Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1511 The World Knows

In the 'Qinglong Palace', there are only Xuanyuan, Zhang Tianling, Zhutou Dadi and Bu Jingsha. Bu Jingsha never expected that the news of Zhutou Dadi would spread throughout the entire 'Central Shenzhou' as if he had wings. 'Even some corners and corners were not spared. Some powerful forces that had disappeared for a long time unexpectedly appeared by accident, and they couldn't help being confused when they made concessions. It's just not known to others.

This time, it's really a grand event for all races. Whether these treasures belonging to the ancestors of all races can be owned by them depends on themselves. Among other things, they will definitely come for these treasures. Jingsha was not sure, so some things still had to be decided by Xuanyuan.

"Hehe, Brother Bu's idea is exactly what I want. Naturally, this feast of ten thousand races is about to be held. From ancient times to the present, there should not be a time when the ten thousand races of the 'Central Shenzhou' can sit down and have a good talk. If there is an opportunity, then I, 'Qinglong Holy Land', will create such an opportunity for them." Xuanyuan smiled lightly, it should be very lively then, he thought for a moment, then asked: "What time is it now?"

"On the seventh day of July, there is still more than one month until the fifteenth day of August, which is enough for us to make preparations. I will do a good job in all aspects." Bu Jingsha thought very comprehensively and in place. He didn't need Xuanyuan to bother him, he could do better than Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan nodded, he had no idea about these dates all the time, because he was practicing in seclusion in the 'swallowing years' every now and then, since he could complete the step-by-step killing, he didn't ask.

"Okay, then I will take advantage of this period of time to practice hard. In order to welcome the feast on August 15th, I should let the whole world know the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' at that time. This is to show the 'Blue Dragon' If the prestige of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can be established during the power of the Holy Land, then Shihou and I will be able to take advantage of the occasion to announce our marriage!" Xuanyuan has already decided where to hold this feast of ten thousand races, He looked at Bu Jingsha and said with a faint smile: "This time, the layout must be more generous, the location is in the 'Forbidden Road Square', waiting for their arrival, and I can't make people think that my 'Qinglong Holy Land' is too petty. "

"Haha, good." Bu Jingsha knows that Xuanyuan may have some deficiencies in the realm of strength, but Xuanyuan has certain strength in purely physical fighting skills, even if he meets the existence of the realm of sages. What is feared, the "body of myriad transformations" itself is destined to make Xuanyuan difficult to speculate in this respect. Among the younger generation of emperors, if they want to use pure physical strength, they will not be able to use their own Dao and Xuanyuan. In terms of fighting, few were able to face Xuanyuan head-on.

The pig-headed emperor looked at Xuanyuan with extremely strange eyes, knowing that Xuanyuan had no good intentions, and wanted to use the 'Forbidden Road Square' to shock all the people in the world, this is indeed a very good opportunity.

The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is constantly growing. It has always been known to everyone, but how powerful it is, it still needs to be seen by countless people. Otherwise, everything is empty, and people will only know when the facts are in front of them to accept.

Xuanyuan has already made a plan in his heart. If the ten thousand races want to welcome back their ancestors, they must either pay a sufficient price, or satisfy him and enter the "Qinglong Holy Land" to inherit their respective orthodoxy. Just let them go if you don't want to, and don't force others to do anything.

The matter was entrusted to Bu Jingsha to host, and Zhang Tianling assisted from the side. In this kind of feast, there must be sufficient safety guarantees. In case of emergency, Zhang Tianling is very important, and the pig-headed emperor is at best just a foil.

Xuanyuan is very relieved that they will do things, the most important thing now is to improve his own strength, otherwise, he does not know what accidents will happen at that time, and now there are many terrifying emperor-level existences among various ethnic groups. If it didn't appear, it's like the son of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', who has never appeared before. That time, just the power of a projection was enough to shock some emperors of the gods, even the elders of the gods. What is revealed is also a deep fear. The power of the son of the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" is far beyond human comprehension. You must know that this is the only blood inheritance of the first emperor of the human race in ancient times. It must not be deduced by common sense. There is a The son of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', there will be a second statue similar to the same existence.

