Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1563 Expedition to Hell

Just when Xuanyuan was thinking about it, he saw 'Nanwu Dizi' leading seven existences with super heritage descending from the sky with majestic momentum.

Every existence of super heritage is a black dragon with scales and shining metallic luster under its feet, its wings are flapping, and the strong wind is blowing, covering the sky and the sun.

Xia Ziyu frowned, and said in surprise: "This is the 'Black Dragon Warrior' of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'. These black dragons have the power of the blood of beasts flowing in their bodies, and their combat power is amazing. Each of them has reached the fourth heaven of the ancient saints In the realm of the world, ten thousand laws cannot invade, and it can only be broken and killed by purely attacking the Dao."

The black dragons with the blood of the Zhantian Shenlong have extremely strong resistance to all kinds of magic, and the damage they can cause is almost zero. Only the terrifying flesh can tear them apart, but these black dragons are too powerful. Ordinary people can hardly compare with it.

The characters with super-indigenous backgrounds look compassionate on them, the Buddha's light flows from the back of their heads, and the holy light of battle armor permeates their bodies, but in their bodies, there is an extremely terrifying way of fighting. Once it breaks out, the world may collapse.

According to legend, 'Nanwu Emperor' has a deep connection with Buddhism, and now it seems that it is not unreasonable. Looking at these strong men, Peng Fei muttered: "How do you feel that these monks are not as good as those recorded in Guzha? The inheritance of 'War Buddha Temple' is similar?"

"Okay, now the human race has almost arrived. The 'Dongzhou Dynasty' is represented by me. My Ji family was originally born from the same root. Now Ji Chen has been severely injured and it is not suitable to be dispatched. I hope everyone can understand." Everyone From Ji Shui's words, I heard the mystery that the "Dongzhou Dynasty" is connected end to end with the Ji family. This time he made a move, there must be someone to sit in the Ji family, otherwise if the gods attack, the consequences will be disastrous. This is what everyone wants understandable.

"Now only the ancient royal family is left, please wait for a while." Xuanyuan looked in all directions, as long as all the members of the ancient royal family arrived, he could set off.

At this moment, Bu Jingsha came back, and he whispered in Xuanyuan's ear, Xuanyuan frowned when he heard the words.

The 'Undead Royal Clan', 'Swallowing Heaven Royal Clan', 'Sacred Lin Royal Clan', and 'Ancient Sword Royal Clan' all said that their foundation was weak, and in order to avoid being rescued by the evil gods, they were powerless and unable to come. Indeed, this is also a reason. Xuanyuan didn't have much What to say, the 'Ancient Sword Royal Family' has few contacts, which is understandable, but other royal families seem a little selfish.

At this moment, the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family" arrived, and Ao Fan led the "Daoban Ten Dragons" to descend from the sky.

These people were the personal guards around the "Daojin God Emperor" back then. They traveled with him and fought in all directions. They can also be said to be the disciples of the "Daojin God Emperor". They are very powerful, and they have the blood of dragons flowing in their bodies, so they are also called "Ten Dragons Forbidden by Taoism". In the ancient times, everyone knew , no one knows.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, sorry for the late arrival." Ao Fan bowed his hands, obviously worried about the birth of the underworld.

"Hehe, the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family' is already the fastest coming." Xuanyuan laughed, and Ao Fan's behavior further proved his previous conjecture.

"Yiyi went to the 'Dongzhou Dynasty' to visit Ji Chen. I went for a walk, but I was late." At this moment, the 'Qing Ming Huang' couldn't help falling from the sky, and behind him were nine respected 'Qinglongs' Warlord'.

The relationship between Qinglong and the "God Emperor Qingming" is very good, otherwise, he would not deliberately use his own ideas to sit in the "Land of Qingming" after his death.

These nine 'Azure Dragon Warriors' were trained by Qinglong and the 'Qingming God Emperor'. In their bodies, Qinglong's essence and blood flowed, and they traveled with Qinglong through the void of the universe. When they fell, they were all sealed and suppressed, and they were not born until this life. The nine of them were of one heart and one mind, and set up the "Blue Dragon Killing Formation". To be at the peak of the fourth heaven of the ancient sages is only half a step away from entering the fifth heaven of the ancient sages, and to inherit the supreme Taoism of the "God Emperor Qingming" and the Qinglong, which is of course no small matter.

The meaning of "Qingminghuang" is obvious. It is to return to the "Land of Qingming" to sit in town and negotiate with the "Dongzhou Dynasty". After the method of 'Xiang Liuli', Yiyi has grown rapidly, and now he has stepped into the realm of the second heaven of the ancient emperor.

This time, 'Qing Minghuang' was born with his real body, not just an idea anymore. As Xuanyuan expected, the strength of his deity has already reached the realm of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven. 'Compared to the power of a battle.

"I wonder how brother Ji Chen's injury is?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Fortunately, in the medicine hall, the elixirs are very effective. In time, there will be no serious problems, but now we still need to rest."'Qing Minghuang' looked at Xuanyuan, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart. Tens of thousands of years ago, he He also had a battle with the 'Emperor Devourer', and now his descendants have created such an immortal inheritance as the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"That's very good." Xuanyuan nodded, and at this moment, Guan Zizai, the 'Emperor Xuanhu' descended from the sky.

