Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1636 wait and see

A sense of frustration rose in Xuanyuan's heart.

This was an assassination with all his strength, and on the premise that the "Lord of Order" made the first move, the "Goddess of Heavenly Sword" had already lost the ability to fight back.

I actually only scratched the skin of this 'Goddess of Heavenly Sword'.

"This is the strength of a goddess-level figure whose strength has stepped into the fourth heaven of the ancient emperor and is in a normal state." The 'Lord of Order' glanced at Xuanyuan and said slowly.

Xuanyuan was silent. The gap between the two was indeed too great. If he only relied on his own strength, he might be completely tortured and killed. It seems that he still needs to improve, because the difference between the ancient sages and the ancient emperor is too great. big.

Unless I have made arrangements in advance to describe the lower power technique, otherwise, there is no suspense.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Dou Zhan Buddha' and said hastily: "How is your injury?"

"It doesn't matter, my 'Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan' family will fight to the end with the last drop of blood. This little injury is nothing." A majestic vitality erupted from within, and quickly wiped away all the killing methods contained in the supreme killing sword, allowing the incomplete parts of its body to grow rapidly.

"This time I blame myself for being careless. It seems that this 'Heavenly Sword Goddess' was trying to make me relax my guard from the very beginning, making me think that she didn't have a supreme weapon, and finally gave me a fatal blow. This woman has a deep scheming heart. It's really terrifying, and she was able to block the blow of the 'Lord of Order' at the first time, which shows that her strength has not been revealed at all." 'Dou Zhan Buddha' narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking back everything.

The 'Lord of Order' was also very surprised. It was not easy for the 'Goddess of Heavenly Sword' to be able to block his own sword.

"Could it be that you didn't hurt him when you fought against him with the 'Qi Tian Ru Yi Stick'?" Xuanyuan frowned, he was clear about the fighting power of the 'Dou Zhan Buddha'.

"No, this 'Heavenly Sword Goddess' is extremely fast, and she keeps dodging. I can't hurt her, and she can't hurt me." 'Dou Zhan Buddha' only knew at this moment that this 'Heavenly Sword Goddess' has a scheming heart. How deep, he has been holding the 'Qi Tian Ru Yi Stick', which is a supreme Taoist weapon, but the 'Dou Zhan Buddha Son' has never been activated.

Because his character is proud, he doesn't allow himself to bully the weak, and bully a woman who doesn't have a supreme weapon with a supreme weapon. From the moment the "Heavenly Sword Goddess" fought, he understood the meaning of "Dou Zhan Buddha" Personality, and the battle plan specified in the heart is for that fatal blow.

"Forget it, it's good to be safe anyway." Xuanyuan took a deep breath, he was really taken aback just now, and fortunately the 'Dou Zhan Buddha' had rich experience in combat, and the instant eruption of that stick made him run away After a great catastrophe, even if you reach this state, even if there is only a piece of meat left, you can still be reborn as long as the soul is not destroyed, but the sword just now is directly to destroy the soul of the 'Dou Zhan Buddha'. Once the soul is destroyed, no matter how intact the body is, it is useless.

"Senior Wu Yan, how is the situation in the other places?" Xuanyuan immediately communicated with Wu Yan.

"Sun Duanfeng helped Shangguan Feiyan defeat the emperor of the god clan and let him return in a big defeat." Wu Yan said slowly.

"Wu Mingtian was seriously injured, but the god son of the god clan didn't seem to be feeling well. All his subordinates were beheaded, and he escaped alone. We have a strong man from the 'Xuanhu royal family' sitting in the guard, but fortunately there were no casualties."

"Li Yue was seriously injured and lost. Fortunately, Zhang Tianshi came to rescue him. There was no danger, and he has been taken back to recuperate."

"Wang Nidao killed a goddess, and twelve ancient sages and four-layer powerhouses, and they won..."

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, the man who can get the inheritance of the ancient champion and the first talented woman Xie Daoyun is really no small matter, Li Yue's strength is not enough, even if he got the inheritance of the 'Sun and Moon Emperor', after all, there is a difference in the realm, it is difficult to compete, being After Zhang Tianling was rescued, the Medicine Palace would definitely do its best to treat him, so Xuanyuan was very relieved.

"Brother Nidao is indeed fierce."

'Dou Zhan Buddha' also heard it, and he was very dissatisfied in his heart, but he had to admit that Wang Nidao was very strong, and he was very strong and measurable.

"Okay, Holy Master Xuanyuan, everyone has killed a lot of protoss scout troops, and has some understanding of the protoss' strength, that's enough. Let's wait and see what happens next." Wu Yan said.

"Okay, go back to the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion'." Xuanyuan ordered, after all, Xuanyuan is the real caller.

An hour later, everyone will arrive at the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion". I have to say that the Protoss is very powerful, and many people have been severely injured. Fortunately, the super background in the "Xuanhu Royal Family" will heal them, and they will return to the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion". After the mansion, there is also the supreme elixir from the Medicine Hall, which will help them recover.