Especially the protoss, after going through the three great eras of ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times, their accumulation must be more abundant. I am afraid that there will be emperors with unpredictable powers, and they should not be underestimated. The ancient royal family, the water is also extremely deep, far from being as simple as it appears on the surface, among other things, from the perspective of the "tyrannical blood royal family", the younger brother of the "tyrannical god emperor" did not want to compete with his brother for glory, so he left On the other side, he created a world of his own, took away a group of super-level existences who had the same thoughts as him, no one knew where they were, and established a territory belonging to the "Blood Blood Royal Family", Xuanyuan thought in his heart There is a feeling that one day, they will appear again.

There will be many worlds around the 'Central China', but Xuanyuan did not really rely on his own strength to travel in the void universe to find other worlds. The last time he went to 'Nanyan Xianzhou' was also relying on an ancient He crossed the domain gate, and came back from 'Nanyan Xianzhou' to follow the route back to 'Central China', avoiding some worlds, so he didn't see the weather of those worlds.

As long as the Protoss allows the four major immortal states to reintegrate with the "Central China", I believe that in this universe, the super backgrounds from all worlds will come together, and I am afraid that there will be an even more unimaginable one. Therefore, in the general trend of the world in the future, it is difficult to survive without sanctification.

The 'Origin of Hongmeng' is the place these people dream of and want to reach. Some people understand very well that there is no way to open the 'Longevity Gate' with their own strength, and they can only wait until the 'Central China' and the other four The moment when the Great Immortal State is united again, the "Sacred Gate of Longevity" will be able to reappear, and because of this, many ancient existences have tried their best to seal themselves, just to wait for the "Sacred Gate of Longevity" in the "Origin of Hongmeng" "Open, not everyone can spread their spiritual will in the "Central China" and the four great immortal states like the "Hongmeng Tiandi" and the masters and saints, forming a spiritual connection, open" "Longevity Gate", this is an extremely heaven-defying method, and there is no way to maintain it for too long, it is only a moment.

The reason why people from the worlds around the "Central China" did not come to the "Central China" is because they understand that even if they come, there is no point in the slightest. The moment when they were born was their best chance to ascend to the "Origin of the Primordial Origin". After countless years of cultivation, they finally sealed themselves up and lived forever in order to find the most suitable time to live until the "Shenmen of Longevity" can be opened again. moment.

They also participated in the battle at the end of the ancient chaos. The Protoss used the last resort to split the four great immortal states from the "Central Divine State" in order to prevent all races from ascending to the "Origin of Hongmeng". What they couldn't get, Others don't want to get it, it can be seen how powerful the means of the Protoss are, they can separate the four great immortal states from the 'Central China'.

After clearing his mind, Xuanyuan knew how he would go in the future. He went to the fairy mountain where he practiced "Azure Dragon Taoism" again, and then used the power of "Ten Thousand Transformation Years" to wrap himself only, and began to continue Closed.

The first thing he did was not to cultivate, but to put the things he got from the "Wanwutian" in his palm, to appreciate them carefully, and to appreciate the mystery contained in them, hoping to help him.

It took a whole ten years to experience and see this, and of course it was only ten days outside. From these treasures, Xuanyuan experienced their thoughts, the origin of each of their clans, and understood their origins. In essence, Xuanyuan has benefited a lot from it, and his thinking has been greatly improved.

During these ten years, Xuanyuan practiced occasionally, but most of it was to comprehend the treasure passed down by the ancient great sage emperor of all races.

When Xuanyuan calmed down again, he found that he had gained a lot again, which would be of great help to his future cultivation, which made Xuanyuan very excited.

Not everyone has the opportunity to obtain the treasures left by these powerful clans who have made great historical contributions and created great ancestors, especially in such a large amount.

Slowly, after smoothing out his thoughts, Xuanyuan began to practice with great concentration, directly deriving six avatars, one practicing "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", one practicing "Eternal Soul Art", and one practicing "Liuyue Dou" God's Ancient Jue, one practiced "Qinglong Daoshu", one practiced "Immortal Against Heaven", and the other practiced a deeper understanding of "Great Power Ancient Art". There is no way for ordinary people to be like Xuanyuan, but Xuanyuan has a unique advantage with the "Ten Thousand Transformation Body Method".

Xuanyuan calmed down and settled down all the gains he had gained along the way. Putting aside foreign things, what was left of him, what kind of cause he planted, what kind of fruit would appear, no matter what it was Tolerance is.

These days, Xuanyuan is very leisurely experiencing and cultivating, but it has already been widely circulated in the outside world, and countless people are discussing it, and the stories of these treasures are known all over the world.

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