Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1591 Lunar Bell

"Don't worry about going back. With Ziyu at the helm, everything in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will proceed in an orderly manner. I still have confidence in her, and my 'God of Faith' is also in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Lead all the Li people who sincerely believe in me to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they believe in me, I can't abandon them when China is in chaos, right?" Xuanyuan calmed down his heart, and with the "order" The Lord's two people walked out of the cave, and in front of them was a sea of ​​fog, boundless.

Xuanyuanchu remembered that when he first arrived in the 'East China Sea', he entered the 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals', received a reward, and wiped out the 'Deep Pirates'. In the deep sea, he got two ancient characters at the mysterious mountain gate. The 'East China Sea' is also a place where I made my fortune.

Later, I met Ye Wushuang and cooperated with her to enter the "Sea Burial Road Tomb". Peng Fei was able to complete "Feng Shui Ancient Magic". I don't know what Ye Wushuang has become now. But she is still a registered disciple of 'Ten Thousand Immortals Island', Dang Da Wushuang never treated her badly.

This is a very talented woman with extraordinary wisdom. When Xuanyuan's strength was very low at the time, she had already stepped into the realm of sages. It's not impossible to introduce it into one's own "Qinglong Holy Land". Xuanyuan will naturally do it if he can preserve a little more power of the human race, no matter how strong or weak the power is.

"Then what are your plans now, kid?" The 'Lord of Order' admired Xuanyuan's calmness, and wanted to know what Xuanyuan wanted to do next, and now that 'Central China' was about to be in chaos, it was difficult for ordinary people to do what Xuanyuan did.

"Hehe, come with me, to meet my old friend who used to be in this 'Eastern Sea Area'." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and stepped out with one step, the speed was like a fleeting shadow, and the "Wings of Ten Thousand Transformations" behind him spread out instantly, at an astonishingly fast speed.

The 'Lord of Order' looked at Xuanyuan's speed, and grinned: "Just this kid, the three-legged cat's kung fu has to compare with my speed."

The 'Lord of Order' at this moment is many times stronger than before. He immediately stepped out, passed through layers of space, and flew to Xuanyuan's side in an instant.

Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" was originally the fastest in the world, coupled with his own "wings of myriad transformations", I am afraid that the existence of the ancient emperor's three-layer peak realm may not be able to catch up with him, it seems Now the 'Lord of Order' has stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven.

"Amazing." Xuanyuan admired from the bottom of his heart.

"Haha, what's the matter, this deity has lived so many years longer than you, if he is still slower than you, isn't it living on a pig?" The "Lord of Order" laughed.

"The pig-headed emperor will be angry if you say that." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and the 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals' was right in front of him.

It is no longer what it used to be, and it took many days of traveling without sleep to get there.

I saw the huge 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals', like a creeping basalt, but it is no longer as deep-rooted and unshakable as before. At this moment, it is no longer at ease. The common people were smashed to pieces under the impact of violent fighting spirit.

They howled in terror and wanted to escape, but they didn't have a chance. On the surface of the 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals', a white dragon howled wildly, attacking all directions, and a basalt howled, resisting attacks from all directions, and stood firm. With this line of defense.

A woman is particularly conspicuous among the crowd. She wears a green veil, black hair flutters, and is dressed in a white Taoist robe. She is flying with the wind, as bright as the moon in the clouds, and the flowing light from her ten fingers is drawn to evolve the avenue of the heavens. Her whole body seemed to be engulfed by endless black all at once, she slapped out with a palm, and there was unparalleled combat power on the avenue, beating the two ancient saints who were attacking her at the first level of the heaven, vomiting blood again and again, almost Seriously wounded, completely out of combat power.

Her expression was cold, and the cold air in her eyes was pressing. Facing the countless powerful enemies surrounding the 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals' in all directions, she was happy and fearless.

"I said Ye Wushuang, but the world is in turmoil today. If we and other casual cultivators don't unite together, I'm afraid we will only be bullied by others in the future." A woman's voice was full of endless charm, Yingying Yanyan, Turned into red dust and scattered on the 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals', I saw those male disciples of the 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals', who were not strong-willed, and were bewitched by the enchanting Tao of the world of mortals. It can be seen that all the spirits are sucked into the body by the 'nine-tailed fox fairy'.

Ye Wushuang yelled sharply, as if a heavy snowfall suddenly fell in the dog days of June, causing those who were confused to wake up with a jolt. Even so, their faces had paled a lot, and it was obvious that they had His vitality was badly hurt.

The woman who displayed the charm of the world of mortals came out, with nine white and fluffy fox tails swaying, wasp waist and hips, high breasts, her figure was extremely attractive, and her appearance was even more fascinating, which was difficult for ordinary beauties to match.

This person is none other than the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy'. She was dressed in a red dance dress, which set off her figure vividly, and the 'Taiyin Bell' hung on her arms made tinkling sounds. Some people were addicted to it, and they turned from a flesh and blood body into bones.

