In addition to the "Goddess of Tianyin", there is also an emperor with a peerless appearance, which is extremely stunning and turns all living beings upside down. She is dressed in red and reveals a kind of endless killing, which makes people feel chills in their hearts. With a cold arrogance, supercilious.

In addition, there are two god sons, dressed in battle armor, with a restrained aura, who do not show the mountains or dew. Behind them are three hundred ancient emperors and ancient sages, and they stepped into the "Forbidden Road Square" together.

It was a terrible blow to the hearts of the powerful people of all races present. I didn't expect that the savings of the gods were so strong, and there were so many sages. They even hid part of their super background, let alone As for the Protoss, once a great war of annihilation is really fought, I am afraid that many great forces among the ten thousand races will perish between heaven and earth.

Even in the hearts of all races, some want to join the Protoss, and some want to kill the Protoss in the 'Forbidden Road Square', but all this depends entirely on Xuanyuan's decision.

The existence of these emperors, sons, emperors and daughters has never appeared before. Even the people they bring are different, giving people a very profound feeling. The disciples of the Holy Land led them to their respective positions and sat down, waiting for the arrival of other great clans.

"It seems that this 'Qinglong Holy Land' really has a lot of skills. The 'Forbidden Dao Sky Stone' can collect so many, and use extremely superb refining techniques to form it into a square, which can be large or small. Once you enter it, you can't leave If you follow the right path, you will always be trapped to death here, with such ingenuity, this place is a blessed place for those who practice the art of physical combat." There was deep surprise in the eyes of the 'Goddess of Tianyin', and she looked at the 'Forbidden Road Square' ' Expressed amazement, indeed this is not what ordinary people can create.

At this moment, Ji Chen led the eighteen super-indigenous figures of the "Dongzhou Dynasty" to arrive, and beside him was his sister, Princess Pingyao, who has now stepped into the emperor's realm, which is still very good for the younger generation of.

Ji Chen wanted to come here because he wanted to bring Pingyao to see the Feast of Ten Thousand Races, so that she could learn more. Many people couldn't come if they wanted to, because the people who came here were at least in the realm of sages. Background, coming here without the strength is purely self-inflicted humiliation.

Thinking of Princess Pingyao, Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, he almost died at her hands back then, but these are old things, Xuanyuan naturally wouldn't care about these, and Princess Pingyao has no evil intentions.

To this day, the emperors of the "Dongzhou Dynasty" have not yet appeared, which makes Xuanyuan very strange. Even the "Son of Hongmeng" of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" has appeared, and the "Nanzhou Dynasty" of the "Nanzhou Dynasty" has appeared. "No Emperor's Son" also appeared, and the details of the "Beizhou Dynasty" and "Dongzhou Dynasty" remained to be revealed to the world.

After exchanging a few words with Ji Chen, and asked them to lead them into it, then Ji Tianwu from the Ji family also appeared, also carrying the super background of the eighteen Ji family, very low-key, and now Ji Tianwu has also stepped into the ancient world. The realm of the former sages is no small matter, and the young generation of the human race can be regarded as a promising future. The wars of the ancient royal family and the sudden appearance of the gods, countless times of life and death, the integration of iron and blood, plus changes in the fate of heaven and earth , leading to the rapid advancement of these young generations, as if the suppression of luck for 20,000 years broke out with the war.

In the prosperous times, there is only intrigue, and everything experienced is insignificant, but in troubled times, it is more able to stimulate people's survival essence, and it will constantly stimulate a person's potential, so it will make people advance by leaps and bounds.

After the Ji family, came the Beizhou Dynasty, the Nine Heavens Xuannv brought Cheng Xu, and twelve super-inherited beings of the Beizhou Dynasty. Xuanyuan did not expect that each of these people would be lower-key than the other. Can't understand how powerful the strength of these major dynasties will be. The Nine Heavens Xuannv only brings twelve super figures with super background. Xuanyuan can't guess what her intentions are. Could it be that she can just hide her strength?

After Xuanyuan and Xia Ziyu greeted each other, they didn't say anything more.

A moment later, the two great saint-level existences of the 'Heart Demon Sect' and the 'Ancient Demon Sect' descended from the sky, and the sky was full of demon energy. Behind them, there are thirty-six existences of super heritage

Feng Lie greeted them personally, 'Tian Mozi' and 'Ancient Mozi' were both very silent, their gazes swept around the world, and there was a trace of strangeness in their eyes, obviously the power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' far surpassed theirs. Imagine that they have been born for not a day or two, and they have fought fierce battles with the ancient royal family again and again, and even fought against the emperor-level figures of the nine ancient royal families, and they have also walked through the apprentices of the human race, but they did not expect that, Among the human race, there is such a hidden world, which really shocked them.

