills have surpassed the existence of the ancient saint fourth heaven, which is unimaginable.

"Even in the 'all living beings are equal', can you fight ten with one?" The ten Yamas formed a terrifying formation. Although their strengths and realms have fallen, their combination is still beyond the reach of ordinary people. able to contend.

"Then you can give it a try." Xuanyuan's fighting power soared to the sky, and the "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" manifested, and derived eight of himself with the "one qi transforming three cleansing" and ten thousand incarnations, plus himself a total of nine Zun, plus Peng Fei, Zhutou Dadi, and Zhang Tianling, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

Zhang Tianling smiled lightly, and said: "It doesn't have to be like this. Although my strength level has been suppressed, my power skills have not been suppressed."

Xuanyuan suddenly came back to his senses, with a bright smile, which shocked Yama of the Ten Palaces into a cold sweat, with an indescribable panic on his face, Zhang Tianling said slowly: "Otherwise, how do you think I cut the sword with the power of 'the great way of equality of all living beings'?" Kill tens of millions of powerful members of the ancient dragon royal family?"

The atmosphere on both sides is tense, and a big battle may break out at any time, and the Protoss is happy to see it happen. Watching the play aside, Yama of the Ten Palaces has already regretted it. Zhang Tianling is so terrifying that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

At this moment, a figure manifested above the nine heavens, his voice was full of majesty, and he said, "Ten Temple Yama, step back."

Xuanyuan raised his head and looked at the place where the figure was. He couldn't see his appearance clearly. Xuanyuan frowned, and opened the "eye of reality" in the center of his brows. He could still only see a phantom, but he could really feel him. The power emanating from itself is unfathomable.

Hearing the words, Yan Luo of the Tenth Hall was silent, and directly retreated to the side. Zhang Tianling also withdrew from the "Avenue of Equality of All Beings" without saying much.

According to legend, the "Hongmeng Tiandi" had a son. When he was born, a unicorn spit out a book, great auspiciousness fell from the sky, and great vitality rose from the earth, nourishing countless people. When he was born, his strength was in the realm of a fairy, so powerful that it is unimaginable. "Hongmeng Tiandi" abolished his cultivation and asked him to re-cultivate. Eighteen years later, he had entered the realm of the ancient sage third heaven. Suddenly one day, it was said that he died, but Zhang Tianling didn't believe it. , it must be that the "Hongmeng Emperor" deliberately sealed it up and became the foundation of the entire "Zhongzhou Dynasty", not wanting his son to be shrouded in his own glory and let him continue in this life.

"Who are you?" Xuanyuan said heavily.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that the 'Fengtian Seal' can be owned by you, but you have to remember that the 'Fengtian Seal' is on you, you should understand that you have the responsibility to save the people of the world, If one day you dare to use the 'Fengtian Seal' to do many evils, regardless of the life and death of the common people in the world, then I will kill you with my own hands and get back the 'Fengtian Seal'." As soon as the voice fell, this figure disappeared immediately. He didn't even glance at those godson-level characters, full of disdain.

Yan Luo of the Tenth Hall didn't dare to say anything more, stepped aside, the pig-headed emperor grinned, and said: "My dear, this should be the son of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', otherwise, few people can have such courage, the Tenth Hall Yan Luo's status is not low, but he is an extremely important existence in the 'Underworld', but because of his one word, respectful, I can't think of anything else except this status."

"Damn it, it's really impossible to dig an ancient tomb like the 'Hongmeng Tiandi'. If such an emperor is dug up, I don't know how he died." Peng Fei grinned and said: "' The Emperor Hongmeng really had far-sighted plans to keep his offspring in this life to continue his brilliance. In the ancient times, even if his son could surpass him, it didn't mean much, but in this life it's different, he If your descendants can save all living beings from suffering, they will be able to continue the brilliance of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', it really is a clever plan."

Xuanyuan was silent when he heard the words, it really is like the existence of "Hongmeng Tiandi", what they think is far beyond what ordinary people can understand, they see too far, so that countless people lamented that the son of "Hongmeng Tiandi" died early, of course Some people also speculated about the intention of the 'Hongmeng Tiandi', but no one knows the truth, and now it is finally confirmed.

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