Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1533 Underworld

Everyone couldn't help frowning when they saw it. What's going on? The power of the five elements is spreading. Isn't everything here blocked? They all had big doubts in their hearts.

Severe pain spread rapidly on the face of the 'God Son of Nine Netherness'. This kind of pain made him almost crazy. He didn't expect Xuanyuan to keep this hand, and all the major forces were also taken aback. This was something they didn't expect of.

"Xuanyuan, what are you doing here? This is the 'Forbidden Road Square', but you can use the power of the five elements to give us an explanation."

"Could it be that this 'forbidden way square' is specially set up for you? You can't control your way, but you can't control the way of all living beings?"

The protoss powerhouses all questioned, and other major forces also expressed doubts. If this is the case, I am afraid that everyone will be in danger. Few of them can defeat Xuanyuan without any restraints with their bodies, especially the one in his hand. There is also the Supreme Dao Artifact, which is the most troublesome.

"I refine the five elements into my body, even if I am forbidden, the power I send out can still penetrate into the other party's body, you are not so ignorant, right? Many five elements are integrated into my body Things, this is a well-known fact in the world, I just didn’t want the power of the five elements to explode just now, the ‘Jiuyou God Son’ insisted on forcing me, so today I will send him down to Jiuyou, and let him be the son of God under Huangquan.” Xuanyuan Yi At every turn, under the 'forbidden road square', the power of the five elements will be fatal.

There was blood in the eyes of the 'Jiu You Shen Zi', and a ferocious smile appeared on his face. From under the flesh, bursts of death suddenly emerged, and the face that was originally bloody and bloody gradually turned gray and began to fall off. On the ground, the power of the five elements was eliminated bit by bit, only to see the white bones on the cheeks of the 'Jiuyou Shenzi', which looked extremely pervasive, and a large piece of flesh was emptied on the face, which Xuanyuan did not expect.

"Xuanyuan, do you really think that my 'Jiuyou Divine Body' is a vegetarian? The mere power of the five elements will kill me. You are too naive."

The 'Nine Nether Locks' protected itself like a dragon, and ran towards Xuanyuan. You can see that many hell inscriptions on the 'Nine Nether Locks' are shining brightly. Once they are hit, the consequences will be disastrous , the soul will even be torn apart in an instant.

Now that things are up, Xuanyuan doesn't want to hold back anymore, the 'God Son of Jiuyou' has already said that sentence, even if he dies, no one in the entire God Race will blame Xuanyuan, so he can only be sent to Jiuyou .

Xuanyuan took out the little relative, this battle ax was extremely powerful, and at the end of the chaos, only the "Cantian God Emperor" could fight against it with the "Cantian". After the battle that day, let Xiao Gan Qi was even more eager for a battle. When Xuanyuan held it in his hand, there was a surging fighting intent rolling, and the bloody ripples condensed by the fighting intent rippled in all directions, making countless people frightened. It is a kind of overbearing fighting spirit.

The pupils of the 'Jiuyou God Son' turned cold, he didn't expect that there would be such a powerful weapon on Xuanyuan's body, which caught him by surprise.

The existence of many protoss super backgrounds, feeling the breath of the little relatives, could not help but tremble. They were so impressed with this battle ax that day. Almost no one could withstand a single blow. In the end, if it wasn't for the supreme existence of the 'Cantian God Emperor' to resist the 'Wuyi Wuzun', it would have caused even more terrible damage to the Protoss.

You must know that at that time, they were all just young people, and some of them were not even qualified to die under the light of small gangsters.

"I didn't expect that this little relative was born again, and Xuanyuan actually got the inheritance of the witch clan!"

"Little Ganqi's lethal power is too strong. If the 'Nine Netherworld Lock' is to fight head-to-head, I'm afraid there will be some danger."

"Indeed, it seems that it is not so easy for the 'Jiuyou God Son' to defeat Xuanyuan this time."

Before the war, such remarks have been spread among the Protoss. In fact, it is not their fault. It is just that at the end of the chaos, Wu Yi Wuzun was too fierce, and left a deep impression on them. deep within them.

Xuanyuan held the little relative tightly with one hand, stepped on both feet, and suddenly shot out. Although the little relative was extremely heavy, it has already been extremely close to Xuanyuan today, and with the sudden increase in Xuanyuan's power, As well as the imprint of "Shenxing Daoyinshu" in Xuanyuan's body, even carrying a small relative will not slow down Xuanyuan's speed.

Ax light!

Xuanyuan only attack but not defend, without any fancy, face to face with the 'Jiuyou Shenzi', head-on, raised the axe, twisted his waist and his arms suddenly exerted force, sending out all the strength of the whole body in an instant, and smashed it on the surrounding In the 'Nine Nether Locks', loud bangs rolled out, fragments of the avenue exploded in front of my eyes, sparks flew, and the 'Nine Nether God Son' retreated, clang, clang, the original extremely strong 'Nine Nether Locks' Condensed into a lock shield, resisted desperately, but was still thrown away by Xuanyuan's violence.

