Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1532 Ridiculous

Facing such a swift attack by Xuanyuan, the 'Jiuyou Shenzi' is hard to dodge at all. You must know that Xuanyuan is practicing one of the nine ancient arts "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", even if he can't use the secret art of Shen Xing Dao Yin, Xuanyuan has already With the foundation, the spiritual movement is rooted in the foundation of the body, and the connection between the body and the heaven and earth has reached an unimaginable level, so even if his speed is in the 'forbidden road square', he can It is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Only a crisp sound was heard, and Xuanyuan's violent force directly hit the face of 'Jiuyou Shenzi', the skin on his face exploded, and blood spattered, this slap almost caused 'Jiuyou Shenzi' to fall to the ground , I only heard a crackling sound from the bones in his neck, and a big mouthful of blood spit out from the corner of his mouth.

However, at this moment, I saw the 'Nine Nether Underworld Lock' coiling around Xuanyuan's body like a spirit snake, combining strength and softness. From the mouth of 'Jiuyou Shenzi', white teeth were entangled in blood and spat out, and the teeth drew a beautiful arc in mid-air.

This blow was an even more terrifying force, knocking his whole body into the air, Xuanyuan stepped on the body of the 'Nine Nether God Son', borrowed his strength, and rushed out of the trap of the 'Nine Nether Underworld Lock', And this step also made 'Jiuyou Shenzi' fall to the ground suddenly, once he fell on the floor, he would suffer serious injuries.

From the beginning to the end, it was done in one go, without the slightest blemish. Xuanyuan has already practiced back and forth to an unimaginable level in the way of fighting. Countless people with strong human background shouted together: "Okay, what a handsome kung fu!" .”

Sun Duanfeng nodded repeatedly and clapped his hands in applause. Whether it was the younger generation or the older generation, they all had great recognition for Xuanyuan's way of physical combat.

Although Xuanyuan is only in the realm of the third heaven of the emperor's realm, his way of physical combat is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even if he steps into the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage, he may not be better than Xuanyuan.

The body of the 'God Son of Nine Netherness' is quite strong, otherwise, even an ordinary son of the god race would not be able to withstand such an attack. Xuanyuan's body has indeed reached a point where he can compete with the strong in the realm of sages.

The 'Jiuyou Shenzi' who fell to the ground reacted very quickly, pressed the ground with one hand, and supported him violently so that he would not fall to the ground, and was ejected.

However, Xuanyuan is not a vegetarian. Such an excellent opportunity to attack must not be missed. Xuanyuan used the 'Human Emperor Brush' as ​​a sword to kill the 'Jiuyou God Child'. His speed was too fast, and the 'Jiuyou God Child' It's hard to dodge at all, I saw that the pen of 'Renhuang Pen' drew several strokes from the face of 'Jiuyou God' in one go, and the last word slave was engraved on the face of 'Jiuyou God'.

'Jiuyou Shenzi' felt that his face was about to be torn apart, with blood gurgling, and seeing that Xuanyuan would continue to attack, he had no choice but to pull the 'Nine Nether Lock' suddenly, and saw that the 'Nine Nether Lock' was like a dragon , Wrap him around his body, if Xuanyuan wants to make another attack, he will be blocked.

Xuanyuan quickly stopped the attacking momentum, backed away, looked at the 'Jiuyou God Son', grinned, and said: "Hey, who is this? Why is he looking so miserable, slave? Isn't this in the chaos?" In ancient times, did the gods always engrave the word "slave" on all races? Why is it on your face? Tsk tsk, a generation of emperors of the gods have become slaves, it's ridiculous, sad, and lamentable."

In the 'Forbidden Road Square', after being injured, it is impossible to activate any avenues, so it is extremely difficult for 'Jiuyou Shenzi' to repair the injuries on his face, the word slave, at least in the short term, It cannot be dissipated.

Faced with Xuanyuan's humiliation, the Protoss couldn't help but frown. This is slapping the Protoss in the face, but even if they feel uncomfortable, this is Xuanyuan and the 'Jiuyou God Son' fighting alone, no one will meddle.

'Jiuyou Shenzi' was extremely angry. He never thought that he would suffer such humiliation. Xuanyuan's methods were beyond the expectations of others. He was obviously only an existence in the third heavenly realm of the Emperor Realm, but why was he so proficient in the physical body? The technique of fighting is unimaginable to the 'Jiuyou Shenzi'. Since ancient times, he has never seen such a precedent. Could it be that the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is so special.

He couldn't imagine how many times Xuanyuan's body had been tempered before he could achieve what he is today. Regardless of the catastrophe and punishment he experienced, or the adventures Xuanyuan got, these are things that countless people can't dream of.

The 'Nine Nether Nether Lock' quickly wrapped around his body, guarding the 'Nine Nether God Son' within. He looked at Xuanyuan coldly, and said word by word: "I want you to die!"

