Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1509 Heaven of All Things

The pattern carved on the gate of the fourth heaven is Xuanyuan and Shihou. In the military tent of King Taishan, the two are lying flat on the ground. Shihou is telling Xuanyuan her dream, and Xuanyuan Eachother, everything, can be read from this picture.

Here is a huge turning point in Xuanyuan's life. Because of Shihou, he began to understand his future path, and made him get closer and closer to Shihou, and instinctively distanced himself from Yin Zhenluo.

On the side, the pig-headed emperor clicked his tongue and said: "Oh, I can't see, you kid also has such a time, I didn't even know it, it seems that because of what you did to that little girl Shiwan that night, it made me feel so angry. She won't be able to marry in her whole life, so she can only choose you."

"Hey, the young people today are much stronger than we were at that time. In the past, we didn't have such big dreams. This teacher is not easy." Huang Tian couldn't help shaking his head, obviously he understood the situation. For everything expressed on the auxiliary stone carving, he could see the language expressed by Shihou from every expression and every movement of Shihou, and so did Xuanyuan.

"Thinking of the pink lady back then, I'm afraid that now there are only a pile of bones left, turned into dust and smoke, young man, ten thousand years is too long, seize the day, don't miss it, a man's promise is more important than anything else , especially promises to women." Houtu's eyes showed a strange color, obviously recalling the past, but for an existence as famous as them, how could it be possible that there are not many confidante around them? It's just that they were sealed back then, I'm afraid that those confidantes would not be in this plane even if they were alive, and they have a lot of regrets in their hearts, which will be unforgettable and engraved in their hearts for a lifetime.

Xuanyuan could hear a bit of helplessness and sadness from Houtu's tone. Such an existence would not reveal himself easily, but now he just happened to see this stone carving in front of him, which made them feel hurt. Huang Tian couldn't help but Let out a deep sigh, obviously he also has some experience in his heart, empathy, he also has his own confidante, who almost didn't say a word back then, disappeared inexplicably, once it was sealed, life energy, all kinds of things would be wiped out , the 'secret' is also difficult to calculate, and the inexplicable disappearance made those confidantes find the Talisman again and again, but they couldn't get a trace of clues, and some people even died in love, life and death...

Speaking of which, except for those confidantes, they didn't feel ashamed of anyone. Now that Xuanyuan is young, it is not easy to find someone who shares the same dream with him and makes an oath with him. The two want to find a way Unanimity, consensus is even more difficult. They have all heard about this woman, Shihou. She is an extremely rare woman. As a little princess of the demon clan, she can have such a heart, and let Xuanyuan achieve what she is today. Inevitably, they had already seen everything clearly from one side of the stone carving.

Xuanyuan felt a little touched in his heart. He knew that what the Empress Dowager said was from the bottom of his heart. As for Shihou, he should find a mature opportunity to marry her and give her an upright wedding. 'If you have enough background to suppress the Quartet, you can hold a wedding, otherwise, it will only lead to disaster.

After all, Shihou's identity is too special, and the combination of the human race and the demon race will inevitably cause an uproar. This is something that countless people cannot tolerate. It is deeply ingrained, but Xuanyuan wants to marry the little princess of the demon clan, a combination of humans and demons, and I don't know how many ulterior motives will appear by then.

No one will care about you in private, and there is nothing to say about gossip, but once it is put on the table, many things will cause unimaginable consequences. Among other things, how many people will Stand up to oppose, let alone those other major forces who are afraid of chaos and want to cause trouble for the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Once the situation is out of control, the wedding may become a funeral.

"I understand, when I have the ability, I will definitely do it, and I will not leave any regrets for myself." Xuanyuan looked at the scene carved on the stone in front of him. Shihou once said: If it is Xuanyuan, Shihou I would like to make a promise with my body so that you will no longer be displaced, no longer silent and sad, hold my hand, and spend thousands of lives for you, and accompany you into the reincarnation of eternal life, eternal life!

This sentence has been deeply imprinted in Xuanyuan's heart.

This is what made Xuanyuan distinguish her from Yin Zhenluo invisibly. With Shihou, Xuanyuan has a sense of belonging, a feeling of home, and makes Xuanyuan feel warm and caring from the heart. No matter how many difficulties you encounter, you will still think about the future, and even if you are insulted by others, you will face it with a smile. The emotions shown from Yin Zhenluo before are all kinds of helplessness. More indifferent and cold, imperial power is supreme.

"Haha, this is the responsibility of a good man. When the time comes, you should give someone a title. It's not an option to keep dragging it down. If there is any trouble, we can help you suppress it." Zhang Tianling said to Xuanyuan also has a little understanding of some things. Usually, he never said these things, but this time he rarely spoke, and he was so powerful. The two old men, Huang Tian and Hou Tu, agreed with each other and said with a smile: "If If your kid wants to marry that girl Shiwan, then we will personally help you sit in the town when the time comes, and whoever dares to make trouble will suppress it with all our strength."