"I, 'Ten Thousand Immortals Island', have never turned to anyone since I established my sect, and it's the same today." Ye Wushuang's expression turned cold, and from the universe in his sleeve, he suddenly killed three warriors who were at least as powerful as the Old Sage. The Mohist puppet of the Second Heaven.

Dense pinholes appeared on the puppet, and under Ye Wushuang's arousal, whizzing, how many poisonous needles pierced through the air, and only saw the sky full of loose cultivators avoiding it. Unable to dodge, the poisonous needle was pierced into the flesh and blood, the flesh quickly rotted, the soul was melted, fell from the nine heavens, and landed on the sea surface, the appearance of death was extremely tragic.

At this moment, 'Shanglong Mountain', 'Five Heavens Temple' and 'Little Penglai Island' all arrived, and a supreme Taoist weapon attacked with all its strength, turning into a beam of supreme Taoist light, attacking towards the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy' , This is a full blow from the supreme Taoist weapon of the 'Wutianguan'.

The expression of the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy' changed, and the 'Taiyin Bell' in her hand swayed. This is a mysterious and supreme instrument comparable to the 'Yin-Yang Mirror', full of terrifying power of the Taiyin, condensed in front of her , blending with the sound of the avenue bell, it evolved into a "Taiyin Aegis", forcibly shaking the all-out attack of that supreme Taoist weapon.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan frowned, and exclaimed: "It seems that there is still a huge gap between a human-level supreme Taoist weapon and a mysterious supreme Taoist weapon like the 'Taiyin Bell'."

"It's natural, there's a big difference between the two. Speaking of which, your old friend was besieged so badly, why didn't you help?" the 'Lord of Order' said cheerfully.

"It's okay, let them fight. Didn't you see that the 'Purple-faced God', 'Xuanyue Fawang', and 'Bafeng Ghost King' didn't show up. Ye Wushuang should be able to handle it. This woman is really amazing, but just scattered It’s just a single family of cultivators, but they were able to cultivate to the peak of the first layer of the ancient sages, and they have already stepped into the second layer.” Xuanyuan and the "Lord of Order" hid in the dark, and the "Eye of Reality" between the brows manifested. He stepped out and looked towards the four directions, but did not see their figures.

'Wutianguan', 'Little Penglai Island' and 'Shanglong Mountain' all know that they are on the same boat as 'Wanxian Island', and they deeply understand that once the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy' finishes attacking 'Wanxian Island' ', the next target is them, so they all came to help out at the first time, wanting to decide the outcome here, no one is willing to depend on others, especially in the 'East China Sea', although they can not be called the overlord , but they are all well-known, how can they be allowed to be integrated by others in such a way?

This was a duel of casual cultivators, and the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal' saw that the opponent wanted to fight, so he didn't want to show mercy immediately.

From its body, the 'Taiyin Bell' made tinkling sounds, and the dense mortal adoration was inexhaustible, making it hard to resist. I saw that the male disciples of the four major forces, facing the mortal admiration, most of them It was hard to resist, the energy from their bodies was constantly draining away, but the female disciples became incomparably dissolute, tearing up all their clothes, trying to seduce their fellow disciples, making many people unwilling to fight again, and even some people had sexual intercourse on the spot. unsightly.

With the help of the power of the "Taiyin Bell", the 'Nine-tailed Fox Fairy' has strengthened her charm of the world countless times, and the rich essence has been integrated into the body of the 'Nine-tailed Fox Fairy'. Yin way.

"Xuanyuan, don't you want to save them? If things go on like this, a single 'Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy' will be able to wipe them out and wipe out all the four major forces. The power of this 'Taiyin Bell' is indeed very strong. "The 'Lord of Order' smiled beside him, he naturally didn't care, for so many years, he has seen the life and death of billions of living beings, even if there are trillions of living beings dying in front of him at this moment, he will not There is a slight fluctuation.

"Forget it, the power of the 'Taiyin Bell' is indeed too terrifying." Xuanyuan held the 'Yuan Slaughter Sword' in his hand, thirteen times the combat power in his body, and all kinds of battle energy poured into the 'Yuan Slaughter Sword', cooperating with the "Shen Yuan Slaughter Sword". "Xing Dao Yin Shu" broke out from the void, and slashed at the neck of the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal'...

'Nine-tailed Fox Immortal' felt tense, never felt such danger before, and immediately frowned, nine fox tails stood up instantly, subconsciously raised his hand to block it, and saw 'Taiyin Bell' collide with 'Yuan Slaughter Sword' out of the avenue fragments, while the whole body of the 'Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy' was directly sent flying. The strong momentum caused the corners of her mouth to overflow with blood. The strength is not as powerful as Xuanyuan's thirteen times the combat power, so naturally he is invincible!

In the presence, everyone's eyes were focused on Xuanyuan. The disciples of the four major forces whose morale had been hit hard were shocked and very excited. Someone was able to hurt the "Nine-tailed Fox Immortal" in the ancient sage. The existence of the four heavens...

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