Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1510 Inheritance of various races

Zhang Tianling frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he said in a heavy voice: "Now the ideas of the major forces of the human race have decayed, their willpower has been severely worn down, and they have lost what their ancestors have passed down. If these treasures are returned Giving it to them may not be able to maximize the spiritual will contained in the sacred objects, so I am not in favor of sending them out. The objects are dead and the people are alive. move alive."

"The coexistence of thousands of races is unprecedented. Even other forces need to understand the different ways of each race in this environment. Not to mention, there has never been such an opportunity since ancient times. Brother Zhang's It means that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can announce that these treasures exist in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and you can attract them." Huang Tian smiled lightly, obviously he also agreed with Zhang Tianling's opinion that these treasures are extremely precious It can bring great benefits to people, especially the thoughts contained in it can benefit the world. Only by getting these things can it be said that in prosperous times, a hundred schools of thought contend, and in troubled times, a hundred schools of thought sing together.

"Yes, build a city belonging to the major forces and let them live here. As long as they are willing, if they are not willing, these treasures will stay here. It's okay. After all, they have lost themselves. 'What they have gained through so much hard work, they have nothing to talk about." Hou Tu chuckled, agreeing with Zhang Tianling's point of view, the treasure must be used on the blade, and the "Qinglong Holy Land" must be strengthened as a premise, otherwise, everything is equal to none.

"That's right, it's the best way to do this. For example, like Buddhism, establishing a Buddhist kingdom in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will not have the slightest influence on them. They can also pass on their own Buddhist teachings here. It's just a branch of them, if they feel that this place is worth investing more people in, they will naturally do it at that time, as for which Buddhist temple is willing to do this, it depends on themselves." Zhang Tianling said in harmony.

Xuanyuan nodded, and felt that what they said was very reasonable. These older generations were more thoughtful than themselves in dealing with things. Once these things were sent back to the major forces, if the Protoss war broke out again, they would not even be able to protect themselves. , not to mention keeping the things passed down from these ancestors, the hundreds of sages are the hundreds of sages of the people of the world, not the hundreds of sages belonging to a family, their will and spiritual inheritance belong to all races in the world, From the time when the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' led his sons and hundreds of sages to preach to various races, it can be seen that they are selfless, and they are willing to teach their own ideas and their own inheritance to more people, even if these races are not human races , so these things can only be handed over to those who are willing to continue their will and spirit, which is the best destination for these treasures.

After the enlightenment of the three elders, Xuanyuan also figured it out in an instant. As long as these things stay in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', then in the future, if someone is affected by it and gets everything contained in it, they will be the inheritors of this family. It doesn't matter, what matters is a person's spiritual will.

In addition, there are many ancient relics left by the sages and sages, all of which are the agglomeration of their spirit and spirit, with their own brand marks, which are unique in the world, and Xuanyuan will collect them one by one as the "swallowing myriad transformations" 'among.

I saw that after Xuanyuan collected these treasures, this piece of heaven and earth began to evolve into a city, with various forbidden killing formations, heaven and earth killing power, and the overall situation of Fengshui integrated into it. Once activated, it will be extremely terrifying. Another batch of treasures also emerged together.

"I didn't think there would be such a thing. This 'Emperor Devourer' is really not easy. With the power of one person, such a world can be created. The forbidden killing formation and the killing power of the world here, as well as the overall situation of Feng Shui, can kill the ancients. The existence of the ancient emperor of the fourth heaven, you must know that he is only the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor."

"The young generation is awesome. Regarding the matter of 'swallowing the emperor', because you have also heard about it. With the strength of one person, you can resist the existence of nearly twenty emperors and sons, and connect the supreme Dao weapon with your bare hands. The 'body of ten thousand transformations' Once you step into the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage, it is indeed terrifying, and you can only continue to miss the chance to meet with your own eyes..."

"Don't worry, there is still a destiny. I still have a certain degree of confidence that I can step into the realm of the ancient emperor." Xuanyuan pointed at himself, causing Huangtian and Houtu to laugh.

Xuanyuan made a statistics, and there are thirty-six pieces of treasures belonging to the human race from all major forces, and forty-eight pieces of the treasures of all races that appeared later, including the hair in a bun like the "Qingming God Emperor" You must know that every strand of his hair can form a world by itself after he has cultivated to the level of the "God Emperor Qingming". First of all, this was already a very serious matter at the time, and few people would set an example to the subjects in this way, so it is extremely rare that there are various spiritual wills contained in this bun of hair.