And they also saw that Xuanyuan was smiling at them, from Xuanyuan's eyes, breath, and the flow of his blood, the strong body, etc. They all saw a lot of things, no wonder Shihou would want to marry Xuanyuan , It's not unreasonable, among other things, being able to hold a 'feast of all races' can reflect how strong a person is.

The human race deserves to be able to overwhelm all the ancient races and create the prosperous age of the ancient times. Even in the end of the Dharma Era, you can still see the remaining heritage of the human race from the "Blue Dragon Holy Land". From the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" they can see that This piece of world was jointly refined by many outstanding people of the human race.

They are no strangers to the 'Forbidden Dao Sky Stone', so they walked into it with their own people. The two demon emperors are also very low-key, making people feel very mysterious, and their aura is always restrained , unsmiling, silent, with a calm look, looking around, with very strong observation skills.

As soon as they saw the ancient devil and the sky devil, there was a strange light in the eyes of the emperors of the gods, and the sharpness of the needles between the few people immediately became sharp. There will be a battle.

A moment later, another demon emperor descended, he was the homeless emperor of the 'War Demon Sect', Wumingtian, this person had a flamboyant temperament and made no secret of it. He has no intentions, looks very heroic, has a strong back and a waist, and is born with divine power. He is full of fighting spirit and blood, soaring to the sky. Light and darkness are one, and the two forces are intertwined. A powerful special physique.

Under his seat was a big crab, tyrannical, with a pair of giant pincers, eight long legs, flowing with a cold light that made the scalp tingle, click, click, the ground was ground to pieces of the avenue, Splashing in all directions is extremely terrifying. This big crab Xuanyuan preliminarily estimates that it has already touched the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor and ancient sage.

Behind this big crab, there are a total of thirty-six demon warriors with monstrous fighting power. When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, these people are definitely first-class existences.

At the end of the chaotic ancient times, the demon clan's "War Demon Sect" played a great role in fighting against the gods. It established the king of Hades, the first sect of the demon clan's combat power. No one can surpass it, so ordinary people have nothing to do and will not mess They belong to the 'War Demon Sect', but they are located in a side courtyard. The people of the 'War Demon Sect' are powerful, dedicated to fighting, and have practiced all their lives. No one dares to provoke them. They live in a corner and there are no disputes. Zong''Heart Demon Zong'' These are big forces that have huge industries outside.

A lot of people looked at Wu Mingtian from far away, only to hear Wu Mingtian roared: "Damn it, this 'Qinglong Holy Land' is really not simple, who is the Holy Master Xuanyuan, stand up and show me a look .”

Xuanyuan descended from the sky and came before Wumingtian, and said with a smile, "I am Xuanyuan, the holy lord of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'."

"The strength of the physical body is good, but the level of strength is a little low, and it needs to be honed a little more. That's fine, today you are the host and I am the guest, so I won't fault you. After this matter is over, I will discuss with you , I heard that your physical strength is invincible in the same realm, I want to learn, remember that my name is Wu Mingtian, not everyone can be called Wu Mingtian!" Wu Mingtian grinned, showing his big gums, drooling wildly , does not have the image of a generation of emperor's children at all, but his strength can be said to be at the top level of the emperor's children.

"Hehe, good..." The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, and he stretched out his hand to feint: "Brother Mingtian, please."

As soon as the words fell, the big crab led Wu Mingtian and others into the 'Forbidden Road Square'.

After Wu Mingtian, Tsing Yi descended from the sky, and behind her were seventy-two monsters with super heritage. And it has fully recovered. The very important point is that the style of 'Bendiancheng' has always been in their minds. It has the demeanor of Nuwa, the ancestor of the monster race, so they are willing to follow Tsing Yi.

Although they know that Tsing Yi is also the emperor of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation', they don't mind, because from the beginning to the end, none of the people Tsing Yi killed was a good person. She has always followed the will of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation', walking in the dark The righteous killing among them is the right way to kill.

Tsing Yi and Xuanyuan looked at each other, nodded, and entered the 'Forbidden Road Square' without saying anything.

At this time, the emperor of the Wang family stood up, looked at Tsing Yi, and said, "Are you Tsing Yi, the emperor of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'?"

Tsing Yi turned around, dressed in white clothes, fluttering in the wind, her long hair was scattered, her figure was enchanting, that face was filled with a thousand kinds of amorous feelings, ten thousand kinds of charm, so beautiful that it made one's heart tremble. "Exactly."

Wang Nidao nodded, and said in a serious voice: "The 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' is the inheritance left by my father and mother. I hope you will not insult the reputation of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'."

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