Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1637 The Son of the Three Emperors of the Military Family

"Could this be the reinforcements from the Protoss? Fortunately, we didn't attack before, otherwise, once we were flanked by them, the consequences would be disastrous." Zhuge Wuming sighed.

"It seems that the Protoss still has their own cards, and they don't know what they want to do now. Do they want twelve people to join forces and launch an attack?"

"They have entered the war fortress of the Protoss..." Wu Yan frowned, and the twelve scarlet dots disappeared in a flash: "Maybe after a while, they will lead an army to attack."

"I know who they are..." Xuanyuan frowned, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Who?" Sima Xiangjiang looked at Xuanyuan.

"We launched the 'Wanhuashen Cannon' that day to attack the core of the Protoss war fortress. It seems that they were not completely killed. They should have taken advantage of the chaos to escape and heal their injuries. Now they should have recovered from their injuries, so return We've arrived at the God Clan War Fortress." Xuanyuan's voice was very heavy. The existence of these god clan ancient emperors, ancient sages, and fifth heavens is really terrifying. You must know that the true deity of 'Xu' died in Xuanyuan's hands, but they didn't To die, Xuanyuan didn't know that they had lost many Supreme Dao Artifacts.

"Hiss..." Everyone knows what this means, that it will become more difficult in the future, the peak of the twelve ancient emperors, ancient saints, and fifth heavens, this is really terrible.

"What are we going to do next? Can the 'Wanhua Divine Cannon' still be fired?" Zhuge Wuming asked.

"No, every blow of the 'Wanhuashen Cannon' has to pay a huge price, and now there is only one main cannon left, which must be kept just in case, and cannot use up all the cards. The cannons are being repaired, so we can't launch any more attacks, otherwise the two main cannons may be destroyed, and the 'Wanhuashen Cannon' will not be able to be used in a short time." Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"Then what should we do next, in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there are not many people who can suppress the existence of the twelve ancient emperors, ancient saints, and fifth heavens." Huang Yuechan frowned, and said Zhong is very worried.

"What's more, in the war fortress of the Protoss, I believe that the existence of their ancient emperor, ancient saint, and fifth heaven definitely still exists."

"It doesn't matter, they still can't figure out our situation. Although my 'Qinglong Holy Land' doesn't have the existence of the ancient sages, ancient emperors, and fifth heavens, we have hundreds of schools. As long as we unite, we will not be weaker than them "Xuanyuan frowned, indeed, apart from the 'Lord of Order', Zhang Tianling and other characters, according to Xuanyuan's knowledge, there were not many existences who could compete with the ancient emperor, ancient sage, and fifth heaven. It is indeed a huge flaw, and it is fatal.

Of course, the "Qinglong Holy Land" itself is also hidden. Zhang Tianling once reminded Xuanyuan, but Xuanyuan didn't take it too seriously, because before those people showed up, he couldn't budget them in. It's not that he entered' Everyone in the Qinglong Holy Land must listen to Xuanyuan's words, it's not that if you enter the "Qinglong Holy Land", you have to work hard for the Qinglong Holy Land.

"Wait and see what happens, and see what kind of tricks they want to make." Xuanyuan held his breath, knowing that at this moment, there should be no doubts.

One day later, twenty-four rays of divine light shot out from the entire God Clan war fortress, and they shot straight into the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Each ray of divine light is extremely powerful and imposing, and contains a mysterious Dao inscription, which is the oldest script among the gods.

From the Protoss War Fortress, there was a loud sound, like chanting a spell, and the buzzing sound made it impossible for people to get close.

"What's going on..." Wu Yan's expression was shocked, and he said in shock: "Why do I feel as if the whole 'Nanyan Xianzhou' is moving."

"I see..." Xuanyuan suddenly realized what the other party wanted to do. They didn't know what kind of means they used just now to make 'Nanyan Xianzhou' start to pursue their own origin, which is the 'Central World', and now it has been activated. , and moving at a very fast speed.

"According to the inference of the 'War Sand Table', it is currently moving at a speed of 90 million miles per hour. We are going to attack and stop it with all our strength?" Wu Yan looked at Xuanyuan and said seriously.

"No need." Xuanyuan waved his hand.

"Then what if they take the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' to the Land of Destruction?" Zhuge Wuming was worried.

"No, they will be more careful than us, 'Nanyan Xianzhou' can't be destroyed." Xuanyuan said very firmly, because he knew the plan of the Protoss, they wanted to merge the four great fairy states and the four great spirit states, On the one hand, the "Lord of Order" can be sealed, and on the other hand, a comprehensive control is required.

"Why?" Sima Xiangjiang asked, puzzled.

