Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1537 The Great Enemy

Xuanyuan once had an appointment with Lu Chen of the "Ancient Sword Royal Family", which can be regarded as a contradiction. On this matter, Xuanyuan can't be too active, at least he should wait for the "Ancient Sword Royal Family" to make a statement.

Lu Ya came out, staring at Xuanyuan, and said in a heavy voice: "I know that Holy Master Xuanyuan and Lu Chen had some unpleasant things, so he went to war, and wanted to let the 'Qinglong Holy Land' give me the 'Ancient Sword Royal Family' for no reason. , I don’t dare to ask extravagantly, what is needed to exchange it back for the ancestors of my family, even if I say it bluntly, I, the "Ancient Sword Royal Family", will do my best to exchange it back."

Lu Ya made a statement, and Xuanyuan naturally had a step down. He shook his head and smiled lightly: "In the face of the life and death of the 'Central China', personal grievances are nothing at all. I only hope that the 'Gujian Royal Family' can become It is getting stronger and stronger. Since ancient times, although our human race and the ancient royal family have lived in separate lands, although there have been many disputes in the process, we all live for this piece of land. Yanfu, we have a common vision and a common appeal, and I wish that you will be stronger, so I will return the ancestors that belong to you for free, and hope that we can protect this land together."

Xuanyuan said it very sincerely. In his eyes, there is only sincerity. The relationship between people needs sincerity too much. If someone really has to pay first, someone must sacrifice first. Only in this way can the human race and the ancient world be built. It is a perfect line of defense without any gaps between the ten thousand races, together against the Protoss, at least it should be the case with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Okay, well said. I, the 'Ancient Sword Royal Family', are willing to live and die with the 'Central China'. We can't go anywhere except this world. If anyone wants to destroy this world, they must be killed."

Suddenly, Lu Ya's fighting spirit soared to the sky. The "Ancient Sword Royal Family" has always been as firm as iron, and they are indomitable, just like Lu Chen who was defeated by Xiang Liuli. Take shame, stand up from where you fail, basically the children in the "Ancient Sword Royal Family" all have this kind of spirit, and only those who have inherited this kind of spirit and will are the ones that others dare not provoke of.

Lu Ya took the stone shell transformed by his ancestors from Xuanyuan, put it away respectfully, paused, and Lu Ya said: "My 'Gujian Royal Clan' is sparsely populated and not as rich as the 'Immortal Royal Clan'. There are not many valuable things. The ancestors of the "Ancient Sword Royal Family" once left nine drops of body quenching liquid, which have gone through countless years from the ancient times to the end of the chaotic ancient times. It is precious, and because of this, every drop of divine liquid is too powerful, and there is no way to refine it with a normal physique. I heard that Holy Master Xuanyuan has a son who came from the same origin as us. He was naturally raised. Maybe he can bear it. I took two drops, one drop can be used by Holy Master Xuanyuan, the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' can bear it, and one drop can be given to your son to temper the body."

Xuanyuan did not refuse, the two drops of divine liquid were indeed too precious, his physical strength needed to be improved, and he also wanted to give Pingsheng a bigger stage and more room for development, Xuanyuan bowed his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

Lu Ya took out two stone boxes. These two stone boxes were suppressed by the godless aura of the "Ancient Sword Royal Family". Obviously, they must be the things inside the stone box. The aura is too strong, and it needs the power of the stone box to gather them together , Block it, otherwise, I am afraid that the power of this divine liquid will be lost in the endless years. Nine drops of Lu Ya took out two drops from it, which shows the sincerity of the "Ancient Sword Royal Family".

Many protoss powerhouses present looked at the two stone boxes with extremely greedy eyes. For them, there is no doubt that it is something that can evolve their physique and enhance their blood power , is something that can be encountered but not sought after, but it is actually owned by Xuanyuan like this.

"Giving this kind of thing to Xuanyuan is really a waste, it's a waste of money..." someone among the gods said.

"There are too many treasures in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I never expected that I should attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land' if I knew it earlier. Otherwise, it would not have allowed it to develop to the extent it is today." A god will be very excited Feeling regretful.

At this moment, Xuanyuan took out another pair of unicorn horns, and said in a heavy voice: "In my human race, there are several legends that unicorns utter books, and unicorns give birth. The human race has a great origin. This rare horn is extremely sharp. It was transformed from a generation of holy lin god emperors. It is extremely precious. It contains the holy way that the "Holy Lin God Emperor" has mastered all his life, and even the holy unicorn The blood of the Great Dao is the inheritance of the Qilin Holy Way..."

The emperor of the "Holy Lin Royal Family" stood up with a babble. He was covered in dazzling golden scales, and his whole body was like pouring gold. The blood-red cape fluttered around. He wore a Holy Lin crown on his head, and his long hair was tied up. He is neat and tidy, with a pair of rare horns on his forehead, which contains many holy Lin avenues. He has a heroic and handsome face, and there is a pure aura of the holy way around his gestures.