After all, it is a supreme Tao tool, and it is impossible to be smashed by Xuanyuan easily, but the hell inscription on the chain is indeed missing a section. After the gap, the power of this supreme Tao tool will not be so great in the future. scary.

'Nine Nether Locks' is mainly used to hurt people's souls, both offensive and defensive. However, the small cadres themselves are mainly offensive. In the case of any avenue, it is difficult to compare with the small cadres if it is not a supreme weapon that is mainly used for attacking.

'Nine Nether God Son' looked at the inscription on the 'Nine Nether Underworld Lock', and his heart ached so badly, it made him want to put Xuanyuan to death even more. Capabilities are extremely difficult to repair.

I saw that after the 'Nine Nether Lock' resisted the blow, it suddenly loosened, and everything became soft, like a soft and boneless spirit snake, and began to stalk and kill Xuanyuan. To this extent, 'Nine Youshenzi' also started to be ruthless, and would not stop until a result was reached.

Using softness to overcome rigidity, the 'Nine Nether God Son' also understood this truth, Xuanyuan immediately retreated, wanting to get rid of the entanglement of the 'Nine Nether Locks', but the 'Nine Nether Locks' lingered.

Even though Xuanyuan's speed is extremely fast, it is still difficult to get rid of it, and it is bitten by it tightly. The 'Nine Netherworld Lock' also has a weapon spirit, and it is obviously fired by Xuanyuan. If Xuanyuan is not killed, it will not give up. of.

As long as Xuanyuan stopped and wanted to attack the 'Jiuyou God Son', he would definitely be entangled and go up, and it would be troublesome at that time.

"Boy, be careful, once you are entangled by this 'Nine Netherworld Lock', you will have no way out." The voice of the greedy old man sounded.

"Then let it entangle you." Xuanyuan looked behind him, the 'Jiuyou God Son' was extremely ferocious, he laughed wildly and said, "Even if you have the number one battle ax of the witch clan in your hands, you can't be my opponent , today I will let you die without a whole body."

At this moment, the flesh and blood on Xuanyuan's body squirmed, and I saw a living person coming out of Xuanyuan's body. This is the power of the "body of myriad transformations". There is no difference in the slightest, and they have the same combat power, all-in-one combat body.

I saw Xuanyuan deity put aside the small relatives in his hands, and let one incarnation take over the small relatives in his hands, and the other avatar caught the Renhuang pen, and the deity himself met the 'Nine Nether Locks' and was tightly entangled by it. live.

"No, no matter how strong Xuanyuan's body is, the power of the 'Nine Netherworld Lock' can strangle his body."

"Don't be afraid, Xuanyuan has the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' on him, so he can't be tied up so easily."

Seeing this scene, the hearts of countless people present tensed up, and they saw two incarnations of Xuanyuan, one holding a dancing relative, and the other holding a human emperor's pen, rushing towards the 'Jiuyou God Son', and suddenly 'Jiuyou' The son of God's face turned green, the 'Nine Netherworld Locks' bound Xuanyuan's main body, and he had no other supreme Taoist body protection. He absolutely did not dare to challenge Xuanyuan's two incarnations, so he turned around immediately. Run away, delaying time.

Even so, how could his speed be comparable to Xuanyuan's? You must know that each of Xuanyuan's incarnations has the same wisdom and combat power as his real one, which is not bad at all. That's all.

I saw that Xuanyuan, who was dancing with a little relative, jumped out of the air suddenly, like a bolt of thunder and lightning, making people unable to dodge, and the little relative in his hand swept towards the waist of the 'Jiuyou God Son'.

'Jiuyou Shenzi' only felt a chill in his waist, shrugged his spine, and turned around, only to see a thigh flying out, divine blood splashed, and a miserable howl sounded, followed by Xuanyuan who was holding the Renhuang pen, and The pen became the sword and pierced directly into the back of the 'Jiuyou Shenzi', and the blood of the gods gurgled.

From the body of the 'God Son of the Nine Nethers', all kinds of Nine Nether Ghost Qi suddenly spit out, which can turn people into corpses, but Xuanyuan's two Taoist bodies are both 'Physical Transformations', so they can naturally transform and resist the Nine Nether Ghost Qi , at least in a short period of time, Xuanyuan's incarnation could not be turned into a corpse, and the face of the 'Jiuyou Shenzi' became more and more ferocious, and he roared wildly: "Xuanyuan, I don't believe that your main body can survive the 'Nine Nether Lock'. Stalking, as long as your three souls and seven souls are gone, let me see if your incarnation can survive."

"You think too much. My three souls and seven souls have already been transferred, and as long as there is an incarnation in the 'Myriad Transformation Body', even the three souls and seven souls can be regenerated. Don't you know?" Xuanyuan's incarnation said. In a word, the 'Jiuyou Shenzi' almost went crazy, nearly collapsed, and the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' was too weird.

Xuanyuan's deity, with six ancient characters engraved on his body, contends with the power of the 'Nine Nether Locks', and Xuanyuan's body has already been imprinted with the lines of this ancient technique after practicing "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", flowing with eternal rhythm , even the 'Nine Netherworld Lock' can hardly hurt Xuanyuan's soul for a while...

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