Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1536 Heavenly Emperor's Heart

In that battle back then, the figures of the 100,000 warriors of the Wu Clan were deeply imprinted in their minds, and their entire world was dyed blood red, as if only blood remained in the 'Central China'.

Hundreds of thousands of witch generals, the sky full of meteors and rain of fire slanted down the avenue, and witch curses sounded. All kinds of ghosts and gods came out from the exotic lands, swallowed a terrible geomagnetic beam from the depths of the ground, and released a statue of the emperor's realm and the fifth heaven realm. Killing puppets, mysterious and strange witchcraft curses, which make people feel inexplicably disillusioned, the world's invincible fighting spirit, violent killing power piercing through the nine heavens, terrible poison, making people flesh and blood, almost irresistible, etc. The means of many witch clans emerge in endlessly. These witch generals unite the elite, which is incomparably fit, connected end to end, with a certain degree of offense and defense, and can send and receive freely. Coupled with the blessing of the undead witch formation, it is almost equal to invincibility.

One hundred thousand elites killed one trillion god soldiers, which is equal to one trillion, which is equivalent to killing more than 10 million god soldiers. This shows that the one hundred thousand witch generals at that time were terrible, which was almost the entire The absolute elite of the Wu clan.

In today's world, one hundred thousand witches can sweep the world, so why is it said that the witch clan can become the head of all ancient clans.

Because they were able to overthrow the rule of the God Clan, the Witch Clan contributed a lot. Even the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" and all the disciples and all the saints respected the Witch Clan from the bottom of their hearts, because their contributions were too great to be concealed.

The existence of many super backgrounds of the Protoss has an extremely ugly face. Now that the Wu Clan is born again, no one knows how much strength they have hidden over the years, and no one dares to touch it easily, even the Ye Luocha Clan, the Tianshi Clan, The Immortal-devouring Dragons were all under control, and they were all just letting them kill each other. The large-scale outbreak of the Protoss did not spread to the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

So far, the true deity of "Xu" is still suppressed in the 100,000 mountains, and finally escaped a wisp of remnant soul. Xu Shen said that he should first save the evil gods who were suppressed among the several ancient royal families, and then go to save his. This deity, it can be seen that they still have great fear of the witch clan in their bones.

Shihou received the 'Tianyin Witch Staff' from Tian Xingchang. From now on, she has a long way to go. She has to select a person with super background from the medicine hall to practice the secret arts of the witch clan with her. That's the only way In order to be able to play an important role in the future war, Shi Wan had a lot of plans in his heart for a while.

"Thank you sorcerer." Shihou saluted very seriously.

"Hehe, no need to thank me. At that time, I will let the son of the Wu family from the Tianyin clan enter the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and talk with you about scriptures and Taoism, and improve each other..." As soon as the words fell, Tian Xingchang turned to a He went to the position that belonged to him, and it was Mo Chou who led him the way.

"I didn't expect that they would decide to give the 'Heavenly Hidden Witch Staff' to Shihou. This is beyond my expectation." Xiang Liuli said to Xuanyuan via sound transmission.

"I think the Tianyin clan doesn't have much blood left, so they want to open up the inheritance of the Tianyin clan. Shihou is a good candidate." Xuanyuan said.

Xiang Liuli didn't say anything, no one knew what the super-informed figures of the Wu Clan were thinking.

"It seems that all the ethnic groups have almost arrived, so the grand gathering of all ethnic groups will officially begin." Originally, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the Wu clan were missing. Now that the two major representatives have come, it is almost complete, and the others I can't control that much anymore, it is impossible to delay and wait indefinitely.

Xuanyuan looked at Bai Youniang and Qian Duoduo. The two girls were all smiles when they received the gifts. Obviously, in a place like the Ten Thousand Clans Festival, they couldn't sell anything that was too low-grade, so they could only reluctantly give it away. Naturally, the two little money lovers I couldn't be happier.

Xuanyuan smiled indifferently, and looked around, Shihou was standing beside him, standing together under the statue of the Goddess, almost all the cultural relics of the ten thousand races were on Xuanyuan's body.

First of all, Xuanyuan took out a stone tablet with an extremely ancient inscription engraved on it, flowing with the rhythm of immortality, which is everything left by the "Immortal God Emperor" on it. My own understanding and perception of immortality is extremely precious. The characters depicted are all ancient characters belonging to the undead royal family. It is difficult for ordinary people to comprehend the essence of them. Even if Xuanyuan has thought about it beforehand, he can only say that he knows a little bit, and cannot comprehend it thoroughly.

Xuanyuan held the stone tablet in his hand, and said in a heavy voice: "This stone tablet is left by the 'Undead God Emperor', it belongs to the undead royal family, and it belongs to the original owner."

Every word and every word of his voice was full of power, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, so deafening, many people expressed their disbelief.