"Thank you seniors, I will definitely do it, but you should also understand that if I marry Shihou, this matter is no small matter, and it will definitely shock the world. Not only does it require strength, but more importantly, it needs to convince others with virtue. If We can't let them agree with them from the bottom of their hearts, then the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be regarded as a different kind from the bottom of their hearts, and Shihou will also be hurt." As soon as Xuanyuan finished speaking, he looked at the plaque hanging on the fourth palace, There are three big characters engraved on it, all things heaven.

Both Zhang Tianling and Huangtian Houtu agreed deeply, and didn't say anything more, the pig-headed emperor couldn't help it anymore, spouting, he was the only one who was the most anxious from the beginning to the end, and said: "Boy, hurry up and open this door, How long are you going to keep it up?"

Opening the gate of the fourth heaven, the gate of all things, does not require the slightest effort. Xuanyuan pushes gently, and the gate slowly opens. In the mid-air inside, there are things that make people's eyes shine. Even an existence like Zhang Tianling couldn't help trembling his fingers. He pointed to a three-foot-long white wat board, on which flowed Confucian awe-inspiring righteousness, benevolence, wisdom, propriety, righteousness, loyalty, filial piety and all kinds of avenues. People feel extremely round and gentle, and it is extremely comfortable to look at.

"This is the wat board that Kong Sheng used when he was in the "Heavenly Court". He would be held in his hand by Kong Sheng every day. He was outspoken and dared to advise, and he was regarded as his teacher by the "Hongmeng Tiandi". If you can get a little insight from it, you will benefit from it for the rest of your life." Although Zhang Tianling and Kong Sheng were in the same era, it has to be admitted that Kong Sheng's attainments in many aspects are far beyond him. The gap between them is huge.

"Not only that, you see, it was the whisk that Li Sheng brought with him day and night when he became a Taoist. I didn't expect that all these treasures would fall into the treasure house of the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion'. These things that accompanied the sage day and night, They all contain their thoughts, and if we can get their ideas to integrate from it, it will definitely be of great benefit." Huang Tian looked at a whisk suspended in mid-air, with various mysterious avenues intertwined, evolving back and forth, and everything is happening.

"Look, that is the command flag used by Sun Sheng to lead the three armies of the human race. How could these sacred objects fall into the hands of the 'Emperor Devourer'." Hou Tu expressed his shock. No weaker than 'Hongmeng Tiandi', you can know the power contained in it if you think about it.

"The gavel and the judge's pen used by Shang Sheng are held in his hands day and night. They can judge right from wrong, distinguish right from wrong, distinguish good from evil, hang a bright mirror high, and rule the world under the rule of law."

"Xu Sheng's farming is the hoe used to plant countless grains, spread the way of farming, and benefit the world. The grain bearers store the community of the world. This hoe seems simple, but it is comparable to the supreme Taoist weapon. It strikes a blow They all have the power to defy the sky, Xu Sheng never fights with people all his life, and he farms and wields day and night!"

"The silver needles used by the Bian Sanctuary for acupuncture and moxibustion, these silver needles are immune to evil, and there is a breath of great merit flowing from them. Each silver needle has at least saved more than a million people. One hundred and eight ways Silver needles, oh my god, they were collected neatly, this 'Swallowing Emperor' collection is too rich!"

"That's the splendid article left by the ghost sanctuary, united with the great sages of the masters, every word is pearls, and the true meaning of the vertical and horizontal avenues is hidden in it."

"This piece of meat is a Buddhist eminent monk who cut the meat and fed it to the eagle. With a selfless heart, he influenced a divine eagle. It couldn't bear to eat the Buddha's meat, so it treasured it. It is immortal and contains endless Buddha nature. , whichever Buddhist temple it is placed in can become the treasure of the town temple, this kind of symbol is of great significance.”

Xuanyuan was hit with countless blissful dizziness, while the pig-headed emperor was drooling and wanted to eat that piece of meat, but was sent flying out by a restraining force, causing him to scream in pain: "It's unreasonable, why is this piece of heaven and earth? Things that only you, a kid, can touch."

Xuanyuan grinned, and said: "This is the treasure left to me by the 'Emperor Devourer', so don't use your brains, these treasures and sacred objects of each family must be returned one by one, it belongs to them."

"Damn it, are you crazy? Do you know how many lives and deaths the 'Emperor Devourer' took to get these things? You just give them away like this?" The pig-headed emperor was very upset.

"What's your opinion, seniors?" Xuanyuan looked at Zhang Tianling and Empress Dowager, their opinions were very important.

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