Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1527 Four Giants

Inside the 'Forbidden Road Square', a pair of beautiful eyes in Tsing Yi flowed with firm light, staring at Wang Nidao, the words were sonorous and powerful, and they spoke loudly:

"As long as the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' is in my hands for a day, it will always uphold the righteous killing that walks in the dark, and will not harm innocent people. Please rest assured, my son, since I have become the master of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' If I am one of them, I will pass on the will of the two holy ancestors, and it will never be erased."

After all, Wang Nidao is the son of Wang Niyi and Xie Daoyun, so Tsing Yi still has to maintain due respect for Wang Nidao, and Wang Nidao also practiced "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" and compared to her and Xuanyuan He also has to be proficient, as long as he wants to be able to return to the 'six paths of reincarnation' at any time, but he has not done so, he can show his mind.

This is indeed a very generous person, able to hand over the inheritance left by his parents to outsiders, just like the saints of all ages have gone through untold hardships to pass on their own enlightenment, will, and spread to the ancient peoples Similarly, this is very rare, but at the beginning, the ancient royal family was unwilling to practice deeply, to believe deeply, for fear that the masters and saints would have some conspiracy and tricks, and they were extremely prepared in their hearts. After all, with different cultural backgrounds, It's hard to get them to accept it completely.

Even so, the spiritual will of all the saints is still admired by many gods and emperors of the ancient races.

"Okay, then I'll see how far you can control the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'. The current 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' is far from what it was in ancient times. I hope to see' "Six Paths of Reincarnation" Back to the ancient times, even surpassing the ancient times." Wang Nidao smiled lightly, turned around and sat on the same level as Wang Xianyi, with a golden sword on his horse, he inherited the champion Hou Wang Niyi, and the first talented woman Xie Daoyun at the beginning of the ancient times All good traditions.

"There will be such a day." Tsing Yi responded, and under the guidance of Fairy Yaochi, he arrived at a certain area.

After a while, several emperors with great backgrounds from the Yaozu descended one after another, and they all looked at Tsing Yi with complicated eyes.

At least in the history of the demon clan, the demon sage Nuwa was respected, and they must be in awe of the blood of Nuwa's descendants, but the appearance of Tsing Yi actually affected their existence.

Because at the end of the chaotic ancient times and the beginning of the ancient times, the female saints of the demon clan ruled the entire demon realm, and each of the countless demon clan people worshiped the Nuwa Empress, including their ancestors. After the empress was gone, the various clans began to split. These great powers were born in different competitions, and then evolved into today's "Heavenly Demon Dynasty", "Ranxian Yaofu", "Demon God Sect" and "Love Demon Palace".

At that time, Empress Nuwa's blood was unique, and it was said that there was a descendant, but it never appeared. Except for Empress Nuwa, no one in the monster clan obeyed anyone, and finally a great war broke out among the monster clan. The power was born, but now the descendants of Nu Wa appeared, which suddenly made the four great demon clan powers at a loss.

Even in their ancestral land, what is enshrined is Empress Nuwa, and secondly, the holy ancestor who founded her own demon clan. Empress Nuwa is an existence that the demon clan is proud of. A piece of "Central China" was preserved, and it was impossible for the four major powers of the Yaozu to abandon such honors, but it was unacceptable for them to throw themselves into Tsing Yi's "Bendian City" all of a sudden.

So for this matter, even the emperor and son of the background will not say anything, maintain due respect for Nuwa's descendants, continue to develop their own power, they all feel that they will become an existence beyond the demon saint Nuwa , unwilling to be bound by Nuwa's brilliance, even so, they did not prevent their own people from going to seek refuge with Nuwa's descendants.

Now among the Yaozu, such a delicate relationship is maintained, Tsing Yi will let things take its course, do what he wants to do, and will not take the initiative to solicit.

After the monster clan was settled, suddenly, another large group of people came. They came from various races and gathered together. They were casual cultivators, and their strength was extremely powerful. Including the monster race and the demon race, there are constant battles, and many big forces have been ruined one by one, and they have been killed to the point of extinction, including the human race, so there are a large number of casual cultivators. They are generally not in the four states, but live in There is a mysterious space in Bitter Sea, South China Sea, Dongzhou, and North Sea.

This group of people was headed by four people, and one of them was the only survivor of the Xuanyue clan. He was known as the Xuanyue Dharma King. His strength touched the edge of the ancient sage fifth heaven. Taoist artifact, Xuanhuo Moon Fan.

This Xuanhuo Moon Fan is shaped like a moon, with Xuanhuo burning on it. According to legend, it was forged by the ancestor of the Xuanyue clan, who melted the Dao Xuanhuo he refined into countless treasures of heaven and earth, and forged it. Although it does not belong to the Heavenly Supreme Dao Artifact, it should not be underestimated. Such a character is generally not dared to be provoked by the big forces.