"Because it is difficult to open the Longevity Gate in the 'Central World', it is because of the separation of the Four Great Immortal States and the Four Great Lingzhou from the 'Central China', which has caused the 'Longevity Gate' not to appear. At that time, all the saints used their own thoughts to connect the four great immortal states and the four great spirit states with the "Central Divine State" to be able to ascend. Since then, there are very few people who have been able to ascend to the "Origin of Hongmeng". Now you You should understand, right?" Xuanyuan looked at the super-informed figures of the three major military strategists.

"So that's the case, then Holy Master Xuanyuan meant to let them make a move? Merge?" Zhuge Wuming was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the words. It's not without reason that they didn't appear until this life.

"That's right. There are pros and cons to this matter. Let's see what they plan to do next." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Several seniors, you have just been born, so don't worry about these things, leave these things to us young people to do, the most urgent thing for you now is to step into the realm of the fifth heaven, for your future ascension' "Origin of Hongmeng" will also be beneficial." Xuanyuan looked at several old men, they were all sealed when they were very young, and they were not very old, but their identities were there, and they could only be sealed as seniors. Salutation.

"Forget it, we old antiques can't keep up with your younger generation anymore, so let's not worry about it." Wu Yan heaved a sigh of relief, showing a gratified smile, and looked at Zhuge Wuming and Prime Minister Sima beside him, They are all characters of the same era.

"Haha, since even Wu Yan said that, we should retreat to the background. Holy Master Xuanyuan is indeed right." Prime Minister Sima smiled heartily.

"Well, Holy Master Xuanyuan, I'll leave this place to you, and let the emperors do these things." Zhuge Wuming nodded, and the three senior soldiers walked out of the command center.

An hour later, three younger generation emperors walked in.

The emperor of the Wu family is dressed in a black battle armor with a unicorn tattooed on it. His face is as sharp as a knife and an axe. There is a kind of domineering that dominates the three armies.

The emperor of the Sima family was also dressed in military attire, with a long bow on his back. He was tall and mighty, tall and mighty. Although he was not as aggressive as the emperor of the Wu family, he gave off an extremely heavy and steady feeling.

The emperor of the Zhuge family, dressed in a crane robe, with a lun scarf on his head, a feather fan in his hand, and a goatee beard, looked like a white-faced scholar, not from a military family at all, but in his eyes, there was He has the wisdom to penetrate all falsehoods, with a confident smile in his smile.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, I am finally lucky enough to meet you. I am the son of the Wu family, Wu Luo." Wu Luo was clad in battle armor, and his every word was like a clash of golden spears, which shocked people's hearts.

"I am the son of the emperor of the Sima family, Sima Yi." Sima Yi spoke very calmly.

"I am the emperor of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Tianxing." Zhuge Tianxing's words contained a kind of wisdom in the syllables.

These three emperors are not simple, it seems that the three are old, and three more powerful characters have come.

"I have seen the three brothers, it seems that you all have the blood of the Great Sage flowing in your body." Xuanyuan's gaze was very sharp, these three people are definitely the descendants of all the sages.

"It seems that people who can be baptized by the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang' are really different." Sima Yi laughed.

"Indeed, Holy Master Xuanyuan is young and has a bright future. We are ashamed of ourselves." Zhuge Tianxing behaved elegantly, with a Confucian air, but invisibly, there was an atmosphere of a military strategist.

"Haha, well, now we still have important things to do, which is to monitor the movements of the Protoss. There is absolutely no room for mistakes. Saint Xuanyuan takes care of everything on a daily basis and can leave. We will notify you at any time if there is any situation." Wu Luo waved Wave your hands and directly activate the 'war sand table'.

Xuanyuan shook his head and said: "As the Holy Master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it is only natural for me to stay here. The three emperors are the inheritors of the three great military schools. I still have a lot to learn from you. "

"Holy Master Xuanyuan is too modest, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can already reflect your ability, so let's just stay here together." Wu Yan smiled, and everyone admired Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan nodded: "Now we have occupied the Sancai Xiongguan of Heaven, Earth and Human, and there are puppet agencies guarding it, and the prohibition killing formation, the killing force of heaven and earth, and the Fengshui killing bureau on Sancai Xiongguan have all been activated. Just wait for the protoss to attack..."

As soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, countless red dots appeared around the entire Protoss war fortress, densely packed, all of which were the elite of the Protoss, and began to spread outward.

"The Protoss endured for a while, and finally they are going to do it."

"Hahaha, I can't wait to fight against them." There was a sharpness in Wu Yan's eyes.

"You should stay here and control the overall situation, Holy Master Xuanyuan, do you need me to guard Sancai Xiongguan?" Sima Yi looked at Xuanyuan.

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