I saw 'Jiuyou Shenzi' stuck his nails into his face, and with a sudden force, his face was torn apart, blood dripping, bloody and bloody, making the word slave disappear, as the emperor of the God Race , He has his dignity, he has his pride, even if he suffers more serious injuries and bleeds more, he will never allow himself to be humiliated like this.

The blood of the god emperor flowed out, and the coercion of the gods that came out of it made many gods tremble. They were very excited. If they could refine the blood of the sons of gods that flowed out, it would be great for them. A great improvement, but they didn't dare, they could only watch the blood of the Son of God dripping on the ground.

I saw that on the ground of the 'Forbidden Road Square', after the blood dripped, it was instantly absorbed completely. Invisibly, the 'Forbidden Road Square' also undergone subtle changes, and no one could detect it. The floor of the 'Forbidden Road Square' is extremely solid, even if it is attacked with the supreme Taoist weapon, it may not be able to crack it.

"You can't." Facing the hideousness of the 'Jiuyou God Son', Xuanyuan just smiled lightly, completely ignoring it.

Jiang Wushen and Gui Lingzi frowned. "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" is really terrible. Even if it is forbidden, they can still have such a fast speed. They changed their minds and carried out a simulated attack in their minds. The final result can only barely parry, once Xuanyuan's realm is higher, the speed will be faster.

"Brother Xuanyuan, come on, beat this bastard tortoise to death, and say such vicious words, you must teach him a big lesson." Mo Chou shouted excitedly, because this 'Nine Nether God Son' is really hateful, just now The words he said deeply hurt Shihou.

Whether it's Bai Youniang, Qian Duoduo, Luo Zixi, Ba Ji, Zhixie, or Mochou, they all regard Shihou as their friend, and what the 'Jiuyou Shenzi' just said is not only insulting Shihou, but also They are insulting Xuanyuan, which they cannot tolerate.

Xia Ziyu looked on coldly, and said with a smile: "Humiliation will always be humiliated, you'Jiuyou Shenzi' is humiliating yourself, in order to avoid greater humiliation, I think you should kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, I will I'm afraid that you will not only suffer humiliation, but also die."

"Ben Daoist thought how capable you are, a tortoise bastard. It seems that you often brag about yourself in the Protoss, bragging yourself to the sky, and a group of idiots treat you as your ancestor, so you really take yourself seriously." Peng Fei, the fat man, was covered in waves of flesh, his eyes were cheap, and he had an indescribable disdain for him, and that expression was especially unbearable.

"The Buddha said that those who have the ability to pretend to be awesome are called awesome, and those who have no ability to pretend to be stupid are called fools. The latter probably refers to people like 'Jiuyou Shenzi'?" When did it appear? With a pretty face and those charming peach eyes, she glanced around, not knowing which powerful girl she was trying to hook up with.

On the side, Zui Guchen was full of silver hair and looked extremely coquettish, and said with a smile: "Look, this 'Jiuyou God Son' says he is not as handsome as me, and he has nothing to do with him. In front of Big Brother Xuanyuan, I am willing to bow down, alas, melancholy, the children recently are too ignorant, Brother Xuanyuan, I beg you on behalf of this ignorant child, let him go, and save his life , it’s better to live than to die, isn’t it?”

"Since Brother Guchen has said so, I can only give Brother Guchen face, 'Jiuyou God Son', you can get out, I will let you go today, don't be shameless." Xuanyuan waved his hand , very generous.

"Fart, I didn't lose, Xuanyuan, today is your death day!" 'Jiuyou Shenzi' was trembling with anger, his hands were twitched like chicken feet, his eyelids twitched wildly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly. His face was distorted and extremely hideous, and the granulation on his face wriggled and began to repair bit by bit, but the speed was extremely slow, and it would definitely not heal in a while.

"'Jiuyou Shenzi', to be honest, the visitor is a guest, I don't want to kill you, before I kill you, hurry back to your position, and spare you." Xuanyuan's eyes were very cold, this After all, it is a 'Great Gathering of Thousands of Races' and many things should be done in moderation. The 'Jiuyou God Son' has already paid a huge price for being so humiliated. I am afraid that he will not be able to hold his head up in front of many god sons in the future. This is worse than letting him die. make him miserable.

"Joke, kill me if you have the ability, and no one in the entire Protoss will blame you. Let me tell you, Xuanyuan, you will definitely die without a whole body today, and I will not let you go."'Jiuyou Shenzi' angrily growled.

"Since you have said so, then you go to die." Xuanyuan's eyes turned cold, and his thoughts moved, only to see that the power of the five elements began to permeate the torn face of the 'Jiuyou God Son', tearing the The pain was all over his face, and the soul-severing grass sprouted and grew, absorbing the power of his soul, sparks were burning, the blood of the gods gradually condensed into frost, the flesh and blood on his face began to petrify and solidify, and began to move towards his face. Spread to his whole body...

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