There is also a pair of armor of the "Ba Gu Shendi", who has experienced hundreds of battles with him. His way of fighting is only offensive but not defensive. For him, he doesn't know how many attacks he has withstood. Although this armor is broken, it contains his supreme fighting spirit. It is an indomitable way of fighting. High-grade Taoist artifacts will decay with the years, but the will and spirit can be almost eternal. As long as his inheritance is still there, as long as his will and spirit are strong enough, he can last forever.

The "Undead God Emperor" engraved an ancient dao pattern on a stone tablet, explaining his way of immortality. Although it is not complete, it is of great significance to the undead royal family.

There is also the stone shell sloughed off by one of the emperors of the "Ancient Sword Clan", which is shaped like a sword. They are the god emperors of the fifth heaven. I am afraid that they existed between the heaven and the earth in the ancient times. After countless years, they became a blockbuster. Therefore, every inch of the stone shell on their bodies has the trajectory of the heaven and the earth.

The unicorn horns cast off by the god emperor of the 'Holy Lin Royal Family' are extremely sharp, comparable to the supreme Dao weapon, and contain many holy ways of the 'Holy Lin Royal Family', which can penetrate everything. The holy beast in the human race is the unicorn,' The "Sacred Lin Royal Family" is a heterogeneous species that combines the unicorn blood of a super great saint. It is extremely powerful and a symbol of the inheritance of the holy way.

In addition, there are many, many unimaginable, from the ancient races, and even the gods, demons, and demons of the generation of god emperors, demon emperors, and demon emperors. Everything is a road that integrates their various races.

Xuanyuan collects all these treasures into the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact', and finds a mature time to call on all races in the world to come here to claim the belongings of their ancestors. Of course, the premise is that they must be selected from among all races. In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', some clans with no evil intentions can even spread their orthodoxy here, as long as they are willing.

It's not to say how powerful these things are, just take the pair of horns sloughed off by the god emperor of the "Holy Lin Royal Family", they are definitely not as powerful as the supreme Dao weapon of the "Holy Lin Royal Family", but it is a kind of A symbol comparable to the supreme Taoist weapon, it represents the beginning of the glorious inheritance of their entire royal family, and it contains the will of their ancestors.

You must know that in the ancient times, the ten thousand races were under the black hand of the gods, and their strength was greatly reduced. After several struggles, the gods still dominated all the races. They will only ascend to the "Origin of Hongmeng" and have no intention of gaining or losing a family on this plane, and more importantly, their future prospects. Because of this, the Protoss gradually overwhelmed all races, until the chaos of ancient times , the Protoss ushered in the peak of their rule. In the chaos of ancient times, the Ten Thousand Clans gradually rose up. The Witch Clan led and overthrew the rule of the Protoss. Even if it is destroyed, it is not known to ordinary people, which is why the Protoss war broke out today.

Before ancient times, all races were in darkness. They were all slaves ruled by the gods, and the imperial power of the gods was supreme. For the people of each clan, they had no future, and they had no history of their own race. All his life he didn't know where his goal was.

Even after the Ten Thousand Clans overthrew the Protoss, they still called the existence of the highest state in their own clan the God Emperor, which represented the supreme imperial power. It was not until the Human Race that there was a Great Emperor. Although the title of Great Sage is just a title. , but the human race hopes to get rid of the shadow of the god race and create a prosperous age without a trace of the god race.

So they need these things that condense the spirit and spirit of the ancestors to represent the origin of the family, which is very important.

After collecting all the treasures in the 'Wanwutian', Xuanyuan did not move forward, because he knew that some things needed to be digested bit by bit, and he was not in a hurry.

"Damn it, why did the 'Emperor Devourer' leave you with so many things? You are simply blind, too partial, why didn't he give me all these treasures?" The pig-headed emperor burst into tears, and his heart was full. Not reconciled, he beat his chest and stomped his feet, heartbroken, and couldn't bear to eat Xuanyuan in one bite, this guy has too many treasures.

"If I give it to you, I'm afraid that the human race will be destroyed, and there will be no hope for the future." Xuanyuan hit the pig-headed emperor mercilessly, causing everyone to laugh. It's a feast.

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