Although the 'Goddess of Thorns' is a Goddess, there is no big objection from the crowd. Xuanyuan wants to implement the coexistence of all races, and naturally includes the Gods. No matter what the purpose of the 'Goddess of Thorns' is, as long as she does not Maliciousness is enough, maybe she is a good start for the Protoss, and she is also a not weak combat force, her presence in this Western Expedition army, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The people with super backgrounds present are all people who have cultivated for an extremely long time. Their thoughts are exquisite and transparent, and they can see the whole leopard at a glance. eyes, but it is difficult to escape more than three thousand pairs of eyes.

The army for the Western Expedition to the Underworld was assembled and left the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Originally, they planned to fly there, but because the matter was imminent and there were too many people, lest the Protoss would be suspicious, the Zhutou Emperor suggested that he, Ao Fan, and ' Daojin Ten Dragons teamed up to cross the void with the imperial ban teleportation method, so that they could reach the 'Baopu Mountain' as quickly as possible, which is extremely fast, and also shorten the time, so that the gods would not know about these things.

Ao Fan also agreed, with him as the leader, and the "Ten Dragons of the Dao Ban" assisted, they jointly erected a five-color altar with various patterns of imperial prohibition carved on it, which was extremely exquisite. , you 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family' have integrated their own forbidden avenues with the "Divine Forbidden Ancient Art", which is interesting."

In addition, they were able to depict the five-color small altar, presumably they must have obtained great inspiration from the five-color small altar left by the ancestors of the "Dragon Forbidden Royal Family". I just watched from the sidelines, and didn't make any moves.

"Hehe, besides that, thanks to the five-color altar given by Holy Master Xuanyuan, my 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family' has been greatly improved."

Soon, a five-color altar with a radius of five hundred feet was erected, and a group of people stood on the five-color altar. Under the joint urging of Ao Fan and the "Daoban Ten Dragons", the five-color teleportation array was immediately activated, and three thousand What a terrifying existence, instantly crossing the void, heading towards the direction of 'Baopu Mountain', the huge magic circle disappeared out of thin air, making many disciples of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' who were watching on the side feel shocked.

"Blessing Xuanyuan, you must return safely." Qian Duoduo was on a cliff, looking at the direction they left from, while Shihou stood at the highest point of the medicine hall, silent, and there was a kind of firmness in his eyes.

Ba Ji and Luo Zixi stood together. Luo Zixi was dressed in white, and the surroundings were frosty and cold. She said in harmony: "It will be the greatest help for him if we can help him sit in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

Ba Ji was wearing a golden battle armor, and her blood-red cloak fluttered around. After a pause, she said in a heavy voice, "Where's Pingsheng?"

"It should be in the Confucian Academy. It's better not to let him know about it." Luo Zixi said.

Ba Ji didn't say much, and turned to leave.

In the blink of an eye, the army marching west to the underworld has already reached beyond the 'Baopu Mountain'. Ao Fan and the 'Daoban Ten Dragons' seemed very calm. It seems that for them, setting up such a five-color teleportation array is just a piece of cake. little things.

Although there are only more than 3,000 people in the Western Expedition Army, they are the most elite super background, and they are the foundation of the entire human race.

When Xuanyuan and his party arrived beyond the 'Baopu Mountain', there was already a Taoist gate, and countless terrifying existences in the Buddhist gate were in it.

They have been waiting for the major forces here for a long time. They deeply understand that this time, it is difficult to suppress the underworld with their strength alone. This makes them feel very gratified, at least now the human race can be closely connected and defend against foreign enemies together. In their view, the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' seems to have become the leader of this world.

This time, "Yuhua Dao Court" is not headed by Dao Zi, because Dao Zi is in the "Qinglong Holy Land", this time it is Dao Zi's father, "Yu Hua Dao Emperor" leads the super background of "Yu Hua Dao Court", "Yu Hua Eight Immortals" 'Come down, they are dressed in Taoist robes, they behave lightly, flutter like immortals, and their bodies are like wind feathers, with a mysterious rhythm of their own.

However, no strong man has appeared in the "Fathering Taoist Gate" so far, making everyone unclear. Therefore, it is the emperor of the "Longevity Taoist Gate", the Sansheng Taoist led three old men standing behind him, and each old man gave a There is a feeling of ghosts and gods, their blood is extremely huge, giving people an artistic conception of immortality.

There were not many people who came, but each one was a terrifying existence at the peak of the fourth level of the ancient sages. Obviously, everyone understood that in the face of the underworld, if there are no characters with super background, other people will not help much, but only It will only increase the sacrifice.

In the "Big Dipper Daomen", the "Big Dipper Emperor" appeared, and behind him were the super backgrounds of the seven statues who came to the "Qinglong Holy Land" at the same time with their long swords on their backs. Everyone seemed to correspond to the Big Dipper in the nine heavens No one knows how terrifying their strength will be when they unite together. It is said that they can kill the terrifying existence of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor.