Xuanyuan went to the medicine hall first, Liyue's face was very pale, Shihou took care of her personally, and had the best medicine in the medicine hall, which saved Liyue's life from danger.

"How is it, are you okay?" Xuanyuan went to a palace under the guidance of the strong man in the Medicine Hall, and walked in. Shi Wan was chatting with Li Yue.

The two women looked at Xuanyuan together, Shihou smiled and said: "It's all right, out of danger, the means of the gods should not be underestimated."

Li Yue looked a little guilty, lowered her eyes, and said: "Sorry, I caused trouble for everyone."

"Where, everyone grows through countless battles. You have unlimited potential. This failure is nothing. Their realm is higher than yours, so don't worry about it." Xuanyuan said hastily.

"That's right, what Xuanyuan said is right. You can see that he can run so well. He gained experience in running when he was hunted down every day. If he didn't have the experience before, he might have died a long time ago. He is worse than you. " Shihou beside him was joking with Xuanyuan, his eyes were very clear, his teeth were sparkling, and he smiled brightly.

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, but Liyue was amused, and said, "Master, you are so kind, no wonder Xuanyuan likes you so much."

Shihou blushed, looked at Xuanyuan, and said, "Why, this guy has a lot of people he likes in his heart."

Xuanyuan coughed dryly, and said, "Since it's fine, I don't worry, Shihou, please help me take good care of Liyue, everyone is in the command center, and I'm going too."

"Well, let's go." Shihou was like a good wife and mother, watching Xuanyuan's back and watching him leave with a warm smile on her face.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Li Yue was very envious, but there was no trace of jealousy.

Xuanyuan came to the command tent, everyone was very concerned about Liyue's injury, and after Xuanyuan's reply, everyone was relieved to know that nothing happened.

"The younger generation of the Protoss are all very strong. It seems that we will have opponents in the future." Although Wang Nidao killed one of them, he could deeply feel the strength of the other party. This is his heartfelt emotion. He didn't rely on his own strength to kill the opponent, but had the blessing of the 'Xuanhu Royal Family'. If there was no blessing method from the powerful 'Xuanhu Royal Family', the result might not be like this, and he knew it very well.

There is another reason, if it is not because of the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", it is impossible to kill the opponent. The way of assassination is to kill the opponent with one blow, so that the opponent has no chance to escape. It is a pity that the last one died Son of God, the Supreme Dao Artifact flew away on its own, and Wang Nidao couldn't stop it at all.

"It seems that this time we will have to fight hard..." Sun Duanfeng had the 'Four Guardians of Knowing Yin', so they did not let those gods and goddesses find them, and killed many protoss scouts, but he and Shangguan Feiyan teamed up to attack A son of God, still let him escape, there is no way to stop him.

"These god sons of the god race are really too cunning. They won't fight you openly at all, they will only use tricks and tricks..." 'Wu Mingtian' on the side expressed his dissatisfaction. He was plotted against by the other party. Very upset, although he also defeated the opponent in the end, but he himself was injured, and 'Wu Mingtian' was very bitter.

"I don't know what the God Clan will do next." Shangguan Feiyan frowned. If Sun Duanfeng hadn't made a move, she really wasn't sure that she would be able to defeat that goddess.

"Just wait and see what happens." Xuanyuan frowned. He looked at the 'war sand table', and the protoss scouts began to retreat. Obviously, the goal had been achieved: "Looking at the war sand table, I have an extreme feeling in my heart. An uneasy feeling."

"Yeah." Wu Yan didn't dare to relax.

In the military tent, apart from Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan, next were Wu Yan, Prime Minister Sima, and Zhuge Wuming. The three stayed behind. Xuanyuan asked them to settle down and make adjustments.

In the next seven days, the Protoss did not move at all.

Wu Yan looked at Xuanyuan, very puzzled, and said, "What's going on, what's the idea of ​​the Protoss?"

Xuanyuan was also puzzled, the Protoss should have known the defense situation within a radius of 50 million miles, but they still didn't move, what was the purpose of this.

"I don't know, maybe they are waiting for an opportunity. Among the protoss, there is no shortage of people who have studied the art of war..." Xuanyuan was silent. Could it be that he felt wrong, but where did the uneasiness come from? Come.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as we don't get discovered and recuperate in the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', we will definitely be stronger than them in the future." Sima Xiangjiang was very calm, indeed 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' is a unique place.

"Nanyan City" began to be built, and the people of "Nanyan Xianzhou" had their own choices under the influence of various schools of thought, and their confidence began to recover. From the shadow of the war, one point at a time Pull it out drop by drop.

"That being said..." Xuanyuan frowned, and suddenly saw twelve scarlet dots appearing from the Protoss War Fortress, he took a breath and said, "These twelve terrifying existences are as powerful as The realm of the ancient emperor's five heavens, and they are all at the peak!"

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