Beside him is a strong man of the human race, named the Purple Faced God Lord. No one knows his identity. Since he wears a mask on his face, there are strange runes carved on it, like living things, intertwined and flowing. He wears a mysterious black gourd around his waist. No one knows what it is, but it is definitely an existence of the highest level of Taoism. Startled them, most of the time, they are traveling in the universe.

Bafeng Ghost King, this is a strong man of the demon clan. There used to be a clan in the demon realm called the ghost clan, but it died out in the internal war of the demon clan. Everyone thought that the ghost clan had been extinct between heaven and earth. But I didn't expect that there was such a terrifying existence left behind. He was dressed in a ghost robe, exuding a chilling death aura, permeating the world, holding a scroll in his hand, called Qun The ghost dance is the supreme Taoist weapon of the ghost clan. It is said that this scroll of paintings is made of the skin of a supreme demon. The paintings on it are all made of his blood, his bones, and his blood. It is very terrifying when the meat is refined into it, and it is completely activated, as if the Supreme Demon Lord is resurrected, but it is a heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon.

There is also a woman who was born in the demon clan, a nine-tailed fox fairy, who looks extremely seductive, with icy muscles and bones, and a perfect figure. She has no distractions, and there is an extremely enchanting aura in her bones, which is irresistible. On her body, there are snow-white mink fur wrapping her body parts, and there are nine furry tails swinging at her tail. There is a pair of bells hanging on it, named 'Taiyin Bell', which is a very inscrutable heaven-level utensil. It is said that this 'Taiyin Bell' has a great relationship with a 'Taiyin Emperor', which is An overlord of the human race in an extremely distant era, only the 'Lord of Order' knows this.

Behind these four terrifying rogue cultivators are rogue cultivators from all races. Headed by them, there are a total of 800 rogue cultivators. The clansmen were extremely surprised, they did not expect that there would be such a group of terrifying existences in the 'Central China'. One can imagine how powerful the combat power is behind this group of casual cultivators.

Many powerhouses of the Protoss couldn't help frowning. If they joined the war with the Protoss, they would definitely cause great damage to the Protoss.

Xuanyuan has long expected that when the major inheritances are shattered, there must be people who escape. These people will surely survive and want to revive their great power, so they have already arranged the seats for casual cultivators.

"Haha, this is the legendary 'Qinglong Holy Land'. It is really good, and it is not in vain." Xuanyue Dharma King stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips, giving people an extremely hideous feeling. The seed of the eyes, with a bloody light, looked at the strong men of all races.

"Hmm, Holy Master Xuanyuan is indeed a young talent. At such a young age, he was able to achieve such an immortal feat. There is no one in the past, and I am afraid that there will be no one in the future. I really like it. Otherwise, Holy Master Xuanyuan will accept the slave family as a child." Concubine? My family will definitely serve Holy Master Xuanyuan well." The Nine-tailed Fox Immortal looked at Xuanyuan with all kinds of amorous feelings and temptations in her eyes.

Xuanyuan, who was outside the 'forbidden road square', suddenly felt his blood surge. The seductive power of this nine-tailed fox fairy is really too terrifying, and it is difficult for those without great will to hold on to it.

Xuanyuan recited the "Diamond Sutra" in his mouth, held the "Son of Vajra Bodhi", calmed down the throbbing in his heart, and joked with a light smile: "Thank you for your love, if there is a chance, I will accept it, but before that, put the After the 'Feast of Ten Thousand Races' is successfully concluded, if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' doesn't exist, if you want to take you in, you won't want to."

"Come on, don't, you promise to the slave family first, even if your 'Qinglong Holy Land' is gone, the slave family still likes you..."

The Nine-tailed Fox Immortal hooked up with all his strength, and all kinds of charms were invisible and invisible, creating a great charm, but Xuanyuan only held the 'Sage Son of Vajra Bodhi' in his hand, and his mind would remain clear and clear, with a faint smile on his face. It is the supreme mighty power contained in the 'Son of Vajra Bodhi'. In Buddhism, many eminent monks smile happily.

The disciples of the Law Enforcement Team, without the protection of Zhang Tianling and Huang Tian, ​​would be making a fool of themselves now. The charm of the Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy is really terrifying. The 'Lord of Order' came to the Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy in person In front of him, with a cold expression, feeling the aura of the 'Lord of Order', the Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal trembled involuntarily, his face turned pale.

The aura emanating from the 'Lord of Order' could pierce people's hearts. It was an extremely distant and terrifying aura. She immediately guessed who the terrifying existence in front of her was.

"Please." The 'Lord of Order' just said lightly.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal didn't say anything more, and after winking with several giants, he led a group of casual cultivators into the 'Forbidden Path Square'.

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