In the "Immortal Sword Daomen", "Tongtian Daozi" is also there, surrounded by four terrifying supreme immortal swords, exuding the supreme killing power of exterminating heaven and earth, and the four old men behind him are even more in charge Holding a piece of the Dao Formation, once it is activated, it also has the supreme power to kill the ancient emperor, the ancient sage, and the fifth heaven.

On the other side, it is the Buddhist sect, Chen Yongjie of the "Summi Buddha Kingdom", who is in the "Qinglong Holy Land". He is a "Sumi Buddha Son", he looks much more handsome than Chen Yongjie, and has a slender body. He is also a Buddha-level existence in the "Sumi Buddha Kingdom". Why is there such a big gap between the two people? The country's generations have grown and become more disabled, Peng Fei secretly slandered.

In the hands of 'Summi Buddha', there is a section of quicksand, these quicksands are extremely fine, shining with a unique light, the size itself is even more insignificant, I don't know how many of them are condensed into that one Xuanyuan knows very well that there must be extremely mysterious power hidden in this quicksand, and behind the 'Xumi Buddha Son', there are ten Great Ming Kings in Buddhist armor, holding various supreme Buddhist treasures , with Ge-Swiss energy.

In the "Jile Buddha Temple", their inner emperor also appeared. The young emperor "Mi Lezi" is now also spreading Buddhism in the "Qinglong Holy Land". This person is dressed in commoner clothes, and he looks like a Confucian scholar, but behind his head, it seems that there is a big sun revolving, and the * Buddha light rolls in all directions. Behind him, there are eight mighty King Kong, each with a The power to tear the sky and the earth has already reached the realm of the ancient sage's fourth heaven. Every inch of their body has been tempered by the power of the belief of countless Buddhist sentient beings. Every punch is like a Buddhist sentient being. The idea is extremely powerful.

And the emperor in the 'Da Leiyin Temple' is not a human being, but a monkey head with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth. This monkey head is full of fighting blood and energy, like a vast ocean, surging, like a storm hitting the sky , with big waves rolling in the sky, majestic, far beyond the comparison of ordinary people, he holds a Qitian Ruyi stick, which weighs 1.296 billion jins, once hit by it, it will inevitably turn into meat paste. The Tianruyi Cudgel was refined by the ancestor of the 'Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan' clan. It has boundless combat power. I did not expect it to appear here. His pair of eyes are burning like fire, and he seems to have a clear understanding of everything in the world. , he is called 'Dou Zhan Buddha son', according to legend is the son of 'Dou Zhan Buddha'.

Behind him, there are twelve supreme arhats, not all of them are from the "fighting holy ape" clan, their combat power is amazing, and they all hold black iron rods in their hands, as if they can break the whole world.

There seems to be a consensus among the top and bottom of the Buddhist sect that the younger generation of emperors will all enter the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to spread the Dharma, and stay with these super-indigenous emperors to sit in the Buddhist sect.

Seeing the momentum of Buddhism and Taoism, Kong Yuan nodded, and said in a serious voice: "I kept you waiting for a long time, what is the situation of 'Baopu Mountain' now?"

'Amizi' sighed a long time: "It's just my fault that my Buddhist sect is too careless. The underworld is causing trouble, and I didn't notice it at all. Now it's hard to stop it. I can only ask you to join hands to see if it can be suppressed."

"Fart, this 'Baopu Mountain' is obviously an area controlled by the Taoist sect. It's none of my Buddhist business. If you want to talk about it, just say you are 'Ji Le Buddhist Temple'. Don't drag me into the 'Da Leiyin Temple'." "Dou Zhan Buddha Son" sternly yelled like an astonishing avenue, exploding in all directions. People who lack courage may be scared to death at any time. There is a divine light in his eyes, and he is waving the "Qi Tian Ru Yi Stick" in his hand , like a windmill, the terrifying whistling sound makes people tremble in the heart.

Although 'Baopu Mountain' appears to be in the hands of Taoism, this piece of land is located at the junction of Buddhism and Taoism, which has always been controversial. For 'Dou Zhan Buddha', the Taoist school is naturally willing to hear it.

"'Dou Zhan Buddha' is right. The situation in 'Baopu Mountain' is indeed due to my ineffective supervision of the Taoist sect, and I cannot escape the blame." 'Yuhua Daohuang' sighed helplessly, looked at Xuanyuan, and said: "This time the 'Qinglong Holy Land' led the human race, the ancient royal family's great heritage to conquer the underworld, and the Taoist sect is extremely grateful."

"The underworld is related to the life and death of the entire 'Central China'. How can it be a matter of one family of Taoism? May I ask, what is happening in 'Baopu Mountain' now?" Xuanyuan asked solemnly.

"We are not too close, we have to ask 'Dou Zhan Buddha' his golden eyes can see through everything, looking into Qingming, looking down into the Nine Nethers, no one can compare." "Extremely polite, this person is the number one combat force in this conquest of the underworld, among other things, Qi Tian Ru Yi Cudgel has already shown a corner of its strength.

Everyone looked at the 'Dou Zhan Buddha' in unison, waiting for his answer.

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