"It really is something left by my holy ancestor. I feel it is calling me, Holy Master Xuanyuan. Just tell me what you need. As long as I, the 'Holy Lin Royal Family' can do it, I will definitely agree."'Son of Holy Lin Emperor 'Every word and every word, said emphatically.

"Actually, I don't want to get anything from you, whether it is the 'Undead Royal Family', the 'Ancient Sword Royal Family' or you, the 'Holy Lin Royal Family'. I just hope that we can cooperate sincerely. If you can select a group of elites, Bring your people and enter my "Qinglong Holy Land" to pass on your way. It is the best thing. I really hope that all races can coexist and bring peace to all generations. Of course, this kind of thing can't be forced. It's just a wish of mine, the key depends on what you think and whether you are willing." Xuanyuan stared at the 'Emperor Shenglin' ​​and said sincerely.

'Emperor Shenglin' ​​frowned, thought for a moment, and finally nodded: "'Qinglong Holy Land' is selfless to the world, it is a well-known thing, since Holy Master Xuanyuan has such a great wish, then I, the 'Holy Lin Royal Family' I would like to give my full support. After the 'Grand Gathering of Ten Thousand Races' is over, I will let the 'Emperor Shenglin' ​​lead my family's super background, the elite of the royal family, and tens of millions of people to enter the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', which can be regarded as staying. The next bloodline of our family can avoid following the footsteps of the 'Bagu Royal Family', and it can be regarded as leaving a way for my 'Holy Lin Royal Family'."

'Emperor Shenglin' ​​is not a fool, 'Emperor Qingming' was famous all over the world in ancient times, among the princes of the ancient royal family, his talent is outstanding, unmatched by ordinary people, won the title of 'Emperor Qingming' "I like it, now that he is in charge of the entire "Qingming Royal Clan", it is not unreasonable for his younger brother to lead his tribe into the "Qinglong Holy Land". The development of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to today's point is enough to prove Xuanyuan's ability.

It will be a matter of time before the 'Qinglong Holy Land' becomes stronger, and now it is easy to push the boat to help the reputation of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to a higher level. It will not be bad for the 'Holy Lin Royal Family'. Temporary cooperation is necessary, and he can still Can see the future.

After the "Emperor Shenglin" made such a promise, the "Emperor Immortal" and Lu Ya also made promises one after another.

The 'Undead Emperor' will attract a group of super-indigenous figures from the 'Immortal Royal Clan', as well as the elite soldiers of the clan, and then introduce 20 million people from the 'Immortal Royal Clan' into the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to inherit the Way of Immortality.

The 'Ancient Sword Royal Clan' directly sent 800 people into the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Among the 'Ancient Sword Royal Clan', they were sparsely populated, and all of them would not exceed 100,000 people, but they could become nine. One of the great ancient royal families, one can imagine how powerful this family is. Every member of the "Ancient Sword Royal Family" has great fighting power, and 800 people is already a huge number.

From their point of view, Xuanyuan is not afraid that they will send people into the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to go undercover. What else do they have to be afraid of?

"Okay, I'll thank you here in advance." The purpose of Xuanyuan's holding the 'Great Festival of Ten Thousand Races' is very simple, it is to unite all major forces and strengthen the power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so that the Protoss can clearly see the unity of all races. It is no longer like before, where people can break through one by one.

And those cultural relics of various races are used as an opportunity for everyone to cooperate. No matter what the big ancient royal families think behind their backs, at least showing them to the gods on the surface is beneficial to them.

Seeing this scene in front of them, many strong men of the Protoss could not help but frown. The power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is growing in an extremely terrifying way. No wonder the gods would say that Xuanyuan might become the best of the Protoss. The enemy of the world, at this moment, they have already deeply realized the threat Xuanyuan brings to them.

Once Xuanyuan is allowed to develop like this, if all the races in the world are really integrated at that time, the Protoss will only be able to hit a nail. When they entered the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', there were more than forty pieces of supreme Taoism is facing them.

When Xuanyuan is united with the major powerful clans, wouldn't there be hundreds of supreme Taoist artifacts by then, even if the protoss have a strong background, it will be enough for them to drink a pot by then.

They began to wonder whether it was right or wrong to cease the war with the Ten Thousand Clans. Many high-level Protoss members had already disagreed.

Some people think that a war should be launched to break the situation of the unity of all races, while some people say that they wait for the four great immortal states to return to the "Central China", merge into one, and break the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" and the hundreds of saints. The ban will be borne together with the army of the protoss outside the territory.

On the surface, the Protoss watched all this quietly, but behind the scenes, the high-level Protoss had already quarreled very fiercely through voice transmission, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' gave them a sense of crisis.

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