This time she brought thirty-six existences with super backgrounds. These people were all in the ancient times. He has extremely exquisite medical skills, and he came here this time to heal the wounds of people from all major forces.

"Hehe, the 'Xuanhu Empress' is finally here." Xuanyuan cupped his hands to welcome them. Being able to bring so many people here shows that the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' is also very concerned about the birth of the underworld.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, thanks to your ancient relics, my entire 'Xuanhu Royal Family' has undergone a dramatic improvement. This time, I, the 'Xuanhu Royal Family', will definitely do my best to heal everyone." Guan Zizai is gentle and gentle. With a smile, her face was full of compassion, and she was so beautiful that it was divine. Just a smile made countless people indulge in it.

"Haha, it's best not to heal." Xuanyuan joked.

"That's the best. This is the scene I want to see the most." Guan Zizai smiled.

At this moment, Tian Xingchang appeared. He walked alone in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' for a month and left without saying a word.

Behind him, there are nine mysterious ancient witches. They are dressed in witch robes, and their faces are covered by cloaks. In the bodies of each of these ancient witches, there is a mysterious aura, which contains extremely terrifying power. , It makes people feel awed from the bottom of their hearts, even the "sons of Hongmeng" bow their hands to these mysterious ancient witches, very sincerely, because the witch clan has paid too much for this piece of world.

Every ancient witch is unpredictable. No one knows how powerful they are, but it is not unreasonable for the witch clan to become the leader of all clans.

"Okay, now that the soldiers and horses of all ethnic groups have gathered, let's go to 'Baopu Mountain' together now." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"This time, Kong Yuan, the Confucian family of the Confucian family, is the commander-in-chief, leading all ethnic groups to suppress the underworld."

"Wait a minute, before that, I want to invite someone to be our army's military adviser. If he is missing, I'm afraid it will be a big disadvantage to our army." Kong Yuan looked at Xuanyuan and said.

Xuanyuan nodded and said: "Senior Kong Yuan is now the commander in chief of the three armies, everything is decided by the senior."

Everyone is guessing in their hearts, who will Kong Yuan invite as a military advisor? Everyone here is extremely terrifying. This army is unprecedentedly strong, and those who can become military advisors must also be able to convince the crowd.

At this moment, Kong Yuan looked at the 'Lord of Order' and asked respectfully: "The 'Lord of Order' is well versed in the world, and his understanding of everything far surpasses us. , is also very insightful, I don't know if the 'Lord of Order' is willing to become a military advisor of our army?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people present took a deep breath. They really had nothing to say. The 'Lord of Order' does have such a qualification. As long as he is willing, they don't have the slightest opinion.

"Haha, of course I am willing. Back then, I had some petty enemies with the people in the underworld. This time, I will be the one who killed them. Get back some fun and have fun." The 'Lord of Order' laughed and readily agreed. If it wasn't for the underworld to unite with other ethnic groups to suppress him, how could he be counted against?

"That's very good." Kong Yuan nodded, looked at the 'Son of Hongmeng', and said: "Xuanyuan, Shangguan Feiyan leads the troops of the headquarters as the vanguard."

"Sun Duanfeng, Wang Nidao, led the troops of the headquarters as the left wing."

"Xia Ziyu, the son of Emperor Nanwu leads the troops of the headquarters as the right wing."

"Gui Lingzi, Ao Fan, Emperor Qingming, Guan Zizai, headed by the deputy commander 'Son of Hongmeng', will lead the troops and horses of the headquarters to respond to any side at any time. If the commander dies in battle, everything will follow the orders of the deputy commander!"

"Ji Shui always calculates good and bad luck, and tells the army to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and the Wu clan obeys my orders, so there must be no mistakes!"

As soon as the battle order was issued, the forces from all sides suddenly became imposing like a rainbow, piercing through the sky. At this moment, Ba Ji led the soldiers and horses of the headquarters, holding the 'Ba Gu Emperor Bow' in one hand, and wearing the 'Ba Gu Emperor Armor', and attacked all the way. , her fighting spirit soared, and she said in a heavy voice: "Xuanyuan, I want to accompany you on the expedition."

"You stay in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to sit in town and retreat." Kong Yuan looked at Ba Ji, and said in a heavy voice, the 'Blood Royal Clan' was attacked by the gods that day, and many of the sealed powerhouses died before they were born. Among them, it is a pity that although the sealing method is powerful and can make people survive for a long time, people are extremely fragile when they are sealed. There are not many people, Kong Yuan has to consider the future of the 'Blood Blood Royal Family'.

Kong Yuande was highly respected and admired by others, even with Ba Ji's temperament, he didn't dare to refute in the slightest. She glanced at Xuanyuan and said, "Come back alive."

As soon as the words fell, she led the elite of the "Blood King Clan" and left. Xuanyuan nodded and did not speak.

At this moment, the 'Goddess of Thorns' appeared. She looked at Xuanyuan with an endlessly charming smile, and said, "I want to see it, is it possible?"

Xuanyuan nodded, the combat power of the "Goddess of Thorns" should not be underestimated, and there will be no harm in bringing her along. The army is going westward, and the expedition to the underworld is about to begin!

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