Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1590 Divine Blood of Order

(The second chapter, the two chapters are updated consecutively, don't miss it.)

"Since you have decided to join the 'Qinglong Holy Land', then go back and prepare yourself, Ziyu, thank you for coming to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to help me, and now I have ordered you to be the deputy holy master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', Senior Brother Bu Inside, you are outside, you go back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' with them and help me arrange it." Xuanyuan is very grateful to Xia Ziyu, he doesn't know what drove Xia Ziyu to stay alone in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but he knows, absolutely You can't treat Xia Ziyu badly.

"Xuanyuan, this is not good. I just joined the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and you give me such a high position, I'm afraid it will be hard to convince everyone." Xia Ziyu refused, she didn't want to make it difficult for Xuanyuan.

"It doesn't matter, you have been in charge of all the affairs of the 'Beizhou Dynasty' for many years, and you have long been famous outside. 'Beizhou Dynasty' Xia Ziyu, no one knows, no one knows. Relatives, if you are not capable enough, someone will replace you sooner or later, don't worry." Xuanyuan's words were very calm, stating a well-known fact.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I will do my best." Xia Ziyu promised.

Xuanyuan nodded, suddenly remembered something, looked at Kong Yuan, and said, "Senior Kong Yuan, where is the Kong family going? For a while, he regarded the Kong family as his own."

"In my Kong family, there is a place called 'Little Sage Realm', which is used to take refuge and take in people when the world is in trouble. The Kong family has its own arrangements. They already know about it. We, of course, will stay in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and will not leave." Kong Yuan signaled that Xuanyuan needn't worry, it is true that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' needs the power of 3,000 Confucian scholars, otherwise, once any internal conflicts arise The consequences would be unimaginable. Putting aside these things, Xuanyuan gave them so many ancient relics from various major forces. For old scholars like them, they naturally couldn't put it down, so how could they leave so easily.

"Okay, the pig-headed emperor, take them back, use the emperor's forbidden teleportation formation, and let them return to their home immediately, and the 'Lord of Order' and I will stay in this piece of world. Let's go back together, don't worry." Xuanyuan confessed.

"Okay." Zhutou Dadi and Ao Fan teamed up to paint the five-color teleportation altar, with the assistance of "Ten Dragons of Dao Ban", and it was quickly completed. The five-color teleportation altar was activated instantly, and took everyone across the void to go to" Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Haha, well, everything is arranged now, let's go, kid." The 'Lord of Order' winked, very excited, and walked towards the cave on this isolated island.

Xuanyuan followed closely behind, and this place remained the same without the slightest change. The mountain wall was moist, and there was an incomparably abundant vitality in the air. I saw that in the deepest part, the ground milk pool was full of immortal-level creatures. Ground milk, crystal clear like jade, is very precious. When Xuanyuan and Pengfei entered here, they drooled so much that they almost took their lives here...

"Hey, the most superficial ones are at the level of immortals, and then there are those at the level of sages, emperors, ancient sages, sages, and ancient emperors. These earth milks are extremely precious. I don't know how many people there are. I want it but I can't get it." As soon as the 'Lord of Order' finished speaking, the dragon claw that day broke out from the pool immediately, and the terrifying sharpness made people tremble instinctively.

On the ground milk pool, a mysterious ancient character echoed each other. I saw a series of iron chains at the root of the dragon claw finger, locking the dragon claw finger so that it could not move. The range of action was limited, making the "Lord of Order" gnash his teeth , but he has nothing to do.

To this day, Xuanyuan feels that the power of the Dragon Claw Finger is no longer so terrifying, because a large part of the power is suppressed by that mysterious ancient character. He died a long time ago.

"Hehe, it's really nostalgic." Xuanyuan chuckled, unexpectedly, so many years had passed in a blink of an eye.

"Okay, you kid, don't look back on the past. If the Japanese Venerable hadn't found out that you had mastered the ancient characters and showed mercy, you wouldn't have survived. After all, you should all be grateful to the Venerable for saving your life." 'Lord of Order Glancing at Xuanyuan, he said.

Xuanyuan touched his nose, and it was true. The power of the "Lord of Order" was terrifying and unpredictable, but Xuanyuan also retorted: "You should also thank me for the grace of releasing you."

The 'Lord of Order' and Xuanyuan stared wide-eyed. After a while, the 'Lord of Order' conceded defeat and said, "That's all, thank you for your kindness of release. You're a great kid, so hurry up and make a move."

Xuanyuan smiled, said no more, walked to the breast pool, activated the six ancient characters in his body, and echoed with the engraved ancient character.

Xuanyuan used six ancient characters to fight against one ancient character. Although there is a huge difference in the understanding of the ancient characters and that one ancient character, it has to be said that it still has a certain effect.