Immediately, an emperor and an emperor came out at the same time. Their eyes looked eagerly and reverently at the stone tablet. They were the foundation of the "undead royal family". It was lost due to inexplicable reasons, but now it can be found again. They are glad that Xuanyuan can be returned to the original owner, and they are even more amazed in their hearts.

"Thank you, Holy Master Xuanyuan." The Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Empress saluted and thanked at the same time, and greeted back the undead stele left by their father with both hands. The two returned to their seats, slapped an old man, and paused. A statue of the super heritage of the 'Undead Royal Family' came out, and said in a heavy voice: "You will not be rewarded for no merit. From today, my 'Immortal Royal Family' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' have been friendly for generations. If necessary, my 'Undead Royal Family' will help, It must be my duty, in order to express the sincerity of my 'Immortal Royal Family', these two 'Immortal Dao Fruits' are gifted to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', which are the inexhaustible fruits of the 'Immortal Heavenly Phoenix Tree' left by the 'Immortal God Emperor'. Shangshen Yaoguo, please accept it!"

I saw two flaming fruits, which evolved into the phantoms of two heavenly phoenixes, and the melodious sound of the phoenix came out, and the rhythm of immortality flowed on the fruits. The power of immortality is extremely precious.

The eyes of the other major forces all looked straight. Obviously before they came, they had already made plans. If Xuanyuan was willing to offer the things left by the "Undead God Emperor" with both hands, they would definitely not let the "Qinglong Holy Land" suffer. If they don't want to, they have another way to deal with it.

"Thank you." Xuanyuan bowed his hands and saluted, and he and Shihou personally received two 'Undead Dao Fruits' from the super strong man. These are too precious, and they can save lives at critical moments. The "God Fruit" has been used up, and Xuanyuan was worried about where to get the medicine of immortality, just right.

Shi Wan handed over two 'Undead Dao Fruits' to an existence with a super foundation in the Hall of Medicine. Giving these things to the Hall of Medicine can maximize its magical effect. This is a treasure belonging to everyone in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. It should be theirs alone.

Shi Wan was just a movement, and didn't say much. Seeing this scene, Yao Chen nodded his head heavily, and his eyes lit up. The biggest regret of Yao Dian was that the medicine of immortality fell into Yao Xuan's hands, but now it seems that there is nothing to regret That's right, he looked at Yaoxuan who was beside the 'Tianhuang Shenzi', his eyes were very calm, the different choices between the two destined them to run in opposite directions, and they would go further and further apart.

Yaoxuan's expression was a bit complicated. She never expected that the medicine hall, which was steadfast, would finally choose to invest in a rising star with an unstable foundation like 'Qinglong Holy Land', and it was beyond her expectation to be able to achieve today's achievements. In addition, she chose the path of the Protoss herself, and now she can only continue to go on.

Even if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' prospers for a while, it cannot guarantee that she will live forever. The human race is the human race, and the limitations are too great. When she thinks of this, her eyes become more determined. As long as she can live, it will be fine. All she needs is to be immortal and let her realm break through to an unprecedented peak in the human race.

Looking at Yaoxuan's eyes, there was an unprecedented indifference, Yaochen knew that the two of them were doomed to gradually drift apart, and could never get closer again. On this road of the gods, Yaoxuan would never come back again. , He felt sorry in his heart, but after all, everyone chooses a different path, and he can only hope that she will have a good life on this path, after all, they have been the emperor's son and daughter of the Medicine Palace for so many years.

The hearts of the major forces present were in an uproar. They did not expect that Xuanyuan would be so generous and give the ancestors of the clan to the "Undead Royal Family". You must know that the "Qinglong Holy Land" and the "Undead Royal Family" also appeared before. However, Xuanyuan was able to do so. It is conceivable how broad-minded Xuanyuan is, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is destined to have a bright future.

They have all received the news before that the 'Undead Royal Clan' has shot at the 'Qinglong Holy Land' before, no matter what level they are at, now they want to get back their ancestors from the 'Undead Royal Clan' and from the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. It's that simple, they were already prepared to be blackmailed by the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but the result was beyond everyone's expectations. Xuanyuan's son did have the mind of a heavenly emperor, and Shiwan also had the style of a mother who respects the world. From the two of them In the body of the person, you can see the future of Qinglong Holy Land.

Xuanyuan took out another ancient object, which was a stone shell sloughed off by the god emperor of the "Ancient Sword Clan". The eggshell of the god emperor of the ancient sword royal family is not trivial. There are many patterns of heaven and earth inside, all of which are treasures of the great way, and there are also some precious things left by the ancestors of the ancient sword royal family, which are worth pursuing.

The shape of the stone shell is like a sword, giving people a feeling of being thick and without a front, but the aura flowing out of it made the people in the ancient sword royal family tremble involuntarily, as if the holy ancestor was right in front of them. The inheritance of the Sword King Clan, there seems to be a force calling their blood in the dark.

Lu Ya and a group of old men with super background in the "Ancient Sword Royal Family" suddenly had blood boiling and their eyes were hot.

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