He could clearly feel that the seal of the ancient characters was loosening, while the power of the dragon's claw finger became stronger and stronger.

It was so strong that it was suffocating. I saw the 'Lord of Order' cut the scales on the dragon's claw finger with his fingers, and sucked the blood essence into his body. From his body, the power kept rushing out. , The power contained in the blood essence shocked Xuanyuan's heart. The power of the blood essence of the 'Lord of Order' is many times stronger than Qinglong's, which is too terrifying.

A moment later, suddenly the six ancient characters controlled by Xuanyuan trembled, and that ancient character erupted with infinite brilliance, forcing it back instantly.

Xuanyuan quickly mobilized the six ancient character body guards, but they were all blasted into his body. His body flew out like a kite with a broken string, and hit the mountain wall, causing the rocks to shatter. This kind of inexplicable avenue impact At this moment, Xuanyuan couldn't resist at all. He fell to the ground and spit out a big mouthful of blood. It was thought that the ancient character had been bred for countless years and had already become a spirit. , to make an instinctive resistance.

I saw that Xuanyuan's body was shattered inch by inch after being impacted by the ancient character Dao. Even with his current strength, it was still difficult to resist the power of the ancient character Dao. It is very important that the "body of all transformations" has the means to dissipate the impact of the avenue.

Seeing this scene, the 'Lord of Order' quickly drew out a drop of his own blood essence and incorporated it into Xuanyuan's body. He was afraid that if Xuanyuan died, no one would be able to help him break the seal in the future.

I saw Xuanyuan's shattered body repaired quickly and became even more tyrannical. Xuanyuan felt that his body was about to explode. The power of the God of Order is really terrifying.

This drop of blood seemed to weigh hundreds of millions of catties, crushing Xuanyuan's internal organs and shattering his bones, but it also contained an extremely rich vitality, which was helping Xuanyuan to repair and improve his own physique.

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt that an extremely powerful force was about to erupt from the essence and blood, and it was about to rush out. Immediately with a thought, the 'swallowing myriad of transformations' suddenly appeared, killing most of the remaining essence. The blood seal was suppressed, otherwise, my body would be torn apart by the power contained in the blood essence, and it would be a real joke at that time. At that time, Xuanyuan urged the "Immortal Defying the Heaven Technique", with the help of these few strands The power of essence and blood repaired his wounded body.

"Hey, you're still quick-witted and not greedy, otherwise, your physical body will definitely not be able to bear it. A drop of my blood is enough to kill the existence of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor." The 'Lord of Order' grinned, very He is proud, of course, it must be at his peak period. Now, he can only be refined by others, and he can only bully people like Xuanyuan who have not even stepped into the realm of the ancient sages.

It was only in a short period of time that Xuanyuan felt that his physical body had been greatly improved. It seemed that his current physical body could rival the ancient sages and the second heavens of the ancient emperors.

It would be unbelievable to outsiders if only relying on physical strength, Xuanyuan's mood was very excited, besides, he also comprehended the meaning of the "God of Order" from those wisps of blood essence Power, Xuanyuan carefully felt the mystery hidden in it, and seemed to be able to grasp a little bit of the essentials.

"Okay, kid, that's enough. You will never be able to appreciate the 'God of Order' for a while. Given time, the strength of this deity must be beyond your imagination. When the time comes, this deity will teach you some methods when he is happy. "The 'Lord of Order' looked very happy. This time Xuanyuan resisted the power of an ancient word for him, allowing him to take the opportunity to improve himself a lot with his own secret technique.

Xuanyuan didn't say much, and immediately activated the 'swallowing myriad transformations' Taoist weapon, and sucked it suddenly on the ground milk pool.

I saw that countless heavenly-level ground milk had been taken away, and then, as the "Lord of Order" said, the sage-level ground milk was pregnant with fragments of the sages' way of life, and the ideas were extremely precious, and then the emperor's level ground milk contained Emperor Dao, until the amount of milk from the ancient sages gradually decreased. After collecting 100,000 pieces, it began to evolve into the milk of sages and ancient emperors. After Xuanyuan collected 999 pieces each, he was also looking for When it's gone, Xuanyuan has sucked up the entire ground milk pool. Xuanyuan keeps some of these for himself, and the rest will be given to the people of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

The 'Lord of Order' on the side doesn't matter, anyway, he has already absorbed enough essence and blood from his true self, and now his dragon claw no longer needs these ground milk to nourish it,' The Lord of Order felt his own strength, and now his perception of this piece of world has become more sensitive. He said to Xuanyuan:

"Okay, kid, let's go back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the ten halls of the underworld have broken through the power of the 'Sages Gongdi' one after another."

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